Chapter 205 Day
The long night was over. After Lorenzo told the story that had a great impact on him, the brief storytelling session ended. In fact, their original intention was for everyone to tell a story, but after listening to Lorenzo's story, After some crazy words, no one had any thoughts anymore.
What was originally a relaxing storytelling session turned into a ghost story in the end. The audience staggered back to their rooms, their minds filled with Lorenzo's ravings... Sometimes this witcher is like a monster. Likewise, gossip can drive your mind crazy.
Everyone didn't sleep well. When they woke up at dawn, they all looked depressed. But when Lorenzo's door was opened, the demon hunter not only slept very comfortably, but also made a pig-like snort. hum.
Standing at the door, I had mixed feelings for a moment. I don't know whether it was because I admired Lorenzo for his good attitude or what, but it was the same. After all, he was the ultimate weapon to fight monsters. If he had a bad attitude, he would have gone crazy.
Lorenzo was not aware of this at all. He still said bad things every day and took pleasure in torturing Kestrel. Perhaps they were too wary of Lorenzo's crazy words. Everyone tried not to talk to Lorenzo as much as possible.
Maybe it's too boring, so sometimes Lorenzo will talk to himself, it's terrible.
So sometimes everyone is curious about Lorenzo's past, and what kind of wonderful adventure can twist the character of this demon hunter into this.This is not a witcher at all, but a ghoul.
Fortunately, this damn farmhouse is finally coming to an end. After a week of isolation and observation, Lorenzo found nothing unusual. He sent blood from the Perpetual Pump, and after analysis, Lorenzo’s secret blood was found. At the conclusion of a stable value, he is still a human being.
So this short vacation is over.
"You guys look kind of bad."
The train temporarily stopped at this non-existent station, and when they opened the door, they were greeted by Blue Jade.
She looked at everyone. Except for Lorenzo, who was refreshed, everyone looked unbearably disturbed.
"It's a long story."
Joey was the first to board the train.
"Don't talk to him."
Kestrel then said to Blue Jade.
Lan Jade was a little confused. When Robin got on the bus, the devout believer looked confused and in a trance. After seeing Lan Jade, he was stunned for a moment, and then he said nothing and just sighed. .
No... what's going on?
Lan Jade looked at these guys in confusion, as if the vacation had turned into a execution ground.
Finally Lorenzo got on the bus, he remembered this woman, she was also good with a pocket knife.
"Oh! Good morning!"
Probably because he was leaving this boring place, Lorenzo seemed extremely happy.
This excessive enthusiasm made Lan Jade feel a little uncomfortable. She instinctively retreated a little, looking a little embarrassed.
"Morning... good morning."
No, why should I say good morning to him? We are not familiar with each other.
Before Lan Jade recovered her senses, Lorenzo passed her and walked in. Lorenzo was delighted all the way.
To be honest, Lorenzo is a guy who can't take any time off. Although the vacation is great, it becomes a bit difficult when the vacation lasts for a long time. It's like a worker in a factory who curses the hard work at work, but lies at home for a long time. And I wish the factory would start working soon, so I could find something for myself to do.
In fact, human beings are like this. We are all gears one after another. But when the gears rotate, the existence of the gears has meaning.
Although he couldn't kill the monster, Lorenzo still missed the days when he walked through the old Dunling. It was exciting and exciting. This was much more interesting than enjoying the farmhouse.
The train started slowly, making a cheerful sound, carrying thick water vapor and scattered sparks, and started traveling on the rails. Things outside the window kept flying backwards, and the clear sky gradually became gloomy.
Lorenzo looked ahead outside the window. At the end of the horizon, the gray iron curtain slowly rose. Under the leaden dome, was the steel city that roared and never stopped.
"Mr. Lorenzo Holmes."
Someone shouted, pulling Lorenzo's thoughts away from the scenery outside the window. Lan Jade sat opposite him, holding a stack of documents in his hand.
This is really a weird feeling. From the corner of Lan Jade's eyes, he looked around the carriage. Kestrel and others kept a safe distance from Lorenzo and kept a respectful distance.
Another reason why the purification agency arranged these arrangements is that they hope to get acquainted with Lorenzo through these current employees. After all, the value Lorenzo has shown now is difficult for the purification agency to let go. They need to be tied to the same team. On top of a chariot.
But there was no time for Lan Jade to figure out what was going on. She still had some final things to confirm before Lorenzo returned to Old Dunling.
"Mr. Holmes, do you still remember the process of 'resurrection from the dead'?"
Blue Jade asked.
In fact, she was not familiar with all this. Lan Jade did not participate in the assassination of Dean Lawrence. While these guys were risking their lives, she was monitoring the Geiger Index of the entire old Dunling.
Now Blue Jade has been rotated out and is back on the front line.
Lorenzo shook his head. What he told was the least partly the truth. He still remembered what Watson said to him in that trance. He originally thought that Watson discussed life with him in order to do something for his dying self. Confession before death, after all, Watson was once a priest.
