Embers of Embers

Chapter 115 Violent Hatred

Chapter 115 Violent Hatred
Lorenzo and Shrike hadn't seen each other for a while, but this guy was alive and kicking. It seemed that the injuries sustained during the Ende Town operation were almost healed.
He still had an iron-cold expression, and his dark clothes were wrapped in a dark scarf, like a messenger calling for death... But it was true.
Shrike is a monitor and manager installed by the Purge Agency in the Lower City. In his external identity, he is the mysterious boss of the Lower City. Anyone who sees him will tremble with fear. Usually he will only stay under the luxurious casino. , some unlucky guy must have offended him when he appeared on the ground.
"Let's talk about what happened to Hughes. I suspect that he smuggled something to trigger the demon's revenge."
"Otherwise? Isn't the so-called reasoning just conjecture? None of us have the ability to predict the future. There is nothing we can do except make good guesses."
"Then I hope you can guess more accurately."
Shrike said as he walked into the carriage. The winter in Old Dunling was very wet and cold, and he didn't want to be hit by the cold wind.
"Hughes, the guy from Port Rendona, after we dealt with the Green Shark, he took the opportunity to annex Saab's industry to achieve rapid expansion."
"I know all this. I need to know more secret things, things that cannot be recorded in documents and only people of your level will hear about them."
Lorenzo shook his head, he was not interested in what Shrike said.
Everyone has his most secret side, no matter who he is. You can only barely peek into that side during interpersonal interactions. Lorenzo needs that corner. , that is what is really useful to the entire case.
According to the document, Hughes has many friends in the Port of Rendona, which is the largest port in Invergo. They smuggle goods from other countries and eventually sell them to gang members to maintain the gray industry. .
Contraband was spread throughout Inverg, and Hughes was the one responsible for helping them handle this aspect of Old Dunling.
"Hmm... I probably know one."
Shrike thought for a moment and then said.
"Although smuggled goods are constantly being suppressed, they have formed a certain climate and spread throughout Inverge... Of course, this gray industry also facilitates our purification agencies, so these are still under our large-scale control. middle."
Lorenzo nodded to show that he was still listening.
"But they seem to have discovered a new industry recently."
"I'm not sure. I just heard something. The source of the news came from Hughes. It should probably be related to him."
After saying this, Shrike swallowed his saliva and seemed to be thinking about how to explain this matter to Lorenzo. He paused and then spoke slowly.
"After the end of the Glorious War, all the Gaulonalos evacuated Yin Erweg, but during the Hundred Years' War, a large part of the Gaulonalots had already settled in the southern war zone. They were born during the Glorious War, and their families The blood of Gaul Naro has always lived in the land of Yin Erweg, and later they have been integrated into the life of our Yin Erweg people."
Lorenzo raised his head, as if he had guessed the next story.
"The descendants of the Gaulonalots, their situation... is very delicate. They neither belong to the Gallonalots, but are also hated by the Yinrweg people."
"Most of them are concentrated in the southern region, but they suffer from discrimination due to their origin. Therefore, in many aspects, their treatment is much worse than that of ordinary Yin Erweg people. In addition, they are wary of Gaul Naluo, even if After the war, the remaining people in the south can only live there and are not allowed to enter the interior of Yernweg."
Shrike continued.
"So there have been some cases of people smuggling recently. Those people who have suffered discrimination will become cheap labor and are transferred from the south to other areas. Because they are the descendants of the Gallic Naro people, their prices are much cheaper than the workers. , so many factories are willing to pay to hire such people.”
"Does that mean Hughes is doing this secretly?"
Lorenzo couldn't believe it, and his eyes were a little unkind, as if he were looking at a scumbag.
Shrike didn't care about this, he just thought it was a bit funny. He didn't expect that one day he would be looked at by Lorenzo like this.
"Don't look at me. There's nothing we can do about it. The only thing we can do is to ensure the stability of the general environment and transfer all conflicts into small-scale chaos."
This is a theory put forward by those shrewd politicians, Shrike said calmly.
Lorenzo said nothing more, because it was true, and Lorenzo didn't know what to do.
"It looks like Hughes may have transported someone who shouldn't have been transported... Can you find a list of his clients? We need to check them one by one."
"I need time. This kind of thing is hidden very deep."
"Then in that case..."
Lorenzo thought, if the demon's revenge is related to Hughes's smuggling of people, then the cause of everything is from that person, the person who came to Old Dunling from the south.
If this is the main plot, then what roles do Lovi Doran and the Ed couple play in it?
"Wait a minute, Shrike, if we are talking about smuggling people, is it going directly from the south to Old Dunling, or is there a place to stay during the process."
Lorenzo suddenly thought of something.
During the Glorious War, the main battlefield was the southern theater where the Gallic Naro people landed, and there were several cities between it and Old Dunling. If people were smuggled, there would definitely be something between these cities. Stay.
Shrike nodded.
"This is inevitable, what's wrong?"
Lorenzo's thoughts were confirmed and he smiled.
"I think I know part of the connection. Rowe and Dolan are both from Burhans, and they also have connections with gangs. On the map, Burhans is between the south and Old Dunling. That is very likely. Where they stayed, the people were handed over to Luo Wei and Duolun, who sent them to Old Dunling."
The detective looked excited.
"Then it makes sense. The demons killed him because they were the ones transporting people."
"Are you so sure?"
"Of course not yet. To be precise, it is the most likely guess."
Lorenzo kept thinking wildly, so the identities of Rowe and the Duolun workers were also explained. They must have been used to hide their relationship with the gang. So what exactly happened between them?
"What would you say is the driving force that drives a person to take revenge like this?"
Suddenly Lorenzo asked again, his gray-blue eyes were like the calm sea surface, with an unreachable depth beneath them.
Lorenzo seems to have forgotten one thing from the beginning, and that is the demon's motive. This motive does not refer to revenge, but why he takes revenge.
Lorenzo even said that he had an extremely bold guess, was it possible that the man turned into a monster for revenge?
But what kind of hatred can make a person so violent?
(End of this chapter)

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