Chapter 267
Witchers...they are all witchers, witchers from Emerald.
His heart began to beat faster and his muscles tightened. Lorenzo maintained calm on the surface, but huge waves surged inside.
He had thought that he might face these demon hunters from Feilengcui, maybe on a burning battlefield or in a dark alley, but he never thought that he would face them in such a way. The meeting was so sudden and unprepared.
A large amount of adrenaline was released, his breathing became heavier and the frequency increased slightly. He was highly concentrated and stared at the guy named Anthony.
Lorenzo was familiar with this reaction. This was his experience in the uncanny valley at that time. This reaction was called fear, but sometimes the limit of fear was not madness, but hysterical anger.
He was angry, nameless rage.
But then Lorenzo relaxed. He concealed all his emotional changes, as cold as iron, and glanced around gently, thinking about the next strategy.
Obviously this is a trap, Shrike should have been vigilant when he just took away his weapon.
The atmosphere in the conference room became heavy and solid as Anthony introduced himself, until Arthur spoke.
"Take it easy, Lorenzo, it's just an ordinary conversation today."
Arthur put his hands on his chin. Perhaps it was due to the fatigue of the past few days or the seriousness of the current situation. His eyes were extremely gloomy and cold.
Lorenzo obviously didn't believe this, but he didn't act rashly.
"It's just an ordinary conversation. Our Evangelical Church wants to confirm something with the purification agency."
Anthony also said slowly at this time, he was as cold as Arthur, as if he was not made of flesh and blood, just an iron body.
"Aren't you hunting me? I remember the No. 13 ban that has not yet been terminated."
Lorenzo did not let down his guard, but he did not dare to act rashly.
In order to recover the secret blood and find the lost false Holy Grail, the Evangelical Church has never given up on hunting the surviving demon hunters. Lorenzo does not believe that they will let him go so easily.
The feeling now is really not good. Lorenzo did not think that a few ten minutes ago it was a day of rest that he wanted to take, but now it might be his last day.
If he had known this, Lorenzo should have eaten more... No, he should have directly killed Joey, the unlucky thing.
But it's useless to think about it now, Lorenzo didn't dare to act rashly, before Lorenzo was invincible in the world because he was a demon hunter, but now he is not the only demon hunter here.
Looking at the attendants beside Anthony, without exception, although the secret blood has not awakened, Lorenzo can still feel the familiar smell on their bodies.
You must know that the opponent of the demon hunter is not the demon hunter, but the demon. The Demon Hunter Order has never taught them how to hunt another demon hunter, and they only know a rough outline of different powers. When it comes to the real fight, no one knows how far that weird power can go.
Lorenzo glanced at Arthur and others who were also sitting safely aside. This time it was different from confronting Lawrence. It seemed that the purification agency and the Evangelical Church were temporarily united. Even if there was no alliance, for this so-called conversation, A brief period of peace was also achieved.
The strength of one person is so weak, insignificant in the face of the will of this huge group.
"NO.13 The ban has not stopped, but now you are a member of the purification agency. We have reached a preliminary agreement with the Evangelical Church. For the smooth cooperation, the Evangelical Church is willing to make concessions, so you are safe for now, Loren Zuo."
As if to reassure Lorenzo, Arthur said in a timely manner.
"The old demon hunting order has been disbanded, and now I am leading the new order." Anthony said.
"In other words, if I am laid off and re-employed in the purification agency, I am not considered a traitor, right?"
Lorenzo said in a strange tone.
Anthony was still so indifferent, not affected by Lorenzo at all, as if this man had no emotions at all.
"Then what do you mean? Arthur."
Lorenzo then looked at Arthur on the other side.
Arthur and Merlin, as well as Gawain and Percival, are present in the old Dunling, and the important management of the purification agency are present. They will not just sit here so simply, maybe there are already several ships The airship is located directly above this building. With the productivity of the Mechanical Academy, it is impossible for there to be only one fully armed sword dancer.
Perhaps these people are ready, their steam engines preheated, ready to fall from the sky at any time.
"We just want to have a good chat and determine the answers to some questions."
Arthur looked at Lorenzo. Now he had abandoned his personal relationship and became the decision-maker of the group's will again. Now Arthur represented more than just him.
