Embers of Embers

Chapter 232 Bias

Chapter 232 Bias
The negotiation broke down. After all, the two groups of people still had differences on business issues. The best way to resolve the differences was to resolve the other side. They were aggressive and secretly holding the iron weapons and guns, waiting for the boss to give the order to the two parties. He will rush forward and fight to the death.
Lorenzo didn't care about the people behind him. Instead, he looked at the smiling Hercule, and then his angry expression softened, becoming like Hercule, with a strange smile.
Hercule didn't understand why Lorenzo could still laugh, so he just listened to Lorenzo speak slowly.
"You really don't seem to know about those 'things in the dark', do you?"
"Of course, if I knew, I wouldn't bother you so much."
Hercule had no idea what Lorenzo was referring to, but assumed it was the same thing he had been pursuing.
"Yes, thank you for the warning, Hercule."
"You're welcome. Pride and prejudice are inevitable human flaws." Hercule felt that something bad was about to happen.
"Huh? Pride and Prejudice, I admit that I am arrogant, but where is the prejudice?"
There was a mystery hidden in the words of both men, Lorenzo asked.
"You'll know after you deal with them. Do you need weapons?"
"It's no use."
Lorenzo seemed extremely confident. He was arrogant and deserved to be arrogant. He was a demon hunter, and the secret blood flowing in his body was enough to crush all problems. He also remembered Hercule's words. After all, Lawrence was the reason why. Death to mortal arrogance.
The powerful demon-hunting leader never expected that what would end him was not the burning nail sword, but the industrial rain of fire.
"Then...do I start?" Lorenzo asked.
Hercule made a gesture of invitation, and Lorenzo laughed. Under Hercule's doubtful eyes, he drank the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp, and then threw out the sharp nail sword, Like solid light.
The sound of metal collapsing made the already depressing atmosphere even more solemn. The two groups of people were always wary of each other, but they didn't expect that the first one to pull out their weapons would be this strange guy.
"Does anyone still want to go out?"
Lorenzo inserted the folding knife into the table, like a thread, separating the two groups.
No one responded to him, and more eyes fell on him. It seemed that they didn't mind dealing with this sudden guy before the fight.
Realizing that he had attracted hatred, Lorenzo smiled even happier and walked forward.
"You don't use a weapon?"
This move frightened Hercule. Lorenzo did not take his folding knife at all and walked forward with empty hands. He just wanted to test the gap between Lorenzo and ordinary people, not to want him to die.
His hand had already grabbed the gun under the bar. He wondered if the detective was drunk. If that didn't work, Hercule was about to open fire to save Lorenzo, but then a voice rang out.
"That's a weapon for hunting 'monsters', and it's not of use to these people."
Lorenzo said this.
Although they could not understand the conversation between the two, these thugs could also feel Lorenzo's provocation. Some people had already stood up, with bright iron tools underneath them.
It was as if the air had turned into lead stone, stacked on everyone's chest. Everyone was on guard. One party felt that Lorenzo's person was from the enemy, and the other party also had the same idea.
Numbness filled his whole body, Lorenzo slowly opened his hand, and then suddenly showed a strange smile to everyone present, the next moment he grabbed the shotgun in the clothes room, raised it and fired.
Times have changed!grown ups!
Lorenzo smiled wildly, looking like a devil.
This sudden change surprised everyone. You felt like you were going to challenge everyone here, but why did you suddenly pull out a shotgun?
Even Hercule, who was about to climb over the bar to rescue Lorenzo, was stunned by Lorenzo's move. He felt as if Lorenzo was bragging about those powerful words just now.
The thugs were too frightened to move. At this distance, the firepower of the shotgun was simply lethal. There was no chance of rescue. The broken projectiles would directly beat people to pieces.
Lorenzo pulled the trigger, but nothing happened despite the slight sound. It should have been expected that the scattered bullets would smash the thugs in front of him. He fled in a hurry under Lorenzo's firepower, but in fact, Lorenzo After pulling the trigger, only a little river of water gushed out of the barrel.
