Bai Xiaotang's finger that was about to press stopped on a name.

Lin Yuanyang in front turned his head and explained: "If you talk as the daughter of the Bai family, then Sister Tong will not be able to get along with each other as simple friends in the future. If you talk as Bai Xiaotang, Sister Tong will at least be tied to Xingyu in the future. 10 years. Are you sure this is what Sister Tong wants?"

Bai Xiaotang quickly took his hand back, "What should we do? Sister Tong's biggest dream is to star in the "God of War" series as the heroine."

"What's the rush?" Ji Ning asked.

Bai Xiaotang's eyes lit up, "Sister Ning, do you have any idea?"



After Ji Ning killed an enemy in the game, he took the time to look at her and said, "You can have the dream of reaching the sky, but if you want to reach the sky in one step, aren't you afraid of falling into pieces?"


Bai Xiaotang was a little disappointed.


The phone vibrated from the smart phone on her wrist.

I thought it was Ye Tong who had a connection with her, but the word "cousin" appeared on the screen.


Bai Xiaotang was so shocked that he almost threw away the game phone in his hand.

"It's over, it's over, what should I do if my cousin calls...?"

Ji Ning glanced at her again and saw Bai Xiaotang staring blankly at the smart brain screen, as if waiting for the phone to hang up automatically.

But the people on the other side were very persistent, calling two if they didn't answer, and three if they didn't answer, as if they must get through Bai Xiaotang's phone.

Lin Yuanyang rolled his eyes and turned around, hating that iron was not made of steel. "Why are you afraid of her?"

"I... I'm not afraid..."

"Then answer the phone quickly. She is in Beijing and you are in Anhe. How can she still eat you?"

Bai Xiaotang thought, yes, thousands of miles away, why should he be afraid?

Suddenly my courage returned. After taking a few deep breaths, I solemnly pressed the answer button.

"Hey, cousin, I just..."

"Tangtang, have you gone home?" A pleasant female voice interrupted her.

The courage Bai Xiaotang had just summoned suddenly lost its strength, and he drooped his head, feeling as guilty as a mouse seeing a cat.

"I'm back."

"Okay, I'll be at your house in a minute. Remember to come down and pick me up."

" want to come?"

Bai Xiaotang suddenly panicked, immediately pressed mute, grabbed Ji Ning's arm, and asked: "What should I do? My cousin is here...I'm done..."

Ji Ning raised an eyebrow, "Afraid of her?"

Lin Yuanyang rolled his eyes and explained: "She has been afraid of her cousin since she was a child."

"Hey...Tangtang, why can't I hear your voice? Tangtang? What happened? Tangtang..."

Just when Chang Ru's voice became louder, Bai Xiaotang quickly turned off the mute and said with a frustrated look, "Sister Ru, I'm not at home."

The windows of the black high-end car gradually lowered, revealing a delicate woman's face. Black sunglasses blocked most of her face, only revealing her pointed chin and red lips.

His lips were slightly parted, and there was a hint of anxiety in his tone.

"Tangtang, you're not at home so late. Where have you been?"

Bai Xiaotang's slightly guilty voice soon came from the other side: "I'm going to my classmate's house."

Chang Ru put her bright red nails on her face and raised her head slightly to look at the window next to her.

Amidst all the light, the top two floors were pitch black.

Her eyes grew colder, but her voice remained as gentle as before, "I was on vacation recently, so I came over to stay with you. When will you come back?"

"I...I'll be back on Friday."

Chang Ru paused, raised his arm and looked at the time on his smart computer. Today is Tuesday.

"Tangtang, where have you been? Why did you come back on Friday? Don't you go to school?"

Bai Xiaotang on the other side was picking her fingers nervously and looking at Ji Ning as if asking for help. She really didn't know how to go on. "Tangtang..."

"Bai Xiaotang and I went out."

Ji Ning suddenly leaned forward and said impatiently to the brain on Bai Xiaotang's wrist.

"Who are you? Where have you taken Tangtang?"

