Embers of Embers

Chapter 278 The Forgotten Past

Chapter 278 The Forgotten Past
With the outbreak of the Holy Night, the Temple of Stasis, where the incident occurred, became the main battlefield. Countless demon hunters and demons fought here. All the accumulation of the demon hunting order that has been passed down for thousands of years was also burned in this burning night. Completely destroyed.
It was a magnificent building no less than the Cathedral of Saint-Naro, and now I can only relive it in memory.
Lorenzo slowly walked in the Temple of Stasis...or the Palace of Memory. Everything here was the same as in his memory. After all, they themselves were built from Lorenzo's memory.
After walking through the well of sublimation in the center, through the gate of heaven leading to the ground, and through familiar buildings one after another, Lorenzo finally stopped in front of a door.
He looked around again. There were different doors on the ancient stone wall, countless doors, doors of different styles, some were wooden doors, some were iron doors, some looked like bedroom doors, and some doors But it's like imprisoning a monster.
Each door leads to different memories. Lorenzo was a little confused at first, but then he figured it out.
This is not the real world, this is the spiritual world structured by Lorenzo's memory. Perhaps Hercule symbolizes memory with books, while he symbolizes memory with doors, the doors that Lorenzo once pushed open.
As if reminiscing about the past, he gently brushed one handle after another until he stopped in front of a familiar handle. He moved his gaze upwards. This was a door that Lorenzo was extremely familiar with, and his former room.
Lorenzo pushed it open hard, as if he was pushing a heavy stone door. Dust fell between the gaps, and then a breeze blew over, mixed with warm sunshine.
"This book is quite interesting."
It was a day off, with no training and no prayers. Although the scope of activities was limited to the parish, it was also a rare freedom. 047 sat in a corner of the bedroom, looking through the books he had copied. Maybe his handwriting was too confusing. He frowned from time to time, thinking about what this crooked text was.
"Which one?"
042 lay on the bed, struggling to read the book in front of him. This was also copied by 047, but this guy's handwriting was so messy that it gave him a headache.
"The 016 book, she called it "Henry V". The book describes an 'ideal monarch'."
Such a conversation seemed to have happened before, 042 asked patiently.
"Then you want to be a king? 047."
"King, of course it's good. The king is great, but the king is also troublesome, right? There are so many things in a day, it's better to be a detective." 047 said.
042 muttered, then looked down at the copied book, which was about a detective named Holmes.
"I have been planning my retirement life. I have even asked someone to find a route, and it will be mixed with the goods and transported to Old Dunling together."
047 said and looked at 042 on the bed.
"What about you? Have you figured out what to do in the future?"
042 shook his head and said sadly.
"No, maybe I'm a boring person."
047 always thinks about such wonderful things, which is completely different from 042. He has too many beautiful hopes for the future, but 042 has nothing. This child is extremely ordinary, and he looks stupid and stupid.
Lorenzo stood by the door, watching these quietly, with a little sadness on his face as he recalled the past.
That question has been lingering in Lorenzo's mind, lingering.
042 is fictitious and does not exist. Even what Lorenzo sees in his memory now may be memories made up by his subconscious in order to make logic normal. Perhaps at some time in the past, in this room There is only 047 alone.
Lorenzo doesn't want to admit this. He also wants to find more clues, more evidence to prove the existence of 042, evidence of his own existence, but he is so different from the 042 in his memories.
These two people have completely opposite personalities. It can be seen from their eyes that 042 is a timid child, a mediocre lamb. Unlike the fanciful 047, his future will not be unstable, just like many ordinary people. Just like an insignificant drop of water in the ocean.
But how could such a child be the great Lorenzo Holmes?
The memories were constantly fragmented, and Lorenzo looked at the memories of the past with both joy and sadness.
He closed the door and continued walking towards the infinite end, where there were more doors waiting for him.
The door was pushed open again, and a hoarse fighting sound sounded.
"042, faster!"
The priest yelled at the boy, and in the harsh rebuke, 042 gritted his teeth and swung the sword harder.
It was a blade that had not yet been sharpened, but in 042's hands it became a life-threatening weapon, but it was not enough. What they would face in the future would not be humans, but monsters called demons.
The sword blades struck each other, and every impact was accompanied by pain in the wrist, as if a hammer was hitting the bones.He could hardly hold the hilt of the sword.
"Don't be distracted, 042."
The opponent whispered during the close confrontation.
042 nodded slightly and stared at his opponent.
047 is so powerful. Obviously everyone is of the same age and receives the same training, but 047 is far better than others, powerful, but humble.
The pale sword light once again forced the normally gentle 047 to become ferocious, like a wild beast that chooses people to eat.
047 only becomes dangerous when training. 042 once thought that he liked fighting and enjoyed the sense of accomplishment of defeating others, but the conversation at night later gave 047 a completely different answer.
He just doesn't want anyone to die.
Yes, death is a very terrible thing. When you die, you will die. You will have nothing, and you will not be able to feel anything. This colorful and beautiful world has nothing to do with you anymore.
047 knows their fate, which is a fate that cannot be resisted. The only thing he can do is to help others and become stronger as much as possible, so strong that not even the so-called fate or monsters can kill him.
Only when he is alive can he have hope, and only when he is alive can he have that wonderful retirement life. Only when he is alive can he go to Old Dunling, open a detective agency, and live the life he has been waiting for for a long time.
That's it.
042 understands what 047 means. The monster is far more terrifying than humans. If he can't even hold on in 047's hands, he will definitely die when facing the monster in the future.
He struggled to lift the sword and used all his strength to block the blow when the sword light fell. He succeeded, but the huge force that followed pushed him back. He was too tired and had no strength to stabilize. He lost his center of gravity and fell down, raising dust.
The priest looked at 042 with some disappointment. On the real battlefield, 042 was now dead.
"047, you have great potential."
Turning his head, the priest could not hide his praise for 047.
047 did not respond to the priest's words, but pulled 042 up.
"It looks like I will die in the near future." 042 said somewhat decadently. He was not weak, but he was still much worse than 047.
"Don't worry, 042." 047 said.
042 looked at him.
"We will not face the monster alone... We are like wolves, we travel in packs and are never alone."
So the scene freezes at this moment, Lorenzo closes the door, turns around and continues moving forward, looking for the lost door.
In the quiet palace, countless doors were lined up like a long corridor, empty except for him.
(End of this chapter)

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