white star stealing star

Chapter 234 City of Steel Plating Card

Under the leadership of Xu Min and his family, the Annihilators walked out of the indoor apron where the ship was parked. As soon as they walked out of the door, snowflakes fell on Bai Xing's scattered black hair. Although it was not cold, Xu Min still took the opportunity to He took off his own scarf and put it around her.

Bai Xing raised his head and looked around at the surrounding scenery.

The sky virtual technology above your head is advanced enough to make you forget that you are in a huge mechanical star realm. It snowed today, and crystal snowflakes continued to fall from the dark sky. There was already a thick layer of snow on the ground. There was a layer of snow, but the road and sidewalk in front of me were clean, with no water stains at all. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the snow that had fallen on the road had evaporated very quickly.

As everyone walked, they listened to Xu Min's mother, Mrs. Xu, introduce their current location.

They are currently in a factory park that specializes in manufacturing molds. This factory called Xu Shi Heavy Machinery is a career that Xu's mother has worked hard for her whole life. Currently, the factory's service providers cover the entire galaxy, not only experts from multiple technology companies. supply source, and has continued to cooperate deeply with the federal government for many years.
"There are 143 heavy factories like Xu Shi Heavy Machinery in the Hranka Order, and there are countless small parts manufacturing factories."

Mother Xu told everyone, "Each factory has at least a thousand workers working on a flow basis every day. The trade union stipulates that each person works six hours, 11 days a month, and the rest of the time is the workers' free time." , they can go to the trade area for recreation, or make friends and have fun. In fact, the lives of the workers in Hlanka are no different from those of people on other planets."

"Before many people came to Hranka, they thought we were just a flesh and blood factory that squeezed human resources." Mother Xu laughed.

"There is still a difference. We only work 66 hours a month, but it is much lower than the working hours on many planets." Liquor and Borg walked side by side. Behind them were Ralph and Very Curious About Everything. BJ.

Xu Min's home is in the factory. It is a four-story mobile steam building set in a small garden. Most of the building's outer body is made of steel, with a white cement roof on top. The sculpture is beautiful and looks like Ceramic crafts.

"My second sister is a mold designer in the factory, and her carving skills are very good." Xu Min said as she pulled Bai Xing into the yard of her home. The yard was paved with dirt, planted with many flowers, and even held a hand The vines are used to beautify the fence, and the entire small garden is very beautiful. The plants become more vigorous and bright under the sprinkler in the yard, which shows that the plants can still grow well in the Helanka Order.

"This is my third sister's hobby. She likes to grow flowers." Under the leadership of Xu's mother, everyone entered Xu's house one after another. As soon as they entered the room, they felt warm and made people feel sleepy. The BJ was even more instant It became listless, and it wasn't until Xu Min's sister Xu Huan gave it a glass of ice water that it slowly got better.

In order to welcome Bai Xing and others as guests, the Xu family prepared a lot of hot food in the living room. Hranka's diet mostly preferred semi-finished products cooked directly from the factory. The same was true for the food on the table at this time. The Annihilators and the Xu family's mother and son Four people sat down next to the guest seat, which meant that there were many family members. The seats in the living room were big enough for everyone to sit in a circle around the guest.

Everyone was chatting while sharing the food. While Xu Min and Bai Xing had something to say, Lijiu and Ralph chatted with Xu's mother about machinery-related topics. Borg listened quietly, interjecting from time to time, and BJ couldn't sit still for a long time and ran to the yard to hide in the shade.

"My other sisters are all working in the factory today, and they will probably get off work in the evening." Xu Min said, "When they come back, I will take you to the trade area."

"I have to go to the martial arts training ground in the evening." Apart from his appointment with Flamingo, Bai Xing was a little curious about Hranka's martial arts training ground.

On different planets, the combat environment and strength are different. After all, the Helanka Order is the only mechanical star realm in the entire galaxy. The local mechas here should be more thoughtful.

"Okay, after dinner, I'll take you to see that guy." Xu Min nodded and poured her a cup of milk tea.Of course Bai Xing knew who the boy she was talking about was.

After having enough wine and food, they learned that Lijiu and others had also agreed with Xu's mother to visit her factory. Xu Min and Bai Xing said goodbye to the others and left Xu's house first.

"He arrived half a month ago." On the way, Xu Min and Bai Xing chatted about Elfa. "Because he is only 10 years old, he is currently learning machine operation and mechanical theory in the factory as an apprentice. In the morning He spends three hours studying in the factory and doing odd jobs, and during the afternoon working hours, the union requires children of this age to complete prescribed subjects, so he has to go to the Unified Learning Institute to take media classes.”

She looked at the big mechanical clock on the road. "Just in time, he should be finishing class soon. Let's pick him up." As she said that, Xu Min took Bai Xing to a self-parking station not far from her home. Here, she He took out a work badge from his pocket and scanned it at the station's card machine. The blank ground in the center of the parking station suddenly sunk downwards into a square area. He pushed it up and down and pushed out a mobile vehicle.

"This is the seat wheel." Xu Min pushed Bai Xing to sit on the vehicle. The vehicle looked like a double seat with a round back and huge mechanical wheels on both sides of the armrests. After the two sat firmly, Xu Min pressed the button on the armrest, and a huge glass cover slid out from behind the seat back to protect the two of them. An equally transparent oval steering wheel was protruded from the cover, which Xu Min could operate.

I have to say that it is quite fresh and interesting to sit in it. It moves like a gentle swing. Looking around, you can see the scenery on the ground through the glass.

The wheel was raised high, and the entire park slowly shrank under their feet.

As his vision slowly expanded, Bai Xing saw that in the distance outside the park, most of the houses were built on high steel walls along the steps. From a distance, they looked like a large honeycomb. On the grid, each bee grid may be a household or a passage.

Most of the buildings on the ground are commercial buildings or various factories. The style of all buildings cannot escape the traces of machinery and a full technological flavor. There are various types of mobile vehicles similar to wheels. According to Xu Min, , these are public properties of Hlanka, and any worker can rent them for free. If they break, there is no need to pay compensation. Naturally, a trade union will be responsible for repairs.

The two shuttled on the steel road and passed through the busy traffic. From time to time, they could see the moving steam building stopping at the entrance of a certain factory, and some energetic employees wearing work clothes walked out.

Beside the road, there are green trees that perform photosynthesis and produce oxygen during the day. At night, there are street lamps that provide light sources. Artificial oil lakes slowly flow along the middle of the road, extending in all directions to the virtual overpass planned in the sky. Through the moving Directional signs guide traffic wherever it goes.

On the road, the mechanical nanny pulls the mechanical dog for a walk, and from time to time she bends down to pick up the gears that the mechanical dog excretes in the snow. There is a cruise ship in the lake canvassing votes for the next trade union, and a well-dressed candidate releases a candidate from the cruise ship. A small robot that distributed gifts knocked on the car window one by one and handed over shopping cards. Halfway through, the snow stopped, the sky became slightly brighter, and a group of mechanical geese flew past from nowhere, crossing the sky in a dense mass.

This kind of mechanical city full of people and engine oil looks really wonderful.

"This is Steel City Plating." Xu Min introduced her with a smile.

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