Chapter 256
It is obviously a ghost state, but the perceptions of various senses are amplified in an instant. This is not the "awakeness" after the injection of Florund's medicine, but a real confusion. Feel it in the most comprehensive manner. Kind of crazy.
The whole world seemed to have lost its light and fell into this lightless world. Lorenzo could see those huge silhouettes in the gray shadows. Evil murmurs and manic murmurs kept ringing in his ears, and the voices came from far away. Close by, surrounding Lorenzo, it seemed as if there were countless invisible spirits telling him the evil things in the darkness.
He could feel something sticky wrapping around him, a sharp sting coming from his back, and the smell of old rust in his mouth... that was blood.
Under this unknown power, the perceptions of the existing ghosts and the entities under the old Dunling began to communicate in a disordered manner, and they were on the verge of collapse.
The pressure increases, the body's functions sound alarms, and the heart beats violently.
Far away in the underground of the old Dunling, the Black Angel flashed red light, and extended electrodes protruded from the twisted flesh and machinery. They were placed on Lorenzo's body in advance, and now Merlin can observe Lorenzo through it. status.
All the indices are rising. After the Black Angel enters this strange state, the corrosive fluctuations become not strong, almost too low to be perceived. This level cannot corrode others at all, but it is enough to dye a touch of white. of ashes, planted as beacons of passage.
But this has nothing to do with the present. Merlin knows very well that erosion of this intensity cannot cause this phenomenon at all. Lorenzo must be experiencing something.
The nightmare is still going on, everything happened so fast and so long, those burning eyes stared at the illusory shadow, he was locked by the new Pope, and there was no chance to escape, even physically and mentally. Being dragged into that terrifying hell.
In fact, there is a misunderstanding that Lorenzo has never paid attention to.
He is a demon hunter, a demon hunter with secret blood. The moment Lorenzo picks up the nail sword, the primary enemy he faces is the demon, not other demon hunters.
Lorenzo knew...or was aware of some of the powers of demon hunters, but before the Night of Holy Advent, he had never had a real life-and-death struggle with other demon hunters, so he naturally had no way of knowing the true power of those powers.
This is just like the knowledge in books and actual practice. Metanzo's power is to give armor, but with the help of the demon hunter, this hard growth can also cover the weapon and disintegrate in the battle. Replacing fake bodies, etc.
After all, power is just a tool for combat. The real strength or weakness depends on its user. Shang Dafen can only predict the future a few seconds later, but this can make Lawrence invincible and have a photographic memory. Hercule's memory allows him to control a huge information empire.
Being able to become the new pope of the Evangelical Church as a demon hunter, Seni Lothair's due power far exceeds Lorenzo's imagination.
The terrible erosion was released from his body, and as the secret blood rose, he began to approach the power of a demon.
Regarding the state of this ghost, or more specifically the mystery of the [Gap], the new pope seems to know far more than Lorenzo. Even judging from their previous brief conversation, he has fought against enemies of such a ghost more than once.
"I won't give up, never..."
The new pope spoke words that Lorenzo could not understand and approached again.
Fan Tie couldn't kill the ghost, but he obviously knew more, so much that he knew how to fight against the ghost himself.
In the chaotic madness, Lorenzo could hardly resist, but he still had a clear consciousness and was quickly thinking about the current situation and the information he knew.
In the ancient whispers, an even more chilling truth was revealed.
Lorenzo felt as if he had returned to the desolate ice field. The ice was being torn and knocked by dry hands. One after another, illusory shadows crawled out from the dark blue and deep seabed. They slowly stood up. Stare with Lorenzo at this world full of unknowns and mysteries.
You are not the only one.
It can be concluded from the words of the new pope that Lorenzo is not the only ghost. There are more ghosts in this world... people who can control the [Gap], and they... want to kill the new pope.
This is a gray world. Human beings huddle on an island surrounded by fog. Everyone hugs each other and absorbs the only warmth. They never look at the world outside the island, ignore the surging undercurrent of the ocean, and ignore Those mist-like creatures.
That's fine, living in ignorance, isolated from forbidden knowledge, living in a world of self-castration.
But until one day, a madman raised a torch and raised the sail, and he set sail towards the unknown sea.
Then all the stories began.
In the extreme pain, Lorenzo laughed wildly, and the blurry figure slowly raised his head. It seemed that the new pope did not expect that Lorenzo could recover. He was ferocious and terrifying, but it was a pity that no one could see it.
