Embers of Embers

Chapter 222 Journey of Justice

Chapter 222 Journey of Justice
A good day starts when you open your eyes and see the ceiling covered with posters.
For the person lying in bed, the first sight of those strange posters is good news, which proves that he woke up at home and not in some strange place.
Lorenzo woke up. Although with the energy of a witcher, he could use a very short sleep to relieve fatigue, but he still liked to sleep until dawn like a normal person, while living in that wonderful farmhouse. , Lorenzo even slept all day.
He liked such a lazy feeling, and the road to death seemed to take a leisurely pace.
"Good morning! Good morning!"
The detective happily greeted everyone. Although there were only the landlord and two residents in the whole house, maybe it was because of the God's birthday. Everyone got closer that night. Even Sig would respond to Lorenzo's greeting. However, He was still a little uncomfortable with Lorenzo, but it was much better than being cold-eyed and silent.
Mrs. Van Rude was sitting on the sofa and reading books as usual. For safety reasons, the messy ammunition boxes had been disposed of by the Seleutos.
It has to be said that these nobles showed their full display at this time. When those people came to carry it, the pedestrians on the street looked sideways. Some people suspected that there were some terrorists hiding here.
Fortunately, with Seleu's identity in it, Mrs. Vanlude was only given a slight warning. Yingerweg didn't care much about personal possession of firearms, but this firearm was a bit too much.
The most embarrassing thing was a man who seemed to be an officer. He stood in the living room and looked at the large map hanging on the wall. The wartime numbers had not been removed. It just hung there carelessly. He wanted to He recycled it, but was scolded angrily by Mrs. Vanlude for a long time.
In her words, it was just a decoration.
"How is your job search going?"
I don't know whether it's kindness or finally passed the damn menopause, Mrs. Van Ludd began to prepare breakfast for the two of them.
At the dinner table in the early morning, Lorenzo asked Sigg beside him.
Sigg ate her meal with her head down and answered vaguely, "Still looking."
Mrs. van Lund had a benevolent face, and she seemed satisfied that Higg's repentance was more than atonement.
Sigg's secret could not be kept secret for long. Everyone knew about the fact that he took hallucinogens and was expelled for a long time. Fortunately, Sigg worked hard to restrain himself and broke free from it. He joined the mutual aid group, He also found a psychiatrist, and with various guidance and care, his life began to become normal.
It may be because of the resurrection from the dead, Lorenzo's feelings are much richer, and sometimes he will care about this roommate, although this roommate still can't accept Lorenzo, a peerless hunk.
"Boom boom boom!"
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
The three of them looked at the door with some doubts. It should be said that they lived under the same roof. There was a huge gap in age and status between the three of them. However, despite such differences, they had wonderful similarities. These three people all No friends.
Lorenzo rarely saw Mrs. Verrode go out, and no one visited her. She slowly rotted away in the house. Sometimes Lorenzo felt that Mrs. Verrode recruited residents just because she was afraid that he would have trouble. One day he died at home and no one found him.
Sigg is a bit autistic, at least Lorenzo thinks he is quite autistic. Lorenzo doesn't know much about Sigg's past, but he only knows that Sigg has never been around since he came to Old Dunling. I have never been back to my hometown, and before I lost my job due to hallucinogens, I lived a two-point, one-line life of going home from work and going to work again.
As for Lorenzo himself, it was too simple. Almost all his acquaintances were dead, and Lorenzo restrained himself very much to prevent ordinary people from being involved in the whirlpool of monsters.
After a brief doubt, the door was pushed open and a familiar guy walked in.
"Good morning everyone."
Joey had been here many times, and he was almost familiar. He was carrying a heavy iron box in his hand, and it looked like he had something in it.
This guy was here to find Lorenzo, but Higg didn’t look too much. He knew that Lorenzo was a mysterious guy, and he didn’t want to get involved in Lorenzo’s trouble.
Lorenzo quickly took a few bites of food, and then took Joey to his room. If he guessed correctly, those things were not suitable for taking out in the living room.
"Are you so efficient?" Lorenzo asked as he walked.
