Embers of Embers

Chapter 189 Freshmen

Chapter 189 Freshmen
This is a mythical ceremony, solemn and solemn.
It fell from the sky, as if it were a messenger of God, and seemed to be a betrayer of faith. The steel feathers surrounded it, like countless falling swords, ready to judge all the guilty.
Seleu could only observe all this as a bystander, watching quietly as the dark angel slowly descended on Lorenzo's broken corpse.
It seems to be the god of death in mythology, coming to take away this lost soul, but it also seems to be strange to save it, but this gift comes from the devil.
Lorenzo is not dead yet. At the last moment, the secret blood has exceeded the critical value. He has entered the stage of demonization. To completely kill a monster, the heart and brain need to be destroyed.
The power of abnormal growth kept him alive, and the silver bolt was rapidly melting. The hot holy silver mixed into his blood and accelerated his death.
Destruction and rebirth coexist.
Although he was still alive, he was dying. Lorenzo had only two ways to go.
Continue to maintain the demonization until you fall into darkness and gain eternal life as a demon, or you can appease the violent secret blood and die soberly as a human being.
Is this a difficult choice? With Lorenzo's way of thinking, he will die happily as a human being, but this time the power of decision is not in his hands.
The dark angel gently picked up the dying corpse and dragged him out from under the twisted steel. Only at this moment did Seleu clearly see the weight of Lorenzo's broken body.
She thought that Lorenzo's lower body was buried under the soil, but in fact there was no lower body left to speak of. Half of his body had been completely destroyed in the violent explosion. Judging from the horrific wound on his abdomen, the inside It was empty, all the internal organs and bones had disappeared, as if it were a burned-out skeleton.
"No no no..."
Seliu didn't even dare to look at that scene.
The once powerful witcher was like a broken doll, with the fabric torn and lint scattered everywhere.
The strong blood continues the broken life, like a flame swaying in the wind, which may overturn in the next second.
But then a more taboo scene appeared in everyone's field of vision.
The black angel stared at the corpse, and it slowly opened its hands as if to hug him.
The armor began to crack, and the demon's flesh and blood cracked a gap in the armor's chest. There was nothing underneath, just a blank space. No one was controlling the armor, and it was like a monster's mouthparts, bit by bit biting into the corpse. Swallowed, then closed.
Just like the blacksmith's furnace, only this time it was beating the sinful life. Raging steam gushes out from the exhaust port, the engine roars, and the crazily proliferating flesh fills every gap.
The safety regulations in the original design were broken one by one, and the flesh and blood surpassed the internal protective armor and proliferated into the driver's space. They wrapped Lorenzo's broken corpse and began to gradually assimilate with the flesh and blood.
This is the danger of a generation of armor. Demonic flesh and blood accounts for a large proportion. When it falls under erosion, it will be fused and assimilated with it. Galahad almost died here, and his entire back and armor Connected together, like deformed conjoined twins.
Now this weird thing is happening to Lorenzo, but the difference is that it is extending his life.
They assimilated together, using the demon's organs to fill Lorenzo's defects.
But the flesh and blood of this demon has no consciousness at all. All their actions are like the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail, following the instinct of living creatures. But now another consciousness seems to be controlling it and starting to move in a direction that violates the theorem.
The proliferated flesh and blood connected Lorenzo's body, and the flesh and blood began to differentiate. In a short period of time, it transformed into different organs and was placed outside the corpse. More flesh and blood began to be injected into it, creating a strange external circulation to sustain it.
The broken metal was expelled under the squeeze of the muscles, the twisted bones began to reset, and several breathing ports were cracked on the outside of the armor. A large amount of fresh oxygen was integrated into the blood, transported to the internal core, and temporarily replaced the lungs. work.
It was as if all the best doctors in the world were gathered here. They kept swinging their scalpels along the dying man's body, dragging him back from the edge of death little by little.
This is something that has only appeared in medical imagination, but now it is going on inside the armor, but this is not enough, not enough.
