Embers of Embers

Chapter 133 The Studio

Chapter 133 The Studio
"This poor Baron Abel did not receive an invitation to the ball, but he bribed the guards and slipped in. Judging from his financial situation, he should be hoping to meet some rich people at the ball and use their short time to friendship to relieve his debts."
"Don't be surprised. There are many such nobles. They failed to keep up with the times and still relied on the accumulation of their fathers, so they gradually died under high taxes."
Arthur looked at the retreating figure, while Baron Abel stared blankly ahead, the soul inside of which had been completely sealed.
"He directly encountered the demon, and the strong erosion corrupted him. When we found him, he had already entered the second stage. He had gone crazy and was extremely aggressive, and the erosion was still affecting him. , it’s only a matter of time before it’s demonized.”
"So you used that... lobotomy on him?"
Lorenzo asked with some vigilance. He didn't know what this operation was specifically, but seeing a person's mind sink and turn into something like a corpse, the impact of this thing is no less weird than the monster. How many.
"Yes, it's on the forehead."
Arthur pointed to his forehead. Under the strong bones was soft flesh.
"Use a brain protein resection needle, starting from this position, the upper orbit of the eyeball, and use the resection needle to dig into the brain, quickly destroying the nervous system and breaking the nerve fibers."
"This operation is very quick and does not even require an operating room. The damaged nerves are responsible for processing high-level thinking. That is to say, after performing this operation, the human body no longer has the concepts of 'thinking' and 'thinking'. If we talk about the erosion of demons by humans, If there is a certain numerical groove, this operation is to cancel that numerical groove altogether."
"Just like a blind person is not afraid of strong light, a person who has lost the concept of thinking will not be contaminated by the erosion at all... It is even said that he is no longer a human being, just a breathing corpse."
A cruel and dark technique, Lorenzo was able to glimpse the evil side just from Arthur's words. In order to prove the credibility of this operation, how many people's heads were opened and analyzed?
"This is the best solution at present. Otherwise, we have no other way to deal with people like Baron Abel who are about to be demonized except to completely eliminate them."
"I can understand that."
Lorenzo said lightly. After the initial shock and fear, he came to a helpless understanding. We are all travelers walking on the ice. In order to reach the ideal land, we can only keep giving up the things we carry. Break the fragile ice.
Throw away emotions, humanity, morality... until you have nothing, until you reach that ideal land.
"Sometimes a lot of bad decisions can lead to good results, and it's better for us to bear the consequences."
Arthur said softly, something that was obviously so heavy seemed so light to him.
"What about the others? What about the people inside your purge agency? Will they also undergo this kind of surgery after they lose control?"
Lorenzo asked again.
"Depending on the situation, generally speaking, every soldier will have an alarm installed. When their sirens sound, they should withdraw from the battlefield. Of course, it is inevitable that some will go deep into it, but such tasks are usually handed over to specially trained personnel. Knights, they can withstand more erosion."
"Correspondingly, we also have corresponding cure measures. Just like this poor baron, he still has a glimmer of hope of survival, but his own value is not worth what we do."
It's very cold, everything is clearly marked with a price, there is no sympathy at all, it just runs with mechanical precision.
Lorenzo looked at Arthur and then at Joey behind him. They had already made such a decision.
"Mr. Holmes, this incident is obviously beyond our control. I don't think we need to be wary of each other, right?"
Arthur took a deep look at Lorenzo. The two of them didn't say anything explicitly, but it was as if they had a tacit understanding and had already made a decision.
"Come on Joey, Mr. Holmes has a lot to see today."
After urging Joey behind him, the wheelchair moved a little faster, and Lorenzo could only endure the pain in his legs to keep up.
"What do you want me to see?"
"A lot of it is related to that Reverend Lawrence."
Arthur said tiredly.
"He left us too many things. If the information about the demon can be made public, that Reverend Lawrence could be called the biggest terrorist in the history of Yin Erweg after the Glorious War."
The air was filled with the smell of engine oil. With the rumbling sound of the engine, the entire carriage shook slightly, and the light also swayed with the shaking of the carriage. Lorenzo looked out the window, and the erupting steam moistened the walls, and in the darkness. The wet rocks in the middle of the car quickly passed away behind the carriage, and the scenery concentrated into points at the end, as if there was no end.
