Embers of Embers

Chapter 235 The Visiting Mission

Chapter 235 The Visiting Mission
Night fell, just like every other day, nothing special.
The streets seemed a bit desolate at the moment. Due to the deliberate driving, there were not many passers-by nearby, and roadblocks were piled at the intersection to prevent unnecessary people from arriving.
Many people in maintenance uniforms walked among them, and among them was a kestrel. Although the winter in Old Dunling had gone, the slight chill still existed. In addition to the already humid environment, he still felt a little cold. Pacing along the side of the road.
"It's almost done?"
Someone came out of the nearby mansion, got closer to Kestrel and saw him clearly, and then asked.
"That's almost it. According to the report, it was Lorenzo who dealt with these demons, but he did not stay at the scene after dealing with them. I don't know where he went."
Joey also felt a bit cold. He looked around and saw vague figures looking curiously at him.
When Lorenzo fought the monsters, the erosion they brought was detected by the large Geiger counter nearby. Not long after Lorenzo finished the battle, the purification agency arrived here. After processing, it is now clear The finishing work of the Doffers, the other party claimed that the rupture of the steam pipe here may cause a series of underground ruptures, which temporarily blocked the place.
"Lorenzo? He really comes and goes without a trace. Isn't he at home?" Kestrel asked.Here he just plays the role of a supervisor who comes to replace the shift.
"No, I sent someone to look for him." Joey replied.
"But his mobility is so strong, it's like he never gets tired... Is killing monsters so fun for him?" After saying that, Joey couldn't help but sigh.
"What's wrong?" Hearing Joey sigh, Kestrel was a little curious about what Lorenzo had done before.
"During the battle against Lawrence, he used up all his weapons. Even his beloved Winchester was blown to pieces. He needs some new weapons. I just sent them to him this morning."
"As a result, the demon was eliminated in the evening..." Kestrel's voice weakened. This efficiency is not unusually high. Fortunately, there is no formal employment contract between Lorenzo and the purification agency. Otherwise, Kestrel might still be there one day. I lost my job before I could retire.
Joey recalled the scene underground. The demon was stopped by the interceptor net, and the familiar hook gun was still hanging on the chopped body. He could think of Lorenzo's heroic appearance at that time, the demon hunter made a brilliant appearance, and the demon They were beaten and fled with their heads in their hands.
It's a pity that the monster failed to escape underground. It was caught by Lorenzo and was easily killed as if executed.
"What did you find?"
"Many, such as hallucinogens mixed with secret blood. The monster's name is Baier. He was injected with an overdose of hallucinogens and transformed into a monster. We also found some other corpses. After a simple inspection, we can confirm He was also injected with hallucinogens, but was killed before being alienated.
The remnants of Lawrence still exist in the old Dunling. This matter is very important and has been reported to Arthur. "
The two of them put away their jokes, they couldn't be serious, as they said, this matter is really important.
Finding the whereabouts of "Apocalypse" is the most important thing to clean up the mechanism after Lawrence's death, but now there is new secret blood, "Apocalypse" is still around the old Dunling, and the remnants of Lawrence are still hiding in In the shadows.
"What about Arthur? I thought he would be here in person." Kestrel asked.
"He has been here before and should be at Black Mountain Hospital now."
"Go directly to ask those concerned for information? It seems that he is really interested." Kestrel continued.
"Not only that, this incident also involved the mounted policemen of Su Yalan Hall. According to the police sergeant, he got some information, discovered the smuggling operation, and led a team to attack, but he didn't expect it to be related to demons. ...Yeah, how can ordinary people think of such things as monsters, for him, no matter how bad it is, it's just that these smugglers are armed with guns."
Joey said and looked at Kestrel again, "What's more, his daughter is also on the team, and this seems to be related to her."
"Arthur must also have a headache like this."
Joey said that he looked up at the sky, and the giant steel whale was swimming slowly in the clouds as usual.
demons... demons...