"Lorenzo, you can't die yet."
Suddenly, Lorenzo heard someone say this.
The feeling at this moment is a bit strange, like soaking in warm sea water and being enveloped by gentle power.
There has never been peace and calmness, and under this, the sound seems very noisy at the moment.
"But what are you going to do?"
Lorenzo opened his eyes with difficulty and asked towards the unknown.
He was really going to die. Even the secret blood couldn't heal such a serious injury. He had no hope at all.
"Watson, sometimes it's not reliable to curse this thing."
Lorenzo said again.
It seemed that Watson didn't want to die with her, she was just trying to motivate herself in the end, but Lorenzo didn't want to work hard anymore, and sleeping peacefully like this was simply the most perfect ending.
"No, Lorenzo."
In the warm ocean, someone stretched out his hand and touched his cheek.
"If someone has to bear the cost of all this, then I'm happy to accept it."
"But you can't die."
The man said angrily.
Suddenly the tide pushed all the past onto the shore again, and everything that Lorenzo had forgotten flashed back before his eyes. The calm peace was completely shattered, and blazing fire replaced everything again.
Strange memories, strange pictures, strange people and things.
"Lorenzo Holmes can't die yet!"
She angrily fished him out of the sea and dragged him out of the land of death.
Lorenzo breathed vigorously, filling his lungs with the coldness.
This is a baptism, a baptism of taboos, and the unknown door is completely open to those who come.
All of this can barely sustain Lorenzo's life, but still cannot make him "alive".
He needs more powerful power to continue, more powerful power.
But isn’t there enough power here to keep it going?
So Black Angel slowly raised his head, looking past Seliu and pointing directly at the twisted flesh and blood behind the sea of ​​fire.
"In accordance with the regulations of the Sword and Sheath Treaty, implementation will begin now."
A cold female voice echoed within the armor, and almost in an instant it opened its terrifying wings, gliding briefly across the smoky battlefield at a rapid speed, its sharp steel feathers reflecting all the firelight.
The voice penetrated different boundaries and reached the depths of the mind.
"Regulation Three, Prioritize Survival Goals."
The ferocious mask began to shatter, flesh and blood wrapped around the steel, and it slowly opened its bloody mouth like a real creature.
The Black Angel began to transform, the mechanical parts were constantly being eliminated, and the biological parts began to strengthen, like a mythical monster, with flesh and blood covered with sharp metal.
A frenzied death fight erupted in an instant. It swung the steel feathers and the thousand swords, and the terrifying wound exploded instantly on the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail.
The wind was cut by a thousand swords, and the long chant it brought was like a woman's shallow singing.
The huge mouth on the visor bit down hard, swallowing the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail while fighting.
It roared hoarsely, and its biological instinct made it attack madly.
The extremely vital flesh and blood began to stretch, and bone spurs as strong as steel pierced out, colliding with the steel feathers and exploding into brilliant fireworks.
The two monsters were fighting each other, and their deadly weapons carried a cold light, drawing deadly arcs in the air.
The metal roared, and the sudden attack brought with it the howling wind and the sea of ​​fire.
"He...he's coming to life."
Someone on the Sail to Dawn screamed.
The scene just now was successfully observed, the Black Angel devoured Lorenzo's body, but now judging from the feedback values, the body in the armor is coming back to life, and all the indices have begun to rise.
But... But this is almost impossible. That level of injury is completely beyond human expectation, let alone rescue. No matter who suffers that kind of injury, the first reaction is to choose a good cemetery for Lorenzo. , but now the witcher is coming back to life.
This... is simply a miracle.
Everyone slumped in their chairs, nameless pressure enveloped them. At this moment, they seemed to be unable to do anything but wait for everything to end.
The first light shone in the dark world.
More light fell, tearing the darkness to pieces.
Only by living can the flame of anger continue to burn, and only by living can Lorenzo Holmes eradicate the monster.
The heart was rising and falling vigorously, and the eyelids were trembling slightly, until the ferocious gaze was revealed again.
