Chapter 122
Like a trance hallucination, as the figure moved, Watson's figure disappeared into the air, but the cold touch of his fingers still remained on Lorenzo's cheek.
Something is going to happen...
Lorenzo's breathing gradually became heavier. He knew very well that Watson would not scare him. Although that guy was a hateful devil, as she said herself, she had never deceived Lorenzo, only used it to frighten him. Tell one true story after another to make the people in the story beyond redemption.
The three people talking didn't seem to notice Lorenzo's abnormality. The overall atmosphere was very good. With Seleu's appearance, more people gathered around and tried to please the future duchess.
But Lorenzo couldn't integrate into the atmosphere at all. He slowly raised his hand and hid a sharp knife in his tight cuff.
This was an aristocratic ball, and Lorenzo came without any weapons. The Winchester and the staff and sword were left in Cork Street.
Lorenzo cursed secretly, extremely annoyed.
Lorenzo was not like this before. He was a cold and efficient demon hunter with weapons and vigilance at his side at all times, not a detective who was in danger but didn't know it yet.
"Do you know why no one has a name?"
A distant voice sounded in his mind, and Lorenzo couldn't figure out why he would think of these at this time.
That was a story a long time ago. All the orphans had their names taken away by the church. Everyone was a weapon of choice, and the weapons only needed a dispensable code name.
People will be afraid and sad, make mistakes and panic, but weapons are different. Weapons are cold metal, efficient and perfect, abandoning all human shortcomings.
Taking a deep breath, when Lorenzo opened his eyes again, there was a rising glimmer of light under the gray-blue. He hid it well and did not look at anyone. No one noticed anything unusual about this man.
He was thinking, thinking about the source of this crisis, until he heard the conversation among the crowd.
"Duke Salicardo, your recent reputation is not very good."
someone said.
"I heard that your factory has applied for a lot of survivors, and there have been many deaths recently. Those unions are ready to investigate you."
The man chuckled at this.
"Investigating me, they are protecting the workers of Yin Erweg, not the workers of Gallo Nalo, and they can't even eat without me."
In his opinion, those remnants are the perfect labor force, they are cheap and do not enjoy any welfare insurance.
Some people fell silent. After all, he was a wealthy tycoon and controlled the economic lifeline of many people. There was no need to offend him, while some people continued to echo him as if they had discovered something.
Lorenzo stared blankly at Duke Salicardo in the crowd. He found the end point of all the clues, but he didn't expect it to be in this way.
In the crowded crowd, Lorenzo passed directly through. His body exuded a cold, lifeless feeling, like a machine in silence. With his arrival, everyone could not help but give in. open.
"There are exceptions."
He approached the Duke of Phoenix and whispered in his ear.
The Duke of Phoenix was just about to give a lesson to the detective who suddenly approached, but then he stopped because of his words.
"What's abnormal?"
"What do you think?"
What could make Lorenzo feel abnormal except monsters?
Without continuing to say anything to him, Lorenzo didn't even have time to say goodbye to Seleu, but just took one last look at Duke Salicardo. The man was not aware of the approaching danger.
Lorenzo stepped into the dark shadow, and with the relaxation of his muscles, the tight clothes were swollen, like a wild beast breaking free, the sharp table knife slowly slipped out of the cuff, and secret blood began to rise.
"Have you thought about it?"
In the shadows, Watson and Lorenzo walked side by side, their steps gradually becoming more rapid, as if they were about to run.
"Yes, there are nobles here. There are even three known dukes. If I were him, this would definitely be the most perfect place for revenge."
"So what do you want to do now?"
Watson said provocatively.
"Find it and kill it."
Lorenzo said emotionlessly, reaching out and tearing off the fancy decorations on his clothes.
"But it's in the dark, and you can't protect everyone."
Watson said again.
"Just like Advent, no one understands you, no one will help you, you are alone."
Lorenzo stopped suddenly, then turned to look at her, his smiling eyes full of sarcasm, but this time Lorenzo didn't care, he didn't even bother to say anything to her.
"Then let's find some more helpers this time."
He said, remembering something, and a brief smile appeared on his cold face.
Then pure whiteness bloomed in the shadow, like a roaring firework, the pure flame rose and burned and denounced the darkness.
[Secret Blood Awakens 5%]
The large Geiger counter installed nearby detected the change in the index, and then transmitted the information. Ten seconds later, in the distant Broken Dome, the Peeper System sounded a piercing alarm bell, a scarlet target. The dot appears on the map.
At this moment, Seliu in the courtyard seemed to feel something. She was stunned when she looked at the direction Lorenzo disappeared. Regardless of the other people who were still talking to her, she pushed through the crowd and quickly followed him.
"Can you find it?"
The witcher ran wildly in the shadows, searching for the location where he thought a murder might happen.
"Okay, do you want me to help you?"
No matter how fast Lorenzo ran, Watson always followed him like a ghost, like a person's shadow. No matter how fast you are, you can't outrun your own shadow.
"If it's free, the more the merrier. If it's charged, you'd better get out of here and don't delay my investigation."
Lorenzo cursed unceremoniously.
Watson was not angry about this either, as if he knew Lorenzo would say so.
"Your enemy is very dangerous this time."
"Is that the demon who relies on inferior secret blood?"
Lorenzo said disdainfully, although he is also a monster, Lorenzo is also considered an elite monster among the elites. How can such inferior monsters compare with himself.
"No, no, no, I'm not talking about it. Of course it's not dangerous. I'm talking about the person behind it, the person who can make inferior secret blood."
Watson simply didn't bother to run away, since she could only exist in Lorenzo's sight anyway, like a vain hallucination, she half-lyed down in the air, leaning on her head, looking at Lorenzo.
