Embers of Embers

Chapter 274 Name

Chapter 274 Name
Lorenzo whispered this name. For some reason, he who seemed so familiar at this moment felt indescribably strange.
"Let's talk about those things related to 047. From the existing evidence, it can be judged that 042 does not exist... but you insist on believing that it exists. Perhaps from the story of 047, we can find the hidden message , find the location of 042 from there."
"You also think 042 exists, right?" After hearing this, Lorenzo looked at Hercule with some hope. Everyone denied the existence of 042, but they didn't expect that the guy in front of him didn't.
"I don't know," Hercule replied.
"This is a world that values ​​logical evidence. Nothing can support the fact that 042 exists...except for your seemingly crazy conjecture.
Of course, your crazy imagination is not much evidence, but Lorenzo, you should know, and I also know, this is a crazy world, and there are secrets hidden everywhere that mortals cannot know, just like me, Just like you, and those monsters known as monsters. "
Hercule gently rubbed the big mouse in his arms. Its fur felt very good and was still warm in this thunderstorm. It was like a small fire ball that could be touched.
"But just because of the madness of this world, everything is possible, right? No matter how small the probability is.
Maybe 042 really exists, but all traces have been erased for some reason... And you, you, Lorenzo Holmes, you find yourself and determine whether the fictional person is real or not. The only clue. "
The thunderstorm became more and more violent, until the entire sky was plunged into deathly gray black, and the whole world had no light except for the thunder.
Hercule did not close the window. He allowed the curtains to dance wildly with the wind. The cold rain and cold wind poured into the house. As the thunder passed by, it seemed as if the whole world was collapsing.
"Let's talk, Lorenzo, tell us about 047."
Even today, those memories are still clear. Lorenzo wrapped the blanket tightly and slowly recalled everything at that time after a brief absence.
He thought about it carefully, but there was a stabbing pain in his mind, just like Anthony asked him why he left the team on Advent Night. There were some memories that he could not recall.
"I... I can't remember..."
"Is it all, or some of it?"
Hercule asked, like a skilled doctor.
"I...I can't perfectly recall the entire thing."
"Just like from the beginning to the end... just like dreams, dreams are always fragmentary. You can't remember how you got here, and when you realize it, you are already in the middle of the story."
"You said those memories of mine are all dreams?" Lorenzo was puzzled.
"No, it's just a description. I'm sure there is something wrong with your memory. It's like a building after an earthquake. The various levels are misaligned. Two different stories are spliced ​​together, or a piece is missing."
Hercule explained calmly, but as he explained, Lorenzo became a little panicked.
"In other words...am I really crazy?"
"Have you ever been normal? Lorenzo."
The conversation fell into silence, and after a long time Hercule spoke slowly.
"But humans can't imagine things they haven't seen before, Lorenzo, just like we can't imagine a color out of thin air, even the fantasy works we create now are only based on realistic references. Human beings So is memory.
You are crazy, but your chaotic memories are also spliced ​​together based on some real memories that you have actually experienced. They are wrong, but they are true. "
Hercule then said.
"So there's no need to think so clearly, just say what comes to mind."
"Is that so...?"
Lorenzo seemed to feel relieved. He sank into the sofa, wrapped himself in a ball, looked at the world outside the window, and started talking as if no one else was watching.
"047...047 and I have known each other since we were children. We lived together on the streets of Feilengcui. I can't remember the more distant memories, but I remember that at that time I was free and wandering along the Tiber River. When I was hungry, I went We robbed the bakery on the street, and slept under the bridge when we were sleepy... There were many children like us.
Until one day, I can’t remember exactly which day, people from the church found us. They promised warm beds and clean food. We didn’t know at the time that the price was so heavy. When we realized it, it was too late. . "
Lorenzo said as if everything was back to that time. Suddenly, the heavy rain and thunder outside the window disappeared, the dark clouds dispersed to reveal a clear sky, and the children's laughter echoed in the room. Lorenzo could not see them, but But I could hear the brisk footsteps.
"We are orphans that no one remembers. Even if we die, no one cares. We have been taught by the Evangelical Church since we were young. After receiving the [Baptism of God's Favor], we experienced cruel secret blood implantation, and then became part of the Demon Hunting Order. member."
The brisk footsteps around him became rarer and heavier. The boys had long since lost their childishness. They were leaning against the window with their books in their arms.
"Sounds like a less-than-perfect childhood," Hercule said.
"Actually, it's okay, maybe."
Lorenzo looked at the window, as if he had returned to that long time ago, when he and 047 were leaning against the window chatting.
"[Baptism of God's Favor] is an extremely important step before becoming a demon hunter. I don't know the specific effect of this ritual. In short, it can make us have a certain resistance to the erosion of demons, and at the same time, we can also obtain some unique, A memory that does not belong to this era.
For example, I saw another similar but completely different world, where there were no demons or demon hunters. Humans were not bound to the earth. They used steel and fire to break through the barrier of the sky. "
"Barrier in the sky?"
Hercule was amazed by Lorenzo's memory. No one had ever described the sky like this, or said something related to the sky.
At present, human beings still have very little understanding of this world. Regarding the familiar sky above their heads, human beings also built the first war airship decades ago, announcing the beginning of conquest. However, after so many years, human beings are still Not sure where the sky ends.
Whenever it reaches a certain height, extreme cold covers everything, and the airship falls out of control. Over time, no one challenges that unknown place.
"Yes, there is pitch black at the end of the sky, but there are countless stars in that darkness, and those stars are shining suns one after another. They gather together like glowing dust, and the dust is swept up by unknown forces. It rises and pulls into a gorgeous vortex..."
