Embers of Embers

Chapter 203 Trembling Fog

Chapter 203 Trembling Fog
It was indescribably weird and frightening, as if all the disgusting things in the world had gathered together at this moment, slowly squirming, releasing strange cries.
The bodies of the indescribable things are full of horrifying symbols. They come from the mist and are constantly approaching the demon hunters. What they pursue is absolute death and the silence of all things.
His persevering heart was slightly shaken. According to the teachings of the cult, 042 attributed all abnormalities to demons, but now this does not come from the power of demons, but another unknown kind.
Fear of the unknown.
The demon hunters were trembling at first, but they still slowly tightened their grip on the nailed swords, their eyes fierce, burning with blazing anger.
This is what makes them different from ordinary people. They are demon hunters, skilled, cruel and ruthless demon hunters.
Cowardice, pity, cowardice... They abandoned all the bad qualities of human beings and walked on the battlefield of despair with absolute reason.
“We are surrounded by enemies on all sides, but we are not trapped; we are troubled, but we are not disappointed; we are persecuted, but we are not abandoned; we are struck down, but we are not killed.”
016 prayed in a low voice, the female voice was clear and clear, and seemed to be the only light in the darkness.
The next moment, the demon hunters jumped out like tigers.
042 rushed to the front. He did not look directly at the monsters, but observed their positions with the corner of his sight. Protected by armor, he could be immune to most attacks.
The nailed sword swung up, bringing up a curtain of blood.
The crossbow arrows pierced the fog, one after another, casting a silver light track in the gray fog. During this, 011 did not stop. Different from the chariot-like advancement of 042, he was as light as a feather, chaotic. Among them, countless sword lights fell, but they passed by his body.
He held the nail sword tightly, and as he passed by those monsters, the nail sword left cruel wounds on them.
Shang Dafeng is protecting him, and the future is already destined in his eyes. In the intertwining of death, he has to find the route of survival.
042's offensive was frenzied and he didn't care about the enemy's attack. He saw those dangerous sharp knives falling, only to burst out sparks on the armor. He turned around and slashed, while the hardness of the armor was moving along the arm towards the nailed sword. Growth above.
The enemy is not a demon, and the holy silver on the nail sword no longer has the targeted suppression power, so what he has to do is increase the killing range.
In fact, Medanzo's power is most suitable for frontal battlefields. Under the protection of armor, they are the most powerful attackers. Whether it is arrows or projectiles, it is difficult to repel them.
The dark hardness enveloped the nail sword, and it continued to grow and lengthen, elongating the size of the nail sword again, like a big sword.
042 swung it with force, easily cutting off the enemy in front of him, and blood surged wildly.
In essence, Metazord's power is not to cast armor, but to produce hardness as strong as armor on the body surface, and it will spread to a certain extent as the body extends.
Gentle breath overflowed from under the visor, emitting a faint white mist.
The greatsword is different from conventional sword blades. It is huge and heavy, making it difficult to carry, but it is fully intimidating. Of course, facing these crazy monsters, intimidation is no longer necessary.
Under such a weapon that is difficult for ordinary people to control, conventional cold weapons will be easily suppressed or even broken by it.
042 now only needs to increase the killing area and killing efficiency, and now this dark sword has an absolute advantage in the melee.
I saw him slowly swinging the sword. Just like people often joke, the windmill of the blade slowly turned, not very fast.
But this is the most dangerous time for 042, there are twisted objects attacking, 042 didn't look at them, just relying on the intuition of fighting, the speed of swinging the sword suddenly accelerated.
The slow windmill seemed to be lifted up by the strong wind, and the sword blade visible to the naked eye quickly turned into a dark afterimage and was cut down in an instant.
This is actually a defensive posture. The swordsman swings the sword slowly to intimidate the enemy. At the same time, he can also speed up the attack at the moment the enemy attacks, or block and counterattack, but this is not necessary for 042. Protected by armor, he doesn't need any defense at all. He only needs to attack and keep pushing forward.
Transformed into a nightmare storm, the blade chopped off flesh and blood like a meat grinder.
This is a terrifying sight. He is constantly compressing the enemy's movement space. Although there is no symbol on it that makes the observer feel pressure, 042's ferocious power is like a demon.
Just like the previous battles, the battle situation was one-sided at the beginning, no matter how scary you are, when you face an absolutely rational demon hunter, the proud horror will lose its effect.
