The attack began.

Ji Ning stood by the stairs, waited quietly for a while, and continued walking up.

The gunshots became more and more intensive, and the shouting and killing became louder and louder.

The boatmen on Huang Liu's ship also began to rush into the cabin as if they had received a signal.

Some climb up from the stairs, and some climb up from the outside.

The dense crowd was like a cauldron exploding, rushing into the cabin crazily.

Ji Ning was already standing on the top of the cargo ship's cabin.

The entire ship was covered by her mental power, and she could clearly feel everything in the cabin.

She felt the shoulder of the second superpower being hit by a bullet, so she hid behind the superpower boss and used her mental powers to attack.

The boss of the superpowers has wood-type superpowers, but in the vast sea, his superpowers can only exert one-third of their power.

But here is Ji Hong's world. Her water power is very easy to use here, but she doesn't kill them all. She just uses the power to knock out the boatman who supplied her.

Ji Ning didn't believe that she had such good intentions, she just wanted to make a deal with Huang Liu.

Due to the limited space in the cabin, the three of them could manage to deal with these armed boatmen, but the third and fourth superpowers on the first floor were in dire straits.

The crazy crowd rushed towards them as if they were not afraid of death. Both of them were defensive superpowers. They could only barely use their superpowers to defend themselves, but they were already stained.

The second child with superpowers asked Ji Hong to save the two younger brothers on the first floor.

Ji Hong finally showed her true face, "If you want me to save people, you have to be my little brother."

"Impossible, let's change the conditions." The boss of the superpower was very sober. If he agreed to Ji Hong, he would definitely die miserably.

Ji Ning will never let them go.

"Okay, I want this boat." Ji Hong said domineeringly, and at the same time, she used water as a knife to cut off Huang Liu's little finger.


Huang Liu's screams made the nearby boatmen who were preparing to rescue him not dare to attack again.

Ji Hong's voice reached the ears of every boatman on the ship with the help of her second power, the wind power.

"If you don't want to die together, stop it!"

This voice was so penetrating that everyone finally regained some sense.

"Brothers, don't be scared by them. There are so many of us afraid..."

"Ah! Look outside -"

"Oh my god, water sucking dragon——"

"Ah - it's over! We're going to die!"

Not knowing whose voice it was, everyone turned around and saw a rotating water column suddenly appearing not far from the cargo ship, like a sea dragon rising from the sea.

This is a tornado on the sea, which can suck ships and seawater into the air. It is extremely harmful and is a nightmare for anyone traveling by sea.

Just when everyone was kneeling on the ground in fear, the voice came again in their ears, "Those who don't want to die, surrender to me!"

Ji Ning's expression darkened as she looked at the crumbling "water-sucking dragon" on the sea.

This woman turned out to be a multi-power user, and each power level reached at least level 10.

It’s trickier than expected!

Ji Ning hid her body in the blind corner of the cabin and waited quietly for Ji Hong's movements.

Huang Liu's people were completely frightened by the "water-sucking dragon" created by Ji Hong, and they all stopped and did not dare to move.

The boatman who had already broken into the cabin was so frightened that he dropped his weapons and surrendered.

The eldest and second eldest superpowers looked very complicated, and their fear of Ji Hong became even deeper.

Ji Hong doesn't want to go on a killing spree now, she just wants to subdue everyone on the ship so that she can survive better in this era.

She slowly walked to Huang Liu, who was still in pain, and said calmly: "Submit to me, and I will heal your severed finger, otherwise the next stab will be on your neck."

Huang Liu didn't dare to think about anything at this time. He just wanted to survive, so he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Ji Hong then gave him simple treatment.

Under Ji Hong's tough tactics, the storm on the ship gradually subsided. All the boatmen returned to their respective positions and continued working.

Only Huang Liu and the boatman on the other ship looked at the female devil opposite with trembling eyes.

After the superpower boss bandaged the wounds of the three younger brothers, he sat on the other side of the deck and silently watched Ji Hong's treatment of these people.

The third person with the superpower pressed the launcher on his body again, but there was still no response. He said to Lao Dadao angrily: "Boss, those people don't care about our life or death. We are the cannon fodder they use. Why don't we take advantage of it... "

The injured second child quickly raised his hand to give him a slap, which also touched the wound, causing him to gasp in pain.

I thought to myself, but don't let that person hear it.

He and the boss saw the code left by Ji Ning in the cabin.

She was already on the ship, but she didn't know why she never showed up to stop Ji Hong from recruiting people.

"Hiss-shut up!"

The third child with superpowers was unconvinced and said bitterly: "Second brother, look at the injuries we received. If it hadn't been for Ji Hong, we would have been seriously injured even if we didn't die."

"Then we can't be her thugs. The boss finally managed to find a way for us, and we must not go back. Do you want to be a wanted criminal for the rest of your life?"

The voice of the second son of the superpower was a little loud, which attracted Ji Hong's sideways glance.

Ji Hong sneered in her heart and looked down on the flattering Huang Liu in front of her.

He is not very capable, but his ambition is not small.

Don't look at him fawning over him now, as long as he confronts those four people, he will definitely give him a hard blow in the back.

People like Huang Liu have small and vicious eyes, and they are flexible and flexible. They are pure villains.

That's why she didn't dare to force those four people and only wanted the people in this boat.

"Where are you going now?" Ji Hong sat on a chair and asked calmly.

Huang Liu bowed and said with a smile: "We are a route, and the end point is the Cadiz port in Xizhou. We will stop at several ports for supplies along the way."

Ji Hong didn't know what a route was, but she couldn't ask, so she asked, "What's on the ship?"

"Leather shoes, leather clothes, leather bags and other leather products for export. This is the goods list." Huang Liu diligently handed a blue clip to Ji Hong.

Inside is their express shipping bill this time.

Ji Hong flipped through the list, glanced up at him, and sneered in her heart when she saw Huang Liu lowering his head warily.

At this time, you still dare to play tricks with her.

"Only this?"

Huang Liu's heart tightened, he adjusted his mood, and asked with a smile: "Yes, that's all, sir. If you have any cargo you want to transport, we still have room on the ship."

The expression on Ji Hong's face disappeared instantly, and the water ball between her fingers quickly hit Huang Liu's chest like a stone from a slingshot.


Huang Liu felt like he was hit by a boulder, and his chest hurt.

A mouthful of blood surged upwards.

His eyes widened in fear and his whole body trembled.

The surrounding boatmen were so frightened that they took several steps back, fearing that they would be treated similarly by Ji Hong.

"Do I look easy to fool?"

Another water polo appeared on Ji Hong's palm, as big as a football.

Huang Liu covered his chest and squirmed on the deck. His mouth opened and closed, but he couldn't make a sound.

Ji Hong snorted coldly and looked at his men.

These people didn't dare to make a sound, they all lowered their heads and shrank back.

None of them were as useful as her former little brother.

Ji Hong thought, secretly suppressing the anger in her heart.

"Give you five minutes to tell me everything you know..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a working boatman running out from the corner of the deck, pointing at Huang Liu's nose and cursing: "Boss, I know what this kid is doing behind the scenes!" (End of Chapter)

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