Listening to his words, Hercule seemed to be entranced, his eyes full of greedy curiosity, but Lorenzo seemed to have thought of something, and his face couldn't help but look a little sad.
"As you said, humans can't imagine things they haven't seen before. Maybe this is the curse of knowledge. No matter how I describe and explain it to you, you can't catch a glimpse of that magnificent one percent."
Hercule was startled, and he seemed to realize his gaffe, but he did not continue to ask any more questions, but motioned to Lorenzo to continue.
"The priests forbid us from talking to each other about what we saw, but it's like the curse of knowledge. Even if I tell them, they won't think of it, right? But I will still communicate with 047 in private. Unlike me, he seems to see There are some amazing stories.”
"what story?"
Hercule suddenly became serious. Although Lorenzo's world after the sky was very tempting, now he first had to help Lorenzo solve the problem of who he was. This was a memory about 047, real but misplaced. memory.
"A detective story."
Lorenzo said this, his tone was obviously so casual, but suddenly he felt like he was in a trance.
For a moment, all the sounds that had gone silent began to sound again. Someone was tearing apart his own memory and dragging himself into a world that had long been forgotten. All the colors were stretched into brilliant light until they returned to pitch black.
Hercule disappeared, along with Poirot in his arms, and the surrounding rooms also changed. 042 rubbed his eyes vigorously, as if he couldn't believe everything in this trance, and then someone left He came over and sat on the empty sofa.
"Did you just wake up? 042."
The man said, and then he said to himself.
"Last time we talked about where it came from... it was a detective story."
047 looked at the sleepy 042 and then said.
"The Story of Mr. Holmes."
"Do you like this story that much? 042 seems to be very sleepy, and he doesn't really care about 047.
"Of course, remember what the priests said? This is a unique story, a story that only belongs to me." 047 looked very excited.
In fact, [Baptism of God’s Favor] has another meaning. Demon hunters will inevitably encounter extremely dangerous moments in future battles. When their consciousness is corroded, tortured and controlled, the false illusion of [Baptism of God’s Favor] contains The information they receive will guide them like a morning star.
This is a star that is unique and belongs only to them.
"And it's really fun, and if I could, I hope I can be him when I retire."
"The man in the story, Mr. Holmes."
047 said as he put down all the books in his arms, but in fact it was blank, and he picked up the pen and continued to write the story on it.
"what are you writing?"
"Those stories and poems, human memory is not reliable. Although the priest said that we will not forget those, but...what if? I want to write them all down."
042 looked at 047 and sighed helplessly. He was like this after [Baptism of God's Favor]. 047 was a wild boy before, even wilder than 042. The priest always said that everyone is the Lamb of God, so 047 is the most uneasy. If possible, this lamb would not mind knocking over the shepherd and then leave happily, but now this restless lamb is busy writing.
"Knowledge is the ladder of progress!"
"No, you just like this story too much." 042 said.
"Likes will change a person... I got some other books here, do you want to read them?"
047 said as he took out a book from the pile and threw it to 042.
"what is this?"
"'Henry V'...that's what 016 said."
042 took a look at the appearance of the book. The workmanship was extremely rough, and there was no name on the cover. When he opened it, he saw lines of crooked handwriting.
"Did you write this?" 042 exclaimed.
"To be precise, it's a transcript."
Another voice sounded from behind 042. This sudden voice startled 042. If these things were discovered by the priest, punishment would be inevitable.
But when he turned around, a familiar girl was looking at him with a smile. She was half a head taller than 042 and wore the same uniform.
042 looked at 016 who suddenly appeared, and after a short thought, he was astonished.
"This...this book is your [Baptism of Divine Favor]?"
"Yes, 047 has been begging me for a long time to get this story." 016 said with a smile.
"That's a great story, 042, about a king."
047 did not raise his head, but continued to copy the precious stories in his memory.
042 looked at the book in his hand, and then at 047.
"Then do you want to be a king? 047." 042 asked.
"How is that possible? I said I want to be a detective."
This time 047 raised his head and spoke to 042 very seriously.
"Like I told you, I'm going to Inverge when I retire. They say it's great there. It's much better than the staid city of Florence. There are no nagging priests, no cumbersome things. Dogma was replaced by advanced technology and vibrant cities."
047 fell into the beauty of his own conception.
"I want to open a firm there, just like in the story, to investigate the case and find the murderer. How great. The priest said that in a few days we will implant the secret blood and become demon hunters. Those robbers and robbers are even more... If you can't beat me, I will become a very good detective... 016 is also very interested in this, we have agreed, she will be my assistant, what about it, do you want to join us? 042."
042's eyes swept back and forth between 047 and 016, and then said.
"Sounds pretty good."
"Exactly, it's great."
047's eyes were full of excitement and yearning for the future.
"But before that there is another question, 042."
"We need a name, after all a number is not a name."
042 hesitated.
"Priests absolutely forbid this, 047."
"Just don't let them find out. I've already given myself a name, and so has 016."
"It's quite interesting, isn't it?" 016 said, "My name is Watson. Although it is a man's name, it feels pretty good."
042 then looked at 047 and saw him put down the book and pen in his hand and said seriously.
"Please call me...
——Mr. Holmes! "
That was probably one of the few beautiful moments in Lorenzo Holmes's life. He sat on the sofa and told it quietly, staring out the window. The story was obviously happy and beautiful, but Hercule felt It was unspeakably depressing, as if the story revealed some kind of vicious curse.
There was cold liquid across his face. It was unclear whether it was the sadness of the past or the rainwater splashing into the room, but everything was so dim that no one knew.
(End of this chapter)

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