Embers of Embers

Chapter 191 Addition to the Finale

Chapter 191 Finale Gabriel
"Lawrence! Lawrence!"
On the smoky battlefield, the man shouted casually, as if he was looking for a lost friend, but there were steel wreckage and unextinguished fireworks everywhere.
His friend seemed quite unlucky to have gotten lost in such a ghost place.
Vaguely, he heard the sound of whimpering, walked quickly to the location of the sound, and kicked the blackened steel, which was still filled with scorching residual heat.
"It's terrible..."
The man frowned. Under the remains of steel was a mass of blurred flesh and blood. They were burnt and the smell was mixed together. It was weird and disgusting.
"Ah... the purification agency is coming soon, we'd better leave quickly."
The man stretched out his hand, hesitating a little, but when he saw the figures gradually appearing at the end of the battlefield, he still reached into the flesh and took out something.
"What a big failure this time."
In the dim cabin, the epidemic doctor said to himself.
The cabin at this time is completely different from when he first arrived. The low-temperature gas forms a milky white sea of ​​air, which is slowly surging on the ground, and random steps will cause waves.
Like some strange ritual scene, the corner is filled with burning candles, and bright red wax oil flows like blood on the ground, intertwined with the cold gas, like the warm sun in the clouds, with rippling shimmer.
The epidemic doctor turned around to get the medicine from another place, and casually observed his "laboratory". He loved it very much.
The two sides of the cabin are covered with huge containers. The lights inside are difficult to illuminate the objects inside, and only the ferocious corners can be vaguely seen. They are bound by the low temperature and fall into a long sleep.
Near the operating table, there were several hanging barbs, one of which hung a dying demon. Its body was brutally dissected, and its sharp claws were removed one by one, but this was not enough to kill it. They undulated weakly, like cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.
With the demon's crazy nature, even this would not stop its bloodthirsty desire, but the epidemic doctor is an excellent doctor. The slender silver nails penetrated its main joints and connected to the main blood vessels. Through the pipeline, a large amount of sedative is injected and spreads throughout the body along the blood circulation.
So the terrifying monster was as docile as a kitten, letting the doctor's scalpel fall and could only moan meaninglessly.
"Not only did you fail to occupy that demon hunter's body, you also failed to corrupt the Stuart group. You even died yourself."
The epidemic doctor shook his head as he spoke.
"Everything is really a loss."
Looking at the demon, the plague doctor said mockingly.
"This is not like you, Lawrence. I always thought that whatever you wanted to do, you would succeed."
"To shut up."
Some weak sounds sounded, originating from the demon's body.
"Okay, I won't say anything."
The epidemic doctor smiled evilly, and then used a hook to pull apart the demon's flesh and blood, revealing the twisted internal organs.
It was an unimaginable scene of blasphemy. The deformed internal organs were squeezed together and squirmed slowly with the heartbeat. In the blood, there was a nearly burnt tumor. His eyes had been burned in the final battle. Lorenzo pressed it into pieces and could only barely distinguish that it was a human head among the ferociousness.
"Huh, I didn't expect this technology to be really feasible, but it still won't save you, Lawrence, your lifespan can be measured in hours now."
The epidemic doctor looked at the disgusting scene, without the slightest discomfort, but nodded with satisfaction, this is simply his most perfect work of art.
After the explosion, in a corner where no one noticed, the epidemic doctor arrived at the battlefield secretly, and then found an almost dead Lawrence among the ruins of the train.
Just like Lorenzo gained some chance of survival after demonizing, Lawrence also demonized, but killing a demon and destroying the heart is not enough.
The epidemic doctor picked up the charred head and temporarily transplanted it onto the demon's body like a grafted plant. With the power of demonization, the demon's internal organs and blood circulation were maintained to maintain the survival of the head.
This technology has only appeared in the imagination of medicine. The original intention is to transplant the amputated limb to the stomach of the body when it is difficult to handle, or when there are more critical symptoms, and connect the blood vessels to ensure that the blood circulation of the amputated limb remains active. When conditions are sufficient, the severed limb will be reattached.
Although it is not clear whether the head can be reattached if it is severed, but in line with the goal of pioneering medicine and biology, such random operations by the epidemic doctors actually temporarily revived Lawrence, or maintained his near-death state.
But this is not enough, it is just a temporary measure. Lawrence does not have the help of Watson's mysterious power. The flesh and blood of the Holy Grail will not succumb to him so easily. Everything now is just a continuation of the epidemic doctor's treatment of him.
"Stop talking nonsense, epidemic doctor, do what you should do, I'm about to die."
Lawrence's voice was extremely weak, and it became increasingly difficult to maintain the demonization. He was about to lose his mind and become that abomination.
"Okay, okay, I see."