More than a dozen pairs of eyes exchanged intentions back and forth. In the roller coaster-like changes, even these thugs who had been together for a long time were somewhat unable to react.
Lorenzo seemed helpless and grabbed the barrel of the gun. He blamed himself for forgetting these things. He had just climbed out of the Thames River and the ammunition had already been filled with water.
"Sorry, let's change the opening!"
Before these people could react, Lorenzo waved the shotgun as he spoke, and the handle of the gun hit a person's head hard. With this blow, the chaos officially began.
There were angry curses, fire, wine bottles and chairs flying around. Hercule quickly lowered his body, and then a flying knife passed by his hair and was nailed to the wooden cabinet behind him. He slightly probed his head and observed Luo Renzo saw the great detective walking back and forth in the crowd, obviously his body was restrained, but he was still fierce.
This was Hercule's miscalculation. He had no idea about the things in the dark. No matter how good he was at calculations, it was just like the shortcomings of human beings. He could not guess things that humans had not seen before.
Shackles may restrain mortals, but they cannot restrain monsters.
Lorenzo threw the shotgun hard, knocking down a man who was trying to pull out the gun. Then he picked up the spoon on the table, broke it, and held it tightly, with the tip exposed from his fingertips, like a simple spoon. The finger is like a tiger.
The strength of this anesthesia can knock down a normal adult, but Lorenzo is an adult, but he is not normal, and this numbness cannot limit him much.
Although the reaction has declined, Lorenzo is still fatal to ordinary people. He punched violently and hit the throat of the mob. among.
He grabbed a chair nearby and hit the people hard. With the help of the huge force, the chairs directly broke into pieces, and those people were also beaten half to death by Lorenzo, but at this time, the same chair hit Lorenzo. Zuo's head, but he did not fall.
Looking back, the man was still holding the chair, looking at Lorenzo with a look of confusion, and then Lorenzo kicked him over with such force that it crushed the table behind him.
Some people took out daggers and guns, but in this crowded situation, they did not pose a threat to Lorenzo at all. He deliberately hid himself behind others. Taking into account the lives of his accomplices, they could not open fire at all.
Finally, someone couldn't help it any longer and pressed the trigger. Lorenzo grabbed the unlucky man beside him like a human shield. While withstanding the attack, he pushed the human shield closer to the gunman, and then used the hand holding the soup spoon to strike. Punch takes care of it.
This weapon is very handy, like a delicate short knife, easily piercing the enemy's body.
It was like a bloody carnival, with wine bottles being smashed back and forth, and the air was filled with the aroma of wine, as if an open flame could ignite the air.
Mechanically pumping his fists, his strength gradually returned.
The effect of the medicine has expired. For the witcher's physique, this dose of medicine will be metabolized quickly. Lorenzo became faster and more powerful, gradually turning into a one-sided suppression.
By now, these two groups of people have realized how powerful Lorenzo is. They originally thought that Lorenzo was a helper called by the other party, but judging from Lorenzo's equal fighting style, he was not on either side at all. Just like a drunken drunk taking it out on passers-by like them.
In the end, there were fewer and fewer people standing. At this time, the door of the tavern was slammed open, and Kamu rushed in with a pistol in hand, looking like he was dead.
He noticed it when the big fight started. He didn't know exactly what happened inside, but there was definitely danger. For a moment, Kamu thought a lot. Should he run away from the place where trouble was happening first, or rush in to save him? His new boss.
He was fighting fiercely in his heart until he rushed in, but unlike what he expected, the only people standing in the tavern were Lorenzo and Hercule. The thugs fell to the ground, and the conscious people shouted Groaning in pain, Lorenzo stood between them, looking like he was still unfinished.
At this time, Hercule walked out of the bar. His expression was a little dull, and then he looked very excited. He stepped over the fallen figures one after another, walked towards Kamu, and grabbed him by the collar.
"You...did you see it?" His words became a little unsteady.
"What?" Kamu didn't understand what he was excited about.
