Embers of Embers

Chapter 325 Paradise

Chapter 325 Paradise
The drizzle kept falling, and a faint ray of sunlight passed through it all, falling into the room through the gaps in the curtains, driving away the darkness and bringing some light.
This building looks very old, with green vines crawling into the window sill along the gaps and pipes. There are not many furnitures in the room. Except for some necessities of life, there is not a trace of excess.
The girl on the bed woke up leisurely and saw the white ceiling. She smelled the familiar smell of disinfectant filling the air and couldn't help but frown slightly.
This is a ward, but it is different from the common ward where several people live together. The girl obviously has a special status and is lucky enough to get an independent room in this hellish place. Although her freedom is limited, it is better than those times when she has to wear a restraint. For a patient, she is really lucky.
Lucky...lucky ass!
Eve raised her hand and wanted to punch the door open, and then ran out all the way, but the anger dissipated as soon as it rose.
She leaned on the pillow, took out an apple from the fruit basket nearby, and gnawed it without caring about the image.
Click, click.
Biting the apple hard, she was like an angry squirrel, but Eve also knew that she could lose her temper with the apple a little here.
Eve Phoenix, the heir to the Phoenix family, the police detective of Suryalan Hall, and the self-proclaimed female captain Yin Erweg...
Well, these identities are not important now. Eve is a patient at this moment, trapped in this place called Black Mountain Hospital.
The cause was a raid on the gang more than half a month ago. The mastermind behind that incident was Hercule. Because of his desire for those secret knowledge, he used several other forces to trigger a conspiracy against the inferior secret blood. strife.
The final ending is also a familiar one, with the monster appearing and Mr. Lorenzo Holmes appearing at the fatal moment to end it all.
For Lorenzo, that incident ended here, but for Eve, all this is still going on. She and the police detectives in Suaran Hall have been eroded. In order to ensure that this influence will not spread, a net The eradication agency took them into Black Mountain Hospital for mental testing and treatment to eliminate the effects of erosion.
But in the final analysis, this treatment took too long. The doctor said the same thing every day, saying that she was not recovered yet and could not leave. Compared to these nonsense, Eve was more inclined to believe that Arthur had locked her here.
The worried old father finally couldn't stand this frightening daughter, so he simply fostered Eve here. Eve couldn't run away anyway, and the old father was probably busy dealing with the mission's affairs.
Although Arthur never revealed those things to Eve, she could more or less guess those things after being in contact with Lorenzo for so long. But because of such guesses, she felt that she had really angered Arthur this time. Maybe when he is discharged from the hospital, Arthur will send himself to a paradise-like island and say goodbye to the so-called monster.
Eve doesn't want this, she doesn't want others to make decisions for her.
She also tried to escape many times, but every time she was caught halfway through, it might be because of her identity. The doctors were also very polite to her, and at most they just locked her up in confinement.
Ah... What a pity, it's a pity that there is no ladder here, otherwise Eve would really like to try this life pass again.
Make the bed, get dressed, and put on a clean white hospital gown. If there is some strange number on it, Eve will even feel like a prisoner.
She sat on the bed and swung her feet, just like she always did here. After a while, footsteps sounded in the corridor. The nurse opened the door and pushed a small trolley in front of her. A mechanical instrument.
"Time for your regular check-ups, Miss Phoenix."
The nurses wore white nurse caps and masks, and only a pair of bright eyes could be seen. Each of them was like this. If it weren't for the different nameplates on their chests, it would have been difficult for Eve to tell them apart.
They treated Eve very politely. After all, her surname was Phoenix. Even though these nurses didn't know the inside story, their superiors more or less vaguely revealed Eve's dignity.
But think about it, on a night with thunderstorms, Eve knocked out the security guard on duty with the leg of a chair, and then climbed down from the sixth floor along the pipe outside the wall. If it weren't for the security guard's clothes, she would It was really big for her body, which might have allowed her to escape like this.