With the slashing of the sword, the blood erased the mark of the symbol, and the prototypes of the monsters that were difficult to see directly were revealed. Just as 042 expected, they were the residents here, or the believers of the Doomsday Society.
After wiping away the symbol and the robe of fear, 016 passed by 042, two silver daggers flickered one after another. Unlike 011 and 042 who were blindly pursuing to kill the enemy, she thought more than them .
Perhaps because of Raphael's power, 016 vaguely guessed the truth about this valley town, and she needed to do some experiments on these people.
Her figure was agile, sliding on the ground and jumping up, cutting people's tendons and inserting them into the gaps of joints, rendering them incapacitated.
Like a good doctor, he can restrain his enemies without causing them to die.
These people may be the devout believers, showing no fear. Even though 042 is so suppressed, they still keep coming, and there is a strange surge of power in the light and shadow of the sword, which suddenly rises.
Like a bee, a sharp, high-frequency sound sounded in his mind. 042's sword-wielding hand slowed down a step, and the continuous sword movement was interrupted, and people swarmed in.
Perhaps anticipating this abnormality, 011 distanced himself at the critical moment, but the severe sting also made him a little shocked.
016 was not greatly affected. Instead, she seemed to have discovered the truth about Valley Town during this brief period of pain.
Someone waved the rusty blade, but paused at the moment when she looked directly at 016, she said.
"Step aside."
She didn't even dodge, her blazing eyes slowly condensed into substance, like a shining mirror, reflecting the cheek full of symbols.
The blade failed to fall, and the man seemed to be frozen. He looked at 016 stupidly. In his eyes, the twisted world became more and more ferocious. 016's body began to twist, moving towards a direction that humans could not bear. The fear begins to take hold.
He hallucinated countless tiny voices, intertwined with each other, as if there were ancient beings whispering in his ears, telling secrets that mortals could not hear.
The severe pain originated from his mind, and then blood gushed out from his ears and nose. Finally, his entire eyeballs became bloodshot and he shed bloody tears.
The fire of enthusiasm for death was extinguished, and the man seemed to suddenly realize the absurdity of it all. After losing his mind, he was filled with fear. He let out a miserable scream and staggered back.
But there was no time to repent, and his consciousness began to collapse. He was not physically attacked, but his spirit was already riddled with holes in that brief stare. The endless nightmares completely destroyed his will, and he fell straight down. Go down.
Looking at the fallen body, as the blood washed away the symbols, the weird feeling faded away little by little.
But this was not enough. 016 was keenly aware that something else was disturbing him, and it had been by his side since he entered Valley Town.
She seemed to have thought of something. She looked around, and after a brief absence, she laughed at herself, as if she was laughing at herself for not even thinking of such a thing.
"Let's solve it quickly, 042, I know where the problem lies."
016 shouted towards the center of the melee, firing with crossbows one after another, shooting those who were prepared alive. At this moment, none of this mattered to her.
Outside the story, the four people looked at the bloody killings from a distance, and everything was about to come to an end.
"She has always been the smartest one, excellent and efficient. Although 042 is the leader of the team, she is the real brains."
Lorenzo looked at the familiar figure under the gray mist and said with some nostalgia. He still misses that time very much. Although the Evangelical Church is stupid, at least his companions are not. Although they like to kill monsters, everyone is a good person. ,Very cute.
"Will the great Holmes also recognize the talents of others?" Kestrel quipped.
"Of course, I never hesitate to praise outstanding people...except for idiots."
Lorenzo said mercilessly.
"Where did the problem come from?" asked Robin, who was curious about all things Dale.
It's not an unusual anomaly, even the purge agency doesn't seem to have encountered these.
"It's always been... It's been affecting us all the time, since we entered the valley town."
Lorenzo said in unison with 016 in the story.
Inside and outside the story, different eyes are watching them.
016 slowly raised his hand, as if he wanted to touch the gray mist.It shrouded the valley, so thick that it couldn't be dispelled, and it was everywhere.
"It's the fog, these fogs are the source of the impact."
016 expressed her inference.
If there is something that has always existed and affected them, then it is only the strange gray fog.
"But I didn't notice anything unusual." 011 said.
"Yes, that's what's weird about it... We are all misled by our common sense," 016 said, "Remember the example I always give you? 042."
042 beheaded the last person and stood among the corpses, but he did not answer 016's words and remained silent.
011 shouted tentatively, but his hand couldn't help but clenched the nail sword tightly, and then Shang Dalafeng foresaw it.
