Embers of Embers

Chapter 241 Montenegro

Chapter 241 Montenegro
Turning to the next page, although there is not much described in the newspaper, through the brushstrokes between the lines, Samuel can also read the chaos and evil of the scene at that time. Sometimes words are so powerful, everything that is abominable and... Use paper as a medium to construct it in your mind.
According to his explanation, Nibel was just an ordinary employee, a very ordinary person. There was nothing outstanding or disgusting about him. But this kind of person suddenly became insane and crazy.
However, according to reports from people around him, Nibel has a somewhat autistic personality, which can explain his madness to a certain extent. In this gloomy and cold city, many people speculate that his behavior is a breakdown due to pressure.
Continuing reading, Samuel imagined the scene in his mind. The man knelt down in tears, praying for salvation.
The mounted police did not approach hastily. After evacuating the crowd, experienced police officers tried to approach. According to visual inspection, Nibel was tied with a simple time bomb. They did not encounter many such things, and no one could It is unclear whether this thing will kill only Nibel when it detonates, or whether it will blow up the entire bank into the sky.
Nibel knelt on the ground and kept crying. Judging from his repeated whispers and actions, everything he had just done seemed to be coerced by someone. He was forced to install a time bomb to rob the bank. His action failed completely. Nibel Bell had not planned this at all, or in other words, he was not prepared to rob the bank.
All this happened so fast, there was no time to judge whether Nibel was good or bad. The pointer was ticking. As it went, Nibel cried louder. His face was ferocious, and his eyeballs were almost swollen. out.
"Help me! He did it all! It's all him!" he shouted repeatedly.
It seemed as if something strange was chasing him. It was so terrifying, with its teeth and claws snarling, that everyone would lose their mind and fall into hysterical madness in front of it.
Amid the chaotic cries, after some consideration, a police officer took a huge risk and approached him.
"Don't move, leave everything to me." the police officer warned.
"No no! He's a lunatic! Don't go!" the man who was bitten shouted.
Regarding these Nibels, he looked pained, and he said piously, "It's not my fault, he did it, and I was forced."
This made the police officer hesitate for a while, but he still chose to approach Nibel. Perhaps he had woken up, or this was really endangering his life. Nibel seemed very cooperative and opened his hand to let the police defuse the bomb.
This is a simple time bomb. It is extremely simple. It seems that the maker of the bomb does not know much about making the bomb. This makes the bomb disposal much less difficult. It is even said that if Nibel had relevant knowledge, And calm enough to take it down himself.
Everyone's hearts were hanging high. Amidst the ticking sound of the clock hand, their hearts were beating hard. No one knew what this madman would do, whether he would suddenly hold a bomb belt in the next second. Let everyone die together.
Fortunately, everything went smoothly. Nibel was very obedient, as if he was really being coerced. The police officer wiped his sweat and pulled the time bomb off Nibel's body. The clock hand stopped. They were safe for now.
A police officer quickly followed up. They moved the bomb to an open area and evacuated the surrounding crowd. Another police officer put handcuffs on Nibel. Although his expression was sincere, he had not yet left. Clear suspicion.
"What's going on?" a police officer asked.
Nibel was handcuffed to one side. He looked excited and frightened.
"I...I was coerced. He asked me to do this."
"who's that person?"
The police officer asked again. This question seemed to bother Nibel. He fell silent at first, and then whispered repeatedly.
"Who...who is it?"
Nibel was in pain again, he tried to find the man's face in his memory, but this behavior seemed to bring him great pain, as if someone had opened his brain and squeezed his brain vigorously with big hands , trying to find what he wanted from that mass of soft flesh and blood.
After tearing open the layers of flesh and blood, a familiar yet unfamiliar face appeared in front of Nibel's eyes amid the dripping blood.
That was himself, but unlike this humble and mediocre self, the other one was full of pride, with blood on his face and a wild laugh.
The next moment, Nibel couldn't help but laugh. Tears and blood were mixed together. He broke free from the handcuffs and said crazily at the same time.
"It's me! Yes, it's me!"
The police officer drew his gun directly. Nibel felt like a complete madman to him. He warned him not to continue trying to break away, but at this time Nibel suddenly stopped all movements.
This man was so weird, the police officer thought he was following his instructions, but the next moment a heartbreaking voice sounded.
Nibel's thumb was bent at an unusual angle. His hands could not help shaking due to the severe pain, and large drops of sweat flowed down. Then he slowly raised his head.
"Have you ever thought about changing?"
There was an unspeakable strange feeling at this time. The other police officers also noticed the abnormality here. They drew their guns and surrounded Nibel. He had just pretended to be a victim, but now he looked like a conspiracy. A successful murderer.
"Wear a ridiculous uniform like this and work until you're old, work until you die, work until you give your last moment to this damn city."
Nibel continued to bend that thumb, and with the sound of bones shattering, he broke free from the handcuffs. His body was not strong, and he even looked a little thin, but now that kind of crazy arrogance completely covered everyone .
"Get down! Now!"
The police officers fired warning shots, but the hand holding the gun couldn't help but tremble. It seemed that they were also affected by that unknown influence, and their thoughts went crazy along with Nibel.
"Have you really not thought about it? Like suddenly jumping down to end your life in the middle of the night, or picking up a gun, throwing all the constraints behind you and going on a crazy adventure?"
Nibel didn't care about this at all. It seemed that everything he had just done was just a disguise, but now the police officers didn't know what his purpose was.
Finally, someone couldn't help it anymore and shot Nibel's leg off. He knelt down weakly, but he continued to laugh wildly as if he couldn't feel the pain.
"Why not give it a try? People always make too many meaningless disguises to adapt to this society. Why not abandon all disguises and show your true self?"
"Why not try to live for real?"
He said this, and then a violent explosion sounded, originating from the underground.
This was not an unplanned bank robbery. Nibel had already made complete plans, but it mainly served his madness.
