Embers of Embers

Chapter 238 North Dro

Chapter 238 North Dro
"Good morning, Mr. Holmes."
In the vague phantom, Lorenzo heard someone calling him. The voice was somewhat familiar. He tried to find the direction of the voice and ran as hard as he could in the strange and psychedelic atmosphere.
Lorenzo slowly opened his eyes. As the light fell, there was a slight tingling sensation in his mind. He subconsciously grabbed the pocket watch hanging by the bed and looked at the time. Lorenzo had been asleep for a long time.
It's strange. Lorenzo is a very self-disciplined person. He fights and kills every day. He is so self-disciplined that he gets up on time even when he comes home late at night. But it seems that the exhaustion of thinking last night is torturing him. Lorenzo is in a trance. He reluctantly climbed out of bed.
"Good morning."
He responded casually, but soon his confused mind became clear, and his eyes were sharp.
After living in Old Dunling for so long, no one has ever asked Lorenzo to get up. Even if Mrs. Vanlude wanted to find him, she would slam the door hard instead of coming in and calling him.
Subconsciously, he reached for the seam of the bed, where a short dagger was hidden, but soon Lorenzo's groggy eyes became clear and he could see clearly who was coming.
"Yawei? Why are you here?"
Looking at the old butler in front of him, Lorenzo felt a little surprised. Yawei was annoying him to death. Unless there was something necessary, he would never appear in front of him.
Yawei had a straight face and a bad tone.
"Of course something happened. You kept me waiting for a long time."
Lorenzo looked at the time again, and it seemed that Yawei couldn't wait any longer, so he had to come in personally to wake Lorenzo up.
"Get dressed quickly, we don't have much time."
Yawei came prepared, and as he spoke, he threw Lorenzo a nice outfit. Judging from the fabric, it was not cheap.
"what happened?"
Lorenzo was a little dazed, he had just woken up, and his busy day was about to start again, maybe... this is his life.
"After our introduction, someone is very interested in you and wants to hire you to investigate a case." Yawei explained directly, lifting Lorenzo's quilt to make him wake up faster.
"We agreed to meet at noon, but you slept for too long, so we should settle the rest on the road."
Seeing that Lorenzo was better dressed and that sorting out his coat could be done on the carriage, he said this and directly pulled Lorenzo up and dragged him forward.
Maybe he was a little dazed from sleep. When Lorenzo came back to his senses, he was already sitting face to face with Yawei in the carriage. The carriage ran very fast and quickly moved away from 121A Cork Street.
"Put it on."
Yawei said as he handed over Lorenzo's coat and took out a comb to let Lorenzo straighten his messy hairstyle.
"Where are you taking me?"
"You'll know when you get there, and aren't you a detective? Do your own reasoning."
Seeing Yawei's appearance, Lorenzo fell silent, put on his coat, adjusted his makeup, took the razor prepared by Yawei in advance, and shaved off the stubble so that he would not look so sloppy. .
"Another big shot? A noble guy of some status wants me to handle the case for him?"
Lorenzo said while cleaning himself up, his expression still a bit sleepy, after all, he was sleeping in a warm nest a few minutes ago.
"You know I don't care about my image, so these are just for that client, right? Besides, detectives like me are not famous. Apart from your introduction, I have nothing to do with this kind of upper class society."
Lorenzo likes to use violence to solve his work. Instead of reasoning, it is better to directly capture the suspect and torture him. He belongs in the dirty gutter.
"Does that mean you are also a part of this time?"
Lorenzo looked at Yawei suspiciously. Yawei didn't look like someone who could find a job for him, and he should also know what he was dealing with. If someone really asked them for detective services, he must not be the one. The first choice, otherwise with Lorenzo's bad nature, things will always advance in the worst direction.
"More or less, this is an opportunity for the Stuart family. Compared to fighting with other families, this method is more suitable for us."
Yahweh did not say it explicitly, but from these simple words, we can also understand this seriousness.
Things happened one after another, leaving no time for rest. Lorenzo was not in a hurry to get to the bottom of it. He would know sooner or later anyway.
"But, did you know? Feilengcui's delegation is here."
Yahweh talked about something else and brought up the subject.
"Fei Lengcui's mission?"
This incident made Lorenzo wake up completely. He stared at Yawei with a ferocious aura. This sudden change caught Yawei a little off guard. He only knew that Lorenzo was from Feilengcui, and he might care about his hometown. I didn't expect his reaction to be so big.