At this moment, they are speeding 20 meters underground in the old Dunling. This is the first time Lorenzo has taken this thing called the steam subway. It is also part of the Atrium Snake system, but so far only a few lines are open to the public.
Different from the lines that can be open to the public, Lorenzo is taking a hidden line that is not on the schedule. The entire line runs through Old Dunling. The tunnel here was originally constructed for the construction of the Furnace Pillar system. The tunnel was paved with long Railroad tracks hauled out ton after ton of soil, hollowing out the ground.
In later times, it became a maintenance channel, and finally was transformed into a steam subway. With it, Lorenzo could avoid the congested traffic on the ground and directly reach depths beyond the reach of ordinary people.
"The Forge Pillar system is quite complex. Even today, it is still expanding with the expansion of old Dunling, as if it is alive."
Arthur sat on the chair at the other end. The environment here couldn't be said to be very good. There was no excessive decoration. Everything was rusty and had a dilapidated industrial style.
As the carriage traveled at high speed, in addition to the rumbling sound of the engine, there was also a strange sound of metal friction. It seemed that the carriage would disintegrate at high speed in the next second.
"Because they are complex and built underground, many times we can only rely on these lines to reach places that are inaccessible by conventional means."
"Pit lane?"
Lorenzo leaned against the rusty wall and looked out the dim window and said.
"Yes, that thing was originally a passage used by maintenance workers during construction. The intersection is hidden and cannot be entered by most people. It will also be locked after the construction or maintenance is completed."
"so what?"
"You'll know when the time comes."
Arthur waited for the carriage to stop.
The dark and deep underground is like driving in the dark and boundless Jedi. No matter which direction you go, it is a repeated picture.
Maybe the world after death is the same. There is no brilliant light, nor darkness that devours the mind. There is no heaven or hell. It is just the dim gray that covers everything. No matter how you struggle, you are just powerless to resist, until you are in this gray. Sinking and collapsing, losing the last of his sanity.
Eye-catching signs in the dim light crossed the line of sight, with different numbers written on them. There were rusty iron doors below, as if there were residents underground. Behind the rusty iron doors were apartments one after another.
It's hard to imagine that the city of Old Dunling was so three-dimensional. There were huge buildings deep underground, as if the entire city was turned upside down, like a shadow.
After a few minutes, the carriage stopped slowly, and the door opened amidst the steam gushing.
Stale and moist air hit his face, and Lorenzo couldn't help but cough a few times. More dust splashed up, and broken particles flew and rippled under the light.
"Please bear with it for a while. The ventilation system here has not been activated for a long time. After all, people don't come here every day."
Joey pushed Arthur out of the car and then said, and then Lorenzo noticed the sound of a fan rotating in the tranquility deep underground.
They worked hard to send fresh air into the depths of the underground, otherwise the three of them would have been in a coma due to lack of oxygen.
"So what do you want me to see?"
Lorenzo asked.
"There are many strange things in Dean Lawrence's 'studio'. As his 'colleague', you may be able to explain it to us."
The dust-covered iron door on the rock wall opened at this moment. This was the maintenance channel for maintenance workers. Kestrel wore a miner's lamp on his head. As the door opened, thick blood rushed in.
It seems that behind the door is a hell of flesh and blood, a slaughterhouse of living things.
"You guys are finally here, I need to change my shift."
Kestrel looked extremely ugly, and without saying any more greetings, he walked to the other side and retched.
"Let's go, Mr. Holmes."
Arthur said slowly, he seemed to have seen what was behind the door, and he seemed calm and composed.
Lorenzo said nothing and walked into it very calmly, and then the red world was revealed in front of his eyes.
Behind the door is like a nest of some kind of creature. The ground and even the walls are covered with sticky blood. Various human skeletons and severed limbs are also everywhere. There are also several operating tables with the corpses on them already shriveled up. .
Inexplicable vomiting rose from the depths of Lorenzo's throat, as if someone had grabbed his intestines and tightened them, and then all kinds of nameless emotions surged up, disturbing every part of his nerves.
