Embers of Embers

Chapter 174 The Not-too-Distant Future

Chapter 174 The Not-too-Distant Future
The candlelight gathered into a warm ocean, and there seemed to be an unknown wind passing by, rippling slightly, with a strange sacredness.
That was perhaps the most twisted and grotesque scene that the plague doctor had ever seen. He had dismembered countless demons and created many weird and evil things, but none of them could compare to what he saw now.
Just like a ritual of execution and sacrifice, the chair surrounded by the sea of ​​candles is the altar, and Dean Lawrence is the poor sacrifice.
Dean Lawrence's body twitched in pain, as if something was sucking his life force. His old body was aging rapidly, and his skin shriveled up, revealing dense blue blood vessels. Blood flowed uncontrollably. welling up in his ears and nose.
The epidemic doctor knew very well that something was wrong with Dean Lawrence, but he didn't know everything about [the gap], and he didn't even know how to help him.
But then a huge pressure emerged. The feeling was strange, not like erosion, but a simple pressure. It seemed that someone was peering at him, and then he saw the faint light emerging from Dean Lawrence.
It is a light path that is difficult to capture with normal vision, and the plague doctor can vaguely see it, and those dim light paths converge into a strange human figure... It seems that it is the soul of Dean Lawrence, who is being slowly pulled out of his body .
"Epidemic doctor!"
Suddenly there was a voice.
Dean Lawrence opened his closed eyes. His eyeballs were blood red and seemed to burst. He looked ferocious like an evil ghost, twisted and hateful.
"Plague doctor!"
He roared again, and then the doctor discovered in horror that Dean Lawrence's eyes were dull... He couldn't see himself, and his consciousness was elsewhere at the moment. Only relying on that terrible desire to survive made him do it for a short time. to two-wire operation.
The epidemic doctor slowly approached, and he was extremely vigilant. Ever since he met Dean Lawrence, this mysterious demon hunter would always refresh his world view.
Stepping on the wax that has not yet solidified, just when the plague doctor was about to touch Dean Lawrence, his godless eyes suddenly lit up a little bit, as if the ashes were rekindled.
The epidemic doctor shouted hesitantly, but then all the pain and ferocity disappeared.
Something happened, but the epidemic doctor hadn't noticed it yet. He was alert to the danger in that position, and then looked at him.
Dean Lawrence looked at him calmly, his eyes briefly confused, but then they became clear.
The atmosphere was a bit delicate, the madness and grotesque just disappeared, it seemed like an unpleasant phantom, everything was over, and at this moment there was only a dead silence that hardly dared to break.
The two pairs of eyes looked at each other briefly, maintaining a strange tacit understanding. The next moment, the sharp bone blade popped out from the plague doctor's arm, making a whistling sound, and slashed down fiercely.
It was a thunderous attack. Although he always looked like a scholar, the plague doctor was also very confident in his fighting skills. This blow could directly cut off the enemy's head and kill him directly.
But the expected death did not come. Dean Lawrence drew out the nail sword and blocked the bone blade at the last moment. However, he was also a step too late because of the sword. The impact of the bone blade suppressed the nail sword, and the blade was half buried in his shoulder. Blood flows slowly.
"Is this where it is?"
A familiar voice sounded, but it was so strange at this moment.
"Who are you!"
The epidemic doctor shouted, and his guess was indeed correct. Dean Lawrence made a mistake, and he was invaded in reverse.
Watson seemed too lazy to answer his words. She used Dean Lawrence's body to carefully spy on everything in her field of vision.
She could feel the presence of that thing and the disgusting smell. She would never forget it.
Upon seeing this, the epidemic doctor directly launched another attack. He didn't care about the physical damage of Dean Lawrence. Anyway, judging from his skills, he can save you even if you are only a head. Of course, he can't guarantee the final rescue result.
The slender bone spurs directly penetrated the palm of the epidemic doctor's hand, like a sharp stabbing sword, and directly nailed Dean Lawrence's thigh to the spot. Then the bone spurs broke, and new bone spurs grew out instantly, like long nails to suppress evil. Stab again.
"Get out of here!"
A new voice sounded, and Dean Lawrence roared. Perhaps the counterattack of his will took effect. The nail sword that was about to fall paused for a moment, and new bone spurs penetrated his joints, locking his sword-wielding hand tightly. .
The blood-stained hand pressed down on the head, and the ferocious half of the face was breathing heavily.
He was so close to death.
"You took something you shouldn't have taken, Lawrence, and you deserve to pay the price."
After the pain came calm words. At this moment, it was like a schizophrenic patient fighting against himself, terrifying and strange.
