Embers of Embers

Chapter 246 Who is he?

Chapter 246 Who is he?
It can be clearly felt that after these two knight commanders took over, the atmosphere of the entire Perpetual Pump has completely changed. Perhaps it is also related to the current situation, everything has become more strict and cold.
The guards wore weapons and stood guard outside the door. In the strictly guarded conference room, there were only Lorenzo and the two knight captains. Lorenzo seemed very wary of these two strangers. After all, they were not acquaintances. Lorenzo was very mean. The character is difficult to display.
But what happened next made Lorenzo a little surprised, or even unexpected. He sat on the chair unbearably, looking at the woman beside him, and her strange gaze.
Percival walked around Lorenzo several times, as if he were watching some rare animal, and kept exclaiming while watching.
"Gawain! Gawain! Is this the witcher?"
Lorenzo's expression froze, but he still sat on the chair obediently and said nothing.
Gawain's serious face also seemed to melt under these bad words. Just as he was about to stop Percival, he saw her approach Lorenzo and continue to ask.
"They said you were... transplanted with demon blood? They say you can still catch fire!"
Her eyes were full of curiosity, and after hesitating for a moment, she asked Lorenzo cautiously.
"That...that Mr. Holmes, right?"
"What's wrong?" Lorenzo felt something was wrong.
Gawain also realized that something was wrong, but just as he was about to scold him, he heard Percival say to Lorenzo.
"Can I trouble you to perform a fire breathing performance?"
"Okay! Okay!"
Gawain finally couldn't bear it anymore and yelled loudly. Seeing that Gawain was angry, Percival put away his evil smile and sat back, leaving only Lorenzo with a look of confusion and embarrassment on his face.
"Please don't take it to heart. After all, we are not stationed in Old Dunling. We have been swimming outside. We have only heard about you. Today is the first time we have seen it with our own eyes..." Gawain tried to explain. .
"Like a bunch of damn curious babies?"
Lorenzo began to feel that there was something really wrong with this group of people.
"Of course!"
What's even more wrong is that Percival actually responded loudly. It seems that the good girl has become neurotic after being in contact with the demon for a long time.
"You are a demon hunter! A guy who only exists on our strategic council!" Percival said.
Before the Night of Holy Advent, or before the new Pope contacted the Purification Agency again after many years, the Demon Hunting Order had always been the number one imaginary enemy of the Purification Agency. Compared with the Demon Hunting Order, the Purification Agency was obviously very powerful. Fragile, in some plans against the Demon Hunting Order, they are even prepared to sacrifice all their members.
But now a member of the most important enemy not only defected to our side, but also helped a lot. After the hostility was lifted, no one could help but become curious about the demon hunter, just like they were curious about the demon.
Obviously Percival didn't want to hide his curiosity, and now he showed it openly.
"Keep quiet! Percival!"
Gawain said again, and as his tone continued to become tougher, Percival finally became honest.
Lorenzo began to understand this strange configuration. It was obvious that the real leader among the two knights was Gawain.
"Joy said you have any information about the Book of Revelation?" Gawain went straight to the point.
It is not difficult to guess that one of the goals of the mission is also "Revelation". On the surface, the two sides are harmonious, but secretly they are constantly arguing.
"Yes, but it has nothing to do with the whereabouts of the Book of Revelation, but another group of people who want to get the Book of Revelation."
Lorenzo said directly.
"Another group of people? Who are they?"
Gawain looked like he was facing a formidable enemy. The situation was already chaotic enough. Do we need to add another batch now?
"The exiles of the Evangelical Church, those led by Cardinal Michael, I think you should also know this, right?"
Lorenzo did not believe that the purification agency would not know this information.
"Of course we know that, in fact, this is also one of the many purposes of the mission. They hope to cooperate with our Nordro Company to hunt down those exiles."
Gawain is not familiar with Lorenzo, this is an exchange of information, and revealing some information about Lorenzo is within his permission.
"Isn't that obvious?"
Lorenzo could guess all these things with his brain, he continued.
"I have reliable information that one of the exiles, Cardinal Shermans, has arrived in Old Dunling..."
Lorenzo once again thought of the carriage that knocked him away, which was considered a shame in his career as a witcher.
"He is not just an exile, he has certain power in the old Dunling to assist him."
