Embers of Embers

Chapter 269 The invincible Mr. Holmes falls

Chapter 269 The invincible Mr. Holmes falls
042 does not exist.
In an instant, all the bones in Lorenzo's body seemed to have been pulled away, losing the support of the frame, and he sat back on the seat weakly.
He is Metanzo, he is 047, everything Lorenzo has held on to since that night of Advent, all the anger, all the sadness, all the unforgivable things, even Lorenzo Holmes himself …
Suddenly there was an inexplicable feeling of sadness. Lorenzo had given everything he had to eradicate the demon, but now he was a fictional existence.
This is all just a crazy fantasy.
Pointless conjecture.
There was pity in everyone's eyes at this moment, and they all seemed to pity this sad soul.
"I know it might be hard to accept, but Mr. Holmes, according to the information you have become a detective in your new life in old Dunling."
Anthony seems to have won this round. Lorenzo is a crazy guy who will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Even if he loses his hands, he will bite the enemy's throat with all his strength. But at this moment, Anthony destroyed everything about him.
"As a detective, you should be aware of the importance of evidence, and all the evidence now proves that 042 does not exist. Your true identity is 047, a demon hunter named Metanzo."
Lorenzo lowered his head, seeming to be looking at the photos of himself.
Lorenzo had felt that he looked similar to Metanzo a long time ago, but now the limit of similarity was broken, and the two faces overlapped and turned into a crazy look.
"There have been similar cases like this in Black Mountain Hospital..."
Merlin said suddenly at this moment, his tone without any emotion.
"A knight was eroded. The erosion was so serious that it caused the dislocation of his memory. He forgot who he was. Then he lived in a sanatorium for many years. Except for the amnesia, he was no different from ordinary people. But in his long life, he had New friends, new social circles..."
The empty eyes reflected the lost guy, like a wild dog whose backbone was broken.
"He had a new life, but suddenly one day he woke up and he remembered everything..."
The calm voice was filled with sadness, as if the person in the story was sitting here at this moment, and the other person woke up, then tore his chest with his hands, and another bloody head stretched out.
"He has become a completely different person than he once was. The present and the past have become blurred. He can't even tell who he is at this moment. The woman he loved before amnesia already has a family, and after amnesia, he is dating a familiar and familiar person. Living with a strange woman, his life collapsed, but the murderer was himself..."
"Mr. Holmes, you have been contaminated by the False Holy Grail. Even a powerful demon hunter like you cannot feel the progress of the pollution, and you have been swallowed up by bits and pieces of corrosion over this long period of time."
Anthony concluded.
Everyone looked at the man with his head bowed. He used to be like an unruly flame, no matter whether it was a strong wind or a heavy rain, it was difficult to extinguish him, but now this fire is like melting snow, withering little by little. , turning into a small ball, unable even to illuminate itself.
"The invincible Mr. Holmes has fallen~"
The ghost's voice rang out, very slightly, but so clear in this quiet conference room. The man repeated it repeatedly, with the melody of a nursery rhyme.
"The invincible Mr. Holmes has fallen~"
Lorenzo slowly raised his head and looked at everyone present with dejected eyes.
That face really makes people feel pity and empathy, like a puppy that has been soaked by heavy rain. You can't help but want to pick it up, but suddenly a smile appears on that sad face, and then it becomes It became ferocious, and the broken steel was pieced together again, becoming stronger and stronger.
The flames swaying in the wind began to roll, exploding into a blazing sea of ​​flames.
Putting aside those damn emotions, just when Mr. Holmes, whom everyone thought was invincible, fell, Lorenzo became tough again. With a strange smile, he looked at everyone present mockingly. people.
"Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going?"
Lorenzo spoke softly, but the madness in his voice touched everyone.
Anthony was also alert at this moment. Everything before had gone according to his expectations, until this sudden situation.
Arthur suddenly laughed with Lorenzo at this time, and he clapped his hands while laughing.
The invincible Mr. Holmes has risen again. He is a monster who wants to kill all the demons. No one can defeat him before.
From beginning to end, Anthony never understood one point. According to him, Lorenzo was a man living in madness. During this long period of madness, this absurd and weird world had been recognized by him as normal.
