Embers of Embers

Chapter 337 The Second Door

Chapter 337 The Second Door
"F...what happened?"
Eve huddled in the corner and raised her head to look at the lights on the ceiling that were shaking due to vibration.
what happened?
Everyone felt the shock just now. In this relatively spacious safe house, some patients screamed under the shock.
Not long ago, although I don't know what happened, out of value considerations, some patients who were extremely valuable for research were transported here first, including Eve and her neurotic friends.
Those psychopaths were tied to the hospital bed and screaming, some were shouting that there was an earthquake, and some were calling for their mother.
Medical staff tried their best to comfort the patients, while soldiers with guns guarded the perimeter.
Something bad happened...
The medical staff comforted the patient and said that this was not an injection, but just a spring outing. After hearing this, the psychopaths laughed happily.
Sometimes Eve is a little envious of these guys. For fools, life doesn’t need to think too much, but Eve is not a fool, nor can she become a fool. She is the only one among these patients who has a normal sense, and She was also vaguely aware of what was happening.
This is Black Mountain Hospital, an important place guarded by the purification agency. Judging from the violent vibration just now, it seems that only two things can happen here.
Experimental accident, or enemy attack.
It's not clear what happened specifically, but judging from this speculation, no matter what it was, it was undoubtedly not a good thing, but then Eve felt that familiar feeling.
The strange coldness pierced her heart like a sharp sword, her pupils dilated slightly, and cold sweat fell along the tip of her nose.
Suddenly the entire safe house fell silent, and the noisy patients seemed to have lost the ability to speak, and just stared in the direction of nothingness with wide eyes.
The medical staff were frightened by this sudden change, but then a low murmur sounded.
Every patient was whispering about the weird demon repeatedly at this moment. Some looked frightened, some looked angry, and some had lost their minds and passed out.
Eve stared at all this blankly, and it was only then that she realized what was going on.
These patients are not ordinary patients. They were all soldiers of the purification agency. They were admitted to the Black Mountain Hospital due to the erosion of demons. Some of them recovered and retired, while others went completely crazy.
They have dedicated everything to the purification agency, which is why they are given priority for protection.
But now it seems that a weak sense of reason has awakened from the madness. These lunatics have not noticed the mortal enemy for a long time, and fell into the nightmare again.
"The enemy is coming! Soldiers!"
The long calm was broken. Old Cole, who was tied to the bed, roared loudly, while soldier Gavin clutched his head and trembled violently as if he had seen some terrible nightmare.
The muzzles of the guns above the ground were constantly spitting out fireworks, illuminating the iron-walled original sin armors. Heavy rain poured on the cold armor, and the abominable monsters were reflected in the shiny mirror.
The sound of breathing mixed with the noisy sound of electricity echoed in the birdcage. No one expected this sudden change. Even if some people vaguely expected it, they never expected it to happen so fast.
Lan Jade and Swift, who participated in the experiment, both drew their weapons, and the rest were sent to other areas of the scientific research area. Only the two of them could be considered combat effective here.
"It's time for Arthur to give the order," Merlin said.
In the previous plan, they considered what to do if the New Order attacked, but now Lawrence's remnant party has also joined in. The scale is huge and the purpose is unknown, completely disrupting the preparations of the purification agency.
According to Arthur's previous expectations, fighting the witcher would not cause large-scale damage, as long as the birdcage was guarded, but now came the disorderly demons, and no one knew where these damn things would appear from, and Where did they come from? But what everyone knows is that all the demons must die here, leaving no one behind.
"It's time for us to evacuate. If we gather together, we will only be beheaded."
Merlin said again that he had seen Lorenzo's power. These demon hunters all had extremely strong single-man combat capabilities. At the moment, these demon hunters were simply unable to resist a demon hunter awakened by secret blood.
"Do you want...to terminate the experiment?"