The epidemic doctor spoke slowly and unhurriedly.
Walking to the other side, the machine roared, and with the rotation of the gears, the water in the container was drained, and then the temperature rose again.
The container was opened, and the plain body fell from it, but before falling to the ground, he was hugged by the epidemic doctor.
He stared at that simple face. It was strange. There was nothing special about its appearance. It was so ordinary that you could hardly recall what it looked like after looking at it.
The epidemic doctor took the dead body aside and placed it on the operating table.
"Okay, life or death, it depends on this time."
As he spoke, he took out the scalpel and inserted it into the demon's internal organs.
A thick and thin voice sounded, accompanied by deep breathing and the demon's wail. The doctor took out Lawrence's head bit by bit. The cut was clear and countless bloodshot threads were pulled up.
"How does it feel to be decapitated twice in a short period of time?"
Lawrence was silent, he didn't want to pay attention to the cold joke of the epidemic doctor.
At this moment, all his thoughts were used to control the power of demonization. He was on the verge of destruction. All the plague doctor did was to delay the arrival of destruction.
But he was not afraid. Lawrence had foreseen his own death. He was destined to die, but not at this time.
The epidemic doctor placed the head next to the corpse, like some kind of bad joke, the two faces faced each other, Lawrence lost his eyes, he couldn't see the appearance of the corpse at all, and the corpse closed its eyes tightly, Like a sleeping child.
As the temperature rose, the pale skin also gained some color.
"Then let's get started, Lawrence."
After doing all this, the epidemic doctor took a few steps back, as if to avoid something. He watched from a distance, and there was a violent erosion in awe.
An unknown wind stirred in the sealed space, disrupting the airflow and bringing up the milky white gas. In the dim light of the candle, it spread like light on the sea.
It seemed to be some kind of weird ritual. After a short period of calm, there was a violent abnormality. The unknown power was activated at this moment. It rose and surged, and in the jump of light, it seemed as if a woman was chanting lightly, as holy as an angel.
The epidemic doctor watched all this closely. There were not many opportunities to observe this phenomenon. Perhaps this was the last time he could see this kind of "miraculous" power.
There was a coldness creeping up his spine in the warmth of holiness, it broke everything, and the epidemic doctor felt it keenly.
Something came out, and his pupils constricted, trying to observe all the wonderful things, without taking his eyes off, until a blurry phantom slowly rose.
The doctor almost suffocated.
He never believed in the existence of God and paid no attention to the teachings of the evangelical church.
Except for this thing, this weird and mysterious thing.
It actually exists and can be actually observed by onlookers.
It is not the first time that the epidemic doctor has seen this strange phantom. He saw this on Lawrence when he was defeated by Watson in the [Gap] last time. At that time, there was an invisible big hand pulling him, It was as if he was trying to drag the phantom out of his body.
What exactly is this?
In fact, the epidemic doctor had some predictions in his mind, but he couldn't believe it. If he believed it, it would prove that the world he believed in was wrong.
But he still couldn't help but think about it, just like the fall in doctrine, because in the world he knew, in the knowledge he could understand, only this word could explain it.
The epidemic doctor murmured in a low voice and couldn't help but step forward, trying to touch the mysterious shadow.
But like an illusive moment, it disappeared from sight before the doctor raised his hand. Then the plain white corpse on the operating table began to twitch violently, the joints twisted strangely, the muscles contracted, and silently Under the body, there was a dull sound, and then the sound became louder and louder.
Like a rapidly accelerating machine, running overload.
Until finally, the plain white corpse fell down, lying on the cold ground, shrouded in gas. On the other side, Lawrence's head seemed to have lost all control, and large amounts of blood poured out from the fracture, flesh and blood. It began to shrivel, sinking along the incomplete skull, and instantly turned into a rugged appearance.
The epidemic doctor was stunned for a long time, and finally shouted tentatively.
No one responded to him, he moved forward vigilantly, but suddenly the corpse moved...or it should not be called a corpse anymore.
The man curled up naked on the ground, retching in pain. He vomited out all the liquid inside and other unknown viscous substances. Then he breathed vigorously, and his new body took its first breath.
Cold air poured into his lungs, and the severe pain made him wail again, followed by his body's recovery.
The stagnant heart began to beat again, blood surged rapidly in the body, and the skin became sensitive. The low temperature inside the ship made him feel as if he had fallen into the ice sea.
As if he was not familiar with this body yet, he stood up staggeringly, and opened his eyes forcefully, as if he hadn't received light for a long time, the dim light shone like the scorching sun in his eyes, and he shed tears in pain, I fell down again because I couldn't stand firmly.
The epidemic doctor just watched all this coldly and did not help.
He lay on the ground for a long time, and after finally accumulating a little strength, he supported himself and knelt down on the ground, then hit the ground with both hands vigorously
Lawrence laughed loudly.