Hercule pointed at Lorenzo and then at the fallen thugs on the ground, shouting at the top of his lungs.
"He took out these people all by himself!"
Hercule walked towards Lorenzo again, raised his bloody hand, and unfolded his clenched fist. Inside was a twisted metal object.
"Just use a fucking spoon!"
Hercule screamed.
It took Hercule about 5 minutes to calm down his excited expression. He and Lorenzo were sitting in the back kitchen, while Camu was at the bar, dealing with the mobs whose lives and deaths were unknown.
Lorenzo felt a little strange at the moment. Hercule didn't know why, after witnessing all this with his own eyes, his attitude towards himself changed quickly. He sat opposite Lorenzo, just like a fan meeting an idol , he...he was even a little reserved like a little girl.
"It's... it's really..." Perhaps he was too excited, Hercule was arranging his words.
"I... I've been looking for you for too long, Mr. Holmes."
Lorenzo was startled, he didn't understand, "Looking for me?"
Hercule nodded, "Yes, I've been looking for you for too long!"
He stood up excitedly, pacing in place as if he didn't know how to describe it.
"Actually, I noticed you a long time ago. After all, you can single-handedly create the person responsible for the Red River Massacre. But I'm still not sure. After all, I haven't witnessed those things with my own eyes... I still maintain my belief in those things that I haven't witnessed with my own eyes. question."
"Because I will be deceived?" Lorenzo understood his idea. He himself was a person who was proficient in deception. Lorenzo knew very well how easy it was to mislead someone.
"Yes! Fabricated rumors and newspapers that don't take it too seriously will mislead my judgment, so at the beginning, I also regarded you as a somewhat strange person, such as relying on some special weapons, or hiding something. People in the dark help you do that."
He spoke so fast that Lorenzo's mind was buzzing.
Lorenzo waved his hand, these things can be put aside for later, he has more important things now.
"I have done as you asked, but where is the Rat King?"
Hercule's thoughts were interrupted by Lorenzo's words, and then he sat down again, took a deep breath, and became steady again.
"I'm sorry, I'm a little rude. After all, I've been tracking 'you' for too long."
Lorenzo looked at Hercule, wondering what on earth he was doing, but then he made a strange sound, a low roar, like the cry of some animal.
"What are you doing?" Lorenzo asked.
"Calling the Rat King."
Hercule smiled mysteriously, an expression Lorenzo had seen before when he asked Kamu about the Rat King.
Then a small sound sounded from all around, and something seemed to be walking through the kitchen. He touched the pots and pans, making a clattering sound. Then, with Lorenzo looking confused and shocked, the Rat King appeared. , he walked out swaggeringly.
"Wait a minute...is he the Rat King?" Lorenzo felt that he had been fooled.
Hercule replied.
"Literally, he's the Rat King."
Lorenzo looked at Hercule and then at the Rat King. He suddenly understood the whole thing. He lowered his body and picked up the Rat King. He didn't resist.
"So this is 'prejudice'?"
"I think we are the same type of people in terms of IQ," Hercule pointed to his head, "You should know how easy it is for a person to be misled."
"Yeah...that's what the so-called prejudice is, right? Rat King literally means the king of rats, and people always think too much and give these words some mysterious legends."
Just as Kamu said, the Rat King is extremely cute, furry, and feels great. Lorenzo has seen it in books. Its scientific name is Chinchilla. Inverg is not its origin. I don’t know how Hercule brought it across the ocean.
As for the name Rat King, it really suits it. It is more than a circle or two larger than an ordinary mouse.
"What's its name?"
Lorenzo felt that this incident was more interesting than he thought. The master of deception had been deceived for a long time. He hugged the Rat King and looked at Hercule for the first time.
"Poirot... To be precise, every chinchilla I raise is called Poirot. It is the second generation."
Hercule came over and rubbed Poirot's head. No one could have imagined that the mysterious Rat King would look like this, or that the mysterious Rat King was just a smoke bomb or a puppet. The one who really controlled everything was A humble informant, he is the real rat king.
(End of this chapter)

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