Chapter 293 Investigation
Mantis couldn't figure it out.

There were very few surveillance cameras nearby. He called up the surveillance cameras immediately, but found nothing unusual. It was as if the person who was talking to Youle before did not exist.

"Boss, it's so strange. There is no deletion in the nearby surveillance, but none of those people were recorded..."

"There should be a secret passage nearby that can be quickly transferred." Fu Yuanxuan looked serious, holding a telescope in his right hand to observe.

The street in front of the bar is a commercial street with people coming and going, while the back street is residential. Although it is relatively quiet, there are still people walking around.

After the explosion, if you want to transfer in such a short period of time, you can only take a secret passage.

Fu Yuanxuan looked at the place where the fire was still burning in the telescope and frowned.

"Mantis, find the topographic map of the back alley."


Mantis tapped the tablet a few times and handed it over.

The map on the tablet is a real-time satellite map. After zooming in, you can clearly see each building. It even has the construction age and floor area of ​​the building marked on it.

The buildings in this residential area are very old and it was the first place to be renovated after the troubled times. The houses are crowded and the streets are narrow, giving it a feeling of old alleys in Haicheng.

When Fu Yuanxuan saw Anhe Middle School three streets away from Houxiang Street, his eyelids suddenly jumped.

He quickly zoomed in on the building view near Anhe Middle School, combined with the conditions set for the entrance and exit of the secret passage, and quickly locked an area.

"Praying Mantis, immediately lead people to surround the staff and family building of Anhe Middle School."

Mantis felt his heart skip a beat when he saw that his captain's brow could kill a fly.

Isn't the tunnel exit over there?

The buildings in this residential area are relatively old, and many have been renovated over the years. Even if there is a tunnel, it cannot be dug long. Combined with the concealment of the secret passage and other conditions, the entrance and exit may indeed be near Anhe Middle School.

No wonder the captain looked so ugly. If it was near a school, would those people bomb the school for safety?
Thinking of this, Mantis couldn't wait to rush over immediately.

On a late winter night, the campus was completely dark, with only a few nearby family buildings with lights on.

The security guard who was eating was looking at his cell phone on the table and gnawing on the pig's trotters, laughing from time to time.

"Dong dong dong..."

Suddenly, there was a rapid knocking on the window.

The security guard almost choked with fright, and dropped the half-eaten pig's trotters to the ground. Then he looked out the window and frowned.

There was a haze of white mist on the window, and I could vaguely see a figure approaching.

The security guard impatiently reached out and wiped the window, revealing the faces of the people outside.

Very strange, never seen before.

As the area of ​​​​wiping the windows became larger and larger, the security guard stood up in shock.

There were many people in police uniforms standing behind the man outside the window.

A bad premonition suddenly arose in my heart.

He quickly opened the closed door and looked at the person at the door nervously.

"Hello, from Anhe Police Station. This is my ID. We are looking for you to find out some information, and please cooperate with the investigation. Have any strangers been in or out of the community recently?"

The security guard swallowed a few times and shook his head, "The school requires that...the family building is not allowed to be rented is only occupied by teachers and their families..."

Fu Yuanxuan, who was not far away, looked at the security room when he heard the sound. He did not go there, but looked around the environment in the community.

There is a wall between the family building and the campus. Some barbed wires are installed on the wall, about three meters high, to prevent people from climbing over the wall.

The family building occupies a small area, with only six buildings, and the floors are not high, with more than a dozen floors.

The six buildings are arranged front to back and look exactly the same from the outside, and each building is about 50 meters apart. There is no community environment, and the six buildings are only surrounded by simple walls.

The gate entering and exiting the community opens in the same direction as the gate of the school next door, and it is the only gate.

If a stranger comes in or out, community security will definitely notice it. After checking the environment, Fu Yuanxuan returned to the security room.

I happened to hear Mantis asking the security guard: "Whose cars do these three cars belong to?"

Mantis held up the tablet and asked the security guard to identify the vehicle in the surveillance screen.

This small difference seems very small, but the courtyard is full of private cars.

Within half an hour before and after the explosion, three private cars drove out of the community, including a seven-seater SUV.

Although the three vehicles did not drive out at the same time, Mantis, who has rich investigation experience, still thinks there is something wrong with them.

The security guard looked at the tablet carefully and named two of the cars with certainty, "These two cars are the cars of Mr. Feng's children. Mr. Feng's two children came to see him today and probably left after dinner. This car The SUV seems to be Teacher Zhao’s new car..."

"Where do these two teachers live?"

"Teacher Feng lives in Building 607, 608, and Teacher Zhao lives in Building , ..."

Before he finished speaking, Fu Yuanxuan had already ordered: "Notify the emergency center and the blasting team immediately! Group A evacuates the residents in the community, Group B is responsible for vigilance, and Group C traces the locations of the three vehicles and confirms the information of the people on board..."

The security guard was frightened by the situation and looked at the figure running out uneasily.

The police acted quickly, and in less than half an hour the cordon was set up. Residents in the six buildings were evacuated from the community in an orderly manner, and they stood by the road and looked nervously.

Emergency vehicles, police cars, and fire trucks surrounded the community.

Fu Yuanxuan led his team members in explosive suits and followed the explosive experts to the outside of Gate 607 of Building Three.

As the door lock was opened with professional tools, several people cautiously entered the house.

There was no one in the room at this time. The blasting expert tested the air, took out the explosive detection equipment, and began to scan the room.

"Beep beep..."

An hour later, the blasting expert put away his instruments and breathed a sigh of relief: "There are no explosives in the house."

Fu Yuanxuan and others quickly took off their explosion-proof clothing and began to search for possible evidence in the house.

But the house was very clean and tidy, with not even a hair on the ground.

Everyone searched for a long time but couldn't find anything useful. Mantis couldn't help but look at Fu Yuanxuan not far away.

"Captain, did you find anything?"

Fu Yuanxuan was seen standing between the master bedroom and the living room, lost in thought.

He then started knocking on the wall between the two rooms with his hands, all the way to the custom-made wardrobe in the master bedroom.

Open the cabinet door and knock on the wooden board inside the closet.

"Dong dong dong..."

Hollow slab.

Fu Yuanxuan immediately took out all the clothes in the closet and threw them on the bed next to him. Only then did he finally find a groove on the inside of the closet.

A hard pull revealed the hidden space behind the wardrobe.

This used to be a cloakroom, but now it is filled with densely packed photos.

The characters in it are all students of Anhe Middle School.

"This... this is..." Mantis, who was following Fu Yuanxuan, opened his mouth slightly in shock, feeling his scalp numb.

The photos also had their identifying information written next to them.

Mantis took a rough look around and found that most of the students were students in the elite class of Anhe Middle School, and their physical or mental strength was at level A.

Youle's photo is also among them, with a circle highlighted.

I recently wasted some time revising the outline and revising the text. If you don’t practice it, you won’t know. Once you practice it, you will be shocked. There are many pitfalls. Now they have basically been sorted out, and the pitfalls will be filled slowly in the future. Thank you to my friends who have been waiting for Susu’s update. It will be updated normally later.

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