Closer, closer, Lorenzo is closer to the unknown, the truth of this world.
"Come... give it a try!"
Lorenzo roared and punched forward in the twisted illusion. He could not interfere on the physical level, but he could invade the new pope and continue fighting in the spiritual world.
He was about to do it. The illusory beast launched a fierce attack on the new pope, ignoring the pain and torture. Everything would come to a final answer, but at this moment, a hand grabbed Lorenzo.
"You should go back."
said the man.
The anger was extinguished in an instant, and even the new pope was stunned. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel it, and his sensitivity to these evils was like a torch in the dark night.
Lorenzo slowly turned his head, but before he could see everything clearly, the long-standing connection was interrupted, the line extending from the old Dunling to the Stasis Temple was cut off, and the journey spanning thousands of miles was interrupted again. Repatriated, the illusory figure collapsed in an instant and disappeared into the air, as if Lorenzo had never been there.
The calm lasted only for a short while, and the new pope slowly lifted the blade, looking at the nothingness in front of him vigilantly, the fire in his eyes burning like day embedded in it.
"Seni this your new name? Not bad."
The man's voice sounded directly in his mind, and he was far more skilled in the application of [Gap] than Lorenzo.
"who are you?"
This person knows himself?At least my past self.
The new pope asked calmly. He has clearly discovered that the difference between today's visitors is that they are not like those who want to kill him. Instead, they are like hares that have strayed into the cave, although these hares are extremely deadly.
The man didn't answer, but talked about something else.
"Those unclean gatekeepers are still there, so be careful. After all, as the Pope, you are their primary target."
With a gentle smile, he finished speaking, and the illusory shadow instantly disappeared into the air like Lorenzo, and the petals that swayed became still and fell into a long sleep.
Lorenzo almost fainted, and amid the unbearable stinging pain, Lorenzo heard a vague sound.
"Lorenzo! Lorenzo!"
Someone seemed to be calling him, the voice sounded extremely vague, and everything was so tired. This feeling reminded him of 121A Cork Street.
That little den where Lorenzo could rest for a while, sometimes he'd sleep all day, and Mrs. Van Loud would slam the door and call to him, and it was like drowsy drowsiness, until it got louder and louder , in the twisted flesh and mucus, Lorenzo slowly opened his eyes.
Merlin shouted loudly.
He was lying on the ladder, holding a hammer in his hand, and while shouting, he smashed the plate armor on the chest of Black Angel.
No one could have imagined that he, who was as skinny as a stick, could still swing such a heavy object. The old man looked extremely sad, as if a relative had died.
The rest of the people were also helping. They lifted the mechanical arm vigorously and tried to lift it up, with sparks shining on it.
A weak voice sounded, which froze the hammer that was about to fall. Merlin looked at the twisted and evil armor in front of him, and then shouted to the person inside the armor.
"Are you awake?"
Merlin asked. Lorenzo had not been unconscious for long, but during this period of time, Merlin had already had several ideological struggles. Although he was morbidly obsessed with the truth, Lorenzo had not encountered the truth yet. The door fell into a coma, which really made him crazy. Fortunately, he finally woke up.
There was a stabbing pain in my mind, every time. This seemed to be the sequelae of traveling through the [gap], and it seemed that when traveling through the [gap], my body was out of control, just like Lawrence.
But suddenly there was a noise of friction between metals, and the silk-like scarlet flesh broke one by one. At the same time, the gathered iron feathers were slowly unfolding.
In fact, those were not wings, they were iron blades extending along the Black Angel's arms, but they looked like wings when unfolded.
They grew densely on the flesh and blood, extending to the armpits, and then turned into the shoulders, further expanding the iron feathers.
The sharp edges easily cut off the fixed flesh and machinery. Before Merlin could climb down the ladder, the Black Angel lost all restraints and fell from mid-air.
The heart that had finally let go was rising again. Merlin waved his hands randomly, and finally grabbed a hanging iron chain before falling freely, and swung it to the mechanical arm on the side.
Although he is a scientific researcher, according to Merlin, his skills are actually not bad. After all, in the past, alchemists competed with each other for the truth. Compared with catching up with their opponents in scientific research, it was faster to kill him directly with a sword.