"There was a demon here?"
Lorenzo's voice sounded a bit painful, and Joey on the other side also felt uncomfortable. He stepped back after taking only two steps, and handed the wheelchair into Lorenzo's hands.
"Yes, the demon, a very powerful demon, so powerful that just by staying here, it will cause high-intensity erosion."
Arthur also looked extremely painful, but as a product of the Rangers program, his resistance to erosion was much better than Joey's.
"After we found this place, we used tons of neutralizing fluid to clean it in an attempt to reduce the erosion, but with little success."
"Come inside Lorenzo, that's not all."
After stepping on the sticky ground, countless threads were brought up by the soles of the shoes, and the blood of the stumps was everywhere. The two of them seemed to be in the stomach of some huge monster, being digested by it over time.
Weird voices whispered in his ears, which reminded Lorenzo of the monks at the exhibition. They also chanted in a language that Lorenzo could not understand, but at this moment, it seemed that at that moment, there was something that ordinary people could not understand. Existence speaks through the mouth of the monk.
Inside is a passage, and countless footprints can be seen on the sticky ground. The people who purged the agency had already surveyed it before.
"What the hell is going on?"
Lorenzo's heart was already trembling slightly. He had never seen such a scene, even when he was in the Demon Hunting Order.
"A breeding ground, a breeding ground for monsters. Those monsters must have come from here."
At the end of the passage is a high platform, with complex steam pipes spreading all over the field of vision, and at the bottom is the roaring machine, but this is not the point, the point is the scarlet that wraps everything, like a nest of some kind of giant spider.
Red sticky threads are everywhere, and broken white hard materials are scattered on the ground. Among them are still complete things with a structure similar to eggs. The solid hard surface has been opened, and it is filled with the same viscous liquid. Among them There is also a long-dead body soaked in it, and the clothes on it have not been completely dissolved. Judging from the attire, it is an ordinary worker.
But this was just a corner. Such white debris covered the ground and extended to the end of the field of vision.
"This...this is..."
Lorenzo was shocked as never before. Arthur didn't need to say anything anymore. He understood everything at the first sight.
"He's... raising demons."
Arthur nodded.
"And the breeding technology seems to be very mature. When we captured the underground palace before, we found a similar breeding farm in the underground palace, but the scale was far smaller than here."
"But...where are your peepers? How come you can't detect a reaction in such a large-scale breeding?"
"That's why."
Arthur said and pointed to the surrounding walls.
"Mr. Holmes, do you know that holy silver can block the erosion of demons?"
Lorenzo was puzzled. He only knew that holy silver was fatal to demons, but he never knew this.
"It seems you don't know either. This is the conclusion of the Perpetual Pump. They dissected the demon hunter."
Arthur said slowly, it seems that the Demon Hunting Order also hides a lot of things from the Demon Hunters.
"You mean Ed?"
Lorenzo's eyes became dangerous, which meant that the purification agency had obtained the secret blood to a certain extent.
"We conducted many experiments on the corpse of the demon hunter and came to this conclusion. Holy silver can block the spread of corrosion to a certain extent."
Arthur ignored Lorenzo's feelings and said directly.
"Director Lawrence obviously knew this. In order to prevent the erosion from spreading, he coated the entire training field with a layer of holy silver. It was not until we increased the sensitivity of the Geiger technology that we discovered the anomaly here. "
"This is impossible, there is not so much holy silver for him to use!"
Lorenzo directly retorted that holy silver had always been scarce, and that Father Lawrence could not replenish it so long after the order was disbanded.
"Revelation", yes, and this ghost thing. If Dean Lawrence stole "Revelation", then he should also have the technology to make holy silver. But such a large-scale holy silver, even if the entire country had the Logistics: The Holy Silver output of the Order is still horribly low, so how did he do it alone?
Or is he not alone... Even if Dean Lawrence has the technology to make holy silver, this cannot be done by one person. There is a huge team behind him.
"Don't hide it, just say it all at once."
Lorenzo's eyes were cold. With a huge team, the legacy of the night of Holy Advent was a thousand times more complicated than what he had seen.
(End of this chapter)

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