Abigail asked. She had never experienced such a battlefield first-hand. Everything now was unfamiliar to her. She didn’t know what to do. She could only leave the decision-making power to these battle-experienced people. Guy.
After a brief silence, Arthur finally spoke.
"Merlin, Abigail, you two have the highest priority to evacuate. Blue Jade and Swift, you take them away and find a way to escape from the Black Mountain Hospital. I will join Gawain and command the battle."
As the core scholars of the Purge Agency, the lives of Merlin and Abigail are obviously more important than the soldiers. As long as they leave alive, the Purge Agency will have the possibility to continue to move forward. Once they are killed, this will be of great significance to the Purge Agency. The agency will be a heavy blow.
"No, Arthur, no matter who comes, we are just their secondary targets. Their real target is Lorenzo... the pseudo-Holy Grail."
Merlin vetoed Arthur's proposal.
"Lorenzo must give priority to evacuating here. Once the other party knows that Lorenzo is not here, they have no need to continue attacking."
Arthur was silent, then picked up the communicator and asked.
"How is the battle going? Gawain."
After the harsh sound of electricity, Gawain's voice sounded. His voice sounded very calm, and seemed extremely reliable under the roar of the demon.
Gawain was such a person, he was not so much a knight as he was a simple soldier who simply carried out every order of the commander.
"Still within the control range, the enemy is basically ordinary monsters. Although the number is huge, we have a slight advantage with the current firepower. As long as this continues, we can completely wipe out the enemy."
This is rare good news, the defense line has not been broken up yet.
"Where's Percival?"
"I'm approaching the scientific research area. The demon is blocking the road. We are struggling to clear the way."
The demon's roar and gunshots came from the communicator, and the crooked Percival became rarely reliable at the critical moment. Arthur looked at the others and said.
"Merlin, you are right, but among the enemies, there is someone who carries inferior secret blood. All our patients were turned into monsters by him, and here... there are more patients in the critical area..."
"Do you think they will turn those people into demons?" Merlin asked.
"I just guessed that this would be the case, otherwise this attack would be too ridiculous, wouldn't it? It can be controlled by Gawain's firepower alone... There must be something else waiting for us, and a new religious order..."
"Most of the patients are in the safe house," Abigail said at this time, "should not worry about them for the time being."
Arthur's eyes changed when he heard this, becoming more gloomy and dark.
“No, never underestimate your enemies, especially those associated with Lawrence.
The patients are concentrated in the safe house. If the defenses are intact, they will be safe, but once they are breached, the patients have nowhere to escape, and those patients themselves are victims of erosion. They are more likely to transform into monsters and become our enemies... Evacuate those patients, all of them. "
Arthur said and looked at Abigail and Merlin.
"You too, evacuate together. There is no time to wait for Percival. Blue Emerald Swift and I will assist you in evacuating before the demons break through Gawain's defenses."
"Where's Lorenzo?"
Abigail didn't understand why Arthur didn't mention the witcher, because he might be the main target.
Hearing this name, Arthur couldn't help but recall what Lorenzo said to him before.
Lorenzo hasn't lost yet...so what does he want to do?What else could he do in this situation?
"No, don't worry about this demon hunter. Just remove the shackles and let him escape on his own. He is the last thing these people need to worry about. It's just impossible to contain him again... We may never know the truth again. What is the Holy Grail?"
If Arthur were Lorenzo, then he would have fled all the way, leaving Old Dunling and Inlvig. Judging by Lorenzo's ability, all of this would not be difficult for him.
How exactly?
Merlin shouted suddenly, and everyone's eyes moved away. At some point, the constantly flashing light had been extinguished, and Lorenzo seemed to have lost consciousness, with his head hanging down and making no sound.
"There's been a change of plans, it looks like we'll have to take Lorenzo with us to evacuate."
Merlin said as he picked up the previously printed data and then said to Arthur.
"Let's take action! Arthur, Eve is also in the safe house. As the final product of the Rangers plan, she is of extraordinary value."