Don't judge these alchemists with brain problems. The weapons are ready, the scientific researchers have retreated into the bunker, and the perimeter is full of security teams who are ready to die heroically. Lorenzo's crisis has just ended, and for them, the crisis has just begun. start.
From their point of view, the Black Angel had just entered a strange state, and the erosion range was so wide that it was difficult to estimate. Then Lorenzo, who was in a coma, woke up. So is he an enemy or a friend at this moment?
The smoke dispersed, and under the dark iron feathers, Black Angel was half-kneeling on the ground, like a wounded warrior, while a slightly painful voice sounded.
"It... hurts so much... what did you do?"
All the pain in his mind and body came to the fore. Lorenzo was not one to cry out in pain easily, but at this moment he almost fainted again.
"Resuscitation measures. After all, according to our data, after being comatose in the Original Sin Armor, you will be swallowed by the demon's flesh and blood. When you wake up, you may become neither human nor ghost. If you cannot wake up, you may be hacked by the black angel. Wear the ever-moving pump.”
Merlin stood on the mechanical arm high up, with his back to the searchlight, looking down from a high position.
"We first activated the emergency system inside the armor. Although it was damaged by the proliferated flesh and blood within seconds of activation, we successfully injected a large dose of Florund's medicine into your body. At the same time, The armor was also electrified.”
"power ups?"
Lorenzo coughed hard inside the armor, and he could feel himself vomiting blood every time.
"The electric current can effectively inhibit muscle activity. Although it is relatively primitive, it is very effective...well...of course it is also lethal to a certain extent, but it is also for monsters anyway, so it doesn't have to be so gentle, right?"
Merlin stood high and shouted to Lorenzo. The distance between the two was indeed quite far, and only in this way could he hear him.
"But I'm still inside!"
Lorenzo couldn't help shouting, heart-rending pain shot through his body. Perhaps he was played to death by these people before he was hacked to death by the new pope.
"This is the Original Sin Armor mixed with the flesh and blood of the Holy Grail. You can't take it too seriously. And you're a demon hunter, right? It's much better than mortals like us."
Merlin continued, "And inside the armor, the driver's part has an insulating barrier. It will be activated when the power is supplied. Although you cannot be guaranteed to be 100% safe, at least the risk is not that great."
"But I still got shocked!"
Lorenzo swore angrily.
"Yes, yes, because the diaphragm layer was covered by flesh and blood before it was activated. The black angel is like this. Perhaps it is because of the Holy Grail's flesh and blood. Its activity is much higher than other original sin armor, and it often covers the mechanical part. , sometimes I can’t tell whether it is the original sin armor or a demon that can pretend to be human.”
Merlin turned away from seriousness and chatted casually with Lorenzo.
"Lorenzo, are you all right? Can you stand up?"
Lorenzo didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and tried hard to look at the place where there was light. The gaps in the steel were not covered with flesh and blood, so he could see the outside world.
Like a toddler, everything follows instinct. Lorenzo tried to get up from the ground, but he never thought that he was inside the armor at the moment, wrapped in a pile of sticky flesh and blood. He was just thinking about it. Get up on this thing and at the same time your body follow suit.
"Seeing how miserable you are, how about I treat you to dinner afterwards? How about just ordering that... Starry Sky Pie?"
Merlin's damn voice came over. After listening to his words, Lorenzo thought of those damn fish heads and couldn't help but curse.
"Stop talking nonsense, okay?"
"Do you think I'm someone who likes to talk nonsense?"
Merlin replied, his back to the light, his figure in darkness.
"Lorenzo Holmes, you still maintain your sanity after waking up, can communicate with humans normally, are logical, and can control your body. The Geiger index has also stabilized."
Merlin didn't look at him at all. He just chatted to himself and stood on the mechanical arm to record data for the notes in his hand. These were not nonsense. He was just testing Lorenzo's sanity from the simplest angle. degree.
He slowly raised his head. On his stiff face, there was finally some light in those eyes that had been empty for an unknown amount of time. He put away his notes and clapped his hands.
"Congratulations, Lorenzo Holmes, it looks like you made it."
The flesh and blood rose and fell with the breathing, the iron feathers made a slight grinding sound, and a low roar came from the chest. The steam engine continued to run in the dark red light, and Lorenzo slowly stood up.
The black angel is shrouded in dome light and stands on the earth.
 90 words finally opened Gundam
(End of this chapter)

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