Embers of Embers

Chapter 375 Thoughts at the End of the Book

Chapter 375 Thoughts at the End of the Book
Hello everyone, this is Andlao, your loyal friend who changes every day and occasionally.
As you can see, the third volume of the depths of the soul has been written. As a necessary part of the sense of ritual, let me think about how to write the testimonials at the end of this volume.
1. I feel that lists are more convenient for diverging ideas.
2. First of all, online writing is an extremely long process, which can be called a text marathon, so many times what I write and what I originally wrote will deviate slightly in this long time scale.
3. And I didn’t save the manuscript. For me, I need to come up with the plot and write it out within one day, and there is no possibility of subsequent changes.
4. In other words, I write it as I write it. No matter whether it is good or bad, it will be difficult to change.
5. Therefore, I write very carefully.
6. After all, it is already a niche article with 140 million words. It is probably impossible to win the public's favor. It is better to write this niche article carefully.
7. So in this volume, due to various factors, I am more inclined to write in a physical way.
8. I think I did a pretty good job with the foreshadowing laid in the previous text, the echoes in the later text, and the beginning and end of each character.
9. Talking about the marathon, actually when I was writing, I was still a random writer. I had a rough outline, but as I wrote it, I thought, "This is not bad!"
10. So if you change your outline frequently, it means you are doing it wrong.
11. But it’s very interesting. Surprisingly, I didn’t collapse. Instead, I wrote pretty well.
12. For example, the part about 042 and Lorenzo Medici.
13. In fact, I am not that powerful and can lay down so many foreshadowings at the beginning of writing.
14. In fact, the name of the protagonist, Lorenzo, was randomly searched by me on the Internet.
15. Then, after being reminded by a book friend, I unexpectedly discovered that the protagonist has the same name as Lorenzo Medici.
16. Unexpectedly, the historical time just happens to match up.
17. Due to various accidents, I extended these stories in the third volume.
18. Judging from everyone’s feedback, my writing is pretty good.
19. In fact, I really need a plot that extends the characters and world view.
20. For example, I think the advancement of the plot should be layered on top of each other, rising little by little.
21. Generally speaking, the "upgrade" that everyone sees is the upgrade of the power system. For example, as you advance, you change from a fireball technique to a powerful fireball technique, or a matryoshka doll.
22. I feel that this kind of "elevation" is very boring.
23. So I am thinking about "elevating" from another angle, such as the improvement of the protagonist's ideals, from killing monsters to offering blessings for a better world, such as the worldview becoming deeper.
24. It seems to be doing well.
25. Because I also think that if the protagonist keeps killing monsters, it would be a bit too mediocre. People should have higher pursuits.
26. Fortunately, I wrote it down.
27. The protagonist pursues his inner self and the past, and finds what is buried deep in his soul.
28. Let’s talk about this volume again.
29. In fact, this volume is still an experimental writing.
30. I want to try something new, such as the protagonist failing in the end.
31. Being deflated is a taboo in online writing.
32. It doesn’t matter.
33. It can be said that he hacked Moriarty to death, but from another perspective, he still did not beat him.
34. I also feel that the protagonists in many stories have no depth, not in terms of philosophical depth, but in terms of storytelling.
35. Many protagonists have no past. He just appears out of thin air and proceeds according to the author's ideas.
36. I didn’t want to write like this, so I tried my best to complete the past and future of each character.
37. This is true for both the protagonist and the supporting characters. I am trying to perfect their stories as much as possible.
38. In addition to character creation, I have always written according to "treating them as protagonists" for the creation of villains.
39. So in fact, there is no absolute villain in this book.
40. It’s just that everyone does things that are consistent with all of these but wrong according to their own ideas, characters, positions, and settings.
41. I think about what else I can say.
42. I am a backwards writer, and my writing method is different from other people’s. Generally speaking, I conceive of a perfect enough ending and then start writing.
43. In other words, as you can see, the ending of the third volume was already planned when I started writing. The most difficult part of my writing was the beginning. I had to find a way to guide the plot to the ending.
44. And the ending of this book has actually been planned out for a long time.
45. Talking about the score of this volume, as of now, the average score of this book is 2300. Although it is still far from being a high-quality book, in general, it is very good.
46. ​​According to the records of the data network, my first order was about 240, and I updated 4 chapters in a row on the day of the first order. In other words, my first order was actually 60.
47, 60 a little bit to 2300, I can't believe it.
48. I would like to thank you all for your support and working hard to give me high-quality products.
49. I am just a little short of becoming a Brahmin!
50. Then, let’s talk about the recent arrangements.
51. As I said before, I am a backwards writer, and I also like to write experimental things.
52. The original intention of my next volume is to open a map, let the protagonist travel across the world, and harm others.
53. But I got inspired and suddenly had a new idea. I wanted to add another volume to the two connected volumes.
54. This may be a very short story.
55. But as an experiment, I want to write it more compactly.
56. The number of chapters should not be too many. Maybe it will be finished within sixty chapters.
57. So for these, I need to sort out the outline in a few days.
58. So I’m asking for leave, do you understand?
59. Not only write an outline, but also give yourself a few days of rest.
60. Do you still remember the official version of "The Distortor"? That one was actually just two chapters away from being finished, but because of concerns about the ember, I haven't started writing it yet, so I plan to finish the story in the next few days.
61. Another thing is that I am a writer who has relatively high demands on myself, and I don’t want to fool around with anything.
62. So after these three volumes, I strive to write better stories in each volume.
63. Of course, everyone has different opinions. At least I feel that in the end, these volumes of mine are not considered to be a crotch lift.
64. But in order not to let the fourth volume stretch my hips, I need to write better, which requires some sufficient preparation.
65. It is expected that the rest days will not be too long, because the ending of the fourth volume has been planned. What I am more troubled about is how to write the opening.
66. In fact, I think a lot about the speech every time, but when it comes to writing, the writing is a bit dry. Maybe it’s because my areas of expertise are different.
67. Then the main setting of the book should also be revealed bit by bit. ,
68. The overall plot progress of Ember can be considered to be in the middle stage.
69. So I am really a backwards writer.
70. It can be said that the first three volumes can be regarded as prequels to the protagonist.
71. Some book friends have mentioned this before.
72. Said that I could have written all this according to the normal narrative flow, from the birth of 042, and experienced these in the normal chronological order.
73. I think it is possible but not necessary. I think such interweaving of past and present will add more suspense to the story. After all, the whole book is actually a process of suspense and decryption.
74. And the interpenetration will be tighter.
75. Of course, what I write is really cool.
76. I am deeply sorry for the bad update experience of everyone.
77. However, I would also like to thank these readers who have followed up. Thank you very much.
78. Internet articles attach great importance to being read. Even though I am a humble person, there are people who are following me. I am really grateful.
79. Thank you here too, the leader of [NeeEIL121].
80. Now that I have three alliance leaders, I can set up a branch.
81. Then, that was almost it.
82. Congratulations.
(End of this chapter)

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