Otherwise, those people would not have been able to escape from Lorenzo's hands, he continued.
"And their purpose is also very simple, which is the Book of Revelation."
Hearing this, Gawain's expression changed slightly, but after a slight pause, he asked again.
"Why are you so sure?"
"Use your brain! Knight Commander!"
Unspeakable emotions surged into Lorenzo's heart, and he shouted loudly.
""Apocalypse" can create a steady stream of secret blood. Even if it does not create stable demon hunters, but only uses it to create chaotic demons, it is still a terrifying army. As long as it has it, these exiles can counterattack. Qiqiu, don’t you understand such a simple truth?”
"Keep calm, Mr. Holmes, of course I understand."
Gawain nodded slightly. He looked at Lorenzo, seeming to be thinking about something. At this time, Percival beside him was equally quiet. It seemed that she was not always so nervous.
"We will give your careful consideration and convey it to Arthur."
"that's it?"
Gawain's cold reaction made Lorenzo displeased. From the moment he entered here, he had a strange feeling, as if there was a nameless anger rising continuously.
"We are unable to disclose more details."
"Should I get out of here next?"
"Of course not. Merlin is waiting for you. He wants to talk to you about something." Gawain was still extremely calm and serious.He pointed outside the door.
Lorenzo took a deep look at Gawain, but he did not continue to have an attack after all. Instead of talking nonsense with these people, it would be better to go directly to Phoenix Manor and face Arthur.
Watching him slam the door and leave, Percival frowned slightly. He was a very lighthearted man, but he couldn't help but feel puzzled by Gawain's attitude.
"It's so pitiful. From Feilengcui to Old Dunling, fighting demons to the death, but in the end he was entangled in dirty interests... It's really like what Shrike said, Mr. Lorenzo Holmes is a pure man. Guy, he only cares about eradicating demons and doesn't care about other interests."
Percival said and looked at Gawain beside him, "You can obviously be more polite, why do you want to anger him?"
Gawain paused for a long time, then let out a long sigh.
"That's what Arthur meant."
He continued.
"I have warned Mr. Holmes as much as possible without betraying the purification agency. I hope he will seize the opportunity and leave Old Dunling as soon as possible."
Thinking back on Lorenzo's information, Lorenzo was actually right. Whatever he could think of, the Purge Agency could also think of. And the information that the Rat King could collect could only be achieved with the huge manpower and material resources of the Purge Agency. , and it became easy.
Lorenzo knew the complexity of the situation, but he still took these disputes of interests too lightly.
"Your name is Galahad?"
In the dark room, Shermans looked at the man in front of him. His whole body was hidden under his clothes. Even his face was covered by the hood, but from the slightly exposed parts, the twisted scars could be seen. .
"It's just a code name."
Galahad's voice was a little hoarse. His survival was considered a miracle. The Original Sin Armor eroded him and caused him to die, but the power of the demon also saved him, leaving him in the torture between life and death.
"According to the legend? It's also interesting."
He pretended to be serious, but in fact Shermans was a little at a loss.
He has not sat at the negotiating table for decades. Unlike those young people, he is young and energetic and can fight for his own interests in this small space.
Shermans is old, and with him is his rage. In the second half of his life in the evangelical church, he just voted and never made any decisions. But today is different. He must sit here. Negotiate with the cleanup agency.
"You have an unpleasant smell... but it's very familiar. It reminds me of the sacred Seven Hills." Shermans said, looking at Galahad's thin body.
"Can the erosion of demons actually allow you to contact that 'sacred' place? The guys in your church seem to have problems with their heads."
"No, just like a veteran who sees the dead body and recalls the battlefield where he fought. Although it is a gloomy memory, it is not bad to think of the long past."
Shermans said slowly, looking at Galahad with some confusion.
"How did you do this? Generally speaking, you are about to transform into a monster."
"It can only be said that the technical capabilities of our purification agency are sufficient, and that I am strong-willed... Of course, this is a black-hearted organization. They paid a heavy price to train me. They will not allow me until I pay the price." Die so easily."
Galahad didn't want to continue chatting. In such a short period of time, he had roughly figured out Shermans's character. Apart from the red robe on his body, he was just an ordinary old man.
