Chitose words

Chapter 451 Old creation

Chapter 451 Old creation

Aranya thought for a while that she had heard wrongly.

She rubbed her ears and said in disbelief: "What did you say?"

Xie Zhao glanced at her funny, shook his head slightly, but said nothing more.

Her appetite has always been bad in the past few years, not only because she had narrowly escaped death many times, and her spleen and stomach were damaged by starving and eating, but also because she had been cut open alive without anesthesia and in a conscious state. He went through his own body, scraped off the rotten flesh to heal his wounds, and completely damaged the stomach wall.

She was only fourteen years old that year, and speaking of it, the injury was caused by saving her when she encountered the "Twelve Blades" Ou Shisanniang when she was in danger.

——In other words, there are rumors in the world that the "Twelve Blades" Ou Shisanniang was trapped by her former enemies and fell to death. The "Thousand-year-old Sword Immortal" happened to fall from the sky to save her from the trap, and also helped her break through the half-step immortality. The legend of that time.

The two most serious injuries at that time were on Xie Zhao's abdomen, and the two poisonous wounds overlapped.

The deeper part was still an arrow wound. The arrow was smeared with a unique herbal medicine from the local mountains by Qiang killers from the southwest border.

Those infected will corrode the skin, cause wounds to ulcerate, and soon become infected and die.

Xie Zhao was a young man at the time, relying on his advanced martial arts realm and strong internal strength, so he did not take the two injuries seriously at first.

She forced herself to pretend that nothing had happened. After bidding farewell to the "Twelve Blades", she found a quiet and uninhabited hillside to heal her injuries. Unexpectedly, she fell unconscious in the cave.

Later, her wound became ulcerated and inflamed, causing her to be half asleep and half awake. She didn't know how long it took, but Xie Zhao suddenly woke up for a while.

She knew she couldn't sleep anymore.

The poison of the Qiang people is so poisonous that the injured person will initially feel the wound is burning and steel needles are piercing the bones, as if there are countless poisonous snakes and scorpions trying to bite the texture.

Later, it turned into excruciating pain.

Xie Zhao vaguely understood that if she allowed herself to continue sleeping, she was afraid... she would never wake up again.

I don't know if it was because of the flashback, but Xie Zhao actually regained his energy, forced himself to wake up, and opened his eyes.

She was very decisive in treating her "dead horse as a living horse doctor", and even opened the wound on her abdomen and gouged out all the rotten flesh near the wound alive!

Because the arrow was so deep that it had touched the stomach wall, causing a small edge of the stomach wall to be corroded by the poison.

Therefore, Xie Zhao had to cut off a small piece of rotten stomach wall organ in his abdomen.

After everything was completed, she used the catgut and needles in her tool bag and gritted her teeth to sew up all the injuries for herself.

Then, it was like sweating profusely and losing strength!
What I have to say is that even though Xie Zhao was able to withstand pain and hardship, when everything was over, she was still sweating from the pain!
Gouge out the rotten flesh on your own wound organs, hold the needle yourself, and sew up your own wound again just like sewing clothes.
——During such a long period of time, Xie Zhao had no Mafei powder or pain-relieving herbs around him.

She even had to resist the dizziness caused by the high fever caused by the wound infection, and she was highly focused throughout the whole process!
So many times, my vision was blurred due to high fever, and I inserted the needle in the wrong place!
If it had been another person, I'm afraid he would have died at that time.

That year, the fourteen-year-old girl's layers of clothes were all soaked.

Then, she blinked her blurry eyes, whether stimulated by sweat or pain, and fainted completely.

As for the rest, leave it to God.

She has done her best and leaves the rest to fate.

Xie Zhao can't remember clearly what happened next, except that it was really painful that time.

However, she never mentioned the danger after that incident to the "Twelve Blades".

Whether Xie Zhao interacts with others or helps others, he always follows his own martial arts aspirations.

After so many years, whether it was helping people in the world or using the support department to rescue people in distress, she never expected anything in return from those she rescued.

Xie Zhao does not want others to carry heavy burdens and baggage.

However, since then, she has become more and more "picky". ——I would rather not eat it than eat it randomly, especially spicy food that is highly irritating.

When Xie Zhao traveled around the world with Ling He and Han Changsheng in the past two years, Han Changsheng always lamented that she was very easy to feed, and she was not greedy for meat, but "liked" to eat pasta and pancakes.

In fact, it's just because Xie Zhao's stomach can no longer handle things that are too difficult to digest.

Cooked cakes are cheap, filling and nourishing to the stomach. It is undoubtedly her best choice when she is in a desperate situation.

However, in the past half year or so, the war in the north broke out again. Xie Zhao traveled back and forth between Xunyang County and Langya Pass to defend the city, and suddenly he went back to the days of drinking blood and wind and sand, eating and drinking indiscriminately.

No, recently there is a vague tendency for various problems to come back.

Her appetite also became worse.

Nowadays, even a little girl from a foreign race often mocks her for being too "squeamish".

"Hey! Why didn't you say anything again? What did you say you had done?
You are always mysterious and mysterious. You speak half of your words but don't finish them completely. This is really weird! "

Seeing that Xie Zhao stopped talking in the middle of what he said, Arua couldn't help but muttered and complained.

She had just vaguely heard Xie Zhao say that he had cut himself open, but rationally she felt that this was unreasonable, and she thought that she must have heard something wrong!

How could someone possibly cut themselves open?
It's just that the "stingy guy" doesn't want to say it again, which is really annoying!
"I still want to visit the territory of the leader of the registration department."

Xie Zhao looked at the sky and said calmly:
"Let's go now, we should be there in the afternoon."


Arua was stunned.

Xie Zhao changed the topic so quickly that she couldn't keep up with her thoughts for a while.

When she wanted to understand her intention, Arua thought of something and hurriedly stopped her:
"You don't know that the Registration Department was a branch of our Yuwen Department a thousand years ago, but it follows the ancient rituals of the Northern Dynasties more than today's Yuwen Department.

What are you going to see in the territory of the clan leader? The bodies of the herdsmen must have been missing, because their registration department implemented a sky burial system!

Furthermore! Do you think the leader's territory will be as easy to access as Uncle Tara's backyard pasture? Are you even told to blend in just as you say? "

Xie Zhao raised his eyebrows and said:

"Oh? How difficult can it be to sneak in? Is it even harder to sneak in than the royal tent at the rear of your Yuwen Department's frontline army?"

Arua: "."

Is she being provocative?
Did she hear it correctly? !

This female thief who dared to set fire to the food and fodder of the King of the Ministry of Culture and Literature in Handongyu!

Judging by the way she winked, she was clearly treating their tribe of prairie people as a vegetable garden, as if they were in an uninhabited land!
Although this is excessive, but
Arua discovered distressedly that it seemed that the territorial defense of the clan leader of the registration department could not stop the Southern Dynasty woman in front of her.

This person named "Xie" is not a "two-legged sheep"!

She is clearly a cunning, hateful fox with a lot of tricks up her sleeve!

Araya felt bitter.

She thought to herself, it would be great if her "brother" was still at home!

If her brother were here, he would definitely be able to capture this hateful Southern Dynasty woman, so that she could see that Hanyong in the Northern Dynasty also had experts!

This is not a place where she can act recklessly and lawlessly!

Darlings, I got married on April 4th, but because my husband is busy with work, we officially started taking wedding leave today~
By the time you read this, I have already sat down on my computer and set off~ During my honeymoon, wedding, and vacation, I only have enough saved articles to be updated every two days. There will be updates on odd days in May, so stay tuned, dear ones~ See you back home~

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