"Lorenzo, when you knew this, you also thought of that possibility, right? The secret blood technology is only owned by the church, unless..."
There was a wicked smile on her delicate face. If you didn't think of what was under the skin, she would be as beautiful as before.
Lorenzo knew what she wanted to say and said simply.
"Unless some desperate bastard steals the Book of Revelation on Advent Night."
All the knowledge related to demons in the Evangelical Church comes from that book. Whether it is the casting of holy silver or the implantation of secret blood, it can be said that that book opened a new page in history and advanced the history of mankind. I no longer fear the monsters in the night.
In the Evangelical Church, only the pope and a very small number of cardinals have the right to access the book. Lorenzo only knew that it existed in the Cathedral of San Naro, but he did not know which room it was in. He had only heard about it but had never seen it. .
"Lorenzo, your situation is very bad. The "Apocalypse" appeared in Old Dunling, and those people from the Gospel Church will never stop there."
Lorenzo was silent, thinking of many things in that moment.
In fact, he still couldn't believe that "Apocalypse" would be stolen, and someone had successfully reproduced the secret blood technology. If this was the case, that person must have appeared in the Holy Night, but Lorenzo still didn't know who he was. roles played.
But... there is no need to think about his role. Anyway, in Lorenzo's eyes, all participants in the Night of Advent must die, whether they are lowly demon hunters or high-ranking popes.
"You also have plans for the Book of Revelation, right?"
"Of course."
Watson answered with a smile.
"So you have to survive well, Lorenzo, after all, we are one now."
She said.
"Here it comes, Lorenzo."
Watson let out a burst of cheerful laughter at this time. The laughter gradually became distant and finally dispersed. Then the monsters appeared in Lorenzo's perception, as eye-catching as burning torches in the dark night.
He held the knife tightly. Although this weapon was not threatening to the demon, its user at this moment was Lorenzo. What was important was not the weapon, but the person who used the weapon, even if he was holding a stone at the moment. , he was also confident of smashing the monster's head to pieces.
A ferocious demon came towards him in the darkness. Lorenzo swung his knife sharply and blazing white flames covered it, then pulled it into a dazzling white line in the air and cut across the demon's body.
The sharp knife penetrated the demon's heart, hitting it with one blow. The next moment Lorenzo pulled out the knife with his backhand and struck it on the throat again. Because of the size of the knife, he pulled hard and cut it until it was completely cut. The head was ripped off.
The demon's still body struggled vigorously, tearing the luxurious dress to pieces, but finally calmed down slowly, and was thrown to the ground by Lorenzo.
Blood covered the road, and this kill was easier than expected.
Sure enough, he was the real monster. Compared with him, they were as harmless as little white rabbits, but the next moment countless heartbeats sounded in the dark night.
Lorenzo's joy after the kill turned to ice. He slowly turned his head and looked at the darkness behind him. Countless demons bared their fangs and claws at him.
There was not only one demon, nor Lorenzo alone, the entire manor was in a huge panic, and Lorenzo could clearly hear countless wailing sounds.
As expected, half of the aristocratic class of Old Dunling gathered here, and these nobles also held high positions. Whether it was revenge or shaking the system of Old Dunling, the man behind the scenes won, and he won very thoroughly. There is only Lorenzo, a demon hunter here. He can survive the tide of demons, but he cannot protect others.
"Why...there are so many!"
The table knife was not enough in front of these monsters. Lorenzo once again regretted why he didn't bring a weapon, and then he raised his fist and smashed it down hard.
Blood and broken bones splashed, but Lorenzo was still too slow to kill the enemy. He was a demon hunter and could freely control demonized humans, or he was a demon that could maintain his sanity, but no matter Lorenzo was What, he is not that extraordinary life, he also bleeds, gets injured, and dies.
The demon pressed down hard, and the empty corridor suddenly became crowded. Lorenzo had no room to swing his fist, and then the hot flames boiled and burned the demon to ashes.
Lorenzo climbed up from the ashes, panting violently, but his rapid heartbeat soon calmed down.
These are low-level demons, without reason and nothing outstanding, just like discarded garbage, but they are still fatal to mortals.
"Damn, damn it!"
Lorenzo suddenly remembered a key point. He never thought there would be so many monsters. In his opinion, there was only one monster moving from beginning to end, but now it has brought a flood of enemies, and not only that. , inferring that the demon was rational, and those he killed were just walking corpses.
Lorenzo murmured to himself, then turned around and started running wildly.
His initial idea was to find the demon first, deal with it secretly, and control the situation to a minimum. However, this group of demons obviously disrupted Lorenzo's thoughts, and there was a fatal point in it. The demon had reason. The demon did not appear.
The target of the demon was the Dukes, who were the biggest prizes in this ball. Lorenzo could already imagine the scene where the demon would sneak up on the commotion of the crowd and then kill the Dukes.
This time the situation was completely beyond Lorenzo's control. Just like on the Night of Holy Advent, Metanzo's armor could only protect him alone, and he could not save anyone.
It is really an unspeakable feeling of powerlessness. Even if you are unparalleled in the world, you can only be unparalleled in the world. In the torrent of death, you are just an isolated reef.
In fact, in retrospect, Lorenzo could understand the church's approach. Demon hunters are cold weapons. Between the tram and the track, only cold weapons can make the most rational judgment.
The demon was stunned, and Lorenzo smiled mockingly.
During the six years he spent in Jiudunling, he lived more and more like a human being.
Blazing white flames rise, and a metallic substance precipitates from under the skin. It grows in the fireworks, like scales born from the fire and twisted thorns. It wraps around Lorenzo one after another, wrapping him continuously as it runs wildly. , becomes heavy and strong.
Like a burning chariot, it runs over all obstacles in the field of vision and is unstoppable.
(End of this chapter)

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