Embers of Embers

Chapter 195 Stacked Miracles

Chapter 195 Stacked Miracles
"The myth of mankind?"
The robin obviously didn't understand what Lorenzo meant, and Joey on the side also cast doubtful eyes. To them, this place was just a strange warehouse that stored worthless things.
Myths themselves are even more difficult to understand. They are mysterious and magnificent stories that are told, but when can myths also be connected with mortals?
"Think about it differently."
Lorenzo's eyes were a bit contemptuous, as if he despised everyone's IQ, and then came to the other side of the gorgeously decorated counter, but inside there was an ancient stone slab with a simple drawing of a beast on it, but there were more Instead, there were scratches.
"Do you know those scholars' analysis of human history?"
Lorenzo didn't give the audience a chance to answer, he asked and answered by himself.
"The history of mankind starts from scratch, like a great building, built one cornerstone after another, rather than appearing out of thin air."
"So in an age before 'numbers' existed, how did one count the prey he hunted?"
Lorenzo stared at the stone slab behind the glass, as if returning to a long time ago.
"He carved the appearance of his prey on stone slabs until one day he decided it was too much trouble and replaced the intricate pattern with a scratch."
The sound was very soft, but it was like thunder in the day.
A scratch replaces everything complex.
"This is the prototype of numbers, a qualitative change from zero to one...a great moment worthy of being recorded."
The expressions of Robin and Joey changed slightly, as if they were touched by Lorenzo's ordinary words, but they still seemed unable to actually feel the great moment, and there was a slight hesitation on their faces.
"Let's say it again."
Lorenzo then picked up the wooden wheel on the other side.
"Is this one of the great moments? We don't have to move things anymore, but we use wheels?"
Robin said, he tried to follow Lorenzo's thoughts, but Lorenzo shook his head.
"You only see the surface. What it really means is the increase in energy utilization efficiency." Lorenzo said, "With the same energy, through wheels, we can transport more objects farther. The advantages of all means of transportation are beginning."
Robin was slightly shocked, and he began to understand what Lorenzo wanted to express.
"Merlin is really good. He is a madman with knowledge."
Lorenzo couldn't help but praise, then picked up the scattered papers and continued.
"Rather than saying it is 'paper', it is better to say it is a 'carrier of information'. With it, we have defeated time. Human knowledge will no longer be lost with the death of individuals, it will continue to be passed on. Even time cannot kill them, they gather together one after another until they build up that magnificent building."
"Look at it again!"
Lorenzo's voice couldn't help but become louder. The abandoned warehouse was like a sacred temple at this moment. It was obviously an extremely common thing, but at this moment it became strange and solemn.
He picked up the thick code and wiped off the dust on it. It was as heavy as a solid stone.
"A common Codex of Inerweg, right?"
Lorenzo asked.
Robin and Joey nodded. His thoughts were a little numb. Perhaps this was the difference between them and Lorenzo. They knew that this thing had a special meaning, but they couldn't figure it out before Lorenzo answered.
"A thick code that can be seen everywhere, it can be said that it represents order and is an iron rule. From the moment humans created the 'law', we have used this invisible power to bind ourselves and bind humans themselves. Separate from the wild beasts.”
"So we are no longer beasts that fight and howl. We are humans, humans who can control themselves."
Lorenzo picked up an inconspicuous coin.
"According to what I thought before, does it also represent currency? Or wealth? No, its material itself is worthless. What is truly valuable is its meaning, which is a 'certificate of credit' between humans."
The reliance of these credits drives the world's economy, serving as a medium for all things of value, like the equivalent scale, to conduct transactions.
"And it."
Lorenzo lifted the heavy lock, and the solid iron surface glowed with a cold light.
"It's the encryption and protection of information...It's important to note that it's not the information itself, but the things it represents, the concepts it encompasses."
"Or rather it!"
Lorenzo gently picked up the humble stone.
In fact, when this stone appears here, it is no longer as simple as a stone. It can be a stone, a wooden stick, a war hammer, or an iron sword.
"From this moment on, humans have the power to protect themselves."
The power to contend with monsters in the dark.
The air seemed to have solidified, like iron-condensed lead dust, making it difficult for the fragile lungs to pump.
Lorenzo's eyes swept across them, like sharp knives that made people avoid them. The two of them had never thought of looking at these things from such a level, or from such a grand perspective.
It seems that Watson's words are whispering in the ear. When human beings observe themselves from the perspective of ants, it is a picture beyond imagination.
"Of course, what's more important is this."
Returning to the wooden table where he sat before, Lorenzo looked down at the drawing.
"Do you know your place?"
"What position?"
Robin asked cautiously.
"It's just the physical location."
Lorenzo looked up, there was light falling, the sky was endless.
"The world is so big, do you really know where we are? In fact, this is also one of the great moments. It is positioning technology. For the first time, humans have clearly understood what the world looks like."
Drawings and calculations, the grid covers the land, so the unreached land is no longer a mystery in the legend, but a reality clearly visible on the map.
Touching the old drawing, Lorenzo continued.
"I still remember the prediction that Merlin said to me. If it cannot be observed, it does not exist. You should also know this, right?"
Joey nodded, knowing what Lorenzo was talking about, the part about the lobotomy.
"We are aware of the whole world because of our sensory organs. If we are not aware of it, then the world does not exist for us."
"This is a cognitive problem, so think about it differently, Joey."
Lorenzo continued.
"Is it because of our human observation that these 'great moments' exist?"
As if a strange taboo had been touched, the warm atmosphere turned cold. For a moment, there was an unspeakable feeling, as if a strange existence was slowly squirming in the unidentifiable darkness.
This damned detective always thinks about strange things. Perhaps because of this, the robin asked with some fear.