As if it wanted to roar out all its power, the young body roared angrily.
He did it, just as he had predicted, this was far from his death, he opened his fragile eyes vigorously, and welcomed the light of the world without fear, even though tears flowed down, he never closed them.
The weird laughter continued until his throat was hoarse from laughter, and he slowly stopped when he no longer had the strength to do anything.
"You demon hunters are really weird."
The plague doctor admired, picked up the robe on the side and put it on Lawrence.
"According to your request, the body was cultivated with the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail. In order to ensure stability, the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail only occupies a very small part, but the price is that you are far less powerful than before."
"That doesn't matter, strength or something, as long as I'm still alive, I can get it back."
Lawrence's voice was hoarse, and it seemed that he had not yet adapted to this new body.
Although his body was new, the terrible battle experience had already been engraved into his will. After a brief moment of losing control, Lawrence was able to stand firmly on the ground.
"No, it's not a failure. I finally figured out who the demon hunter was, and I successfully hid the purge mechanism from the fake death this time."
Lawrence recalled the last moments. The explosion caused the protective mask to fall off. He saw Lorenzo's face clearly and finally knew his identity. However, he did not expect it to be him. After all, in Lawrence's memory, he should Died on Advent Night.
"But this is not important anymore. We have become ghosts. Both the Evangelical Church and the purification agency will regard me as a dead person. From now on, we have truly merged into the shadows."
Although it was painful, the price was still acceptable. Lawrence tried to take a few steps. Although he stumbled a little, he quickly stabilized his figure and walked steadily, completely different from the previous one.
"I can't believe it. Such a miracle was really accomplished by the so-called power?"
The doctor walked around Lawrence. He didn't care what Lawrence wanted to do when he melted into the shadows.
He observed Lawrence carefully, it felt like he was inspecting a perfect experimental body, and he was thinking about where to start dissecting him.
This is not a medical miracle, this is a miracle that only God can do.
“This is the power of [the gap], what is called encroachment.”
Lawrence said slowly, but soon he seemed to have exhausted all his strength, holding on to the wall and slowly falling down, covering his head with a ferocious expression on his face.
"You look like you have a headache."
The epidemic doctor asked like a serious doctor, "Do you need painkillers?"
"No, no need. This is just a sequelae of invasion. After all, I invaded other people's bodies with my will."
Big drops of sweat fell down, and the pain seemed far worse than Lawrence said.
"Of course, this body does not have any will at all, but when jumping between bodies, my will will be slightly fragmented... If this body itself has a will, this will be even worse."
"for example?"
"Such as amnesia, such as memory confusion."
Lawrence explained.
"You killed the original will and replaced it, and the fragments of his will merged with you... Just like pure water has impurities, the more times it is invaded, the more turbid the water becomes, and your will will become Contaminated by more fragments of will that do not belong to you, until you completely lose yourself in the chaotic memory."
"Sounds dangerous."
The doctor replied that this was a slow death with no blood and no wounds, but the name Lawrence would gradually disappear in time.
"So we will have some logo to identify ourselves, like a morning star in the dark."
Lawrence replied calmly.
But the epidemic doctor seemed to suddenly realize something, and he asked vigilantly.
"If this power was really so weird and powerful, the Western world would have belonged to the evangelical church long ago..."
Rather than occupying a person's body, it is better to say that it is occupying a person's "identity".
The doctor stepped back and immediately looked at the withered head on the operating table.
"So, 'Lawrence', which body is that of yours?"
Lawrence had just been rescued from the brink of life and death, but now the situation was tense again. The doctor's sleeves squirmed, as if the monster under the clothes was about to burst out of his body.
But Lawrence seemed to know the reaction of the epidemic doctor, and he smiled contemptuously.
"If I said that it was indeed my first body, would you believe it?"
He continued.
"Don't be nervous, doctor. I'm not an immortal monster. In fact, even I am curious about this power."
Lawrence slowly raised his hand, young and tender flesh and blood, this was a delusion that only appeared in dreams, but now it has been integrated into reality.
"I am the leader of the Demon Hunting Order, but during my tenure, I never knew about the existence of this power... I discovered this power in the Book of Revelation. It is powerful and strange, but very strange. What’s more, the church seems to be deliberately concealing its existence. If it hadn’t been for my rebellion, I might not have known of its existence in my lifetime.”
This is also the reason why Lawrence is in awe of this power. He doesn't know why the Evangelical Church wants to hide it, but there must be a reason why monsters like the Evangelical Church can stop the power of greed.
He whispered the holy name.
As if hearing a long-lost call, in the deep darkness, countless shadows slowly raised their heads, staring at the holy glow of the dome.
(End of this chapter)

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