Huang Liu was completely frightened by Biaozi's gun.

Later, no matter how much he was interrogated by the second son with super powers, he never said a word.

"Help me...they want to kill me..."

"Who wants to kill you?"

"Help me... help me..."

Huang Liu seemed to be crazy, which made several people feel helpless.

Upon seeing this, Huang Liu's confidants did not dare to act rashly, for fear of being accused of being the murderer.

He threw the gun directly to the ground and stepped back.

The second child with superpowers looked tense, and looked at each other with the boss, knowing that they had been tricked by Ji Ning.

But they still have to bite the bullet and continue acting.

"No one is allowed to move! We are Security Bureau agents!"

These words were like poking a hornet's nest.

Huang Liu's confidants ran to the deck one after another, shouting as they ran: "Brothers, the cop is here..."

Five people:……

The Huang family was originally a bit half black and half white.

Although they are almost bleached now, the tribesmen are still bold and ruthless in their actions, otherwise they will not be able to frighten the monsters, ghosts and snakes on the sea.

Huang Liu had been following Huang San before.

Although they are distant relatives a few rooms apart, the two of them share the same odor and have no bottom line in their work.

Huang Liu even complained to Mr. Huang for the sake of profit.

But he hid it very well and was not discovered and liquidated by Mr. Huang.

This ship is full of Huang Liu's people.

It can be said that those who are close to ink are black.

On weekdays, Huang Liu was ruthless and unscrupulous, and even the people around him were ruthless and shady people.

Seeing that Huang Liu was arrested, these people did not try to kill him, but tried every means to kill him and silence him.

It took the five people a long time to subdue the gang on the boat.

But both sides are very wary of the other.

With the deck and cabin as the boundary, Huang Liu's men were watching eagerly on the deck, and five people led Huang Liu to interrogate him in the cabin.

For safety reasons, the third and fourth superhumans were watching the boatmen at the door of the cabin.

One of them has earth power, the other has power mutation, and both are defensive power users.

The boss and second son of the superpowers took Ji Hong to interrogate Huang Liu.

Ji Hong knew that the two were on guard against him, so she didn't interfere in the interrogation. She just sat and played poker seemingly bored.

She didn't know how to play with these and had never seen them before, so she tried hard to write down the patterns and numbers on them.

She had never seen these things in troubled times.

In order not to reveal her identity, she needs to work hard to learn the knowledge and skills of this era.

On the other side, the superhuman dick had a headache.

Opposite Huang Liu seemed to be frightened. He curled up, holding his head, and muttered: "I don't know anything... don't kill me..."

He knew he was faking it, but they couldn't use extraordinary means. After all, they still had police listening devices on them.

"Don't be afraid, we will protect you. No one can kill you..."

The second child with superpowers persuaded Huang Liu earnestly, but it was as if he couldn't hear Huang Liu and looked helplessly at the boss.

The boss looked calm and looked at Huang Liu for a long time before saying: "The reason why you dare not say it is because you know that there are people on the ship watching you. If you tell, they will kill you, right?"

Huang Liu didn't answer. He curled up and buried his head lower. It looked like his body was trembling. "Don't kill me... don't kill me..."

The superpower Old Dao Dao said: "There is no need to interrogate. There are many people on the ship who have different intentions from him, and he only knows part of it. Go tell the third child, and the people on the deck will also be interrogated."

"Where will the trial be held?"

The boss of the superpower looked at Huang Liu's body that was no longer shaking and said calmly: "It's in this room."


When Ji Hong heard this, she glanced at him, with a flash of appreciation in her eyes. This person is a talented person, but I wonder if he can be used by her.

Ji Ning, who was sitting on another boat, also heard the police officers praising the superpower boss.

He lowered his head and smiled, then pressed the call button, "Be careful with Ji Hong, don't let her come into contact with Huang Liu."

The boss of the superpower paused and glanced at their respective positions with a calm expression on his face.

Huang Liu was at the bedside and Ji Hong was at the table, quite far away.

But he still said to Ji Hong: "Second brother, throw him over there. We will interrogate him here later."

The second child with the superpower got up in cooperation, picked up Huang Liu and threw it to the other side of the bed, further away from Ji Hong.

Ji Hong's expression remained unchanged, but she felt a little regretful in her heart. It was really difficult to contact Huang Liu at this distance.

Otherwise, she could use Huang Liu to escape.

Although the woman saved her, she intuitively felt that the woman was not easy to mess with and it was best to stay away.

Ji Ning, who was being talked about by her, was listening to Chang Ru's words outside the door with amusement on her face.

"Miss Ji, can I be with you? I'm a little scared.

As Chang Ru spoke, she glanced pointedly at the room opposite her, as if someone in the room was against her.

"I'm right next door." Ji Ning didn't answer, her expression indifferent.

Chang Ru felt irritated, feeling that Ji Ning was not easy to fool at all because of her lack of oil and salt.

But she really didn't want to be alone in the cabin.

"No, I just had a dream..." Chang Ru lowered her voice and said.

Ji Ning raised her eyebrows and stepped aside, "Come in and talk."

Chang Ru breathed a sigh of relief and quickly walked into Ji Ning's room.

When he raised his head, he was faced with five or six men with sharp eyes.

These people were all dressed as boatmen, but the aura they displayed at this time was not that of boatmen.

Chang Ru looked at the various small computers and screens in the room and suddenly felt regretful.

She did want to dig out Ji Ning's secret, but not in this way.

This is simply like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, unable to escape unscathed.

Chang Ru's cheeks were burning, and she always felt that Ji Ning had seen her thoughts and deliberately exposed the secret in front of her.

Caught her off guard.

Ji Ning closed the door, chuckled, and asked, "What did you dream about?"

Chang Ru was even more panicked. She originally made it up just to get into Ji Ning's house, but now after seeing these people, she suddenly felt that her tricks were not enough.

Who are these people?

Aren't they all from the Security Bureau?

The person who threw himself into the sea was also from the Security Bureau?

Just as he was thinking about it, one of these men said rather arrogantly: "Boss Ning, did you bring this girl on board?"

Chang Ru's face instantly turned pale, and she took several steps back in fear, hiding next to Ji Ning.

Ji Ning glanced at Chang Ru and said, "Her cousin was kind to me, so she brought her back from Feng Zizi."

The man looked at Chang Ru with his eyes wildly, "You're pretty good-looking, so Feng Laizi just gave it to you?"

Chang Ru was so frightened that she shrank behind Ji Ning.

She thought she would be safe if she followed Ji Ning, but she didn't expect that she would be with such a person.

Isn't she a security agent?

Are you performing an undercover mission?

Chang Ru grabbed Ji Ning's clothes and secretly looked at the men opposite her over her shoulders.

They all have screens in front of them, looking like they're monitoring somewhere.

Are you really not a Security Bureau agent?

"Boss Ning, the beer is here..."

The door suddenly opened again, and two shirtless, dark-skinned men walked in carrying two boxes of beer.

The eyes of the men on the seats suddenly lit up, "Boss Ning, it's okay!"

"Invite my brothers to drink. Thank you for taking us out to sea." Ji Ning said at the right time.

"It's easy to say. Third Master's friends are my friends." (End of Chapter)

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