Chapter 89 Going to an uninhabited island

Mrs. Qin yelled in fright. She wanted to step forward but was blocked by Huang Ying. She could only yell in fear and powerlessness.

"Ji...Jining, don't get excited!"

"This classmate, if you have anything to do, let's sit down and talk about it."

"Don't get excited, let her go."

Except for Huang Ying, everyone in the room looked at Ji Ning nervously.

Wang Li, who was the closest, wanted to step forward and break off Ji Ning's hand, but her body seemed to be frozen and out of control at all.

The principal and the head teacher of Elite Class A in the room were also unable to move.

At this time, Qin Muyao's fair face had turned purple, and the feeling of suffocation frightened her. She tried hard to resist, but her body had no power to resist.

"Let her go quickly! Otherwise I will make it impossible for you to survive in Anhe City!"

Ji Ning sneered and tightened her fingers.

"The grass on the grave of the last person who threatened me is taller than yours."

Mrs. Qin's body was trembling, and she was finally afraid. She fell to her knees on the ground, crying and begging for mercy.

"Please let go of my daughter! I will give you whatever you want! Please let her go -"

It was only then that she finally became afraid. The girl in front of her was not a beggar at all.

She is clearly a murderous female devil.

"I was wrong! I kowtowed to you! Please let her go -"

But Ji Ning tightened her hand tighter and tighter, pinching Qin Muyao so hard that her eyes almost popped out of her sockets and her face turned red and purple. The hand that was waving randomly gradually lost strength, and Ji Ning let go of her hand expressionlessly.

Qin Muyao slumped to the ground like a broken doll, and a foul smell came from her body.

Ji Ning took two steps back, took out a tissue and wiped her hands with a calm expression, "It's easier to crush you to death than to crush an ant, but I don't want to dirty my hands now."

Mrs. Qin cried and crawled over, hugging Qin Muyao and crying bitterly, "Yao Yao..."

Ji Ning glanced at the other people in the room and said without emotion: "Tell her to get lost. Is there any problem?"


Ji Ning nodded with satisfaction and casually threw the paper towel on Qin Muyao's face.

Turning around and smiling, she asked Mrs. Qin: "Do you know what to do?"

Mrs. Qin was so frightened that Qihun lost her mind and nodded repeatedly, "I know... I will transfer Yaoyao to another school now."

But Ji Ning stretched out a finger and shook it, "It's not just a transfer, I don't want to see you in Anhe."

"Okay, okay...we'll move right away."

"Very well, remember what you said!"

With the snap of fingers, everyone in the room except Huang Ying seemed to be frozen in time, and their minds suddenly went blank, leaving only what Mrs. Qin said just now, about transferring schools and moving.

Afterwards, Mrs. Qin supported the pale Qin Muyao and hurriedly left the principal's office.

Ji Ning, Bai Xiaotang and You Le were personally sent out of the room by the principal, Wang Li and the head teacher of Elite Class A, who said that the school would definitely give them an explanation.

When the three of them were far away from the teaching building, Ji Ning suddenly nodded quickly behind Bai Xiaotang and You Le.

The two people looked at each other in awe for a moment, as if they suddenly came back to their senses, and looked around blankly.

Youle looked at Ji Ning and Bai Xiaotang in surprise, "When did we come out?"

Bai Xiaotang shook his head, "I don't know."

The two of them looked at Ji Ning at the same time, but met a pair of deep eyes. Their eyes were distracted again, and they heard a voice that could not be refused: "Qin Muyao has been expelled. You can leave the school with satisfaction."

at the same time.

Mrs. Qin, who had already gotten into the car, trembled and said to the driver: "Call sir, Mu Yao is going to transfer school, and I have to move."

That man was too terrifying and must never appear in front of her again.

Yaoyao will really die next time.

"Madam, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

Just as Mrs. Qin was about to say something, she suddenly found that her mind was blank. Except for the terrifying words that had been lingering in her mind, the face of the person who said these words suddenly became blurry.This unknown terror frightened her even more. She trembled and said sternly: "There is so much nonsense, please call sir quickly!"


Principal's room.

It was quiet as if no one was there.

Except for Huang Ying, several teachers have returned to normal and are preparing to deal with the subsequent transfer of Qin Muyao.

While Huang Ying was calm on the surface, his heart was like a thousand waves that could not be calmed down for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Ji Ning not only has healing powers, but also has powerful mind control powers.

It is said that people with this kind of power will be closely monitored by the powerful forces. They will not only wear energy limiting rings on their hands, but also wear all-weather locators.

Although their movements will not be restricted, they will not be as free as Ji Ning.

Even come to a small place like Anhe to go to school?
Didn't the Security Bureau discover Ji Ning's superpower?
Huang Ying looked down at the energy limiting ring on his wrist and fell into deep thought.


The phone in his pocket vibrated. Huang Ying recovered his thoughts, took out his phone and looked at it, and saw a message on it:
[Jining: Don’t tell anyone about me. 】


Huang Ying took a deep breath and found an excuse to leave the principal's office.

While walking, he sent a message to Ji Ning:
[Huang Ying: If you are afraid of leaking secrets, why don't you control my brain? 】

[Jining: You have professional ethics. 】

[Huang Ying:...]

Huang Ying looked at Ji Ning's words, and the corners of his mouth suddenly rose. He felt inexplicably better. He raised his head to look at the flaming clouds on the horizon for a while, then lowered his head and quickly typed a sentence on his mobile phone:

[Huang Ying: If your powers have not been discovered by the Security Bureau, don’t use mental powers easily in the future. 】

The other person quickly responded with an OK expression.

Huang Ying breathed a long sigh of relief, took out the cigarette, put it to his mouth and lit it.

the other side.

Bai Xiaotang, who returned to the car happily, announced the school's handling of Qin Muyao to Lin Yuanyang, who had been waiting in the car.

Lin Yuanyang was a little surprised. He looked at Ji Ning and asked, "Does the school have any other conditions?"


"Xiaoyang, the school will definitely not dare to raise any objections. When we first arrived, we heard them saying in the principal's office that we are not as good as dogs. Even if Director Wang wants to be partial, he will not raise it again."

Lin Yuanyang nodded slightly and did not ask any more questions.

After Bai Xiaotang got into the car, she took out her mobile phone, which she specializes in playing games, and clicked on "War in Troubled Times". "To celebrate that we found the mastermind behind the scenes and successfully drove her away, let's play a game!"

Lin Yuanyang rolled his eyes, "I'm not going to play. Last time I took you, I dropped two ranks."

Bai Xiaotang looked at Ji Ning again, clasped her hands together, and said pitifully, "Sister Ning..."

Ji Ning didn't care, she took out her phone and clicked on the game.

When the familiar sound of the game came from the mobile phone, Bai Xiaotang immediately sent a team invitation to Ji Ning.

At the same time, he asked: "Sister Ning, can you take me to an uninhabited island?"

Ji Ning turned to look at her, "What are you doing?"

The uninhabited island is a small map around the main map. It is on the sea and belongs to the poison zone. You will be poisoned soon after falling into it.

Therefore, players will not choose uninhabited islands when landing.

"Poison on uninhabited islands has a chance to activate superpowers. Recently, the official released a new game announcement, and players finally have a chance to activate superpowers. However, this gameplay requires players to find wedges on uninhabited islands to activate superpowers."

"Go to the poison zone to activate superpowers?"

Ji Ning frowned slightly, a dark light flashing in his eyes.

This concept is very dangerous...

(End of this chapter)

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