Embers of Embers

Chapter 210 Heart of Flesh and Flesh

Chapter 210 Heart of Flesh and Flesh
932 in the Inlveg calendar.
Another year passed, another year passed, and everything moved forward again.
There are still traces left over from the joyful days of God’s birthday on the streets, and the floating flower decorations were blown up by the wind and shattered under the speeding wheels.
Although the festival has just ended, people no longer look happy. Just like usual, everyone walks in the misty morning with a sullen face, as if the beauty is just a dream.
But there is a disharmonious guy among them. He has a mean smile and is so out of place in the crowd.
Breathing in the unique haze of the old Dunling, Lorenzo looked extremely happy, but this was how the great detective usually looked.
This is already the seventh year he has spent in Old Dunling. Looking at this city of steel and machinery, he can't help but sigh that time flies so fast.
Of course, the more feeling is that Lorenzo is already familiar with the life in old Dunling. Although the days at the farmhouse are leisurely, he always feels uncomfortable. Only when he returns to this gloomy city does Lorenzo feel that he is just a little fish. Returned to the pond.
People always need to do something to fill their slightly empty life. Soon the Suyalan Hall appeared in front of Lorenzo. He went in directly with a cane. As an external detective, he was more active than these regular employees.
"Morning! Pres!"
The sound was like a death sentence, and Press at the workstation couldn't help shivering.
I saw the big detective walking over happily, twisting left and right on the narrow road between the workstations. The young detectives looked sideways, and in a blink of an eye he was in front of his workstation.
In order to find something for this detective to do, Lorenzo's official job was as an external detective for Suararan Hall, and Pres acted as an intermediary responsible for the connection between the two.
Although they haven't worked together for long, Preiss has already been vaguely aware of Lorenzo's mystery and the secret department with authority above them.
But he doesn't care about that. He is just a police detective whose edges have been smoothed by life. Pres has no ideals about punishing evil and promoting good. He just wants to work hard until he retires, and then find a small town where he can see the sun. Just spend your old age peacefully...the ordinary can no longer be ordinary.
"Good morning, Mr. Holmes, I haven't seen you for many days."
Press said that since the serial murder case, Lorenzo had mysteriously disappeared, and he once thought that the great detective died in a sewer in the downtown area.
"Do you have any work? I've been a little busy lately."
"There are many, Su Yalan Hall will never lack cases."
Price said a bit decadently, as if all his energy had been swallowed up by work.
"You look a little bad." Lorenzo said as he knelt down beside Pres' table and looked into his eyes from below.
Price had dark circles under his eyes and his eyes were dull, like an old and dying tree.
"If it were you who worked overtime on God's birthday, you would be like me." He said weakly.
"So miserable?"
"After all, you have to do something with money. The rent in Old Dunling is very expensive."
Preiss thought quietly.
"Old Dunling is great. They say there is gold everywhere. Everyone comes here, but how many people can live a good life here? In the end, you are just working for others, just a small cog. Keep turning and turning until it is replaced..."
The negative energy visible to the naked eye was released from his body, like a devil's claws, scratching at random, putting the people around him into that hellish emotion.
"Okay, okay, I can understand your pain, but, after all, we are just tools, so we have to be the best!"
Lorenzo comforted Pres, but his words of comfort were not very pleasant.
In this case, no matter how much passion you have, it will be exhausted.
"Oh, it's okay, just give him the money," Price comforted himself, looking at Lorenzo, trying to show as much energy as possible in his decadent eyes.
"They are just wage earners. It's good if they can earn a pension. If they're not busy living, they're busy dying."
It seemed that working overtime on God's birthday really made the detective very irritated.
"So is there any big case? Are you so busy?" Lorenzo pulled a chair from the side and sat down.
The only major incident recently was the assassination of Lawrence, but with the scavengers finishing the work, this incident would not spread at all.
"There are no big cases, but there are too many small cases to count."
Lorenzo, at least on the surface, had become a good man, and he was still an external detective of Suararan Hall, so Pres didn't hide it from him.
"For example, hallucinogens, no matter how suppressed they are, they will continue to appear in the end, and those stowaways!"
Speaking of the stowaway, Price's voice became louder and seemed extremely angry.