Is this detective so bothered by his hometown?No wonder I have been in Jiudunling for so long and never thought of going back.
"what happened?"
"As I said, Feilengcui's delegation arrived at Old Dunling last night. They were the first to arrive. This morning, the delegations from the Viking countries also arrived here, followed by Leiber and other envoys. group……"
Yawei explained for Lorenzo, "They arrived at midnight, when you should be sleeping. At present, they have settled in the embassy, ​​and there is no other movement."
"Is that so? Is there anything else special about it?" Lorenzo asked.
"Even if there is something special, I can't know about it, right? If you want to know, I suggest you go find that mysterious department." Yawei doesn't want to mention the name of the purification agency. He doesn't want to get involved with those monsters. .
Lorenzo was silent, as if he was destined to do so. When he was worried last night, Feilengcui's delegation also slowly arrived. As for finding the purification mechanism, Lorenzo instinctively resisted these. He was worried about whether he would It will become a bargaining chip in the deal between the purification agency and the evangelical church.
He knew exactly what kind of person Arthur was. If Eve was excluded, Arthur was an impeccable demon who ruthlessly determined the direction of events. He represented not an individual, but a whole group. When he and Loren When Lorenzo's interests are no longer consistent, or Lorenzo's interests can no longer satisfy them, Lorenzo can be easily given up.
Lorenzo didn't know what kind of strength the rebuilt Demon Hunting Order had, but he knew that once his worst idea became a reality, the entire old Dunling would become his enemy.
"The next thing is also related to the mission?" Lorenzo thought of something and asked.
"Yes," Yahweh answered.
"I'm starting to become interested in this matter." Lorenzo sorted himself out. Before, he wanted to use this excuse to shirk the past. Now this mysterious mission is his focus, but knowing what will happen next is not the same as before. After getting involved, Lorenzo was not so anxious and refused.
The carriage stopped at a place Lorenzo was familiar with, Stuart's mansion.
"The meeting is here?" Lorenzo said while also anticipating the person he would meet next.
On the long table, Seliu sat in the host's seat. She seemed to have been waiting for a long time.
"Good morning!" Lorenzo said as he sat down. After his life got back on track, he rarely bothered Seleu. This could be regarded as the first time they met after God's birthday.
"It's already noon." Seliu's tone was very calm, just like normal.
Lorenzo is used to her attitude, so I don't know if the next guests will be able to get used to it. After all, with Seleu's indifferent appearance, no matter who sees her for the first time, they will feel that they owe her millions. return.
"So, what's the mystery?" Lorenzo asked as he sat on his seat.
Yawei and the waiters all left here, leaving only Lorenzo, Seleu, and the guest who was still on the way. Yawei did not reveal too much on the way. He was just a butler, and he didn't like it. Talk more.
"What else can there be, benefits?" Seliu said expressionlessly.
"Are you worried about this?"
Lorenzo glanced at this huge mansion, which was one of the many properties of the Stuart family. A duchess like Seleu didn't look like someone who would worry about these things.
"I'm different from you. I represent the entire Stuart group. The whole group needs benefits, not just one person."
Seliu said that after officially becoming a duchess, she is no longer a mascot, but will officially intervene in management and learn different knowledge.
"The Medici family funded many artists, and the artworks they created are very valuable. However, there has never been a long-term and stable trade between the Holy Evangelical Papal State and Inverg, and a large part of the circulation of these artworks has also become Gray industry.”
Seliu's tone suddenly became brisk, he stretched out his fingers, and rubbed his thumb and index finger vigorously a few times.
"This is all money! Money!"
"You want to get involved?" Lorenzo asked.
Seleu nodded and continued, "The influence of the Stuart family is limited to Inlvigne, and its influence on other countries is far less powerful than this guest, so we plan to cooperate with him and the mission in the near future. For the trade deal, he happens to need a detective to handle the case, so in order for the deal to go smoothly, I have no choice but to trouble you."
"Do I have money to take?" Lorenzo said pretending to be relaxed.
"Yes, and there are many. That guest is truly extremely wealthy." There was a rare look of awe in Seliu's eyes, which made Lorenzo curious.
"Who is he? Or who are they? Anyway, we are going to meet soon, so I have to be mentally prepared." Lorenzo said.
"Beidero Company." Seleu said.
"Nordero?" Lorenzo had an impression of this word, but he couldn't remember it.
