Chapter 285
Fear, the most primitive and terrifying human emotion, rises like a virus in the hearts of every demon hunter at this moment. As the boiling secret blood spreads along the blood vessels, it swallows up all the weak wills in the blink of an eye. Trembling, crying, and praying that all this is just an unbearable dream, but everyone knows that there seems to be no waking up from this nightmare.
Under the silent night, the roars from demons gradually began to rise, coming from every corner of the Seven Hills, like a rising tide, accompanied by the light of fire and the clanging of iron.
As time went by, demonization of people also appeared in other places in the Seven Hills. There were cries at night, as if someone was fleeing here, and the sound of footsteps gradually began to sound.
Yes, this is St. Nalo's Cathedral. If there is any place in this world that is closest to the kingdom of God, then it is here. All believers yearn for this place. When all evils come to the world, this will be the last place. of shelter.
How ridiculous, who would have thought that this sanctuary in people's hearts would be the source of evil? 047 wanted to yell into the night and advise those who were fleeing to leave, but the cold rationality made him hold the nail sword tightly.
Tonight is the War Faction's experiment on the Holy Grail. Once the Prosperity Gospel Church returns to its dominant position in the Western world, it will have a sharper sword to fight against demons and infidels.
In order to ensure safety, 047 led the Metanzo demon hunters to guard here. However, it is obvious that the experiment is now out of control, and this may be the beginning of the demise of the Evangelical Church.
But 047 still has to stick to his duties, not for the evangelical church, nor for the illusory god, but for the devil. He cannot allow this weird existence to enter the world again.
The footsteps of the crowd came closer, and the panicked crowd appeared in front of the demon hunters. Under the pressure of erosion, they were extremely panicked, and their expressions were extremely distorted... In fact, they should have run towards the outside of the city, although there were Templar Knights there. The guard of the regiment, but at least it is better than coming here, the source of erosion.
These people still had reason, fragile reason, and a slight joy appeared on their extremely frightened faces. At this moment, the blood-stained demon hunters seemed to have their last hope. They cheered, but then the sharp nail sword penetrated their chests. heart, and then cut off the head.
The joyful crowd fell silent. They looked at the demon hunters, as if they didn't understand why these guardians of the kingdom of heaven were doing this, but they couldn't even scream. The demon hunters jumped down and skillfully killed one after another. An ordinary person with no resistance, 047's sword-wielding hand gradually became numb, and he didn't know whether what he did was right or wrong.
When the erosion of suppressing panic spread to the entire Seven Hills, ordinary people in the Seven Hills have been sentenced to death. It is difficult for ordinary people to resist the erosion. Even if they are not demonized now, it is only a matter of time. They They are no longer ordinary people, but potential monsters one after another.
What 047 is doing now is just to deal with the threat in advance, but... is this really the case?Those distorted faces just died, with confusion and pain in their eyes.
The will of the demon hunters is undergoing tests, the pressure of erosion, the threat of demons, the hesitation and guilt of killing ordinary people. They are isolated and helpless in this bloody night.
051 on the side seemed to have lost the ability to think. He stood there blankly. Under the blood-stained sword was a young girl, and her beloved bear toy lay in the pool of blood.
These ordinary people are not strong, and it is even easy for them to kill, but there are beast-like breathing sounds coming from under the iron face of each body, and they try their best to contain the emotions that shake them.
047 At this moment, he suddenly understood what Dean Lawrence said. Demon hunters should not have extra emotions and should live like cold weapons, so that they will not be affected by these so-called ethics and morals. Bound by good and evil, only in this way can they make cruel and cold decisions and become a weapon that is absolutely loyal to their will.
It's a pity that it's too late to wake up now. 047 is not an indifferent person. He is sentimental and looking forward to the good life of old Dunling. He is hesitant, he is wavering, and he wants to escape.
If you persist like this, you will only die. Demon hunters are stronger than ordinary people, but if they fight in this high-intensity corrosive environment for a long time, it is only a matter of time before they are transformed into monsters.
047 Thinking like this, he looked at the demon hunters around him. Everyone was standing in a pool of stinky blood. Here were demons, demon hunters and ordinary people. The sharp nail swords were cutting open the flesh and blood. The fatal wounds and internal organs were scattered all over the floor with a faint heat, like a hellish scene.