"Kestrel, do you think we will be like this in the future?"
Joey said suddenly.
"What?" Kestrel asked.
"After retirement, you should know the regulations of the Purification Agency. We will be incorporated into the logistics and we will be separated from everything related to demons little by little. The door of darkness will be closed to us. At that time, everything we have in the Purification Agency It’s all just a weird nightmare.”
"We woke up from the dream. It's time to return to normal life. They will pay us on time and have psychological evaluations every month. This will last for many years. Maybe we will die from an accident or other things before we finish. ."
Joey took a deep breath. He didn't know why he suddenly felt sad, but he felt more confused and in a daze.
"But can you really wake up from this nightmare?" he asked doubtfully.
"Just like that mysterious connection, even though Arthur tried so hard, he still involved his family, first his wife, and then his daughter... I quite understand Arthur, I don't want my child to Exposure to these.”
Joey was suddenly stunned when he said this, as if he had discovered a huge conspiracy. Basically, one or two members of the Joshua family would join the purification agency in every generation. He initially thought it was a family tradition or something like that. But now it seems that this is just getting deeper and deeper.
Joey didn't get in touch with demons at first, but it was just like fate.
"I didn't think about it that much." Kestrel said, he didn't quite understand Joey's sadness.
"I'm just a street gangster. My only friend thought I left Old Dunling. Just like the connection you mentioned, I didn't want to drag him down. I haven't seen him since I joined the purification agency... …”
Kestrel paused, but it wasn't like he had never seen him before.
“Without the work given by Shrike, I might have died on the street. I am grateful for everything I have now. If I can live to retire, I would just kowtow and kneel down, so I can’t think of those sad things.
Don't think about that, just finish today's work first. "
People were busy working under the night, transporting corpses one after another. What awaited them would be an autopsy, and then they would be thrown into the incinerator. The work of the scavengers would continue for a few days, and they would check here to see if there are any Missed contacts are then admitted to a mental hospital.
This is the world they live in, gray, cold and damp. Everyone lights up the fire. Although it is fleeting, it is still worth cherishing.
"Why are you here? I thought you would go directly to Black Mountain Hospital."
The carriage door was pushed open, and Merlin was a little surprised when he saw the person coming. According to his character, he shouldn't be here now.
"This is not the first time Eve has encountered a demon. She is not that fragile, and compared to looking at her, what happens tonight is more important."
Arthur was not in a very good mood. He didn't know whether it was what happened next that troubled him, or whether it was Eve's encounter with the demon.
Merlin's face was still expressionless. Although sometimes he would try hard to move his dead muscles, the expression he showed was terrifying.
"She will have to face this day sooner or later. You are just delaying the time for the demon to find her."
Merlin said to Arthur that he had advised Arthur this way since Eve was born, but he also knew that this was a difficult decision. Although Merlin had no heirs, he could understand the pain, underneath the cold surface. , he also has a heart similar to that of a mortal.
After experiencing so much, Arthur was a little shaken. The connection with darkness was like a curse. No matter how hard mortals tried, they could not control it.
"It's better not to discuss this now. Those guests are still waiting for us. They have much more trouble than these things."
The carriage moved slowly and ran wildly in the dark streets. It was already midnight. At this time, Old Dunling was completely quiet. Except for the occasional surge of steam, it was so quiet that it seemed to have lost its sound.
But above the night, the clouds swelled, the war airship slowly dived, and countless beams of light surrounded the carriage, ensuring that they were traveling in a place full of light.
The sound of horse hooves could be heard in the distance, and soldiers protected them in the dark.
"Is this their identity?"
Merlin handed over a document with the guests' information printed on it. Arthur glanced at it a few times and felt extremely tired.
"Anthony Russo, judging from the information they exchanged with us, he is the core figure of this mission. His apparent position is that of a priest, but his actual identity is the patriarch of the rebuilt Demon Hunting Order. long."
