Embers of Embers

Chapter 288 Gossip

Chapter 288 Gossip
Lorenzo was a little surprised. His hands had nowhere to place, and finally they were placed on his knees, like a child being scolded.
"Actually...are you worried about Sigurd?" Lorenzo asked tentatively.
This was not an accidental conversation. Mrs. Van Roode must have been thinking about retirement care for a long time, but she just made the decision because of the arrival of the rainy season.
It’s such an annoying rainy season. The annoying rain washes over the world, trapping everyone at home.
After briefly looking back at the past time, Lorenzo was surprised to find that apart from her bad temper, this old lady was also very good, just like a bad-tempered nanny. Sometimes, because of her legendary life experience, she would give you some An unexpected surprise.
Madame Valloude nodded sadly.
"Xig is different from you. You can survive no matter what, and you won't go astray."
Lorenzo looked happy, but he didn't expect that he would be so upright and upright in the eyes of Mrs. Verude. ,
"Are you feeling proud? What I mean is...you are probably a good person...probably." Her voice sounded hesitant. Good and evil are not absolute. "At least, you have a strong enough mind." , will not be affected by others.”
Mrs. Van Rude looked at Lorenzo's proud face and said slowly.
"Although you kill people and set fires, at least you never bring troublesome things home, and you are also willing to help me wash the dishes."
Lorenzo didn't know what to say. He suddenly discovered that it was so easy to please the old lady in front of him.
"But Xig is different. He is a very complicated child. He came here much earlier than you. At that time, he was not as tall as the table."
Mrs. Van Rude expressed her worries.
"My husband and I had no children. After he died, I was left alone in this house. It was actually quite boring. Then I met young Sigg on the street. He was looking for a job, any job. Just provide food and accommodation.”
"Child labor is illegal!" Lorenzo shouted.
"I know," Mrs. Van Lude rolled her eyes at him and continued, "but there will still be people who will take him in, those black-hearted factories, gangs, or even worse..."
Old Dunling is a complex city. It has the most advanced technology and the most backward areas. It can create a luxurious and beautiful crown, but the sky is gray and never sees the sun.
"So you let him move in?"
"Just think of raising a small animal to make this empty house more lively. He doesn't eat much anyway."
"Then why not get a dog?"
"It's a pity that I didn't find the dog when I picked it up."
Lorenzo was silent. He somewhat understood Mrs. Verde. At that time, she lost her beloved husband and almost everything. It is difficult for human beings to bear grief, so everyone learned to forget and devote their body and mind to another thing. , just like Lorenzo devoted himself to killing monsters after the Holy Night.
Maybe she pinned all that on Sigurd at that time... He was really a lucky man.
"I'm very worried. I don't know what Sigg will become in the future. You know, he started taking hallucinogens before... He likes to hide everything in his heart and won't tell others. I'm afraid that he will become Another look, a look that no one wants to see."
Mrs. Van Roode continued.
"I also thought about asking Sigg to accompany me to the countryside, but I am already too old to die, but Sigg is still young. The city of Old Dunling is very suitable for young people like him. How can I, because of myself, And to take him out of here, that would be so selfish.”
The vicious old lady was gone, but instead she was an old man with a mother-in-law. Lorenzo suddenly realized that this might be the first time he had such a serious conversation with Mrs. Vallude. Looking back on the past time, although they seemed to be close, , but they all maintain a certain distance.
"Do you regard Sigg as your own child?" Lorenzo asked.
"I watched him grow up with my own eyes. Even if there is no blood relationship... you will have emotions after raising a small animal for more than ten years, right?" Mrs. Van Rude said without forgetting to mock Lorenzo.
Lorenzo was a little curious, "Then who am I?"
"You?" Mrs. Van Roode glanced at him disdainfully.
"Stepson?" Lorenzo guessed.
"I can't get rid of the troublesome guys who come to my door."
"It's really hurtful for you to say that!"
"When did you become so vulnerable?"
The two were bickering as usual. Fortunately, all the expired arms had been removed, otherwise the old lady might be ready to draw her gun now.
Lorenzo suddenly felt in a trance, and his happiness came from contrast to a certain extent. He sat on the comfortable sofa and looked at the heavy rain outside, and felt a strange sense of luck.