"Old Dunling has been under martial law, the new pope's envoys, Cardinal Miguel's escapees, and those envoys from other countries, and more importantly, the lost Book of Revelation."
It was obviously early in the morning, but Joey looked very tired.
"Lorenzo, now the entire Old Dunling is at the center of the whirlpool, just wait and see when all this will break out."
He looked extremely worried. More and more people were entering Old Dunling, bringing trouble and chaos.
"I think your purification agency can handle it." Lorenzo said with great confidence.
This is not a feeling, but a necessity. The purification agency must ensure everything, otherwise there will be no need for this organization to exist.
"Indeed, although the pressure is great, it is still within the controllable range. The overall strength has begun to shrink. Due to the lack of manpower, several knight captains headed by Gawain have also been transferred back from other places."
Knight Commander, after being in contact for so long, Lorenzo also roughly understands the hierarchy of ranks within the purge agency. Since the Ranger plan was cancelled, Arthur has become the last Ranger, but the Ranger technology has not disappeared, but has deteriorated. Becoming specialized, the specialized knight has the resistance to erosion.
The ones named as legendary knights are the most patient among them, which is somewhat similar to the way the Demon Hunting Sect confers names.
Thinking of this, Lorenzo suddenly had a strange premonition.
"If something happens, there won't be a scene of a few original sin armors fighting on the streets, right?"
Another identity of the Knight Commander is that of the pilot of the Original Sin Armor, which is the main force of the purification mechanism against demons.
"The purification agency will ensure that this will not happen. After all, the Original Sin Armor is a military weapon that has not yet been made public." Joey replied.
To the outside world, the purification mechanism does not exist, and the same goes for the Original Sin Armor.
Lorenzo thought of something deeper. After all, it was the same weapon as the demon hunter. The weapon could not only kill monsters, but humans could also be killed. But after thinking about it, he didn't say it. He looked at the iron box in Joey's hand.
"So what did you bring this time?"
"What you need."
Joey said and opened the iron box. Lorenzo looked at the things in the box with great expectation, but the picture he longed for most did not appear. Instead, something made him feel sad.
"Unfortunately, your dear Winchester was indeed destroyed by the bombing. We only found a piece of wooden remains... Do you need me to find a craftsman to carve it into an ornament for you?"
Joey said as he picked up the half of the remains. This was the handle of the gun. The surface was burnt to a grayish black color, and vague handwriting was engraved on it. This was the little poem that Lorenzo liked very much.
Thousands of words converged into a sigh. This was the thing that accompanied Lorenzo the longest, throughout his time in the Demon Hunting Order and the old Dunling. Sometimes it was more than just a weapon, more like It's Lorenzo's recollection of the past.
"Well, in the end you will accompany your master to death." Lorenzo said sadly.
"Its owner?" Joey looked a little surprised. It sounded like the owner of this weapon was not Lorenzo.
"This is a weapon belonging to a friend of mine, but he died and I kept using it as it became easier for me to use." Lorenzo said casually. It seemed that the sad past could no longer shake him.
"The little poem above was carved by the original owner."
"Don't go gentle into that good night."
Joey said softly, he heard Lorenzo read this poem.
"Yeah." Lorenzo confirmed.
"Is this his own creation? I've never heard of such a poem." Joey asked again. This little poem gave him a strange feeling, but he had never read it elsewhere.
"How is it possible? He has such talent. This is the gift of [Baptism of Divine Favor]."
Lorenzo said, "Just like your specialization, this ritual will make us more resistant to erosion, but we will also dream of some strange things, such as an image, a paragraph, or this little poem."
Lorenzo didn't know if he could find out the truth about that mysterious ritual, but he knew that if he wanted to find out all of it, he had to go back to where it all began, the Temple of Stasis.
"This is what he said. This little poem was written by a son to his father." Lorenzo gently stroked the half of the remains, running his fingers across the surface and feeling the subtle indentations.
"His father was seriously ill and was about to die. The old guy had experienced too much and was too tired, so he just obeyed death. But his son didn't want him to do this. He wrote this poem to try to awaken his Fighting spirit.”