"The full name is the Northern Dro Colonial Trading Company. They were licensed by Queen Victoria to go north from Inverg to the Dro Islands. They are commercial companies that trade with the colonies of various countries in between. Although they are these, they are so After years of development and growth, their trade scope has also radiated to Fei Leng Cui and other places.
Because of their wide business scope and conflicts of interest with those Vikings, they are allowed to have their own private escort ships, which will make our trade much safer. "
Seliu introduced this somewhat unfamiliar yet somewhat familiar organization.
"They don't have many industries in Inlvig, and they mainly target foreign countries, so it's normal for you to be a little unfamiliar."
"Are you going to work with them?"
"One of the shareholders." Seliu said.
Lorenzo was silent. After Seliu's explanation, Lorenzo gradually remembered things related to it. This Nordero almost monopolized foreign trade, but thanks to it, while stabilizing the rule of foreign colonies, it also ensured Security of trade routes.
A sudden sound interrupted the conversation between the two. A carriage stopped outside. As the footsteps approached, the mysterious guest came from afar.
The door was pushed open with force, and then a person that Lorenzo had never expected appeared in front of him.
"Long time no see! Lorenzo!"
Oscar Wilde opened the door and said hello to Lorenzo.
"Oh, I didn't expect to be lucky enough to cooperate with you. It's my fault that I didn't recognize you before."
Oscar looked like an old acquaintance, and sat down directly after greeting, without the restraint of outsiders at all.
Lorenzo was a little confused. If nothing else happened, Oscar was the guest of Nordero, but...but wasn't he a writer?
"Wait...are you from Nordro?"
"It's one of the professions, to be precise."
Oscar replied with a smile, "You have to know, Lorenzo, it's easy to starve to death when writing a book. I always need some part-time jobs to allow me to pursue my dream, right?"
As he said this, the silver necklace swayed around his neck and he looked at Seliu. The girl in front of him was the highlight.
"Of course, we also thank you for your trust in us and your willingness to join forces with us. With your help, Stuart, our route will be smooth."
Oscar said as he showed his kindness to Seleu.
Lorenzo obviously still couldn't accept it, but the two of them started discussing directly without giving him more time. About the route, about the cargo, about many, many things, there was nothing that needed Lorenzo.
"Oscar, what are you hiring me for?"
Lorenzo couldn't help it any longer, and he directly interrupted the conversation between the two. Otherwise, judging from how carefully the two men discussed, they probably wouldn't be able to end even after dark.
"This, please wait."
The two were considered acquaintances, and Oscar was not angry. After signaling to Seliu for permission, he first changed the topic to employment.
"This cooperation cannot be solved by signing a signature. After I discuss it with Duke Stuart, we still need to contact the mission and ask about their intentions. In other words, this is all uncertain."
Oscar continued, his expression and tone full of dissatisfaction with the evangelical church.
"You should also know the character of those priests, right? They are greedy and eager for wealth, but they always beat around the bush and always use the name of faith.
Nordro has contacted him several times before, but the results of the discussions were not very pleasant. We want to take advantage of this mission to win these things. In order to make it smoother, of course we have to do what we want, right? "
Lorenzo looked at this familiar friend, just like the word Nordero, familiarity followed by mysterious strangeness.
"What do you want to do?" Lorenzo asked.
Having said this, Oscar sat up straight and said seriously.
“You know those exiles who defected from the Evangelical Church?”
Lorenzo was startled, wondering why they were involved.
"According to the information I have received, one of the purposes of this mission's arrival is to unite with Ying Erweg, or we, Nordro, to hunt down these exiles."
"Don't underestimate us, Lorenzo. We control most of the routes. We have an absolute advantage at sea."
Oscar changed the topic with a strange smile. It seemed that he had already thought about letting Lorenzo do all this, and now it was just a formality.
"Of course, if that's the case, there's no need to bother you. The main reason why I hired you this time is that we captured a group of smugglers a few days ago."
Oscar stared into Lorenzo's eyes intentionally or unintentionally.
"We got some useful information from them. They were responsible for smuggling together. There was a very important person on the list. He was one of the exiles, Cardinal Shermans of the Evangelical Church, and now he seems to be In this old Dunling."
"You hope that if I can find him, it's best to bring him to the mission in a bundle?" Lorenzo asked.
Oscar gave a thumbs up with satisfaction.
(End of this chapter)

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