Ji Ning straightened up, pulled Bai Xiaotang's wrist to her mouth, looked into the eyes in the rearview mirror, and replied calmly: "Jining, my home."

Chang Ru was slightly startled, her brows furrowed even more, and she asked knowingly: "What is your relationship with Bai Xiaotang?"

"Classmate. Let's go on an outing and come back on Friday."

"Wait...wait a minute...where are you now?"

"High speed, Bai Xiaotang is safe, you don't have to worry."

"Beep beep..."

The busy sound coming from Zhi's brain made Chang Ru's face become darker, and her sharp red nails dug tightly into her palms.

Ji Ning?

Is it that beggar?

"Miss, are we still looking for Miss Bai?" the assistant sitting in the driver's seat turned around and asked carefully.

Chang Ru thought for a while, then closed the car window expressionlessly, lowered her head and took off the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose. When she raised her head again, a chill suddenly rose up the spine of the assistant in front of her, and she lowered her eyes, not daring to look directly at Chang Ru's face.

"No, let's go back to the hotel."


"I want all the whereabouts of Bai Xiaotang after arriving in Anhe City."

"Yes, Miss."

Ji Ning, who immediately hung up Zhinao, let go of Bai Xiaotang's arm and picked up her phone to continue playing the game.

Bai Xiaotang, who was next to him, was so shocked that he lost his voice, and his gaze towards Ji Ning changed from expectant to "I'm done".

Fu Yuanxuan, who had been observing her in the rearview mirror, suddenly asked: "Is that the daughter of the Chang family?"

Bai Xiaotang leaned back, his head fell on the back of the back seat, and said "hmm" feebly.

Although the status of the Chang family in the capital is not as good as that of the Bai family, the Chang family prides itself on being a scholarly family and is very popular. Coupled with Chang Ru, a well-known talented woman, the Chang family's good reputation has pushed them into the upper class. circle.

Fu Yuanxuan withdrew his gaze and looked at the road ahead, "I heard that her intuition is very accurate?"

Bai Xiaotang immediately sat up straight and denied, "No, we girls' intuition is very accurate."


Lin Yuanyang rolled his eyes, and Bai Xiaotang was a little embarrassed and stared at him with a bulging face.

Chang Ru's ability is somewhat special. Her intuition has been very accurate since she was a child, and she has avoided many disasters for the Chang family and the Bai family. Therefore, both families attach great importance to her ability. In order to protect her, they even forbid the two families to disclose this matter to the outside world. .The reason why Lin Yuanyang knew about this was because he had often lived in the Bai family since he was a child.

But Lin Yuanyang, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had disdain in his eyes and didn't want to cover up for Chang Ru at all.

Chang Ru was so scheming that she wanted her abilities to be seen by all the major forces, especially people from the three major families, so Bai Xiaotang foolishly hid it for her.

Fu Yuanxuan glanced at Lin Yuanyang out of the corner of his eye, then at the people in the rearview mirror, and suddenly felt that these people were very interesting.

He couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth and continued: "I heard that the ability of the daughter of the Chang family is comparable to the power of prediction."

"How could it be? It's too exaggerated. Sister Ru is very analytical and as smart as Xiaoyang." Bai Xiaotang immediately retorted.

Ji Ning next to her left the game and turned to look at her.

Bai Xiaotang's baby face was so nervous that he couldn't smile at this time. His fingers on his legs were tightly grasping his pants, trying to control his emotions. He wanted to be natural, but he was so immature that others could see through it at a glance.

"Is that so..."

"Bai Xiaotang, do you want me to visit the uninhabited island by myself?"

The sudden question interrupted Fu Yuanxuan's probing. He looked in the rearview mirror again and met a pair of warning eyes.

Bai Xiaotang breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly followed Ji Ning's question and turned on his phone. "Ah, I forgot. Sister Ning, wait for me. Let's form a team."

Soon, the sounds of nervous games and Bai Xiaotang's screams sounded in the car.

I have been very busy these past few days, but fortunately I have manuscripts to support me.

In order to update at least twice a day, Su Su will continue to work on manuscripts on Saturdays and Sundays.

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