But he didn't die. When Lorenzo regained consciousness, he stood naked on the smokey battlefield, his whole body covered in slime, and the biting cold blew in with the wind.
He felt nothing more at the time, and then the dizziness consumed him until he finally regained consciousness.
Lan Jade nodded. In the previous record, Lorenzo said that he didn't remember anything. Her question was also hoping that this leisurely rest would make him think of something.
"Then do you know that the Original Sin Armor is out of control?"
Lan Jade's eyes became serious. This was the main question of this interview.
After the battle, the black angel who absorbed the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail stood on the battlefield like a huge tombstone. The interior of the cockpit was completely covered by overgrown flesh and blood, the original mechanical structure was distorted, and the restriction system was completely destroyed. .
At that time, the strange armor brought people no less fear than Dean Lawrence. It had obviously stopped running, and the demon's flesh and blood had also entered dormancy, but you could just detect the difference.
The Original Sin Armor is essentially biological armor. It is a living weapon, but it has no will of its own and is just a walking corpse.
But when you are in it and observe it with awe, you will have the illusion for a moment that it is alive, not like a walking corpse, but has a soul.
It was as if a ghost that had traveled through thousands of years was hiding in the shadow of the armor, quietly peeping at the world.
Merlin arrived in time. He was full of interest in all this weirdness, so the Black Angel was transported back to the Perpetual Pump for in-depth analysis.
"I don't know. I only touched that thing once, and it immediately lost control."
Lorenzo recalled the time when he drove the Weapon Master. He was not interested in those terrible weapons. Although this kind of thing can be called a man's romance, the functionality of the Demon Hunter and the Original Sin Armor is quite high. Yes, with the power of a demon hunter, there is no need for the blessing of the original sin armor. Of course, some extreme circumstances have to be ruled out.
"No, this is your second time."
Blue Jade said.
"I know, but like I said, I have no memory of all this. When I woke up, I was lying in the workshop, and you pointed a bunch of heavy firepower at me."
Lorenzo said casually, he was still concealing the existence of Watson, which was his biggest secret.
Lan Jade looked deeply at Lorenzo, trying to find that moment of panic on his face, or other details that could expose Lorenzo, but she was obviously no match for Lorenzo. He looked like a dead pig. Not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.
"Last question, can you confirm the death of Dean Lawrence?" Lan Jade asked finally.
Lorenzo's eyes sharpened, and he nodded affirmatively.
"That bastard must be dead. I stabbed him several times and bit his head off." Lorenzo said, showing his well-maintained teeth.
"Beheading. The explosion also detonated the oil tank. High-temperature combustion and continuous explosions...that bastard is dead."
Lorenzo said firmly, "Didn't you still say that? The out-of-control Black Angel killed the last Holy Grail flesh and blood, and that guy had no chance of surviving."
Blue Jade's eyes were solemn.
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure nothing could survive that explosion."
"But you survived."
Lorenzo was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "I may be an exception, even you guys don't know it, right?"
"Okay, fill out these forms and your isolation will be lifted." Lan Jade said.
Lorenzo took the form and filled it out directly, mumbling as he wrote.
"I thought you were going to isolate me longer?"
"It's just that it's the festival, let you out in advance."
Lorenzo stopped writing, looked up at Lan Jade, and Lan Jade felt that Lorenzo was a little puzzled, she said.
"Didn't you pay attention to the calendar?"
calendar?To be honest, although life in a farmhouse is boring, time slows down under this boredom, making people feel relaxed and comfortable. Even people like Lorenzo forget the concept of time due to this kind of gentleness. .
"Today is God's birthday. If you don't celebrate, they will have to go home. This is a rare vacation for the purification agency."
Lan Jade continued speaking, and then woke Lorenzo up.
"God's birthday?"
Lorenzo was a little confused.
He began to think back on his journey during this period. In his memory, the festival that was clearly "one month away" had actually come today. Lorenzo could no longer tell whether time passed too fast or whether he had neglected the things in his life. These.
At this moment, he actually had a strange feeling, slumped in a chair. This was a festival he had spent countless times. He had a strange feeling at this moment. He couldn't put it in words, but he just felt... there was such a trace. different.
"It's already...God's birthday."
Lorenzo sighed, no one could understand Lorenzo's thoughts at this moment.
He looked out the window at the ever-expanding steel city, where clouds were gathering, factories were roaring, and icy cold wind was blowing through the streets.
It was a cold city, but it was also a city where he had lived for a long time. Every day he greeted everyone cordially with his Winchester in hand and walked through the streets with a stick and sword.
Everyone danced and sang with swords and swords.
Suddenly, the old year is about to pass, and this is his seventh year in Old Dunling.
Lorenzo stretched out his hand to his arms, but the cigarette case was long gone. He touched it empty again, his expression a little confused, and even the demon hunter couldn't help but be in awe of the power of time.
"It's so fast..."
(End of this chapter)

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