Lorenzo Holmes himself is an extreme madman, a madman who will do whatever it takes to eradicate the demon, but normal people who think they are sane will never guess the pace of the madman.
"I come from Feilengcui and I want to eradicate demons. As for who I am...does it matter?"
Lorenzo, contrary to his previous stubbornness, now didn't care who his identity was. He stared at Anthony closely, as if he would pull out a Winchester from somewhere and shoot at him in the next second.
"No, no, no... Exactly, it doesn't matter where I come from. After all, those are all in the past. Of these three damn questions, I think the only useful one is where I'm going."
Lorenzo returned to his calm look. He combed his short pale blond hair with his hands, and sat leisurely on the chair.
"Yes, I can be from Feilengcui, old Dunling, or even from the distant Jiuxia. I can also be 047 or 042. Of course, I don't mind calling me Arthur. Anyway, the name is like this Thing is just a name for a thing, isn't it?
The only thing that matters is what I do. "
Lorenzo looked at Anthony with a smile and calmly told him his long-cherished wish.
"I am a weapon...temporarily named Lorenzo Holmes, and I want to eradicate all demons.
And what about you, Father Anthony. "
Lorenzo crossed his legs and put his hands together on his lap.
"Having said all that, what do you want to do? Father Anthony?"
Anthony was stunned, and after a long time he smiled helplessly.
"As expected of you."
A demon hunter who has carried the pseudo-Holy Grail for several years and can still continue to fight in the midst of madness will not fall so easily. Even if he falls, he will take the demons with him into hell.
Anthony stopped smiling and regained his respect for the witchers. Unlike those new generation witchers, he was lucky enough to have a glimpse of that crazy corner. He knew very well that the witcher in front of him had faced What... Not only did he face it, he escaped from that taboo madness alive.
"We want to recover the false Holy Grail you are carrying."
Anthony continued.
"The False Holy Grail was born on the Night of Holy Advent. Due to the loss of control at that time, we only know that it is dangerous, and we know nothing else."
"You want to recover and test the ability of the pseudo-Holy Grail?" Lorenzo saw through what they wanted to do at a glance, and then he laughed humorlessly.
"That's property that belongs to the Evangelical Church."
"But I now belong to the purge agency." Lorenzo replied mercilessly.
Then Lorenzo continued.
"Anthony, I know why you are here today, and even said that there are you..."
His eyes turned to the silent purification agencies on the side.
Lorenzo suddenly stood up and walked slowly around the round table of the meeting. As he walked forward, he was like a happy deer, turning around and kicking his legs from time to time, as if he was dancing.
He was calm but on the verge of losing control.
"Evangelical Church, Purification Agency... What a pity. In the final analysis, you are just trying to obtain the forbidden power under the guise of fighting against demons.
That's not something mortals should touch. "
Lorenzo put his hands on Arthur's shoulders.
"Don't rush to refute me, everyone, isn't it like this? When we are weaker than the demons, we try our best to destroy them, but when we are equal to them, or even slightly better, then human beings' inferiority appears.
You have also begun to long for the forbidden power. Yes, that kind of power is perfect for satisfying your own greed. "
There was a bit of loneliness in the gray-blue eyes.
"I really miss the moment of the Eastern Expedition in history. There are no distracting thoughts. Everyone just wants to destroy the demons. It's so pure."
Lorenzo then looked at Anthony who was aside and said without emotion.
"Father, give up. Neither you nor the Purification Agency can touch the power of the False Holy Grail. Like the Holy Grail, it is a [Messiah]-level containment object and has a memetic effect. If I were Its true name is revealed here, maybe you will be infected in the next second..."
There was a threat in his words, and Lorenzo glanced around.
"You don't want this either, right."
Lorenzo is threatening everyone. As long as he pronounces the forbidden name, there may be another Holy Advent Night in the old Dunling.
Of course, this is just a prediction. As Anthony said, no one understands the ability of the false Holy Grail. There may be people who know it, but they all died in the night of the Holy Advent.
"No, Lorenzo you won't do that."
Arthur said suddenly.
"You are a lunatic, but at least you are a lunatic with a bottom line. You want to eradicate the devil, so you will become a cage to trap the devil forever.
