Embers of Embers

Chapter 357 Infinite Burning

Chapter 357 Infinite Burning
This is like the dreamland that trapped me, that seems to be a place called [Gap].
No matter moving forward or retreating, the scenery in front of me is monotonous and repetitive, as if all my struggles and efforts are in vain and I can only struggle forever.
The pain of torture was felt on his body, and his conscious will was falling into chaos little by little. The invisible erosion was like a sharp knife, seeming to cut into his sanity.
It's painful, but it's joyful, it's what it feels like to be alive.
Although his body was changing a little bit, he knew very well that he was still alive and he did not fall into that weird dream. But even though he knew all this clearly, when the dark corridor became extremely long, When there seems to be no end, he still gets confused and panicked.
There was a stench in the air, and with the rain of fire, the entire corridor began to shake. The dim lights flickered, some barely rose to light, and some went out forever. At the same time, dense footsteps sounded, as if there were people running in that dark corner.
"bring it on!"
Cole roared loudly, dragging his deformed body and running wildly with the heavy footsteps.
The images in his field of vision began to disappear on both sides of him at an accelerated rate, and the pocket knife scraped against the wall, bursting out dazzling sparks. He was shouting hoarsely, and seemed to be dying, but he seemed to be getting younger again.
The ferocious blade fell like thunder, and the demon's body shattered and flew in front of his eyes.
In fact, Cole still has a lot to say to Arthur. After so many years, are any of those familiar friends still alive?The information about the demon has advanced a lot, but unfortunately, this is not a good time to reminisce about the past, and he doesn't have extra time to do this.
His mind was gradually swallowed up by the darkness. Like a sleepy traveler, Cole's slashing gradually turned into meaningless madness, but soon he would wake up a little, his violent figure paused, and his eyes were filled with confusion. Full of confusion, like a child waking up from a nightmare.
Another commotion came from the other end of the darkness, and the slightly ferocious figure slowly turned around, only to be greeted by the sudden appearance of a sword.
It was also a demon. It seemed that it had been attacked before. Its arms had disappeared, and all that was left were twisted sections and flesh and blood that were constantly squirming inside.
It clenched its ferocious mouth, and along with the deformation of its body, its teeth were completely embedded in the handle of the folding knife.
The demon rushed towards him with a folding knife in his mouth, and the sharp blade flashed across Cole's side.
Cole tried to raise his folding knife to defend himself, but his thoughts were so heavy now. If it were another person's will, Cole would have transformed into a demon at this moment, but he is Mordred, a former ranger. All kinds of specializations allowed him to persevere in this hell to the end.
But he was still slow. The ferocious wound split along his arm, but it also cracked with the demon in the shadow. The folding knife slashed its throat viciously. The demon opened its mouth and folded the folded knife. The knife was inserted into the wall, and then its mouth came down and bit the demon in the shadow with all its strength.
Just like a fight between wild beasts, soon the demon could no longer make any sound. Its entire body became shattered under the bite, and large smears of blood stained the entire wall.
Cole looked over and suddenly found a familiar face under the blood.
The demon who lost his arms paused after doing all this. It was unimaginable that the demon's ferocious face would have an entangled expression. It was tempted by blood and flesh, but it became hesitant because of its last obsession.
The same ferocious face was reflected in the turbid scarlet eyes. The next moment, the demon hit the handle of the knife on the wall. Under the huge force, the handle of the knife poked a sunken wound in its heart, and then on its back. Spit out, blood spurting.
It was like a bug nailed to the wall. Its only limbs were constantly twitching, but it never tried to pull out the handle. It made a whimpering sound and was speechless.
After a brief pause, a sharp sword slashed down, ending its pain.
The head rolled into the dirty blood, with a peaceful expression.
"You are no longer a deserter, Gavin."
Cole whispered, but his voice was unrecognizable due to distortion, turning into the same meaningless whimper.
He did not look at the fallen head again. All the sins in the past were liquidated at the moment Gavin died. No matter what he had done, no one knew about it anymore, and he also ushered in the long-lost relief. .
The next road seemed extremely long, endless darkness, and the piles of corpses, lying in the corner, broken into pieces, human and demonic... In fact, these were Cole's compatriots, no matter what they had done What, essentially they are all humans, humans who are driven crazy by erosion.