"What about you?" Arthur asked.
"I have to close the cage and drag Lorenzo out... This damn machine is a pain to start and a pain to shut down."
Merlin said to Arthur, shaking his hand vigorously, and with a crisp sound, a folding knife was held in his hand.
"Go quickly, Arthur, don't worry, in my time, swordsmanship was a compulsory course for alchemists."
Then he looked at the witcher in the birdcage, and Merlin's voice was devoid of any emotion.
"And there's something I want to talk to Lorenzo about."
This feeling was a bit strange and familiar, as if I had fallen into the deep sea and was surrounded by the cool, dark blue water.
The radio sounds and vibrations were blocked by this invisible ocean and became blurred. To Lorenzo, they sounded like meaningless babble in a dream.
As the machine started, the intense pain at first gradually faded away, and at the same time, the world in Lorenzo's eyes continued to lose its light, until finally everything turned dark.
It seemed as if I had fallen into the deep seabed. There was untouchable darkness everywhere, endless darkness as far as the eye could see.
"Ah...it's so dark..."
Lorenzo suddenly exclaimed.
Only he and the damn chair were left in the darkness. In this long darkness, human senses also became blurred. It seemed that only a few minutes had passed, and it seemed that many years had passed.
Just when the darkness was about to return to eternity, a golden line split the darkness from top to bottom. The light made Lorenzo wake up a little. He was a little curious, got up and walked towards the light, and as Lorenzo As he got closer, the light began to expand and become bigger and bigger.
No...it was a door that opened slowly, and the so-called light was continuously overflowing from the cracks in the door.
Lorenzo pushed open the dusty door and stepped into the light.
All the coldness and darkness were driven away, and the warm sunshine shone down on my face. I slowly raised my head, and behind the window was the extremely blue sky.
He stared at all this blankly. After a long time, a smile appeared on his stiff face.
Lorenzo had not seen such a beautiful sky for a long time. He had lived in Old Dunling for too long and the sky was always gloomy. He had almost forgotten what the normal world looked like.
My eyes moved around the room, and upon observation, I saw that this was a cozy cabin. The room was not big, but it had all the things it needed. Judging from the clothes stacked on the side, it was a boy's room.
Lorenzo was somewhat familiar with all this, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before. At this time, there was a sound outside the door. After hesitating for a while, he opened the door and Lorenzo walked in the direction of the sound.
This is a mansion hidden in the mountains and forests. It is covered by the shade of trees and filled with the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers. It can be regarded as a fairyland on earth. In Lorenzo's opinion, this is really suitable for retirement and seclusion. It is better than the ghost of old Dunling. The place is many times stronger.
But the strange thing is that Lorenzo can't see anyone here. It's so beautiful that it feels unexpected, like an exquisite dream.
He continued to move forward, and the sound gradually became clearer to the sound of rapid sword swings.
It was a boy swinging a sword. Lorenzo looked at him from a distance. The boy had a cowardly face, but whenever he drew the sword, the sword was extremely fast, like thunder falling. Lorenzo could see a hint of ruthlessness in the boy's expression.
He didn't seem to be as cowardly as he looked. On the contrary, he seemed to be a violent child, but he didn't realize it.
Everything seemed harmonious until sudden footsteps sounded from behind Lorenzo.
As if he had been discovered by a monster, Lorenzo strangely lost all his strength and could not move. He stood there like a sculpture until the voice approached him and then passed him.
It was an old man, he was walking slowly with a cane, time had left a bark-like dry scar on his face, and he seemed to be unable to see Lorenzo as he continued to move forward, the boy seemed to have noticed the old man When he arrived, he stopped swinging his sword and walked towards the old man.
"Good morning, sir."
he shouted, waving.
Lorenzo Medici responded to the boy with as much of a smile as he could muster.
"Good morning, 042."
(End of this chapter)

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