This behavior of leading everyone to death goes against your purpose. "
Lorenzo seemed a little surprised. He didn't expect this guy who always pointed a gun at him to know him so well, but he said immediately.
"But never test a madman's bottom line. Maybe I will take everyone to death on a whim?"
Lorenzo's expression was leisurely, and it was difficult to guess whether he was talking nonsense or whether he had seriously considered this decision.
He walked to the door of the conference room and finally turned back to look at everyone.
"Then the conclusion is...I reject, Father Anthony, I reject everyone's search for the false Holy Grail. Human beings should not touch these evils, especially the greed from your superiors."
His voice was filled with anger as he scolded everyone present.
"You don't understand the cost of all this, and I have witnessed with my own eyes that demon hunters were killed and eaten, with severed limbs and internal organs scattered on the ground. Everything you have today is bloody.
I will never compromise on this! "
Lorenzo opened his hand calmly and then asked.
"Then...are we going to fight? Can you give me two swords first? After all, there seem to be a lot of you."
Lorenzo was talking nonsense, and he could hear the heavy breathing behind the door, the gentle rubbing of fingers on the metal, the slowly running steam engine hidden in the corner, and the cry of the whale wandering overhead.
The invincible Mr. Holmes will not fall, but the invincible Mr. Holmes may be killed here, not by the hands of demons, but by the inferiority of human beings.
But just when Lorenzo was holding on to his death wish, Arthur spoke again.
"Then you can go, Lorenzo."
Anthony looked at Arthur with a stern look, wondering why he made such a decision.
"I agree with your decision, Lorenzo. Someone needs to guard the red line of mankind. Just as the scavenger guards the purification mechanism, it is perfect for you to take care of the pseudo-Holy Grail.
As for the danger you mentioned. "
Arthur looked at Anthony. Anthony never expected that his conspiracy would turn out like this. According to his script, Lorenzo, whose identity was discovered, would fall into hysterical madness. Coupled with the threat of the pseudo-Holy Grail, the Gospel There is a high probability that the church can contain the false Holy Grail again, although this may require sharing the fruits with the purification agency.
"According to your statement, Lorenzo has been carrying the False Holy Grail for many years. During this period, he has been very stable and safe. Of course, we cannot confirm whether the False Holy Grail is in his possession, right?"
Everyone knows that there is such a thing as the False Holy Grail, but as for what it looks like, what characteristics it has, etc., everything is unknown.
"We, the evangelical church, will not give up the false Holy Grail." Anthony said forcefully.
"But Lorenzo is now affiliated with the purification agency, and this is the old Dunling and Yin Erweg."
Arthur tied Lorenzo tightly to the purge agency's chariot, and then the closed door slowly opened.
Lorenzo glanced at Anthony one last time, and then left without looking back.
The corridor is not long, one side is full of knights from the purification agency, and the other side is the demon hunters of the Demon Hunting Cult. Everyone is a little surprised by Lorenzo's expression. It seems that according to their thinking, it should be an order in the conference room , they rushed in and chopped Lorenzo to pieces.
But Lorenzo came out alive, his eyes swept over the faces of the demon hunters one by one, and remembered them firmly in his mind. Anthony would not give up here, maybe Lorenzo was in some dark alley Will meet these demon hunters again.
The figure disappeared at the end of the corridor and wandered into the deserted alley. The ferocious madness on his face disappeared, and he looked like a hungover homeless man. He could no longer remember how he left the heavily guarded building. , finally unable to hold on any longer, he staggered and fell down little by little while holding on to the wall.
Like a ferocious monster, but at this moment his body is full of arrows. After all, Lorenzo is good at deception, and this time is no exception. He deceived Anthony and also deceived Arthur, but this time he couldn't Lie to yourself.
Outside the dark alley was the bustling street. Lorenzo's strong will finally collapsed. His gray-blue eyes were empty and he was holding his head. His face in extreme pain was reflected in the muddy water until this moment. Mr. Holmes, who was invincible for a moment, fell.
042 does not exist, nor does Lorenzo Holmes. All of this is just my crazy imagination, and everything I hold on to has become false.
Lorenzo huddled up in the corner like a bereft dog.
(End of this chapter)

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