This was what Medanzo explained to himself at the time, and after such a long time, Lorenzo relayed it again.
"Don't go gentle into that good night, don't submit to death so easily..."
Joey whispered as if he understood the meaning of the poem.
"This is a poem that curses death," Lorenzo said.
Joey trembled slightly, and after a long time he smiled miserably.
"It's so terrible. Do mortals...curse death?"
I don’t know whether it’s ignorance or fearlessness, but when everything rises to life and death, humans and gods, everything always has a particularly heroic feeling.
"These are weapons for you. Shotguns do suit you well. Different bullets work differently in different situations."
Joey said as he opened the second layer of the iron box. There was a shotgun similar to the Winchester. It seemed that they had spent a lot of effort to imitate these.
Joey picked it up, "It's like new."
“But it’s definitely not the same handful it was before.”
Lorenzo took it over, and it was a little different in some places, such as changing from a lever type to a pump type.
"This is a special product from the Perpetual Pump. Compared to your weapon which is outdated for who knows how long, this is the latest model. Accept it with gratitude."
Joey said as he opened the third layer. It was Lorenzo's familiar folding knife and several spare blades.
"Of course the most important thing is this."
He took out an extremely crudely made pistol, slightly larger in size, with a circle of ropes wrapped around it. It seemed to be a pneumatic weapon. A small gas tank was inserted into it like a magazine, and it was filled with compressed gas.
"This is the main thing. I heard that you can never catch up with the suspect. It just so happens that the Perpetual Pump has a weapon to be tested. This is one of the prototype weapons. You demon hunters are not easy to fall to death anyway, so you can use it. Use it."
Lorenzo cautiously took over such a strange weapon. Produced by Perpetual Pump, it must be a high-quality product, but those weapons in an experimental state are different. Lorenzo still remembers those armored fire guns.
"The hook gun has a range of 20 meters. Due to technical issues and other issues, it takes a certain amount of time to retract the hook after it is fired, and after hitting it, you need to climb up yourself to a certain extent."
Lorenzo remembered this weapon. He had seen it on Lancelot's armor. It had incredible maneuverability, but it also relied on the installed motor to shrink. This kind of small weapon used by people obviously did not have these qualities.
"In other words, this is a disposable weapon?"
"Isn't one chance enough for you?" Joey asked.
Lorenzo laughed, with a bit of cruelty in his voice, "Of course that's enough, that's enough."
After delivering all this, Joey left. Lorenzo stayed in the room alone, playing with these new weapons. It was great to have a public background. He didn't have to buy a gun himself. This was great for Lorenzo. Save a lot of money.
In fact, sometimes it’s not bad to think about it this way. Every time Lorenzo kills someone, he will get a bounty, and the money will become dinner for an orphan so that they can grow up happy and healthy. When you look at what you are doing, All actions are righteous!
Weird logic, but Lorenzo still laughed after thinking about it, until his eyes fell on the half of the wreckage, his smile froze, and he picked it up with some sadness and loss.
"Even old age should burn and roar at the end of the day.
Anger, anger,
Rage against the dying of light. "
Lorenzo chanted softly, but lost his previous anger. In a daze, he seemed to hear Metanzo roaring in his ears again.
"As the poem says, don't surrender to death, live!"
He said, finally as he wished, Lorenzo survived, but he died, and now the weapon passed to him also disappeared in the fire...
Lorenzo would have died in the rain of fire, but he survived. Even he couldn't believe it for a time, so sometimes he would think that all this was so similar to the original, just like this It was like using the weapon to kill him again.
After collecting the half of the wreckage, Lorenzo gathered his emotions and set off again. After all, there were too many children waiting for the philanthropist's journey of justice.
 I started to defend myself and do my final project, and then I still have a few online courses to attend, but the updates will not stop and it will basically remain stable. Then, because I got into trouble, I wanted to try some new writing methods in the new volume, such as horror. Gu Shi, the story and reality advance at the same time, so a lot of preparation is needed for the next story to unfold, and in order to make each character as full as possible, it may be a little delayed, please forgive me.
(End of this chapter)

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