Fireworks rise.
The Black Angel fought hard. In fact, this was no longer a duel. It was just a one-sided massacre. The steel repeatedly cut the flesh and blood, but the Holy Grail flesh and blood itself could hardly cause any harm to the Black Angel.
It wailed in pain like a baby, but it couldn't stop the madness of the black angel.
The external steel plates had begun to crumble, and they could no longer restrain the crazily growing flesh and blood. One after another, the armor on the abdomen cracked, and translucent sarcoma squeezed out.
The roaring heartbeat echoed.
Along with the powerful reverberation, blazing white fireworks burst out from the gaps in the armor, burning all sins.
"Yes, Lorenzo, you must live, it is my will, ours all."
Someone roared.
It started from the long time ago, when humans first captured demons, extracted secret blood for the first time, and no longer feared fear for the first time.
The broken steel feathers penetrated like execution nails, nailing the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail. It tried to escape, but was sealed inch by inch.
There is no way back.
The Black Angel looked down upon it, preparing for the final execution.
"Human beings... can no longer live in fear."
Someone said, like a murmur in sleep.
Then the pale arm stabbed out from the Black Angel's abdomen. He grabbed the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail and held down the twisted head tightly.
It howled violently in pain.
What a hateful face that was, Lorenzo's eyes were scarlet, and countless flesh and blood adhered to his head, as if countless tiny hands were grasping him tightly.
Countless wounds are healing, and the entire lower body is connected to the flesh and blood of the armor.
The demon's flesh and blood was not enough to keep him alive. He needed the power of the Holy Grail, the flesh and blood that had come from the Holy Grail.
Terrifying power exploded on the broken body. He dragged the head bit by bit, pulling it toward him. More tentacles penetrated it. They were assimilating, but more of them were unilaterally devoured by Lorenzo. ,
Like a demon.
Lorenzo opened his mouth and hissed the soft flesh like a beast. A large amount of blood gushes out along its throat. The biological instinct of despair enveloped it. It was originally an existence at the top of the food chain, but now it was People brought it to the table.
Just like the devils eating, the fine cracking sound made everyone who listened feel colder than ever before.
Bite the vital flesh and blood, suck the scarlet blood, and chew the hard bones.
Black Angel opened his hand, hugged the struggling flesh and blood, and hugged it hard into his arms.
It struggled vigorously, exuding an aura of fear on the hideous flesh and blood.
It is afraid, it is afraid.
Just like the counterattack of a dying person, the flesh and blood beat hard against the armor, but it still couldn't change everything that was going on. The big hand pressed hard and stuffed it into the deep darkness, and then the sharp steel feathers were put away, The wings tightly enveloped all of this, forming a cage of death.
It seems that due to the fusion of the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail, the scarlet flesh proliferated rapidly, overflowing from the gaps between the steel, and the slender flesh and blood became entangled together, covering the whole like a spider web, and even the surrounding things were scratched. into range.
Everything returned to calm, and in the burned wilderness, only the egg-like black thing stood quietly.
I don't know how long time passed. At first, there was still a beast-like roar in the black egg, but it soon became calm.
The swollen flesh began to dry up, and the blood flowed back. The concept of life was slowly being stripped off the armor, and at the core, there was a slight sound of breathing.
It seemed like a trade, its death in exchange for his new life.
Inside, new life is being born at this moment.
The weird sacrificial ceremony came to the end, the black egg trembled slightly, and then a pair of hands vigorously opened the tightly closed wings, and the thick liquid was pulled out into long and thin silk threads, as if pushing away a world. .
A pale red liquid like amniotic fluid gushed out. The man stepped on the soaked earth, his body was white, and all the scars from the past disappeared. He staggered like a toddler.
Naked, and perhaps using all his strength, he knelt down on the ground before walking far. Morning light appeared at the end of the night sky, and he vaguely heard someone saying to him, "Welcome back."
(End of this chapter)

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