Bai Xiaotang contacted Ji Ning through Lin Yuanyang.

Ji Ning was a little surprised because Bai Xiaotang would not call her if nothing happened, especially since she was on a mission right now.

Sure enough, Bai Xiaotang's first sentence was: "Sister Ning, Sister You needs to see you for something. It's very urgent."

Are you looking for her?

Ji Ning thought for a moment and replied, "I will contact her later."

"Sister Ning, when did you come back?"

"Is something wrong?"

"The anniversary is coming soon, can you still come back to participate in the celebration?"

Ji Ning glanced at the date, thought of Fu Yuanxuan's invitation, and replied, "I will go back."

"Great. If you don't come back, I will be left alone." Bai Xiaotang's voice was filled with surprise.

Ji Ning looked out the window and smiled, "Where's Ye Tong?"

"She has joined the cast. She has a scene that day. I don't know when the filming will be. I will definitely not be able to make it back."

Ji Ning thought of Ye Tong's aggrieved expression and said with a smile, "I'll tell Director Lin."

"Really? That little sister Tong is going crazy with joy. Sister Ning, you are so good. I will tell her now."

Bai Xiaotang hung up the phone instantly, and Ji Ning turned around in amusement.

He met Chang Ru's jealous gaze that he had no time to retract.

The smile on Ji Ning's face gradually faded, and Chang Ru restrained her expression, a little embarrassed, "You are so kind to Tangtang."

Ji Ning looked at her for a while, then chuckled and said, "It's just a matter of exchanging sincerity for sincerity."

Chang Ru's expression froze and she looked away unnaturally.

Ji Ning ignored her, walked out of the room, and called Youle.

The connection was quickly connected there, and her voice was mixed with the sound of wind. She skipped class again and went to the rooftop.

"Sister Ning, I have something important to tell you. Is it convenient for you now?"

Ji Ning said "hmm".

"Sister Ning, I received an anonymous letter at my door two days ago. It said: If you want to know the cause of your parents' death, come to No. 34 Xingfu Street. Don't bring anyone, don't call the police, don't tell anyone, otherwise it will be kept secret. Gone forever..."

"Did you go by yourself?" Ji Ning asked.

Youle's voice was unnatural, "Well, I went there at night. The place was very close to the place where instructor Ying took us to buy guns, so I didn't go. Someone stopped me and warned me not to go to that place."


"He is not tall, but he wears a peaked cap on his head, so he can't see his face clearly."

Ji Ning narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Sister Ning, I didn't dare to go any further. Later, I disguised myself and walked around the area. I found that as long as someone approaches that place, someone will appear and stop those who approach. I suspect there are two groups of people with ulterior motives... …”

Ji Ning was quite pleased that Youle didn't act impulsively, "You don't have to worry about this matter. I'll let someone go over and take a look."


"As long as there are secrets they will never disappear."

After hanging up the phone, Ji Ning opened her address book and sent a message to Fu Yuanxuan.

[The clue you want is at No. 34 Xingfu Street. 】

Fu Yuanxuan was a little surprised after seeing the message. As soon as he clicked the callback, a system tone came from the other side.

"Sorry, the user you dialed has turned off his phone, please call again later..."

Fu Yuanxuan: "..."

He is really being used as a tool!


Two days later, Ji Ning watched Chang Ru being carried onto the plane back to Beijing, and then turned to look at Gu Shuangcheng, who was hurriedly arriving. At this time, his face no longer had the calmness of the past, and his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He looked directly into Ji Ning's eyes and said, "Jin Ning, Chang Ru was not bumped into by someone from the Gu family."

Ji Ning smiled slightly and said, "I know."

"Then why did you..."

"You know that pretty quickly."

Gu Shuangcheng was speechless, feeling guilty about being seen through, but he quickly returned to his usual expression and pushed up the glasses on his nose, "It's just a way to save his life. The Gu family also has some friends in the security bureau..."

"I only told Li Wenxin, Fu Linhai and Sun Yazhu about Chang Ru's situation."

Gu Shuangcheng paused, he didn't know about this.

I was a little angry, but I had to suffer the loss of being dumb.

If she only reported to that person, the Gu family also had the means to shut up Chang Ru and make Ji Ning's report disappear. However, she actually told the people of those two families that on behalf of the Gu family, they could not use any means to deal with Chang Ru's matter. , and even have to guard against others using their methods.

She is dragging the Gu family into trouble...

Gu Shuangcheng looked at Ji Ning with a headache and said with a wry smile: "Miss Ji, have we ever offended you before?"


"Then why did you..."

"Did the Gu family really do nothing about the Haicheng Food Festival case?"

Gu Shuangcheng's dark pupils instantly tightened, and he looked directly into Ji Ning's eyes, and the look on his face gradually became wary.

Ji Ning chuckled, "Can I explain it in more detail? Why did Huang Laosan have to die? What did he know? Or what did he do?"

Her eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts, which made Gu Shuangcheng's heart skip a beat.

What does Ji Ning know?

Why does she know this?

"Are you thinking, why do I know this? It's obvious that your Gu family is very secretive... I shouldn't doubt you... After all, you just know who the Huang family's spies are in advance..."

Ji Ning smiled while talking, and Gu Shuangcheng finally changed his face.

The voice was very cold: "What do you know? If you know too much, you will die."

But the smile on Ji Ning's face became even bigger, "I will definitely die behind the Gu family."

Among the women who changed the face of the most calm man in the Gu family, Ji Ning ranked second, and absolutely no one dared to be the first.

Gu Shuangcheng stared at Ji Ning for a long time, then finally softened his attitude and lowered his voice and said: "Jining, let's talk."

Ji Ning shrugged, looking casual.

Gu Shuangcheng didn't want to have a head-on confrontation with Ji Ning. He intuitively felt that Ji Ning was very difficult to deal with. If he didn't want to become the second Sun family, the Gu family must submit now.

The two came to the Gu family's property in this city, a business office building in a bustling area.

There is a branch of the Gu family here. Although it only occupies two floors, the entire office building belongs to the Gu family's property.

Gu Shuangcheng personally ground the imported coffee beans for Ji Ning and calmly told the story of the food festival case.

"The Gu family has always cooperated with the Huang family, but in the past two years, the Gu family discovered that Huang Laosan was doing business irregularly. He used the Huang family's goods to do smuggling. Later, my eldest brother personally mentioned this matter to Huang Laosan, but Huang Laosan But the third child wants to recruit the Gu family into the gang and uses this as a threat..."

At this point, Gu Shuangcheng stopped and handed the ground coffee to Ji Ning, with a look of helplessness on his face.

But Ji Ning didn't believe what he said, her face remained calm and devoid of any emotion.

Gu Shuangcheng held his own cup of coffee, sat on the sofa opposite Ji Ning, stirred it gently, and continued: "The Gu family has always wanted to get rid of the Huang family, so they have been investigating the evidence of Huang Laosan's smuggling. During the investigation, Huang Laosan was discovered. The family had spies from other continents. But the Gu family was not sure whether these spies were planted by Huang Laosan's collaborators, so they tested it. Unexpectedly, Huang Laosan was killed by the spies. "

Gu Shuangcheng's face looked a little regretful, but Ji Ning chuckled lightly.

"Is it really just a test?"

Oh my god, I still want to write more words during the holidays. During the day, I visited various relatives and had dinner parties, and came home very late every day.

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