"Retreat, Metanzo."
051 suggested again, although he didn't know why all this happened, but now it seems that the fall of Qiqiujiu is doomed.
There was no sound in my mind, and the stasis temple remained silent, without issuing any instructions...
051 looked at the ground under his feet with some palpitations. The Temple of Stasis is just below. Although 047 didn't say anything about the source of the erosion, the rest of the demon hunters knew what it meant. This crisis came from stasis. The temple, the core of the Demon Hunting Sect, fell immediately.
No one knows how many demon hunters are stationed there, but it is the core area of ​​erosion. Those demon hunters must have been killed or mutated into more powerful demons, and now the sound of the claws rubbing against each other is... Came from the Cathedral of San Naro...
Those monsters, those people driven crazy by erosion are trying to crawl out of that hell. When they see the light of day again, the existing demon hunters are simply unable to resist.
The rest of the demon hunters also looked at 047. He was named Metazord and was the leader of everyone. His decisions would affect everyone.
Escape or continue fighting to the death.
The bad nature of human beings began to cause trouble, and it seemed that gods were watching all this, making bursts of ridicule at the will of mortals.
The hand holding the nailed sword couldn't help but tremble. 047 didn't have much time to think about it. He slowly took off the steel mask and threw it into a pool of blood. His gray-blue eyes were full of exhaustion. , face covered with blood.
"It seems like I won't be able to wait for you in Old Dunling, 051."
047 suddenly said, 051 didn't understand why 047 suddenly said this, but then the sword blade shone with snow-white light, pierced 051's chest along the gap in the armor, and penetrated his heart.
051 looked at him in disbelief, but then his body began to metamorphose, and the sharp bone spurs broke away from the shackles of the armor. It turned out that he had been engulfed by erosion just now, but fear and desire to survive prevented him from noticing it at all. The seemingly tired 047 has been observing all this coldly.
"Thank you for taking care of me."
After a brief loss of consciousness, 051 said the last words of his life. The nail sword cut off his head cleanly, and the blood-stained iron surface clanked against the ground, revealing a green and beautiful face.
She died. 047 still remembered that when he first met this new demon hunter, Dean Lawrence had no time to teach everyone because he was busy. 047, who was already named Metazord at that time, was responsible for teaching her.
047 taught her how to fight against demons, but she herself died in her own hands.
Looking around blankly, 047 suddenly felt a great sense of exhaustion, as if his soul had been drained out. He looked at the face that seemed to be sleeping peacefully and whispered.
"It seems...I can't go either. I really want to see that city with my own eyes..."
047 staggered towards the bloody staircase, and after that was the glorious kingdom of heaven.
The demon hunters were all watching him, waiting for him to make a decision, but after a long time, 047 sighed helplessly, and then dropped the mottled nail sword in his hand.
Are you going to run away?
The demon hunters felt a sense of joy, but they also seemed to feel a sense of disappointment.
The much-anticipated demon hunter named Metazord also has the heart of a mortal, capable of fear, terror, and flight.
047 did not respond to them. He just stood there, stretched out his hands and forcefully opened the buttons that had been twisted in the battle. He struggled to take off the broken armor bit by bit.
This is the armor of the Demon Hunter Order. It is the standard armor for all demon hunters. But 047 hates this thing. Its function overlaps with Metanzo's power. Every time the power is activated, the generated armor will be blocked by it. , in his words, the demon hunters of Medanzo should wear loose robes.
There was a clear sound of impact, and pieces of iron armor fell off from 047's body. Like a wild beast that was freed from restraints, he relaxed, but under the iron armor was a body covered with scars.
"No one will question your decision. We have tried our best...after all, we are only mortals."
A demon hunter tried to comfort 047, but 047 burst into hoarse laughter.
"Mortals... Yes, we are mortals, with the bad nature of mortals, pathetic, tearful, and hateful..."
047 looked at his blood-stained hands, and murmured.
"Small and fragile mortals, even if we usurp the power of taboo, they can't change anything, and they can't erase our fatal flaws."
The demon hunters were silent, seeming to be justifying their escape. They had tried their best, and no one could stop the tide of despair. But at this moment, 047 lowered his body again, as if he was looking for something in the pool of blood. , and then he found it.
