Embers of Embers

Chapter 154 Distinguished Guest

Chapter 154 Distinguished Guest
Slowly opening his eyes... Lorenzo had actually been awake for a while, but he never opened his eyes to observe where he was.
Lorenzo was thinking. He was a little curious about where he would wake up this time. After all, the last memory he had was that he fainted and fell to the ground.
Lorenzo would wake up in some strange place every time after fainting. The first thing he saw every time was a different ceiling. It seemed that this ceiling was the real "save point". Every time Waking up was a new beginning, so he wondered what it would be like this time.
Metal ceiling?Or is it the wall like a mural, or the ceiling covered with posters like an advertising wall?
Finally I opened my eyes, and what I saw was a pattern of brown and light yellow intertwined. Their heavy entanglement formed an ever-extending picture, with light-colored curtains falling at the four extending corners.
and many more……
Lorenzo sat up suddenly. The horrible headache seemed to be over, but all traumas would leave traces, even mental injuries. Lorenzo would still feel the dull pain in his mind.
But this is not the time to think about it now.
He looked at the surrounding environment. Although there were not many luxurious decorations, judging from the vaguely noble decoration style, this was not a place where people like Lorenzo could easily come.
On the chair beside the soft bed were Lorenzo's clothes, not just clothes, but a new set of clothes, and the weapons he carried were also arranged one by one, like a pile of doll accessories Same, clear and distinct.
But here comes a new question. The clothes are here, so what are you wearing?
Looking down, Lorenzo was wearing a pair of light blue pajamas. It seemed that this was not specially prepared for him, and the clothes were much looser.
"No, this situation is not right..."
Lorenzo said to himself.
After so many years of struggling in Old Dunling, he had never seen any kind of formation. He would not be surprised if he woke up and was being hung up and prepared to be executed. But now that he was in a place like this...he had never seen this formation. Saw it.
"It's not like I didn't wake up..."
Lorenzo thought for a while and made this decision.
So he lay back and put the quilt over his head. After about a minute, Lorenzo sat up again.
He can't sleep.
Lorenzo got up from the bed, picked up Winchester on his shoulders, and walked out of the room.
A dignified demon hunter, he has never seen any big storms.
Outside the door is a long silent corridor, the carpet extends to the end of the line of sight, and through the side window Lorenzo can see the gloomy sky of Old Dunling, the solid walls extending to the ground, and the crowded streets Garden area isolated from it.
"you're awake?"
Suddenly there was a voice from behind.
Lorenzo subconsciously waved the handle of Winchester's gun, and then a familiar face came into his eyes.
"Good morning, Mr. Holmes."
Looking at this "uninvited guest" Yawei, he tried his best to smile as kindly as possible.
Lorenzo looked at Yawei and then at the scenery outside the window. He seemed to know where he was.
Look a little embarrassed.
"I...why am I here?"
"Hmm...this may be a...complicated story."
Yawei said as he crossed Lorenzo's side and made a "please" gesture.
This is a somewhat absurd scene. Under the exquisitely crafted crystal chandelier, a long table is located in the center of the room. The fire in the fireplace is crackling. The waiters leave after serving breakfast. Only Yawei, the strict old butler, Stand on the other side.
At one end of the long table is the young hostess, and next to her is Lorenzo who is struggling to eat.
"So...why are you coming out in your pajamas? And with a gun?"
Seleu couldn't help but ask.
"It's a long story."
Lorenzo didn't seem to want to explain this. Yawei had tricked him after all. Who knew he was going to bring him for breakfast.
Regardless of Seliu's somewhat disgusted look, Lorenzo lowered his head and started eating. He didn't know how long he had slept. He was very hungry now.
"Looks like you're recovering well."
Seleu looked at Lorenzo's turbulent momentum and had to admire the demon hunter's physical strength. When he picked him up in the alley, he looked no different from a dead person.
"You look great too."
Lorenzo talked nonsense and exchanged greetings.