"This is a civil war."
Suddenly, Cole seemed to understand something.
Between humans and demons, it is humans who are really fighting each other from beginning to end. This is a cruel civil war that breaks out among humans. This weird civil war has lasted for an unknown number of years and is still going on today. , like a vicious curse, hanging over everyone's heads.
Cole's breathing became heavy, perhaps because he was shocked by his conjecture, and his chaotic consciousness became a little clearer, but then he felt helpless.
So what if I know all this now?He no longer has the ability to pass on this news and can only take it with him to death.
The icy wind and rain beat on its body. The demon walked out of the scientific research area and was bathed in the heavy rain again.
No one can recognize its hideous and terrifying body, but at the end of its field of vision, under that somewhat ridiculous barrier, people are still holding on to their positions.
If you run out of ammunition, you pick up the folding knife. If the folding knife stops cutting, use the steel debris to smash it. The fight will end like a group of primitive people fighting with rocks.
They guarded the Jedi, the last barrier in the heavy rain, and the original sin armors did not stop, fighting through the fire and rain.
As the wounds continued to expand, the armored demon was already showing signs of decline. Now he only needed a force that could kill him with one strike, but the existing firepower was no longer enough to do all of this.
No... there is still a chance.
Lancelot's hook was nailed into the dome, and the blue figure hung upside down like a bat. Under Percival's control, the armored demon was attracted by it and did not notice Lancelot for the time being. trends.
Above the surging clouds, layers of daylight fell. It was at this moment that Lancelot jumped out again.
In order to achieve high maneuverability, his armor is the lightest among the armors of the generation. Swinging the hook, he is like a low-flying swift, walking through the falling rain of deadly fire.
The armor made of iron armor and flesh and blood was so swift under his control, almost impossible movements were realized one after another, and when he finally reached the expected position, his bloodshot eyes locked onto the next one. Everything comes down.
The hook rope was shot out again, and this time it hit the fire rain falling behind the rain curtain, the broken metal that was burning crazily and not completely melted. At the same time, another hook rope hit the soft flesh of the demon under the iron armor. .
Some people seemed to have guessed what Lancelot was going to do, but they only felt incredible. It was an action beyond their expectations, but it was actually happening in front of their eyes at this moment. In this desperate situation, a phenomenon called "miracle" was born.
Lanlost knew the current situation very well. They had been forced into a desperate situation. Although they had broken through the iron armor's defense, they no longer had enough ability to completely kill this demon containing secret blood.
No, they still have power. The rain of fire in the sky is the most deadly sword, and what Lanlost has to do is to guide this deadly sword to hit the demon.
"Percival! Stop it!"
The slightly childish voice was like a lion's roar.
All this happened almost in an instant. Lanlost predicted the rapid fire rain, and at the same time, the hook nailed into the demon's body was also quickly recovered.
The machinery on the arm burst out with dazzling firelight, and the steam engine was overloaded. Although the armor possessed terrifying power, it was impossible to change the direction of the fire rain in this short period of time. All Lancelot could do was use the hook. Modify its trajectory so that its impact point is biased towards that vulnerable position.
The hook rope was tightened, and the low groan of steel cracking came to his ears, but under this mask, Lancelot's eyes showed no fear, and then the dazzling firelight drew a fatal arc under the rain curtain, Crazy burning fireworks engulfed everything.
A high-temperature explosion was set off from the demon's body. Without the protection of its iron armor, it was blown to pieces. The original sin armors that were close to it were also overturned by the impact of the explosion. Heat waves several meters high surged and were flattened like a splashing tide. around.
The falling rain curtain temporarily stopped, and only fell again after a while, washing away the deadly high temperature.
The huge corpse stood upright in the burning core, as if in the light of the sunrise. The skeleton and the iron armor formed a rugged sculpture, like a twisted dead tree, and its vague ferocity could still be seen.
Everything fell into silence with the death of the demon, until the two original sin armors stood up supporting each other, and the roar of excitement overwhelmed the roar of the demons.
At this moment, the most dangerous monster has been eliminated, and the bright hope is constantly magnified in front of people's eyes.
Cole stood sluggishly under the rain, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing, but then he let out a chilling laugh, like the sharp cry of a baby.