042's figure was swaying, as if he was undergoing some kind of torture. As the blood flowed, the breath of blood also spilled into the mist, adding to the strange power.
016 immediately made a judgment and did not retreat. Instead, he approached 042. Before 042 could make any unnecessary movements, he firmly pressed his visor.
"look at me."
She roared, and then the roar turned into a gentle calm. The strange world began to become peaceful, as if she was in a cradle. 042 stared closely at the blazing white eyes, and the tense emotions gradually stopped, as if Soak in the warm waters.
Power Raphael.
Weaving a illusory and psychedelic world, but when you get lost in it, the illusion will become the real world.
Under 016's gaze, 042's agitated heart gradually calmed down.
"So I said you have the potential to be a doctor...but a psychiatrist."
042 escapes from the illusion of calm. In this extremely depressing environment, the illusion created by 016 can very well relieve the tense emotions.
However, 042 is still wary. He knows how far this extreme power can be achieved. In the chaotic hallucination, the lost person will lose himself or even be implanted with false memories and fall into endless madness.
"I think so. This kind of power doesn't have much effect on these lunatics."
How crazy can a guy who is already crazy go?
016 supported 042. The fatigue after the battle and the strange oppression of the fog made 042 temporarily absent-minded. Although the mind of a demon hunter would not sink like this, everything that follows is unknown. 016 must ensure that the team will not escape. question.
"What exactly is this fog you're talking about?"
011 asked from the side, he also began to doubt all this.
In the pile of corpses, light red gas overflowed from the blood and mixed with the mist.
"I don't know, but what is certain is that the problem must be the fog. Only this thing can affect us all the time. After all, everyone needs to breathe."
016 said, walking to a corpse, she did not look away, but looked directly at the cheek covered with symbols.
Look at unknown things with absolute reason, not affected by mystery, and explain and guide them with cold regulations.
"We have all been misled. As demon hunters, we blame all problems on demons, but we have not thought about the power that does not belong to demons."
016 lowered her body and wiped some blood with her fingers.
Seeing her actions, 042 said vigilantly, "What are you going to do? This may be poisonous."
016 seemed very indifferent, "Our secret blood is the most poisonous thing, and besides, I need to prove my guess."
She licked the blood on her fingers, and the feeling of chaos and hatred surged over her. It was a more intense and clear feeling.
As a master of illusion, 016 knew exactly what this strange feeling was, and she also began to understand the reason why the demon hunter did not judge it at first.
"Sometimes it's not a good thing for us to be too strong."
She said looking at the gray mist.
"There are hallucinogenic ingredients in this blood... it all makes sense."
"Hallucination?" 011 also realized the problem. When the unknown becomes known, you will be surprised to find how simple it all is.
"Yes, it's hallucinogenic. Taking large doses of hallucinogenic substances and excessive accumulation in the blood... It's these fogs that have always affected us, hallucinogenic fogs."
016 said and looked towards the hazy mist.
The eyes of 011 and 042 suddenly became alert, so the source of everything is the fog in front of them, the fog that swallows everything.
"Yes, these people, everyone in Valley Town is living under a high concentration of hallucinogens. If they are not crazy, they will become strange. This is why we detect abnormalities, and we are also affected by this hallucination. "016 said.
"But we don't have strong hallucinations." 011 asked.
"What do you think the physique of a demon hunter is?" 016 said unceremoniously, "The strong physique also slows us down. These hallucinogenic ingredients diluted in the mist are difficult to hallucinate us for a while, but they can Makes us shake slightly, like those symbols.”
His eyes fell on those symbols of fear.
"This symbol only leads to fear. It is this subtle hallucination that shakes us. It can even be said that everything in this valley town is leading rational lives to the destruction of fear."
Looking around the gray and oppressive world, everything is so weird.
"We have to find that thing..." 016 has a goal.
"What?" Perhaps it was because of the heavy influence that 042 couldn't keep up with 016's thinking.
"There must be something causing the spread of hallucinogenic ingredients, right? If it's not a demon, then it must be something the Society of the End is doing."
016 continued.
"They artificially created a large-scale illusion. Yes, under the influence of this hallucination, heaven and hell have become easy to reach. As long as there are some symbols to guide them, they can lead reason to madness... They must What are you doing to create this thick fog?"
This shivering fog enveloped the entire valley town and was everywhere.
(End of this chapter)

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