Lorenzo had not seen Seleu since the attack by Dean Lawrence. As one of the parties involved, she did not seem to be injured or anything.
"Are you joining the gang now?"
Lorenzo thought for a moment and asked.
Although it is unclear how the purification agency handled the follow-up matters, the demon must have been completely exposed to Seliu. With her special status, she might be one of the insiders now.
Seliu nodded, not knowing what deal the purification agency made with her. She was not dragged away by the scavengers to do any psychological suggestion, forgetfulness hypnosis or anything like that.
Speaking of which, Lorenzo glanced at Yawei who was standing aside. At this moment, there were only three of them left here.
"He also knows this, but..."
Seliu seemed to have thought of something in the middle of her words. She glanced at Yawei. The old housekeeper still looked a little worried, but still had no choice but to leave. Now only Lorenzo and Seliu were left here.
The two of them ate in silence until Seliu finally couldn't help but ask.
"So, dear Detective, are you still some sort of witcher?"
Without the interference of others, Seliu went straight to the point.
"One of my former professions, now I am a real detective, certified by the Su Yalan Department!"
Lorenzo began to change the subject, but this was obviously of no use to Seleu.
"That... purge mechanism? I already know the general information about you."
Seryu sighed as he spoke.
"This world is really wonderful, it has everything."
Although I don’t know much about demons, original sin armor, and purification mechanisms, I can feel the power of that organization just from the calmness of the old Dun Ling after it was dealt with.
"No, they sold me just like that?"
Listening to Seliu's plain tone, Lorenzo was stunned.
In Lorenzo's view, the Cleansing Agency is a highly secretive organization, and those who know it will either be knocked out until they lose their memory, or they will be dispatched to the northern ice field to dig potatoes for a lifetime.
"It's very simple. I promised them business support. The entire Stuart group has a lot of energy, and maintaining such an organization, even with national support, will cost a lot, right. "
Sometimes Lorenzo always forgets Seleu's identity. Although the future Duchess Stuart does not have a huge estate like the Duke of Salicardo, the Stuart family's connections can be said to be all over the UK. Ervig, no matter what industry there are members, they should not be underestimated.
“Like a weird and unprofitable company, I became a small investor in exchange for some small power.”
Seliu showed a sly smile.
The clean-up agencies won't be fully public, but they are happy to share with those who are willing to cooperate and can provide funding.
What's more, they really don't know how to deal with this troublesome Seliu. It would be great if they could silence her at a very small cost.
To a certain extent, this is also maintaining the rule, tying the Stuart family to the speeding chariot... Although judging from the current power of this little girl, she is just a decoration in the car. Just a pendant.
"Does that mean I'm so worthless?"
Lorenzo shook his head angrily.
"Actually, under the circumstances at that time, your information was no longer valuable, so what they did was just going along with the flow."
Seleu explained.
She witnessed the whole thing at that time, and there was nothing to hide from it.
"But Lorenzo, you hide it so well."
Seleu looked at Lorenzo with that strange smile, looking from top to bottom, as if he had gotten to know this man again.
Lorenzo twisted his body uncomfortably, feeling like a street gangster admiring a passing girl, but at this moment his identity was reversed.
I originally thought he was just a relatively capable detective, but who would have thought that he was actually a mysterious demon hunter.
"People have to have some past."
He pretended to be serious and said, and while he was talking, he took a few bites of meat and ate it. I have to say that the food cooked by this wealthy family is better than that of the small shops on the street.
"By the way, why am I here?"
Lorenzo raised his head as he spoke, but he looked at his other self, reflected in the ice sea.
Because he was not tall enough, Seliu put one leg on the chair and half-knelt on the table with the other leg, trying to get closer to him, and then looked into Lorenzo's eyes carefully.
Some people say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but Seleu's posture was like opening the skylight and dragging out that strange soul to take a good look at it.
Lorenzo's first reaction was to look away. Seleu's eyes were like magic. No one could hide their thoughts under that gaze. She would always see through you easily and find what she wanted.