Sometimes my life is really full of a sense of fragmentation. Not long ago, I was deeply resentful and prepared to fight to the death with the new religious group. But now I stay in a warm home and discuss the rest of my life with the old lady. This gap is actually quite big. Lorenzo's anger before entering the door disturbed a lot.
"No one's life is absolutely overlapping. One day you will move out of this house, and so will Sigg, and so will I."
Mrs. Van Lud sighed, but at this moment there was a sound outside the door, the sound of horse hooves was rapid, and then it stopped steadily at the door.
someone is coming.
"But you are of some use, Lorenzo. That's a good boy, but you are not."
Mrs. Verde said something that Lorenzo couldn't understand, then went to the kitchen to put something fragrant into her bag, took her coat off the hanger, and seemed to be going out, and the person who came was coming to pick her up.
Lorenzo thought about who it was.
"So you've always wanted a daughter?"
Mrs. Verude shook her head, "I still have some ethics and morals. At that age, Seleu can be considered my granddaughter."
She left, and only Lorenzo was left in 121A Cork Street. Sigg didn't know where he went, and the small house suddenly became empty.
Lorenzo sat in the living room for a while, then quickly returned to his room.
The chatting time was over, and he forcefully pulled the box out from under the bed.
Open it, and inside there are some weapons and ammunition, as well as several holy silver folding knives produced by the Purification Agency, as well as spare blades.
Following the fight with Lawrence, all the holy silver weapons Lorenzo carried were basically destroyed. These weapons can fight against demons and even more powerful against demon hunters.
With the current situation, Lorenzo is very likely to go to war with the new order, and he must be fully prepared.
The shotgun was placed aside, with flechette bullets, dragon's breath bullets, single-head bullets... different bullets and ammunition were also neatly listed aside, and there was also a sealed container with a metallic liquid flowing inside.
That was mercury, which Lorenzo had picked up when he was at the Perpetual Pump.
The purification agency has developed many interesting weapons in the battle against demons. According to them, from another perspective, demons are extremely powerful flesh-and-blood creatures. Although they are terrifying and outrageous, to a certain extent they are Still limited by existing biology.
For example, poisoning. Of course, this kind of thing cannot poison the demon, but it can still limit the power of the demon to a certain extent during the battle, and it can also use electric current to paralyze the strong muscles... It can be said that based on human beings' understanding of the world On top of that, the purification mechanism has developed all kinds of strange weapons against demons.
These things can restrain monsters, let alone witchers.
Then came another thing.
In the deepest part of the box, there are several bottles and jars that are also sealed, but what is sealed inside is not a silver-white metallic liquid like mercury, but pure black.
Lorenzo picked it up and stared into the dark liquid.
A few years ago, the purification agency discovered this flammable and explosive liquid in the north. After secretly developing it for several years, we came up with the current product. We refined it from a large amount of black crude oil and finally got this liquid that seems to be able to swallow all light. Liquid, its official name is lacquer antimony.
This is a new energy source with huge energy. Just a little bit can explode the amount of heat that can only be achieved by using crude oil several times its mass.
Its production process is a secret, and the only person who knows about it is Merlin. However, Lorenzo can be sure that this ghost thing is not based on modern technology. It is the product of alchemy, but unlike the previous alchemy, it was created by everyone. Mass produced.
Because he could smell it, Lorenzo could feel something ominous from the dark liquid, and anything that could make Lorenzo feel ominous was basically not a good thing.
When fighting the fully-armed Sword Dancer, it used this energy. Only with this energy can the reserve space be reduced, otherwise the original sin armor would be even more bloated at that time.
After Lorenzo's questioning, Merlin explained to Lorenzo and gave Lorenzo these samples.
At that time, Lorenzo was still a little skeptical. This was an energy that had the ability to change the world structure. How could Merlin give it to him so easily? However, in the subsequent conversation with the new cult, Lorenzo understood Merlin's intention.
Should it be said that the madness shared by alchemists is at work?Merlin's view of Lorenzo changed after he realized that Lorenzo could sneak into the Stasis Temple as the Black Angel and enter that weird ghost state.
