"Please note that your rest time has been less than two minutes. Please resume action when the seconds return to zero. Otherwise, you will enter a dangerous state that will last until the next cycle."

At half past eight in the morning, the crow staying at the rest stop received a reminder from the clock.

He had been taking a nap in the mecha, but was suddenly awakened by the harsh sound.

The reminder started when there were only five minutes left in the countdown, and the same words sounded every subsequent minute.

He glanced at the high-temperature steam rising outside the door and the burning red earth continent. The sky seemed to be a fireball of immeasurable size, emitting a terrifying light that could make the eyes lose their brightness even with the slightest touch from the corner of the eye. The temperature was so hot The lava on the distant hillside is swaying in the hot wind, which is dizzying.

"Ask me to move? Are you crazy?" Tosai Yue swallowed subconsciously and glanced at the outside world, then his throat started to feel so thirsty that it was smoking. "Where are we going?"

No matter how anxious they are, the players only start taking action after 12 o'clock to ensure safety. At that time, the sunlight begins to shift and the temperature will drop by about 3-5°.

But even so, it was still damn hot.

"Please note that your rest time is less than one minute. Please resume action when the seconds return to zero. Otherwise, you will enter a dangerous state that will last until the next cycle."

As Tosai Yue stood at the door, he could feel the heat on his face through the mecha and the thermostatic suit. He could hear the internal circulation device in the mecha starting to run at high speed and buzzing.

He stepped out. As soon as he felt the surface of the machine on the red earth, a flame immediately lit up. He was so shocked that he quickly retracted his foot.

"Outrageous!" Teng Saiyue retreated to the rest stop and slammed the heavy multi-layered door of the rest stop with his backhand.

"I want to see what kind of dangerous situation it is that would allow me to take action at the risk of turning into dried meat!" He walked back to the rest stop and slowly felt the temperature inside the mecha begin to drop.

The cooling technology in the rest stops is still very hard, and the body temperature is basically maintained at 30-35 degrees. This is already the limit. It allows the players to leave the mecha at the rest stop to solve personal problems for a short period of time without causing any problems. The mecha lost its internal circulation and died of heat.

Tosai Yue crossed his arms in the mecha and waited for an excruciating minute.

"Please note that [self-discipline] has a weakness."

"Please note that [self-discipline] has a weakness."

At the same time, two voices came from Fujisai Yue's clock and the camera at the door.

This means that these words can be heard throughout the battlefield.

"You have skipped the action cycle and re-entered the rest period. Before the next cycle arrives, you will continue to expose your position coordinates and share them with all players in the field. Please reflect on yourself in time and correct your behavior when the next cycle arrives." This sentence came from his clock.

After saying this, the clock that reset to zero read 4:00:00 again and started counting.

Location exposed? !

Is this the dangerous state that I have entered?

Tosai Yue was worried for a brief moment, but soon he was relieved.

The location being exposed has nothing more than two effects.

First, members of the white team found him for companionship.

Second, members of the Black Team find him for the robbery.

Now the players with special characteristics on the field are all from the white team. His position is exposed, and the player from the white team is most likely to contact him first.

As for the Black Team, although they have lost four traits and are in a dilemma, and snatching may indeed happen, but currently not a single trait of the Black Team has been found, smart people will choose to look for traits and take risks to contact him. Look for.

But these must be established if someone dares to come. Counting from now, it will only be 12 o'clock in four hours. During this period, who dares to leave the rest stop in the bright sun.

"So this is a weakness." Fujisai Yue said to himself.

The same lines were also spoken by players in different positions at this moment.

Everyone was attracted by the link that was suddenly delivered to the light brain. When they opened it, they saw a blank map with obvious coordinates and a guideline connecting the players.

It was also consistent with Fuji Saikoshi's guess. Even if everyone knew the position of a player, no one wanted to go out in such hot sun.

Compared to other players who were thinking about "should this clue be private to themselves or shared by everyone?", Bai Xing, who had an extra route to guide him, got more information.

While other players' weakness for self-discipline was exposing their positions, Shirahoshi, who had been staring at Tosai Etsu for a long time, didn't think so.

She has the coordinates of everyone in the room, and exposing them is not a weakness at all from her standpoint.

But she wasn't sure about the official thinking. After all, the first two games didn't have that much deep meaning.

She could only try not to think so complicatedly, and filled in a label next to the crow with red letters.

"Weakness/explosion coordinates?"

After writing it, she stared at the label for a long time, but she felt something was wrong.

"There are weaknesses in self-discipline, there are weaknesses in self-discipline." Bai Xing repeated silently, his mind was a ball of twine, and he couldn't find the beginning or end. "How can the weakness of self-discipline be exposed? What's more, there is no exposure in sin."

Bai Xing closed her eyes, imagining the hand of the black widow's thread, and began to dissect the mess in her brain in a very orderly manner.

"Qianji, explain self-discipline." Her voice seemed to be talking to herself, but she was asking Qianji a question.

"Self-discipline, the virtue of resisting indulgence, forming rules, and specific constraints."

Hearing Qianji's clear explanation, Bai Xing felt the hands in his mind pull the hemp ball with a "bang". The hemp ball that was almost turned into a ball of thread magically untied, and followed the hands, pulling tightly on both sides, and stretched into a ball. a string.

"Qianji, let me tell you what the weakness of self-discipline is." She opened her eyes and seemed to have figured it out.

"Please say."

"It's just 'no'." Shirahoshi said. "The weakness of all traits may be no."

"If sin and virtue are opposites of each other, then it's not just that they are wandering between the two extremes, which is the weakness of everything." Bai Xing thought, feeling suddenly enlightened.

She constantly seeks recognition from Qianji. She is very excited and excited, "not self-disciplined, not humble, not chaste, not calm..."

"I know." She concluded, "There is a weakness in self-discipline. Exposing the coordinates is his punishment!"

This can explain why arrogance and rage have been destroyed, while humility and calm still have the weakness of being synchronized.

"What an interesting answer and thought-provoking insight." Qianji expressed his official praise. Even though he still couldn't hear any emotion, Bai Xing was still very proud.

"Next, I just need to prove my conjecture as soon as possible." Bai Xing decided to move away. "Qianji, help me pay attention to the thermometer. Call me when the temperature starts to drop. I have to recharge my batteries and find that guy who is not self-disciplined." "

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