Dean Lawrence murmured in pain.
"What exactly are you?"
"What exactly are you?"
In the center of the battlefield, in the mysterious [gap].
After a long period of pain, Dean Lawrence finally got a chance to breathe, but he was still tightly held. The woman strangled his throat, and her other hand clenched his heart. She kept Invading Dean Lawrence's thoughts, soon he would be her.
Lorenzo seemed to have lost consciousness. He was like a parasitic insect. Watson tore his body to torment Dean Lawrence, and most of his body protruded from Lorenzo's torn chest.
This is the spiritual world, and all this is just the embodiment of "self". Lorenzo's consciousness is torn apart, and the abomination is trying to crawl out.
"Where is it!"
Watson interrogated again, looking down at the twisted and painful face, Dean Lawrence could no longer say any words.
Memories of the past keep flashing through my mind, yellowed and old, with an ancient flavor.
That was a long time ago. Dean Lawrence was still a child at that time. Steam engines did not exist at that time, and the swords and shields of knights still dominated the battlefield.
He saw the emerald green at dusk. In the hazy light, the majestic church was like a forest of iron trees. The sparkling waves on the Tiber River reflected the beauty of his childhood.
Children ran on the green grass, nuns walked into the church with a faint smile, bells rang, and prayers surged like waves.
The warm and familiar embrace comforted him, but just when he was about to completely collapse, a strange coldness emerged.
Dean Lawrence said with some nostalgia.
"That's why I think the monster deserves to die..."
At the moment when he almost collapsed, he came to his senses and looked directly at the woman with angry eyes.
She was teasing his memories, the good old days.
Watson is looking for traces of it along the memory of Dean Lawrence.
Dean Lawrence lived so long that everyone who once knew him was dead, and even the place where he lived lost all traces of the past.
Those memories were his last warmth, the last evidence of his past as a human being, the softness buried deep in his mind.
But now someone is touching it and trying to tease themselves with it.
He was full of anger.
"Isn't it good to die in memories?"
Watson asked a little confused.
His expression just now was like that of a sleeping baby. That would be the most beautiful death, and all tired travelers would get what he wanted, but he tried his best to break free, unwilling to step into the peaceful beauty.
"Fine...but that's not the death I deserved."
Dean Lawrence was angry and ferocious.
He slowly raised his hand, and then tightened his grip on the arm that was strangling his neck.
This is just a seemingly weak action, but it has a different meaning at this moment.
He was able to do it. Under Watson's almost crushing will, he managed a slight resistance. It was just a resistance before death, but it was enough.
"I should die in the not-too-distant future, not here."
His voice echoed hoarsely, like the roar of a dead man.
Yes, that is where Lawrence ends. He is willing to die, as long as it ends like that.
Immediately, the almost broken consciousness became solid again, maintaining itself in the storm.
He tore himself hard, like those crazy believers, mutilating their bodies. It was a sacrifice to God. This was Dean Lawrence's sacrifice, a sacrifice to himself, a sacrifice to the ideal.
For a moment, Watson was stunned. She had never imagined that human will could reach this level. She even said...it could no longer be called a human being.
So mad, so angry, ever-boiling, unquenchable rage.
Dean Lawrence tore at his own flesh, his sharp nails tore off the skin and flesh, and his strong bones were forcibly broken, dripping with blood.
He was cutting off his consciousness, forcibly separating the part that Watson desperately grabbed from his consciousness.
Like a patient holding a knife, he removes the rotten flesh and blood from his body bit by bit.
The intense pain felt like millions of wild dogs were biting and eating his body, and every second was so long, like the most cruel execution.
But it doesn't matter anymore.
"Today is not the day of my death, I can see it!"
He laughed wildly and kicked Watson's body away. Watson could only feel the weight on her hand lighten, and then all the parts occupied by her left Dean Lawrence's consciousness.
As if he was laughing at her, his body began to blur, as if he was about to disappear into the [gap].
"Don't try to escape! Lawrence!"
Watson roared angrily, she stretched out her hand with all her strength, and she almost managed to capture Master Lawrence's consciousness completely, but at this moment, countless chains pierced from Lorenzo's wound, like crazy growth The thorns entangled her heavily, and then dragged her back into the cold world.
She could only struggle hard, but she couldn't stop being dragged back until she completely reintegrated into Lorenzo's wound.
Only the faint sound of waves falling into the water could be heard, and everything returned to silence.
(End of this chapter)

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