Chapter 91 He is quite a man (please vote for me)
Ji Ning's face was ugly, and she was more confused.

In order to study the virus on mutated corpses, she often went deep into contaminated areas to conduct experiments, and finally came to that conclusion. Therefore, as long as the defense line was guarded and the virus was not given the opportunity to infect new hosts, the virus would slowly disappear. How could it be possible? Will it evolve so that the dead possess human intelligence?

"But that's what the history books say. Because of this incident, many people died in the safety zone. In the end, it was the three chiefs who took charge personally to control the situation."

Bai Xiaotang looked at Ji Ning with some fear.

At this moment, Ji Ning's calmness suddenly disappeared, and a hint of danger appeared out of thin air.

Ji Ning looked down at the small house that appeared on the screen, her eyes getting colder.
"If mutated corpses can really evolve, it will be either a natural disaster or a man-made disaster."

"What man-made disaster?" Ye Tong, who had just walked in, heard this and asked curiously.

When Bai Xiaotang saw her coming back, he stood up from the sofa and waved to her: "Sister Xiaotong, come here quickly. Sister Ning said that the evolution of mutated corpses is a man-made disaster."

"Yes. Sister Ning is right."

Ye Tong didn't listen to the reason and his mind was not on Bai Xiaotang. He agreed casually and walked over in slippers to talk about something else.

"Sister Ning, Director Feng wants you to take some time to visit the set."

Ji Ning looked up, and Ye Tong clasped his hands together, "There is a fight scene on Saturday... The director will treat us after it's over."

"No, Sister Ning wants to help me with treatment."

"No, Sister Ning promised to help me improve my score."

Two voices sounded at the same time, and Ye Tong looked at each other in surprise. Lin Yuanyang came out of the kitchen wearing an apron, holding cut fruits in his hands. Bai Xiaotang sat next to Ji Ning, half-holding Ji Ning's arm, and the two of them simultaneously Looking at her nervously.

"Sister Xiaotong, you have been out with Sister Ning alone for a long time. I also need Sister Ning..." Bai Xiaotang pouted and acted coquettishly with the two of them.

Lin Yuanyang was not as clingy as her, but he coughed several times while carrying the fruit to the coffee table.

Ye Tong was speechless for a while:...

"Sister Ning, where do you want to go on Saturday?"

The three of them had bright eyes, like children eager to be accompanied by their parents.

Ji Ning:......

"I have something to do on Saturday. I'll go to the set on Sunday and Bai Xiaotang will go with me."

The two people whose names were called cheered. Lin Yuanyang's eyes dimmed a little when his name was not called. Just as he was about to leave, he heard Ji Ning say: "Little Guitou, you come with me on Saturday."

Lin Yuanyang immediately raised his head, the joy in his eyes could not be suppressed, "Okay."

When Lin Yuanyang tried to stabilize his mood and returned to his house hand in hand, Bai Xiaotang approached Ji Ning with a smile and said in a low voice: "Sister Ning, Xiaoyang should value you very much."

"Normal." Ji Ning didn't react at all, still looking at the game screen, as if he was very adaptable to having a little fanboy.

Ye Tong next to him couldn't help laughing, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Ji Ning was the first to reply: "Meat buns."

Bai Xiaotang immediately put on a bitter look and said, "Sister Ning, I've been eating steamed buns, dumplings, and wontons for several days. I want to eat stir-fried vegetables!"

Ji Ning didn't object and added another dish: "Braised pork."

Ye Tong agreed with a smile and asked as he went to the kitchen: "Which one of you will do the job?"

There was a silence.

Ye Tong looked back and saw that the two girls had fallen on the sofa and closed their eyes consciously.

Ye Tong shook his head in amusement, "Whoever does it will have a separate life."

"Ha...I'll come, I'll come."

"I want egg tarts."


Had dinner.Ji Ning returned to the room on the second floor. Before opening the door, she suddenly stopped and looked down at the door handle, her eyes a little cold.

Sure enough...

Then he opened the door and saw a familiar figure lying in front of the desk.

I don’t know how long he has been sleeping here?

A water ball slowly formed on Ji Ning's fingertips. After getting closer, she flicked her fingers and the water ball quickly hit the man's face.

on the floor.

The sleepy Fu Yuanxuan suddenly woke up, reflexively jumped up from the ground, made defensive movements, and glanced directly at Ji Ning, who was sitting by the bed playing with his mobile phone with one hand, with sharp eyes like an eagle.

He was horrified, his strong features were tense, and beads of sweat gradually appeared on his forehead.

"who are you?"

His eyes were full of vigilance, staring at Ji Ning's arm behind his back, and his fingers quietly approached the weapon hidden in his waist.

Ji Ning's face was calm, but there was no warmth in her beautiful peach eyes, "If I were you, I wouldn't act rashly. What do you think?"

Fu Yuanxuan paused for a moment, then suddenly took action. The weapon in his hand was quickly aimed at Ji Ning, but the girl in front of him didn't look scared at all. She even raised her eyebrows and said with a chuckle: "You don't know your own abilities."


Fu Yuanxuan's eyes went blank. The arm holding the weapon seemed to have been poked a few times by fingers. It was like an electric shock. The whole arm went numb instantly and lost all strength. As soon as his fingers loosened, the weapon fell directly to the ground.

Alarm bells rang loudly in his heart, and he swung out another fist, but it hit a palm that was harder than him. Then, the palm turned into claws, grabbed his wrist, broke it hard, and twisted it back , the force was so strong that he was directly pressed to the ground, unable to move.

Her feet kicked his lower back mercilessly.

Fu Yuanxuan's face turned pale from the pain, and a look of pain appeared in his eyes, but years of training only made him groan without any begging for mercy.

He is a man, like a descendant of Fu Huayu.

Ji Ning was still satisfied, but her fingers did not loosen, and the force under her feet was a little heavier than before.

"What are you doing in my house?"

Fu Yuanxuan gritted his teeth, endured the pain and remained silent.

He already knew that his identity was exposed before he secretly entered the room to investigate and suddenly lost consciousness due to the drug.

But he didn't expect that he was still here, and the mysterious girl in front of him had such a high strength that not only could he not see her movements clearly, but he couldn't even fight back.

This shows that she is definitely not the A9 physique mentioned in the information, nor is she as simple as the information introduces.

Seeing that he would rather have his arm broken by her than let go, Ji Ning slowly regained her strength, straightened up, and looked down at Fu Yuanxuan, who was lying on the ground, gasping for air.

"Boy, for the sake of your ancestors, I let you go this time. You will never be able to open your eyes again next time."

Fu Yuanxuan clenched his fingers suddenly.

After a while, he got up, sat on the ground, looked at her, and tentatively said: "It is rare to see people with the surname Ji in Huazhou. Except for the person who has a close relationship with my family, I have never seen another person with the surname Ji. Man. You said that for the sake of my ancestors, could it be that you have something to do with that man?"

Ji Ning smiled instead of angry. She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, smiling lightly.

"Boy, what do you think our relationship is?"

Fu Yuanxuan pursed his lower lip and looked directly into Ji Ning's eyes with sharp eyes, full of scrutiny and vigilance.

If it were Bai Xiaotang at this time, he would have basically surrendered, but Ji Ning just smiled, walked to the window, opened the window and said, "Boy, it's time for you to go."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Tong's knock came from the door.

 Ask for a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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