"Don't worry too much. I know it's not easy for you to accept this, so we try our best to choose a place where you feel safer."
"You think it's safer here?" Lorenzo asked.
"In the city center of Old Dunling, neither we nor the Evangelical Church would want to fight here, right." Arthur showed his sincerity.
"Lorenzo, although you may not believe it, I still want to say that you still belong to our purification agency. We still stand with you. As long as you don't betray us, we will still be your backing."
Lorenzo was silent, he looked at Arthur, then at Anthony, and the others.
Everyone seemed to really take care of him, and in order to show sincerity, they kept waiting for Lorenzo to speak.
Suddenly someone called him, Lorenzo looked at the owner of the voice, it was Merlin.
"You are an excellent experimental material."
He said this, the words were a bit cold, but at this moment there was a sense of damn warmth.
Lorenzo knew exactly what Merlin meant. They had just conducted an experiment yesterday. Lorenzo had the ability to directly reach the Stasis Temple, and even said that he could reach more places through the [gap].
This is information that the Evangelical Church does not yet know, and it is also an effective force against them. This is also Lorenzo's life-saving card. As long as he has such power, the purification agency will not abandon him, and the same is true for this alchemist. .
After a long silence, Lorenzo spoke slowly.
"Then... let's begin."
The waiters around Anthony left, and the soldiers of the purification agency also withdrew until there were only a few of them left in the meeting room, and then the door was closed heavily.
The atmosphere was solemn, as if some noble ceremony was taking place.
Outside the gate, the soldiers of the purification agency were looking at the other side with weapons in hand, while the demon hunters were also standing calmly, but the same vigilance and unknown were in their eyes.
Rather than a conversation, this was more like a hell of a negotiation that had been planned for a long time. Only Lorenzo was unaware of all this and was suddenly pulled in, even though he was the protagonist of this negotiation.
"Lorenzo Holmes is currently a member of the Purge Agency and an external detective of the Suryalan Hall. Before that, he was a demon hunter of the Demon Hunting Order. He fled to Old Dunling after the Holy Night. "
Gawain picked up the document on the table and briefly reviewed Lorenzo's experience and identity.
"Is this information correct? Mr. Holmes," he asked.
Lorenzo didn't understand what they wanted to do, but he nodded anyway.
"So... Shrike." Gawain shouted immediately.
Soon Shrike came over from behind Lorenzo. He had not left the conference room just now and had been standing behind Lorenzo.
Shrike did not sit down, but stood on Lorenzo's side. His face was also expressionless and very serious.
"It was you who first came into contact with Lorenzo Holmes seven years ago, right?"
Seven years ago, the exiled Lorenzo finally arrived in Old Dunling. At that time, he was covered in injuries and his steps were staggering. At that time, no one knew where these strangers came from, and he also caused quite a stir in the lower city.
It was at that time that Shrike came into contact with Lorenzo for the first time. Shrike didn't pay attention to this stranger. After all, there were several guys like Lorenzo who hated him at the first sight in the Thames River every day.
He just felt that Xiacheng District needed a few reliable chess pieces, so he applied for a legal identity for him at the cost of Lorenzo's service.
That was the beginning of Lorenzo's new life.
"What exactly are you trying to say?"
Lorenzo couldn't help but asked.
"I just want to make a preliminary confirmation of the all matches up."
Anthony sorted out the information, and looked at Lorenzo carefully, but the next moment, a turbulent erosion surged, which was a familiar force and a familiar nightmare.
The brief awakening of Secret Blood created waves in this seemingly empty conference room, but Lorenzo still sat firmly on the spot, staring at Anthony.
"Confirm the existence of secret blood..."
The glimmer in his eyes extinguished, and Anthony immediately made a mark on the information and put it away.
"So let's get down to the meat of this conversation, Mr. Holmes," he said.
"first question."
Everyone remained silent except for Anthony who was talking. He looked directly at Lorenzo, as if he wanted to see clearly everything Lorenzo was trying to hide through his gray-blue eyes.
"Why are you hiding your identity?"
"What identity?"