And there were more than one such escapes. During the more than half a month of treatment, Eve fully proved to the doctors how outstanding a police detective can be when he wants to commit a crime.
Fortunately, the security at Montenegro Hospital is strong enough to catch Eve every time. For patients like this who are extremely uncooperative and are related to erosion, their usual response is to use restraints and sedatives, but these None of it fell on the girl. She was just transferred to a building with higher security and patrols in the area were strengthened.
"I know I know."
Eve said calmly, then flipped up her long fiery red hair.
On the back of the neck, the area that was originally covered by long hair had been shaved off, exposing the skin underneath. Seeing Eve's cooperation, the nurse directly pushed the machine to the bedside and took out a few of them. The electrode was inserted along the exposed area on the back of the head.
"Need pain medication? This is going to hurt," the nurse asked.
"No need, hurry up."
Eve urged.
The nurses looked at each other, perhaps admiring Eve's courage, they didn't remind Eve, they started the machine directly, with the surge of current, severe pain detonated from their minds, it felt like someone He shot Eve in the head, and his vision became confused for a moment.
She grabbed the guardrail at the edge of the hospital bed to prevent herself from falling. The scene in front of her suddenly became clear after a flash. The nurses surrounded Eve. After removing the electrodes, they took out cotton swabs to disinfect the wound. Some nurses I went to observe the indicator light of the machine. After so many days of treatment, it finally turned to bright green.
"Congratulations, the erosion on your body has subsided."
While recording the information, the nurse said to Eve who was holding her head.
The girl had obviously just woken up, feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day. However, her face turned pale in the blink of an eye, and the pain was still echoing in her mind, as if she had been hit with several uppercuts from the front.
It hurts, it really hurts.
"Then...can I be discharged from the hospital?"
Hearing the news, Eve's pale face barely lifted a bit of joy, grabbed the railing beside the bed, and asked the nurses.
"Not yet. You need to observe for a while and do a complete check. This time it is just a routine check to make sure you are fine now."
As expected, these nurses would not let themselves go so easily.
They left with the machine, but they did not go far. Instead, they moved along the corridor and pushed open another ward. Not long after, there was another shrill scream.
Eve was somewhat used to this. She lay back on the bed to ease the pain in her mind, but the screams in her ears continued.
There are not many patients living here, but they all seem to be special like Eve, so the nurses give them the most perfect care and ensure that everyone can be detected. Generally speaking, the screams on this floor last for about half a day. Hours.
However, there are some who can hold back the pain and not cry out. Eve is one. There is another patient on this floor who is like this, but Eve has never seen him.
This is Black Mountain Hospital, an institution under the Purification Agency that specializes in spiritual research. If the Perpetual Pump is pursuing the material truth, then what they are trying to explore is the spiritual truth.
Black Mountain Hospital is mainly divided into three areas. The first is a place called the mild disease area, which houses most of the normal mental patients. After all, not many people can survive the erosion of demons. These normal patients They have also been listed as research subjects at Black Mountain Hospital, and compared with people who have been infected by demons, their symptoms are really mild.
The other area is the critical area where Eve is currently located. This area is basically filled with wounded people from the purification agencies, as well as some people who have been corrupted by demons. Many of them are like Eve and have rationality, but they have become corrupted due to the erosion on their bodies. become dangerous.
The last area is called the scientific research area, where doctors study spirituality. However, Eve doesn't know where that area is. She can more or less feel that the names of these areas are just a disguise. It's just that the purification agency implements strict class information sealing. Until you reach that level, you will never know how many secrets there are in the Black Mountain Hospital.
But now Eve can at least roughly guess what the so-called research area is doing. The mild area is a group of normal mental patients, and the severe area is some people who have suffered from erosion... Eve has the condition to doubt that the so-called The research patients in the research area are none other than living demons.
It was such a chaotic world. Eve felt that the pain was relieved a lot, and then she picked up another apple from the fruit basket and started to nibble on it.