Lorenzo may be able to find more forgotten taboo knowledge. This is an irresistible temptation for Merlin, an alchemist. If there is anyone in the purification agency who least wants Lorenzo to die, it must be him. It was Merlin, which is why he gave Lorenzo the lacquer antimony.
The old fox had long known the purpose of the New Order, and also knew that Lorenzo might fight against the New Order. At that time, no one knew what the situation would become, and the purge agency might also become his enemy. He was the one who saved his own life.
Although it wasn't much, these cans of paint antimony were fully capable of blowing up half a city block if ignited, but it would be too wasteful to use them like that.
I have to admit that although Lawrence is a bastard, he is indeed an excellent priest. The skills he taught Lorenzo made Lorenzo kill him.
Regarding the new order, Lorenzo did not yet know what kind of training those demon hunters received, but he could never be too careful.
He carefully put the raw materials of these weapons aside and prepared to modify them. With the fragile material of the shotgun, it is okay to carry mercury weapons. If you carry lacquer antimony, I am afraid that as soon as Lorenzo fired, this ghost thing will be destroyed. It will explode and then die with it.
Lorenzo needs to think carefully about how to deal with this troublesome guy.
The great Mr. Holmes will not fall down. At most, he will just lie down and take a rest, thinking about how to fight back more powerfully.
Push all the books to the ground, barely leaving a little space, and then carefully place these things that may blow up the house to the sky in a second.
While he was busy, he caught something out of the corner of his eyes. It was a necklace with a slightly larger emblem hanging on it.
Lorenzo reached out and picked up the object.
It was a spiral cross of sword blades, molded into an exquisite buckler.This is the Stuart family emblem.
This was given to him by Arthur after the God's birthday. It seemed to be a small gift from Seleucus. Anyway, Arthur didn't say anything at the time and just handed the thing to him. The old guy was very irritated with him. Lorenzo even said I thought, if the purification agency wanted to hunt him down one day, that old guy Arthur would be beaming with joy.
Lorenzo played with it casually in his hand, then lowered his head and put it on. After all, it was a gift from a little girl, so it should be taken seriously.
Then Lorenzo seemed to remember something, walked to the bed and pulled up the curtains to block the view from the outside world.
Although the water vapor is hazy now, there is no guarantee that that guy with good eyes is peeking at him.
Lorenzo also knew what Shrike meant. He knew very well that the purge agency could not monitor Lorenzo perfectly. Sooner or later, they would be discovered by the keen detective. Instead of having a fight by then, it would be better to explain it in advance, so that Lorenzo When Zuo Zai strikes, he will not kill him.
"So what's going on here?"
Lorenzo picked up a piece of wooden debris, which was the remains of a Winchester. The surface was burnt to gray black. If he touched it gently, he could still feel the concave and convex marks on it.
That little poem that was constantly sung by 047 was one of the few things that guy left to himself.
After a brief moment of nostalgia, Lorenzo put away the half of the wreckage and put it aside. As a weapon, this ending was not bad for it. It was not covered with dust and was not eliminated due to poor performance. , but as a weapon, fighting to the end of its life.
Lorenzo arranged the weapons and then placed them in a corner. This time he did not hide them under the bed, but simply covered them with a blanket. It was not far from his bed, as long as he was alone Roll around to grab the weapon.
After gathering his emotions, Lorenzo lay back on the bed and looked at the ceiling where he had plastered posters. Because he had never cleaned them up, the papers had been piled up in a thick layer over the past few years.
Some notes were also posted on it so that Lorenzo would know what he should do when he woke up. He checked carefully and found several unresolved things.
Regarding the doors of the Memory Palace, except for the one that was pushed open, the rest of the doors were tightly closed. Lorenzo didn't know how to open them. The New Order had not taken action yet and was just in a stalemate with the purification agency.
The situation is in a dangerous balance, and a war may break out in the next second, but before that everyone works hard to restrain themselves.
Lorenzo thought and closed his eyes. He felt that he was falling, falling into a vortex that had begun to slowly rotate from Advent Night... or even before Advent Night, many years ago. , countless big hands were fiddling back and forth behind the scenes, and no one knew their purpose.
(End of this chapter)

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