If Seleu had never had any corrosive reaction in his body, Lorenzo would sometimes even wonder if this unlucky child was a new type of monster that had not been discovered before.
Lorenzo hates looking at each other, or being seen through. It feels like someone lifted your roof and dragged you out of bed. He tried to look away, but was directly caught by a pair of cold hands. fixed.
Seliu firmly fixed Lorenzo with both hands, forcing him to look at him, carefully studying this familiar yet unfamiliar face.
"We agreed, Seleu."
Lorenzo's eyes averted as he refused.
"The person I agreed with is a detective, not a witcher."
He pinched Lorenzo's face forcefully, as if he was ravaging a big fluffy dog, and made strange expressions.
"Do you know that if I try hard, you will be torn off by me?"
Lorenzo threatened.
At this moment, Seleu's focus was already on him. As soon as Lorenzo retreated, Seleu would fall completely on the dining table.
"Oh? So Yawei heard the noise and came in, and saw me falling on the table... Do you know? Lorenzo, since you moved in, Yawei has been with you... He really doesn't like you. It’s pretty big.”
Like an insidious villain, Seliu's somewhat indifferent face looked extremely sarcastic.
Lorenzo fell into an awkward silence for a moment.
"So be honest, witcher."
He squared Lorenzo's face vigorously, and his two eyes couldn't help but look at each other.
It was really a wonderful feeling, and it reminded Lorenzo of the first time he saw Seleucid, in Nalo, a small seaport town near the White Tide Strait.
Lorenzo learned about Seleu's existence after asking around. This little girl relied on her sensitivity to easily see through people's hearts and survived in the chaos of the small town.
In a dilapidated alley, Lorenzo saw Seleu. In fact, there were many people there at the time, but when he saw those ice-like eyes, Lorenzo knew that she was his target.
Those are mirror-like pupils, reflecting everything in the world.
But suddenly the cold touch disappeared. When Lorenzo reacted, Seleu had already sat back and continued cutting the food on the plate as if nothing had happened.
Not caring about the image, she deliberately made a squeaking sound, as if she was tasting Lorenzo's little secret.
"So...why am I here?"
Lorenzo didn't want to talk more about this at all, and looked wary.
He remembered that he fainted in an alley, but woke up here.
"I have something to do with you. Mrs. Van Roode said that you had been out for many days, and then on the way back I saw you, fainted in an alley."
Sai Liu passed by.
"So I brought you back. You were injured. Yawei helped you take care of the wound, and then you slept all day."
"that's it?"
"That's it, what else would happen?"
Seleu finished eating and put the tableware aside.
This guy is always cold, like a lifeless doll, but sometimes he comes to life, and is a bit lively.
Lorenzo asked, sensing something was wrong.
"Then what do you want to see me for?"
I just feel like there are constant troubles.
Seleu replied.
"Someone wants to see you."
"see me?"
Lorenzo scanned his social circle in an instant. Apart from some monsters and ghosts, there were all kinds of dead people. There were not many people who could find him.
"Yes, so please stay here until night, Lorenzo."
Seliu stood up and smiled.
"There is a distinguished guest who wants to see you tonight."
She loved to see Lorenzo distressed with a mysterious touch.
"You still didn't say what it was, Seleu."
Lorenzo was keenly aware of something, and he asked again.
"As a witcher?"
In Lorenzo's opinion, the only thing he could attract the attention of those noble people was his ability as a demon hunter. He felt that something was not good about bypassing the purification mechanism and finding him directly.
Seleu shook his head.
"Don't worry, I didn't tell anything about you. After all, I signed a confidentiality agreement... although that thing seems dispensable."
She approached Lorenzo and helped him button up his pajamas, her voice echoing in his ears.
"As a detective."
"As Detective Lorenzo Holmes."
Those ice-like eyes seemed to be smiling at him, she said finally.
"I'd like to ask you to dress more modestly then, don't just come out in pajamas, okay?"
(End of this chapter)

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