Pushing open the ward, the guard had been waiting for a long time. He was wearing a helmet wrapped in barbed wire to protect himself while maximizing his field of vision. He was also wearing dark clothes and had a weapon on his waist.
Eve walked in front, and the guard followed behind. He was not protecting Eve, but to prevent the girl from suddenly jumping out of the window and escaping. In the previous chases, he had seen the girl's so-called agility, and he even suspected Is there something wrong with Phoenix's tutor? Why did he teach such a wild monkey?
Guards and nurses can be seen everywhere in the building, and there are countless iron doors. Everyone has a bunch of keys pinned to their waists, and information and areas are strictly blocked.
The atmosphere was dark and gloomy, and patients with dull eyes could be seen one after another through the cracks in the closed door. They sat sluggishly on the bed, as if they were soulless sculptures, looking at the gaps in the curtains, feeling the only remaining of light.
Eve remembered the doctor telling her this, a surgery called a lobotomy, that these patients were irreversibly eroded to the third stage, and that if they didn't do it, they would become monsters.
Most of them are knights who clean up the mechanism. After realizing that they want to transform into monsters, some choose to die, and some choose to undergo surgery to become experimental materials of Black Mountain Hospital and bricks in the wall of sanity. stone.
The iron gate slowly closed and the elevator began to descend. The guard only had the lowest authority. His key could only lead to specific places. All Eve's actions required him to open the door.
Finally, the door slowly opened, and Eve walked out of the ancient building wrapped in ivy, bathing in the faint sunlight.
Eve couldn't remember how she got here. Anyway, when she woke up, she was in Black Mountain Hospital.
Black Mountain Hospital has a very strange phenomenon. Many people in Old Dunling know that there is such a large mental hospital in Old Dunling, but when they think about its location carefully, no one can remember its location. It seems that No one has actually been here.
The same is true for Eve. Sometimes she can only look at the gloomy clouds in the sky and feel the drizzle of rain to make sure that she is still in the old Dunling, under the shroud of dark clouds.
The guard stopped and stood not far from Eve. This is an activity area, surrounded by several buildings. This is a place for patients to relax. Some patients sit blankly on benches, and some Being pushed by nurses, some have some mobility, chasing and playing on the wet lawn like children.
Everyone laughed, sang and danced. For a moment, Eve even felt that she had come to the wrong place, but human beings are very adaptable creatures, even here.
"Good morning! General Cole."
"Good morning! Sir Dren."
"Good morning! Soldier Gavin."
"Morning... well, that can't be eaten! Mr. William!"
Eve couldn't rest in this hellish place, so during this break, she made friends with several mental patients who could barely communicate.
General Cole is a veteran. He is almost old enough to be Eve's grandfather, but he is still strong and strong. He is the fastest among the figures who are running around.
Eve didn't know his condition, but what she knew was that Old Cole believed that the Glorious War was not over yet, and he himself was an injured general who was recuperating here. He was always asking the doctor when his injury would end. Well, he said that his soldiers were still waiting for him to fight back the Gaulonalots... But in fact, the Glorious War had ended many years ago.
Sir Dren is the man standing under the tree. He has a slight smile and an elegant manner. He thinks he is a noble. He hates old Cole and thinks that this guy who shouts to fight and kill all day long has no etiquette. , and the guy in the corner pawing the ground with his hand is Soldier Gavin.
Gavin thinks he is a soldier, and he is in the middle of the battlefield. You think he is digging the ground, but in his opinion he is digging trenches. Old Cole always bullies Gavin, thinking he is a deserter, and Gavin He never resisted, after all, Old Cole was a general.
As for the guy lying on the ground munching grass crazily, it was Mr. William. He looked about the same age as Old Cole, and he felt that there was a group of people in his mind, and these people all thought they were alchemists.
Howls, laughter, vomiting.
Eve had an awkward smile on her face, this was a veritable paradise, a paradise for psychopaths.
(End of this chapter)

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