"Ah, what's so good about Old Dunling, why do you keep coming here?"
He has a terrible headache.
According to the rules of Old Dunling, people without formal status can only gather in Xiacheng District, which means that those stowaways generally gather in the filthiest places and cannot enjoy any of the glory of Old Dunling, but that is In this way, they still come one after another.
The legs are on them, and no matter how much police force is deployed, there will still be a few who disturb the normal public order.
"In the past few days of God's Birthday, although the celebration of God's Birthday has ended, there will still be missions from various countries arriving in the coming days. In order to stabilize order, we will not take a vacation. We only hope that after all this is over, , I can take a good rest." Press said.
Lorenzo still knew something about the celebration. I don't know if it was Arthur's intention or something. The few days at Lorenzo's farmhouse happened to be the day of the celebration, and he missed it perfectly.
"That is to say, the missions of various countries have not left yet?"
"Not only have they not left, but they are also on their way." Price recalled.
"Leber, Gaul Nalo, Vilia, Nalo...and so on, the surrounding countries are here, and a large number of them are on the way." Pres said, "The entire old Dunling has already entered martial law. Didn’t you notice that there are far fewer people?”
As he spoke, he looked around and saw that there were not many people coming to work. He continued, "There are no more mounted police. To ensure safety, even the outer city has begun patrolling with mounted police."
After hearing this, Lorenzo realized how serious the officials were about this matter. The celebration time was over. They were not here to sing and dance. There might be a high-priced arms deal being concluded here, as well as a lot of technical support. , and complicated politics...but this has nothing to do with Loren.
Lorenzo is self-aware. He knows very well that his life should be a fun story about fighting and killing, not an official story. There is no need to think about that.
But looking at it this way, he understood why Arthur was so eager to kill Lawrence. Once Lawrence was allowed to live until these envoys arrived at Old Dunling, no one knew what he would do.
"So... you have today off?" Lorenzo asked tentatively. Unlike Pres, he was an external detective and did not have to work every day.
"Get out of here!" Price didn't even look at Lorenzo. He was extremely irritable now. He didn't want this chatty detective to bother him any more. He hadn't slept all night and didn't want to go out and do anything strange with this detective. adventure.
Lorenzo shook his head and stood up helplessly. It seemed that Pres didn't want to waste precious time on himself.
But as soon as he got up, Lorenzo saw an untimely figure, he was stunned immediately, and then sat down again, but this time he sat on the ground directly leaning against Press's table, as if he was hiding from someone Same.
"What are you doing?"
"How about if you shut up, I'll find a way to get you out of here? On paid leave."
Lorenzo directly blocked Pres's words.
Although he was in a trance, Pres suddenly became energetic. He still believed in the rewards of this nonsense. Although Lorenzo was an unscrupulous detective, to be serious, in his eyes, Lorenzo was a A mysterious figure who knows everything about black and white, he is called around by the mysterious department, and he is called brother-in-law with Shrike.
But then he became a little curious and looked around, trying to find what Lorenzo saw. Then an equally familiar figure appeared in his eyes... He also had a headache.
The girl is wearing a standard police uniform, and her long fiery red hair is tied up. Unlike everyone who is apathetic, every time I see her, she is always full of vitality and spirit.
"So isn't she on leave?" Lorenzo asked quietly.
"But I can't rest for a few months!" Although he didn't know what happened, Press replied in a low voice.
Lorenzo's mind is a little messed up. Judging from Arthur's character, it's impossible for him to let Eve back to work. Or...or maybe this old guy finally figured it out. It's better to block things than to let them go?
"Has she changed her job?"
Press nodded. He first met Lorenzo with Eve. He didn't know why Lorenzo had such a big reaction.
"Are you... avoiding her now?"
"To be precise, I was a little unprepared for this sudden meeting." Lorenzo shrank his body. No one expected that this big detective could hide in such a narrow place.
"I think with your character, you will stand up shamelessly no matter what the situation." Although the contact was not very long, Lorenzo's distinctive character had already impressed Pres.
Lorenzo was startled and thought about it carefully. He really did, but then he shook his head.
"Pres, people change."
"Becoming thin-skinned?"
Lorenzo did not respond to him, but remained silent.