Lorenzo became nervous. This situation was a bit hectic. Although almost all the insiders of the pseudo-Holy Grail were dead during the Night of Holy Advent, the Evangelical Church was so weird that even if they knew of its existence, Lorenzo would not Surprised.
But Metanzo, who harbored the false Holy Grail, is dead, and he is the successor. Logically speaking, they should not find this out...
"Your true identity was used to deceive the purification agency and conceal the existence of the false Holy Grail."
Anthony told everything directly, and Lorenzo was a little confused. He thought there would be a verbal argument, but Anthony pointed out everything without giving any chance.
"The False Holy Grail? What is that?"
Lorenzo started to pretend to be stupid. He couldn't expose this. If the Evangelical Church used the threat of the false Holy Grail, even the purification agency couldn't protect him... Maybe Merlin would protect him, but only if Lorenzo's The benefits are greater than the risks of the false Holy Grail.
"You should know that it is also a [Messiah]-level containment object, something we cannot talk about."
Anthony continued, he picked up the pen and pointed it gently at Lorenzo.
"It's in your body right now."
"how to prove?"
Lorenzo couldn't help laughing and said, to be honest, he didn't know where Watson had gone. Maybe she was still in his consciousness, or maybe she had escaped from the cage, but these are not important anymore, but Lorenzo You have to find a way to get out alive.
Lorenzo is invincible, but invincibility also has a prerequisite. The current situation is obviously far beyond this prerequisite.
Anthony was stunned when he heard this, his cold face wavered slightly for the first time, as if he didn't understand why Lorenzo would say such a thing.
But then he took out a document again.
"This is Yanar's dictation after Advent Night. He said that during the battle on Advent Night, he witnessed someone taking away the False Holy Grail and leaving the Stasis Temple alive."
Lorenzo vaguely remembered the demon hunter. In his memory, he was a loyal believer. Unlike Lorenzo, a lunatic who only cared about killing monsters, Yanal was a more ritualistic lunatic. Every time I will pray seriously before killing.
"Medanzo, right? But he's dead."
Seeing this situation, Lorenzo also knew that there was no point in hiding it, so he simply told Medanzo. Anyway, he was dead, so he didn't need to worry about that.
But Lorenzo was still a little surprised. Although he knew that Yanal was good at fighting, he never thought that he could survive the night of Holy Advent...
Anthony was silent. He looked at Lorenzo. It might be the so-called disguise and deception. Lorenzo's expression was actually very sincere. Indeed, he did not lie. In his opinion, Metanzo was indeed dead.
The awkward silence lasted for a long time, and Anthony seemed to realize something. He looked at Lorenzo and asked again.
"Mr. Lorenzo Holmes, who do you think you are?"
"who am I?"
The way Lorenzo looked at Anthony, for some reason, Lorenzo actually felt...a little pity.
The man in front of him was pitying himself, just like a doctor looking at a dying patient.
"I am...Lorenzo Holmes."
This name is the morning star, the embodiment of desire, something Lorenzo will never abandon, but now there is a bit of hesitation when he says it from his mouth, and Lorenzo can't figure out why.
Anthony asked again, and Lorenzo knew what he was asking.
Lorenzo forced himself to become firm and spoke forcefully.
Suddenly the reply stopped, and Anthony looked at Lorenzo pitifully. For a moment, it seemed as if the entire conference room had turned into some kind of ghost funeral. Lorenzo was the deceased, Anthony was the priest of the mass, and the others were the deceased's. Family members, as the truth was revealed bit by bit, heavy and moist soil piled up on Lorenzo's body.
"You are indeed tainted by the false Holy Grail."
"What did you say!"
Lorenzo felt puzzled.
This was supposed to be a day of rest for you, but suddenly so many damn things happened, just like you were sitting on the train, and suddenly the train derailed. When you climbed out of the wreckage, you found that in the dark red world, demons Laughing heartily at you.
"Your number is 047!"
Anthony roared angrily, throwing the document in his hand over as he spoke.
The documents were scattered, but one page slipped in front of Lorenzo's eyes, revealing a black and white photo, in which the man looked so similar to Lorenzo.
"That's your name."
Anthony looked at the trembling Lorenzo and said mercilessly.
"This is you, number 047, the demon hunter named Metazord."
(End of this chapter)

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