Merlin didn't like the word dean, and that guy named Lawrence had brought them too much trouble, but Anthony didn't seem to like it either.
"But judging from what they said, he doesn't like others to call him patriarch. Just call him priest."
Seeing how tired Arthur looked, Merlin simply started reading for him.
"He was a member of the Templars before, an inconspicuous one, but he seemed to have belonged to the new pope a long time ago. When the new pope took office, Anthony directly led the rest to launch a surprise attack on the opponents, using violence to toughen him. The suppression was accomplished by various means.”
Arthur frowned when he heard this, another lunatic enemy.
"Is he here to negotiate with us? Is there no other... special person?" Arthur asked.
"There are a few. They are very honest. In order to protect Anthony, there will be several demon hunters as bodyguards to protect him at all times."
Arthur had an even more headache. After seeing Lorenzo and Lawrence, he could deeply understand the destructive power of these monsters, but now there were a few more in the city.
"I know your concerns. At present, we have temporarily given Gawain and other knight captains the authority to mobilize the Original Sin Armor at will... I just hope that they will not be used."
Merlin was also a little worried. Rather than calling back the knight captains, it was better to call back the original sin armors. As the first echelon of combat power, when dealing with emergencies, only their mobility could be deployed on the battlefield at high speed.
"They should have no secret blood, right?" Arthur suddenly remembered that "Revelation" had been lost for so long. Without this core, where would the new generation of demon hunters come from.
"Maybe there are some backup resources. Don't underestimate the Evangelical Church. Although it no longer has its former glory, it is still an Evangelical Church. We have not seen it with our own eyes, so we cannot be sure. No one knows what is hidden under its curtain. Wear something."
As an alchemist, Merlin knew what a mysterious group like the Evangelical Church could do. The original alchemy was the fantasy of a group of lunatics, and when this group of lunatics had the soil to nourish it, Merlin didn't think that the demon hunters could do anything. is their only work.
"But it can also be seen from this point that he can't manufacture demon hunters on a large scale. If they can, they don't need to be afraid of us at all."
Arthur nodded. As a person in power, sometimes fighting between various forces made him exhausted.
"Do you think the purpose of their mission this time is anything other than technical exchanges?" Arthur asked.
There were only Merlin and Arthur here, so he didn't need to hide anything, he just said it directly.
"Have you ever thought that the reason why we haven't found the Book of Revelation is that we are not an evangelical church?" Arthur expressed his thoughts.
"It is so critical and important. Over the years, the Evangelical Church has inevitably protected it, just like a demon hunter can detect darkness. Is there anything special about it? We have not discovered it, so Can't find it?"
Arthur continued.
"And, from beginning to end, we have never seen "Apocalypse", right? Even if Lorenzo only knows about its existence, he doesn't even know what "Apocalypse" looks like... It will really be a A book?”
He spoke out all his questions, followed closely by his biggest worries.
"Merlin, sometimes life can be really hard to make choices."
"what happened?"
"I'm Arthur, and I'm the head of the Purification Agency, but I serve Queen Victoria and the entire Inlveg. Sometimes I need to abandon my emotions and be a cold decision-making machine."
Arthur's eyes were a little dazed. The carriage was moving very fast, and they were almost at the dock where they were greeted.
"I always have a hunch that Fei Lengcui's mission will not be so simple, and this time at least we are not hostile on the surface..."
"Are you worried about Lorenzo?" Merlin realized what Arthur wanted to say.
"My decision cannot rely on personal feelings, but on pure interests, the exchange of technology, and the exchange of interests. It is Yin Erweg versus the Holy Gospel Papal State, not the Purification Agency versus the Demon Hunting Order.
Lorenzo’s existence cannot be hidden from these messengers, and from Fei Lengcui’s point of view, he is a defected demon hunter..."
Arthur did not continue speaking the rest, as if some terrible prophecy would come true once spoken.
(End of this chapter)

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