"Have you always been so... thoughtful?"
"It's not a strength, I just can't control my...overthinking sometimes. It makes me anxious and forgets to enjoy the moment."
Lorenzo responded calmly.
"Of course, this is just an assumption, like a clock."
He looked at the hanging clock behind the two of them. The ticking hands indicated that the power called "time" was passing.
"Human beings have developed a calendar, so we have what is called time..."
"But what if they don't exist?"
The surging chill clenched the robin's heart, and he wanted to stop Lorenzo from continuing, as if the madman was trying to challenge some taboo.
Like the foolish words of a madman.
"What if the clock is not a tool for recording time, but because of the appearance of the clock, the world has the concept of 'time'?"
They were obviously very common words and could even be easily broken down into a single word, but at this moment when Lorenzo said them, they were filled with crazy weirdness.
Thinking according to this terrifying line of thought, the world has no fixed form. It was not until the emergence of positioning technology that the form of the world was established. It can even be said... that there were already wild beasts in the world, until some beasts began to be bound by rules. body, so they were distinguished from beasts and became human beings.
The relationship between the two is turned upside down and the whole world goes crazy.
Joey looked at Lorenzo. This psychopath has become weird and absurd since he died once. To a certain extent, he began to become like a demon. A few random nonsense words can bring about an effect comparable to erosion, torturing ordinary people. reason.
"Of course, these are just nonsense, assumptions full of loopholes. There is no need to pay too much attention to them."
The extremely suffocated Lorenzo changed the topic and pretended to be relaxed.
"That sounds like something a mental patient would say," Joey said.
"After all, we are fighting against monsters. Monsters are not bound by common sense, so our thinking must be a little crazy, right?" Lorenzo smiled.
"But this is still a rational world. Even alchemists like Merlin are abandoning mystery and embracing science, aren't they?"
Lorenzo said.
"In my opinion...those mystics are no different from science."
"No difference?"
The robin doesn't understand Lorenzo's self-contradictory words, he maintains a rational world, but recognizes the strange mystery.
Just listen to Lorenzo speak slowly.
"In my opinion, the so-called occult science is just science that cannot be explained by formulas for the time being."
He strode forward.
"Think about the robin. Hundreds of years ago, when humans still held swords and shields, do you think they could understand today's artillery? Not to mention the Ascalon cannon with a range of 130 kilometers. .”
No one can imagine that people will be limited by their own social status and even the era they live in. Everyone lives in their own cage, as if it is the curse of truth on mortals, and they can only continue to struggle in pursuit of on the road.
It was like a crazy speech, maybe because the peaceful life was suppressed by this great detective, he was impassioned, praising mankind, singing praises to mankind... In fact, he is a narcissistic guy, and rounding off this bastard is also praising himself.
However, judging from the disdainful look in his eyes from time to time, it seems that he doesn't want to think that the two guys who have been led by his thinking are the same kind... at least not the same in terms of IQ.
Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, to be honest, Joey was really shocked by Lorenzo's faint madness at that moment. This great detective's sentences were crazy, but he maintained absolute sanity. Sometimes he could not tell the difference. Find out where the line between madness and sanity lies.
But then he became vigilant, and he began to remember what Shrike had said to him. Before the purification agency formally contacted Lorenzo, the person who had been in contact with him was Shrike. At that time, Shrike gave Joey advice.
If possible, keep as far away from Lorenzo as possible, not only because of the danger of the great detective himself, but also because he is an "actor".
This does not refer to the common kind of "actor", but to Lorenzo's position in acting most of the time. Life is a stage, and he is the most dazzling one on the stage. But this has always been his one-man show, so sometimes he It takes some unlucky kid to accentuate his prominence.
Gently stroking the steel, the coldness on it was like a sharp sword blade, Lorenzo stared at the ancient steam engine, the smooth surface reflected Lorenzo's face.
"Of course, apart from my nonsense, the most important thing is this."
The two looked at the steam engine in the center, "We know the importance of this thing."
As Ying Erweg people, the two of them felt deeply about the changes brought about by the steam engine. It was precisely because of its appearance that Yin Erweg won the glorious war and rose to the highest position.
But Lorenzo shook his head.
"You don't know that this is the greatness of human beings, the moments when human beings create miracles. It is these miracles one after another that build human society, human civilization, and build up the walls of reason."
The voice was flat and the speaking speed was very slow, as if he was telling a story that had been buried in the dust.
From stones to clubs, from swords and shields to the terrifying armor of original sin.
This is a historical museum, which records the great moments of human beings and constructs all the "concepts" of today's world.
Merlin collected them, as if it was some kind of mysterious ritual, and it seemed like some kind of plan to deal with disaster.
"The epic of mankind..."
The robin couldn't help but whispered.
After understanding the meanings described by Lorenzo, every small object here has a heavy meaning.
Relying on them, humans have lit up the fire in the darkness, grasped the thunder and flames, and have been fighting against the demons from the darkness to this day.
"Yes, the epic of mankind."
Lorenzo sighed.
"What it represents is that humans have broken through their own 'biological' limitations, and for the first time we have converted chemical energy into mechanical energy."
Burning and rising, the roaring machines built a great city-state.
"If, in ancient mythology, mastering thunder and heavy rain was the power of a god, now we have mastered the power of steel and burning."
"Humans themselves are the gods walking in the world."
Then the long night ushered in the dawn.
(End of this chapter)

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