The bomb installed underground in advance detonated, the manhole cover was blown away, and the ground cracked a few points. The mounted policemen were knocked over by the huge impact, and the surrounding policemen were also knocked down by the shock. At this time Nibel, who was already prepared, dragged his injured leg and pounced hard, biting everyone he could get close to like a wild beast.
This is not a bank robbery, just a lunatic's own entertainment.
Put down the newspaper and that's the end of it.
Samuel couldn't help but sigh. It was indeed the old Dunling. There were all kinds of strange things. According to what was said in the newspaper, after the explosion, the time bomb also started to work again strangely, causing a second explosion. Fortunately, at that time The crowd had been evacuated and no one was killed, but most police officers were injured.
The police speculated that Nibel wanted to take advantage of the steam that escaped after the explosion, but because he was injured in the leg, he was eventually arrested. Because this was a bad incident that occurred during the mission's visit, the official took it very seriously, but in Nigeria No useful information could be dug out of Bell's mouth. It seemed that this was really just a psychotic revenge society.
For this reason, Nibel was temporarily judged to be mentally ill and was sent to Montenegro Hospital. The follow-up of the incident has to wait for official reports.
Samuel thought this was really interesting. If there weren't so many variables, maybe this lunatic would have succeeded.
However, he looked at these things with a happy attitude. The waiter came over quickly. As soon as Samuel finished reading the story, the dishes were served.
"This is our special dish, please use it with caution." He said and quickly withdrew.
Samuel turned his eyes away, and then Samuel was a little confused.
He looked at those damned fish heads on the plate, his eyes dull, and he looked dead.
"So he came out just to eat?"
Not far from the corner of the street, the robin put down the disguised newspaper and looked at Samuel who was looking confused on the other side of the street corner.
Kestrel replied from the side.
With the visit of the Feilengcui delegation, the purification mechanism was operating to the extreme. These unlucky guys had been working continuously without any time to rest.
Kestrel and Robin are responsible for monitoring the movements of the embassy. Of course, they are not the only ones monitoring the situation, but in order to maintain confidentiality, the monitors do not know each other's situation.
Arthur has always suspected the purpose of the mission. In order to ensure the ownership of "Revelation", they need to be vigilant at all times.
"He doesn't look right," said the robin.
"What's wrong!"
Kestrel thought there was something going on, so he took out a small telescope and observed it carefully. Samuel hesitated for a while, but finally mustered up the courage to take a bite of the fish head.
"Well, maybe he doesn't like local food very much."
The robin shook his shoulders.
Kestrel sighed and didn't say much, but put down the binoculars and picked up the newspaper again. According to their role positioning, they are two unemployed vagrants who like to read newspapers to pretend to be cultured.
"But let's take this opportunity to take a rest. Just make sure this guy is within our sights."
Robin said, picking up the tea cup without looking away from Samuel.
Such surveillance was obviously a failure. The two of them were following the guest from afar like perverts. The robin didn't care. Anyway, if the guest had enough IQ, he should also know that he was being monitored. It's better to just show it.
Now that the robin is watching him, Kestrel has time to do something else. There are very few ways to kill boredom in this era, so Kestrel can only pick up the newspaper and see if there is any strange news.
He hoped that he wouldn't see any news about gas explosions. Those scavengers never wanted to use their brains to think of other reasons.
But soon his eyes were attracted by the crazy Nibel, and he quickly read the causes and consequences of the entire case. During this period, Samuel seemed to be assimilated so easily. He forked the fish head , not to mention that this thing is crunchy, it is quite delicious.
"Did the result be sent to Black Mountain Hospital?"
Seeing Nibel's fate at the end of the case, Kestrel couldn't help but feel cold.
"Did you see that case too?"
During the shift just now, Robin also saw this case. Both he and Kestrel knew where Black Mountain Hospital was.
"Yeah. This guy is in bad luck." Kestrel commented on Nibel.
Black Mountain Hospital is a private mental hospital in the old Dunling. Of course, its actual identity is the mental hospital of the Purification Agency. People who have been corrupted by demons will be sent there for recovery. Of course, those who cannot recover will be directly treated with frontal lobe surgery. , after all, supporting the Black Mountain Hospital, there is also a large sanatorium next to it.
Kestrel and Robin were both people who had been to Black Mountain Hospital. Although it was a life-saving place, they really didn't have much favorable impressions of it. They took strange medicines every day, had their hair shaved, and then inserted electrodes. Various tests were conducted until they were tortured beyond human form, and then they were declared normal and ready to be discharged.
Similar to the Pump of Perpetual Motion, it is also a research institution. It conducts research on monsters from a large number of eroded people. It can be said that their spiritual research is at the forefront of the world. It is said that in order to facilitate the two institutions to study those human body slices , there is an elevator connected to the Everlasting Pump underground in the Black Mountain Hospital.
Every time Kestrel came out of there, he felt like he was crawling back to the world from limbo. The place was full of lunatics with dull eyes and strange howling sounds sounded in the night.
You have to pray for your will to be firm, otherwise, according to the entry agreement of the purification agency, when you are severely corroded and irreparable, they have the power to do many things to you, ranging from frontal lobotomy, even if you become mentally handicapped , but it can still maintain human form, or it can be simply recorded and sent directly to the furnace.
Will exists in the brain and is the basis for controlling a person's actions, and the essence of this basis is being explored there.
Kestrel closed the newspaper. He didn't dare to read this anymore.
In Kestrel's eyes, it was a cemetery-like place, filled with death and despair. If possible, Kestrel hoped he would never go back there in his life.
(End of this chapter)

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