He was suddenly relieved.
Yes, he could not pass on this information. There were more people like him in history who died with these terrifying secrets, but even so, human beings still survived, and in the following time Here, there are still descendants who have rediscovered this secret knowledge along their footprints.
Those latecomers have done even better than them. They have continuously pushed the [boundary] of human understanding of the world forward, until one day the hazy curtain is lifted and the truth of the entire world can be truly seen. .
Cole is no longer afraid, he can die without any worries. He believes that someone will discover all this in the near future, and he will eradicate the demon and end this hatred that lasts for endless time.
There will no longer be monsters in the world, nor will there be any such cruel things.
He continued to laugh, even death becoming less scary at the thought.
Just like the dead Gavin, the demon raised the folding knife and pierced his heart, twisted the handle of the knife and chopped the heart into pieces. At the same time, he exerted force again and fell backwards, nailing himself to the spot.
The crucified demon began to twitch violently. It longed for blood and flesh, but was nailed to the ground by the folding knife. It tried to pull out the folding knife, but it penetrated too deep. No matter how it tried, He couldn't break free no matter how hard he tried, he kept flailing his limbs like a poor insect until the blood stained the water.
No one noticed the death of this monster. Everyone's attention was covered by the hope of survival. They waved all available weapons to fight against the monster trying to break through the barrier.
When the folding knife breaks, he picks up the metal remains. After it breaks, he raises his fist. When his arm is broken, he bites it with his teeth. When he loses it all, he falls into the water, cursing it all at the end of his life.
For a moment, this seems to be the epitome of the struggle between human beings and demons, from fear of darkness to illumination of darkness, from fear of demons to eradication of demons.
Just like the primitive man waving the stone in his hand, human beings no longer want to live in fear.
The sharp knife light tore through the falling rain, and Joey jumped out of the barrier, his heart beating violently, sending hot blood to every part of his body.
He is just a high-ranking knight who has undergone specialization. The only special thing is that when faced with monsters, he will not be corrupted as easily as ordinary people.
Joey didn't know how many demons he had killed, and pure killing had long been left in his consciousness, but the ignited fire seemed to have awakened his mind, and reason once again dominated the body, continuing to push the defense line.
He was corrupted by Moriarty, and coupled with this high-intensity battle, he should be the one among the high-ranking knights who is most likely to transform into a demon.
Joey knew this very well. In order to save more people alive, he said nothing and was directly involved in the most horrific killings. It was also at this time that a demon knocked him over and pierced him with its sharp claws. waist and abdomen.
Are you going to die?
Such thoughts flashed through Joey's mind. In fact, it would be good to die, so that he would not be tortured by the nightmare of the past, and he would not make so many wrong things...
No... I can't die yet.
With this thought in mind, he climbed up from the water.
Yes, I can die, but I can't die so easily.
Joey's face gradually became ferocious, and his chaotic vision reflected the abominable demons one after another. Unknowingly, he had penetrated so deeply and was trapped in a tight siege.
He was dead unless a miracle happened.
No, there are no more miracles. There are already enough miracles happening on the battlefield of hell.
No, there are still miracles.
Aren’t the so-called miracles just words created by humans?It is a creation of human beings, not a gift from God or the devil.
Joey stood up staggeringly, and finally fell on the monster's corpse. It was nailed to death in the water with a folding knife. From the twisted face, it looked familiar, as if he had seen it there. ...It feels like a certain patient.
But there was no need to worry so much. Joey lowered his body, and then there was a sound that even scared the demon. It was some kind of chewing sound, as if there was some kind of monster eating greedily under the rain curtain.
When he raised his head again, his pale face was covered with blood, and red blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.
"Isn't the so-called secret blood something extracted from the blood of demons? So, am I considered a demon hunter now?"
Joey was also joking, but no one paid any attention to him. He stood up again holding the jackknife, and the power of taboo and restlessness rose in his body.
"Life is meaningless...no, life has some meaning."
He remembered the supper he had with Kestrel, but he couldn't remember what he ate.
It is those ridiculous and small meanings that support everyone to live until now.
"Life is short... burns infinitely."
He whispered, and the folding knife cut through the rain curtain, shaking the strong wind, and emitting a melody like a hymn.
(End of this chapter)

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