Embers of Embers

Chapter 272 Nightmare [Thanks to the leader of Qiqiu]

Chapter 272 Nightmare [Thanks to the leader of Qiqiu]
The rainstorm became more violent, with howling winds dragging the whole world into the vast white ocean. With the rolling thunder in the clouds, the dark clouds covered all the light. It was obviously daytime, but it was like night.
In this gray and black day, the prayers in the white church are still there. People sit together and sing the praises of beauty in the sea of ​​candlelight.
Joey suddenly had an unreal feeling, as if the whole world was collapsing and destroyed in the heavy rain, and only this small church would be the last refuge in this doomsday.
Joey slowly read the man's name, and as if he had been called, a faint smile appeared on his approachable face.
"The atmosphere is really nice, I love rainy days."
Moriarty looked at the collapsing world outside the window and couldn't help but said.
"The contrast between the harsh external environment and the comfortable surroundings will always make people feel happy."
As he spoke, his eyes shifted to Joey's face again, and he asked curiously.
"So, Joey... is it okay if I call you that?"
Joey had been wary of the man in front of him, but as he said, such a contrast would always make people feel happy. Joey was in a daze, and for a moment he nodded slightly.
But after that, he suddenly woke up. This was not something he would do often. He seemed to be aware of something unusual, and his voice was slightly cold.
"Are you from Black Mountain Hospital?"
"Well, that's right, this is just my part-time job. After all, saving the world is a good job."
Moriarty talks eloquently. He is indeed an excellent psychiatrist. Even if you are wary, you can't help but follow his thoughts in his gossip. Joey has experienced this feeling with another person. But that guy is full of crap.
"The hellish place in Black Mountain Hospital requires very high psychological quality. Doctors cannot treat themselves...so I need a place to satisfy my sense of salvation so that I can have the ability to return to that hell and continue doing good deeds."
His tone was very relaxed, like a familiar friend chatting with Joey about recent events... but it was obvious that they had just met.
Joey tried hard to maintain his vigilance. He could feel the difference, like a psychedelic and realistic dream. You knew it was fake, but you couldn't find the loophole.
"Doctors at Black Mountain Hospital rarely work part-time."
As a sub-department of the purification agency, Joey also knew a lot about Black Mountain Hospital. In order to keep the place confidential, entry and exit were strictly monitored.
"But there are always exceptions, right?"
Moriarty said and moved a chair for Joey, but it was not placed among the crowd sitting around, but placed on the other side of the stairs.Joey sat down with Moriarty.
"You don't seem to like me very much," Moriarty said.
"Is this because of specialization?"
Joey's pupils narrowed slightly, and he stared at Moriarty closely. His blurry appearance was reflected on the mirror, but after a while, Moriarty started laughing.
"Don't be so nervous, Joey. To a certain extent, we are still colleagues."
All of Joey's reactions could not escape his eyes, and the subtle changes in Joey's eyes revealed Joey's thoughts at the moment.
"An insider?"
"So be it." Moriarty replied.
As a sub-department of the purification agency, the main structure of the Black Mountain Hospital is different from other departments. It is open to the public, but the other part is confidential and is responsible for receiving those injured by demons.
So the doctors there are divided into two types, those who know about demons and those who don't.
"That's what you knights are like. After being specialized, you close your hearts to fight against erosion. You reject all those who try to snoop, including doctors and demons.
Maybe that's why you don't like me. After all, what we psychiatrists have to do is get you stubborn guys to open up. "
"You have violated confidentiality, Moriarty."
Joey still had a cold face and warned Moriarty that there were other people in the church, and those cheering people were sitting not far away.
"What they can't hear is that they are already immersed in their own pleasure and will not pay attention to us at all."
Moriarty said and looked to the other side. The crowd was chatting enthusiastically, and Hig also joined in. They were like a group of friends who had known each other for many years. Everyone's face was filled with smiles... but that smile had a... It was a bit stiff, as if everyone was putting on a poor performance.
"Joy Joshua, actually this is not the first time we have met... to be precise, for me."
Moriarty said, thinking back, which is why he knew that Joey was a member of the purge agency.
"On top of a file, that should have been our first meeting."
He spoke to himself.
"You were a popular figure in Black Mountain Hospital at that time. Everyone thought you would not be able to leave the hospital. We also prepared a comfortable ward for you in the nursing home..."
Hearing this, Joey's discomfort became more serious. He had tried his best to forget those damn memories. Before Moriarty finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave, even if the thunder was rolling outside.
"Joy, you were later discharged from the hospital, but according to the treatment process, apart from regular psychological evaluations, you never received psychological consultation again... Have you come out of the shadows?"
Joey's steps stopped and he turned around slowly.
"Nothing to do with you."
"It's irrelevant. I'm a doctor and I need to ensure the health of you 'heroes'."
Moriarty looked at Joey quietly, no one knew what he was thinking, and then he deliberately emphasized his tone.
"No, Joey, you haven't come out yet."
Joey didn't want to pay attention to Moriarty anymore. He walked quickly to the door and pushed it open hard, as if if he didn't listen, those sounds would not exist. But like a strange spell, Moriarty's The voice kept echoing in Joey's head.
"If you really stepped out of the shadows, then why did you come to the mutual aid group? Is it to make friends and listen to other people's miserable lives so that you can gain a perverse sense of happiness? What are some more damning reasons?
Joey, running away won't solve the problem. "
The rolling thunder fell, and Joey raised the black umbrella. He was about to leave, but then he saw it.
The water under your feet began to slowly change color, as if it had been dipped in dye. They turned red, and so did the falling rain curtains, as if they were falling red curtains.
Just under the heavy curtains, there were footsteps. The pace was so cheerful, like a group of children happily playing in the water, and then they came.
One child after another appeared behind the curtain. They all had the same face, and there were burning holes in the young face, as if there were hot metal piercing it.
The nightmare that he didn't want to look back came to him. Joey froze in place, letting the children surround him little by little. Their slender arms scratched Joey, tearing off pieces of flesh and blood from his body. , the young teeth gnawed at the hard bones, making a frightening rustling sound.
Accompanied by the chilling nursery rhymes, the children happily dispersed and ran back behind the curtain, leaving only scraps of flesh and bones in place.
A strong wind passed by, and the dark umbrella was blown high. It was not until the cold rain completely wet Joey that he slowly woke up, as if everything just now was an overlapping nightmare.
Then he half-knelt down and covered his heart hard, as if someone was stirring it with a sharp knife.
"Ha ha……"
Joey breathed hard, cold air poured into his lungs, and he coughed hard, feeling miserable.
"Are you okay Joey."
Moriarty walked over pretending to be concerned. As the thunder fell, the burning fireworks also went out in his eyes. He smiled strangely and patted his back gently.
Joey did not speak, but forcefully broke away from Moriarty's hand, took a deep look at this strange man, and walked into the majestic rain without saying a word.
 1. Finally remembered to thank the leader
2. The author's health is not very good. It has been raining these days and he can't stand it anymore.
3. Assignments, papers, websites, graduation projects, make-up exams, retakes... My respectable school has piled all these things together, which is really awesome.
4. So the author has been busy with various things recently. He is not only busy, but also wants to die.
5. Therefore, there may be a high probability of asking for leave.
6. Of course I try to avoid the fifth one.
7. Like this.
(End of this chapter)

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