Chapter 309 Something to Know

Chu Dashan, who was watching TV, caught sight of Mu Chenze's figure from the corner of his eye. His heart beat a little faster, and he felt that Mu Chenze would not give up.

I'm afraid no one would believe what I have experienced.

Definitely can't say that.

Mu Chenze sat next to Chu Dashan and handed him an orange, "Uncle Chu, eat the orange."

Chu Dashan immediately took it and put it on the table, "Don't be in a hurry to eat. Let's watch TV first."

Mu Chenze poured tea into his cup, "Drink tea."

Chu Dashan responded politely, "Okay, thank you."

Mu Chenze patted his back lightly and said, "Uncle Chu, you are more polite and better behaved than before."

Chu Dashan tried to stay calm, "Actually, I've always understood politeness and being a good person, but I'm just too lazy to do it."

"Really? Then a person's temperament can't be improved instantly, right? You are much more temperamental than before! If it weren't for the lack of shame on your face, I would have doubted whether you were pretending to be someone else."

"Chenze, it's Chinese New Year, we don't want to make jokes like this. I'm not pretending to be like Li Lai. If you don't believe me, look at my scalp. There is no trace of a knife."

While speaking, Chu Dashan lowered his head, brushed his hair aside, and let Mu Chenze see his scalp.

Mu Chenze took the opportunity to take a closer look and found nothing suspicious.

After a while, the food was served one after another.

After dinner, Chu Dashan said goodbye.

After the Mu family cleaned up, each family went back to their respective houses to rest.

Lying on the kang, Mu Chenze hugged his wife and chatted.

"Xiao Xuan, I feel something is wrong with Chu Dashan, but I just can't find anything wrong."

"Don't worry, we will find out sooner or later. By the way, our cram school starts on the 16th of the first month of the year. By that time, we may have flown abroad. We will take the time to go to the teacher's house. Can we take some exercises with us?"


They will take the college entrance examination this year, but they still have to go abroad when they should. After all, their path is not limited to the college entrance examination.

At this moment, Chu Dashan has arrived at the gate of the village factory. Wang Depin is waiting in the guard room and tells him that he can get off work at ten o'clock tonight, come back to work at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, and work until ten o'clock in the evening, so that he can have two meals in the cafeteria. , make breakfast by yourself at home.

As for the night, people from the patrol team take turns on duty.

This is also the decision just made by the factory office.

This is exactly what Chu Dashan wanted.

At about 10:30 in the evening, Chu Dashan returned to his residence. The fire pit in the room was cold and he started to light it up again. It didn't hurt at all to burn firewood. He would not wrong himself in the slightest.

After a while, the firewood started to light up, and five or six ladles of water were added to the stove pot. After heating, he washed and soaked his feet.

Before going to bed, the firewood was not extinguished. There was a small mechanism at the mouth of the stove. After it was closed, the firewood burned slower and the temperature of the kang could be maintained.

Lying on the kang, thinking about things.

The temperature of the heated kang can be maintained all night, but since no one is getting up early to make breakfast for him now, the heated kang will be cooler tomorrow morning.

Chu Dashan suddenly wanted to hire someone to make breakfast for him, so that he would not have to get up early and the fire bed would be warm in the morning.

After hiring someone, he locked the door with a chain from the inside every night. The next morning, the hired person took the key, reached in through the crack of the door, and unlocked the door.

Just who to hire?

With his reputation, except for single women who are interested in his money, who would dare to come?

Unless you hire a man.

As long as you don't have to get up early, you can hire a man.

Tomorrow he will have to ask Wang Depin to help him find out who is willing to hire him.

It costs 50 cents to cook breakfast every day and is employed for three months.

There is no need to worry about firewood. At this time, Widow Qiu bought enough firewood for the winter.

When the weather gets warmer, he can make some breakfast for himself.

As for money, he has nothing to worry about.

He currently has 20,000 yuan in his hand, and the ambergris can be sold for hundreds of thousands. Even if Chu Xuan has 60,000 yuan in his hands temporarily, it is still his money.

Enough for him. What's more, he works as a janitor and earns dozens of yuan a month.

At your age, you have to enjoy the rest of your life, and you must not wrong yourself.

At nine o'clock the next morning, the loudspeaker of the village office came, "Mu Chenze went to the village office to answer the phone."

Qin Mahua looked at Mu Chenze and said, "Xiaoze, come back early after you answer the phone. Our whole family is going to your uncle's house today. Go early so we can talk more."


Mu Chenze rode towards the village office.

When we got there, only Wang Depin was there.

Wang Depin said with a smile, "It's Min Yi calling. It shouldn't be about rewards."

Mu Chenze chuckled, "Don't worry about the reward. I asked Min Yi to do something yesterday, and I guess I have some clues."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang.

Wang Depin said as he walked out, "You answer the phone, I'll go to the latrine."

Of course Mu Chenze knew that this was a private space deliberately left for him to answer the phone.


Min Yi's voice came, "Hello..."

"Brother, it's me."

"Chen Ze, you came to answer the phone very quickly."

"Is there any clue about what I asked you to do yesterday?"

"That's right. During the few days Chu Dashan came to live in the city, he sold a lot of valuable things. However, his money was almost stolen by a thief. Thanks to a colleague of mine who saw it and helped him recover the money. By the way, he He was pushed to the ground by a thief and knocked on the back of his head and fainted. Later he woke up and said nothing was wrong, so my colleague did not send him to the hospital. Because of this, he even found someone to write a thank you letter and sent it to my work. Otherwise, I We can’t check it so quickly…”

"Did he tell fortunes when he went to the city?"

"I haven't found out about this yet..."

Ten minutes later, Mu Chenze returned home.

I was riding with my wife in my car, gifts hung on the handlebars, and I went to my uncle's house with my parents, brother and sister-in-law.

Mu Chenfu and Fuqing rode bicycles with gifts hanging on the handlebars.

Mu Qinlao and Qin Mahua rode tricycles with gifts in the compartments.

There are six gifts in total, and they are all good things.

My family's income was good last year, so there is no problem in giving some good things to the Qin family.

On the way there, Mu Chenze whispered to his wife what Min Yi had found out.

When Chu Xuan heard that Chu Dashan knocked on the back of his head and woke up later, he finally realized something was wrong.

Chu Dashan either changed his soul or was reborn.

Chu Dashan insisted on going out to sea with the ship because he knew that there was big cargo in that sea area.

Chu Xuan estimated that the previous life that Chu Dashan experienced now was not the same as hers.

Chu Dashan should know about things in this life, so he is more aware of current affairs than before.

"Ze, didn't Chu Dashan mention that there is a fortune-telling expert in the city? When you have time, you can test him and ask him to take you to the city to find the expert."

"I mentioned it to him when we were on the boat, and he said he could take me to see the master."

"He agreed to agree to see if he could really see it. If he could see it, it could be attributed to him receiving guidance from an expert. What if he didn't see it?"

"If he didn't see it, he was lying!" Mu Chenze couldn't figure it out. "If he didn't receive guidance from an expert, how did he know that there was big stuff in that sea area? Could it be that he went to the city and bumped into The back of the head has special powers?"

Chu Xuan somewhat admired her husband, he was so smart.

"Ze, I think so too. But we have to keep this matter a secret."

(End of this chapter)

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