"Let me see... I didn't expect that you actually hooked up with Duke Salicardo, and then used Duke Salicardo to establish a line with us..."
Galahad briefly glanced at the papers on the table, then his eyes in the shadows became cold, he let out a hoarse laugh, and then asked.
"You didn't plan to cooperate with us in the beginning, right? Let me think about it, sneak into the old Dunling secretly, and then find the "Book of Revelation". At that time, no matter who the pope is, you won't care anymore. As long as you have it, You can establish a new church at any time, as long as you give it time, even our purification agency will not be your opponent, right?"
The surroundings were extremely quiet, as if he and Shermans were the only ones here. Listening to Galahad's words, Shermans was silent for a long time, and then nodded, which surprised Galahad.
"I thought you were going to make some excuses."
"I am old, very old, my child. People of my age should prepare for funeral arrangements, but I have no family or heirs. I have devoted my whole life to my God, but in the end, the sacred Possessed by evil, he himself went into exile.”
Shermans spoke unabashedly. He was too lazy to quibble or deceive.
"We are indeed prepared to do this, but as written above, we are still too naive. A group of old guys who only know how to pray in church cannot adapt to this vicious outside world."
"Indeed, you are simply unable to join this fight for the Book of Revelation." Galahad said.
The exiles have no force to speak of. Maybe their wealth is huge, but in the face of steel and artillery, that wealth is powerless to protect, let alone against the purge agency and the new pope.
"This is also what Miguel means. Instead of continuing to consume this little power, it is better to cooperate with you directly."
"The Book of Revelation will not be given to you." Galahad said directly.
"That kind of thing doesn't matter anymore. Maybe in your hands, you will do better than us. Isn't your Yin Erweg the best example? Faith is already a thing of the old era, and you are the new one. Master of the times." Shermans said calmly, so calmly that it was scary.
Even Galahad, who was full of momentum, was stunned. He began to wonder whether this was one of his own or an enemy.
"Don't be surprised, kid. I'm different from them. If I really want to be classified by any faction, I might be the faith sect, but it's just the pure faith sect. I care more about the life and death of demons than the I care less about my God than when that false pope is hanged.”
Old skin wraps old bones, and Shermans' eye sockets are deeply sunken, like deep caves.
"Your purification agency also knows what we mean, right? In fact, we are more worthy of cooperation than the new pope. After losing the "Book of Revelation", the new pope can only trade with it. It’s just those dirty secrets, isn’t it?”
Shermans told the truth, but it was such a sincere truth that tempted Galahad like a magic spell.
"We know more than the new pope, who is just a false claimant, and we are the true cardinals who have been through the development of the evangelical church."
He said and pointed to his own head, the old flesh and blood contained the knowledge that everyone longed for.
"It only costs a small price, Galahad."
Galahad suppressed his anxious heart and tried his best to calm down.
"It's up to Arthur to decide."
"It doesn't matter. I've been waiting for a long time. It doesn't matter if you wait a little longer. It doesn't matter if your purification agency wants to make deals with the Evangelical Church and us exiles at the same time."
Although he had no intention of competing, Shermans saw all this clearly.
"We are just a group of living exiles and are not your opponents at all. The new pope who reorganized the religious order is your enemy. No matter what, it is enough if the false crown holder suffers in the end."
"So simple?"
"Otherwise? The moment we contacted you, didn't we already give you our wealth and life? Isn't this still worthy of trust?"
This is the old Dunling. When Shermans was exposed to the purge agency, his life had already been in the hands of the purge agency.
Galahad took a deep breath, and after a long silence, he took out a document bag and handed it over, and then said.
"You should discuss those matters with Arthur yourself. This is my main reason this time."
"what is this?"
"The information came from the mission, or the new pope. We don't know whether this information is true or false. We need you to confirm it again."
The exiles were absolutely hostile to the new pope, so much so that in order to kill the new pope, they would not hesitate to cooperate with the purge agency. Galahad believed that Shermans would not deceive him.
"Is that so?"
Shermans said as he opened the file bag and poured out several black and white photos.
It looks like it was taken secretly, and the angles of the photos are very strange, but you can still make out a man's face in it. He is holding a cigarette and walking in every corner of Old Dunling.
Galahad took a breath, then exhaled with difficulty, he asked.
"Who is he?"
(End of this chapter)

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