The last time he saw Eve was when Lawrence first appeared. As Arthur said, he was a madman pretending to be a normal person. His burning anger made him abandon Eve and try to kill Lawrence.
Afterwards, Lorenzo thought about whether he would do that again if he made the choice again, and the result was "yes."
Yes, the Holy Night took away everything from Lorenzo, and the culprit was right in front of him, let alone Eve. It didn't matter even if Lorenzo himself died there.
But things are different now. Lorenzo came back from the dead, and even the cold cruelty melted a bit. In the process of assassinating Lawrence, he became more and more like a human being, and his heart of stone grew into flesh and blood.
Shed off the skin of the beast and live as a human being.
So he was also thinking about what happened at that time.
In that desperate situation, Lorenzo was her last hope, but this hope wanted to take her and Lawrence to death together.
Lorenzo's thoughts are constantly changing, just like people often say growing up, changing with age and experience.
Sometimes he comforted himself. After all, he had only known Eve for a few days, and he had killed the boss at the time... Well, this sounds a bit like a scumbag.
So in the final analysis, Lorenzo is still different from that time. He has become more like a human being. He will not say "Hey, it's not long ago" with a smile. He will hide away with a thick skin. He will feel a little ashamed and uncomfortable.
"Is she gone?" Lorenzo asked.
But that’s it!There is no need for people to seek unhappiness on their own, as long as they can hide from it, it is only temporary.
"Let's go, it looks like she went on patrol," Price said.
"I can finally get up."
Lorenzo said and stood up from the ground. He was not ready to face Eve. After all, he almost killed her. In the past, it didn't matter if he was shameless, but now he feels more or less "guilty".
Lorenzo shuddered at the thought.
As expected, people with emotions will have weaknesses. It would be unimaginable if someone used this feeling of guilt to deal with themselves.
But just like tasting the forbidden fruit, Lorenzo has already experienced the joy of it. In addition, Lawrence is dead, it is difficult for him to peel off his emotions and turn them into that cold weapon.
After looking around, there was indeed no familiar figure. Lorenzo stood up and left.
"Wait Lorenzo!" Pres grabbed him.
"we have agreed upon it."
Pres stared at Lorenzo with his dark eyes. If Lorenzo said anything bad again, he wouldn't mind letting Lorenzo feel the anger of a social animal.
Lorenzo swallowed, "Okay, I think you really need to sleep, this bloody capitalism turns people into ghosts!"
The detective looked distressed.
He said as he turned over Pres' table.
"Is there any case that needs to be investigated right now?"
"It's a lot, there's not enough staff, there are too many cases piled on top of each other."
Price looked at Lorenzo who was flipping through the documents and asked, "What does this have to do with my rest?"
"Because we need a great adventure to cover up your job fishing."
But Price shook his head, he knew it wasn't a great adventure, it was just that the detective was too busy looking for something to do, and the so-called case was nothing more than making his firing comply with Inlvig's laws.
Lorenzo closed his eyes and took one of them out.
"It's up to you!"
The detective couldn't be happier.
"Okay my old man! Let's move! If you go slow, I swear I'm going to kick your ass with my boot!"
The detective's voice pretended to be deep again, and his sentence patterns were just like those spoken by people hundreds of years ago.
This sound made Pres feel uncomfortable. In layman's terms, it was... diaphragm.
Just like when he tortured Kestrel, Lorenzo's chaotic thinking continued to affect Pres with his words.
"Wait, I still have work to do here!"
"No, detective, you have been recruited! Your job now is to investigate this case with me!" Lorenzo said righteously, and then whispered to Price, "It's just a formality, you can come back after you go out While you sleep at home, I’ll go investigate, and I’ll write a good report!”
Pres looked at him dubiously, but Lorenzo's eyes suddenly became damn sincere.
"Okay... okay."
"Then let's see what the case drawn this time is..."
As Lorenzo spoke, he looked through the cases he had drawn, but his smile gradually solidified, and his eyes became a little solemn.
It was a very ordinary case, just a group of fleeing stowaways, but the place they came from made Lorenzo feel a little uncomfortable.
"A stowaway from Feilengcui?"
Lorenzo whispered.
(End of this chapter)

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