It was a spiked sword, a spiked sword that seemed to be in good condition, compared to the one discarded by 047, it looked extremely sharp.
"But it's when we are so stubborn that when we burn, the light becomes dazzling, isn't it?"
047 never thought about leaving. He put down the sword just to pick up the sharper one. The white fireworks ignited again. He took off the iron armor just to exchange for stronger protection. Therefore, the dense armor was removed from the body. table growth.
In the blink of an eye, 047 was completely wrapped up in pitch-black armor, and fireworks overflowed from the gaps in the armor, igniting blazingly.
"It seems that everyone knows the bad nature of human beings... So never place your hopes on others. We are already standing in front of the gate of hell. Don't pray to any god or anyone to save us!"
047 said as he stepped on the scarlet stairs and walked towards the depths of the Saint-Naro Cathedral.
"If anyone doesn't have the courage to fight this battle, then leave!"
He continued to move forward, his voice seemed a little weak, but it was deafening.
"I don't want to fight with such a demon hunter. He is afraid of dying with his comrades."
047 couldn't help but think of 016. This was the words in her book. The king gave such a speech before the war, and then they won the seemingly impossible war.
But 047 is not a king, and he does not have thousands of troops. There are only exhausted demon hunters around him, and their broken wills are about to be destroyed.
"From today until the end of the world, our feat today will be remembered forever!"
[No, no one will remember you. 】
The voice of doubt rang in his mind, so the devil named erosion tempted 047, but he endured it all and stubbornly roared.
"Our names will be sung, like the everlasting hymn, 047, 063, 053, 051..."
He read the names that he had long remembered by heart, the demon hunters who were wearing iron armor with him.
"Whoever goes to death with me will be my brother, no matter how lowly his status may have been!"
047 clenched the nail sword and moved forward paranoid. He was like a madman and a fool at the moment, talking unknown lies and heading towards death.
In fact, he really wanted to look back and see how many demon hunters followed him, but he was also very scared, afraid that he was the only one who would die alone like this.
But he mustered up his courage and continued to shout.
"The demon hunters who are sleeping at this moment, one day they will cry bitterly, they will think that they have been cursed and cannot die here with us!"
Stepping through the glorious hall, the gate of heaven is right in front of you. Angels and demons are embedded in the stone door. They are crying together, seeming to pity 047, but also seeming to laugh at his naughtyness.
The violent vibration was getting closer and closer. Behind the gate, the countless monsters were walking along the stone wall. Maybe they would break through the shackles in the next second.
He was infinitely close to fear, but the courage and anger in his heart also burned to the extreme at this time.
The reason why human beings can become human is because human beings can curb themselves, curb greed, curb jealousy, and curb fear.
"We are enough. One more person will share the glory of our admiration!"
There was a heavy impact, as if a monster was hitting the door. Dust was raised on the door of heaven and it was covered with cracks.
047 set up the nail sword and headed towards the gate of heaven.
He is the flame bearer of the eternal night, holding the torch to carve out a path to hope in despair, burning himself and all the darkness.
“Defend the Kingdom of Heaven!”
He roared like this, his voice seemed so lonely in this huge church, like a ghost.
For a moment, 047 felt a sense of despair and sadness. Sure enough, he was the only fool willing to die in the end, but then more voices responded to him, baptizing the sadness into burning anger.
“Defend the Kingdom of Heaven!”
The witchers roared like this.
The gate of heaven collapsed at this moment, the faces of angels and demons shattered into millions of pieces, twisted and weird bodies crawled out of the darkness, carrying the bloody smell of death and meaningless whimpering, but the next moment the dark iron armor Blazing white fireworks were lit above, and they gathered together, like the rain of fire that descended on the world in the Gospels.
A handful of people have the potential to be a thousand horses and a thousand horses.
924 in the Inlveg calendar.
The incident of the night of the Holy Advent erupted in the Temple of Stasis, and the demon hunters of Medanzo met the demons at the gate of heaven in the first time, and guarded the gate of hell.
The demon hunters who participated in the war after the incident died in the endless fighting in the Temple of Stasis, and the history of the old order ended here.
(End of this chapter)

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