Embers of Embers

Chapter 397 Not-so-daily routine

Chapter 397 Not-so-daily routine
Sometimes Lorenzo feels as if he has been cursed by someone. He rarely has the opportunity to get along with girls. Even if he does, there are no sexy scenes, and every time he will end up in embarrassment.
Lorenzo looked to one side, where his pajamas were hanging over Eve's head, while the girl kept the door open and stood there like a lamppost.
"Well... good morning."
Lorenzo said dryly.
Eve paused for a long time before slowly moving. She pulled off Lorenzo's pajamas, and his hair was scattered behind his head like a red lion.
"How interesting, Mr. Holmes."
Eve said with a smile on her face and her voice was soft, like a mother who comes to wake you up.
His eyes looked greasyly at Lorenzo, from top to bottom.
He was obviously soaking in a warm bathtub, but under the scrutiny of this gaze, Lorenzo couldn't help but feel a chill. He covered his chest, like a girl who was being peeped in the bath... But if the problem is like this, the character It should be replaced.
This was not the end. After this greasy look, Eve also lifted Lorenzo's pajamas, sniffed them, and then made an even more intoxicated and disgusting expression.
"Go away!"
Lorenzo screamed.
I have to admit that Eve's learning ability is indeed very strong. From killing monsters to teasing good men and women, she can learn quickly no matter whether it is good or bad.
The pajamas were thrown back, and Eve continued to laugh mockingly.
In the past, she was teased around by Lorenzo, but now the roles were reversed, and Eve felt very good. She walked briskly and was full of energy like a gangster who had just collected the protection money.
Pushing open the door, he ran into a kestrel.
"Good morning."
Kestrel wanted to come and see what was going on next door, but he didn't know what was going on with the man and woman living alone in the same room.
But as soon as he got here, he heard a scream. Kestrel thought it was Lorenzo who had lost his bestiality and finally stopped being a human being, but if he listened carefully, the sound seemed to belong to Lorenzo.
He hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to go in, until now the door opened.
"Is anyone using your bathroom?"
Eve didn't notice Kestrel's random thoughts. As she spoke, she straightened her messy hair. Too long hair was not a good thing. It seemed very laborious to take care of. Eve was wondering whether to cut it shorter.
Kestrel replied.
"Then lend it to me."
Eve said and walked directly towards the next door, still holding towels and supplies in her arms.
In fact, everything that just happened was just an accident. She didn't want to tease Lorenzo at all. Eve just got up and wanted to clean up, but Lorenzo was occupying the space and she wanted to wake him up. Who would have thought that this guy would be so happy? Humming a little tune, he started drinking directly in front of himself.
I have to say that Mr. Holmes really knows how to enjoy life. From waking up to taking a bath, the whole process is smooth and seamless. I don’t know how many times he has done this.
The sound of rushing water sounded, and Kestrel walked into the room. He was still curious about the scream just now. At this moment, the bathroom was pushed away, and Lorenzo had a look of resentment on his face, like an aggrieved woman.
"Morning... good morning."
Combined with how refreshed Eve was when she went out just now, it was hard for Kestrel not to guess something, but he never imagined that the roles would be reversed so quickly.
"Are you thinking about something really bad?"
"how is this possible?"
Lorenzo grabbed Kestrel's face and yelled.
"Damn! It must be!"
"How can you tell what I'm thinking!"
Kestrel continued to retort. Although he couldn't defeat Lorenzo, he could at least resist verbally.
Lorenzo suddenly fell silent. He couldn't say anything for a while. He couldn't say to Kestrel, "When I fuck someone else, the expression on my face is the same as yours."
"Forget it, let you go."
Lorenzo was wrapped in a bath towel. Being disturbed by Eve, he was completely in no mood to enjoy this.
After wiping it clean, Lorenzo got dressed and walked out of the room. He found a yellow note on the ground. He picked it up and looked around.
This is still a relatively high-end hotel, and it should not be a small card stuffed by social idlers.
Is it a waiter?or someone else?
Lorenzo thought about it and looked at the handwriting on the note. After a while, he put the note away, and then everyone gathered next door.
Everyone has tidied themselves up. Kestrel is dressed in casual casual clothes, with a sun visor under his armpit. As Heybold said before, today is considered a rest and there is no specific arrangement. He is going to the port to find a Good location to catch fish.
Eve leaned to the side, and she put her long hair up, exposing her smooth neck, which looked like a burning firebird in the morning light.
Maybe his background is different, so his temperament is really different. Compared with her, Lorenzo is like a local dog. He is slumped on the sofa, looking lazy. Judging from his constipated expression, he Probably thinking about what to do today.
As for Haybold.
The three of them moved their gazes to the corner in unison.
Haybold hadn't slept yet, but he looked more energetic. The books looked very small under his broad palm. He was still reading the stories, and beside him was the breakfast brought by Kestrel.
"I really didn't expect...is this considered a tough man's tenderness?" Kestrel muttered in a low voice.
"I'm curious about what that book is about." Eve whispered.
"So... the Vikings were literate?"
Maybe these two guys said everything they wanted to say, but Lorenzo finally said this after holding it in for a long time.
Fortunately, Hebold didn't hear this sentence, he was completely immersed in the story.
"So, like Haybold said, we can take a day off? What are you going to do?"
Lorenzo asked again. He seemed to have thought about what to do, stood up, and arranged his clothes.
"I'm going fishing."
Kestrel said as he rummaged through his wallet, hoping that there was a place to rent fishing gear at the pier.
"I don't have any plans," Eve said.
"Oh... let's break up first."
Lorenzo shook his eyebrows and walked directly towards the door.
He walked very fast, as if he was running, striding quickly down the stairs, but before he could take a few steps, a hand stopped him again.
"Let me ask you, where are you going?"
Eve followed, and after a brief thought, she realized that she could not let Lorenzo out of her sight no matter what. After all, no one knew what he would do.
Maybe after turning left after going out, this guy will buy a ticket back to Old Dunling, and then hum a little tune to say goodbye to everyone. Although it is unlikely, the probability will not be zero.
"Meet an old friend."
Lorenzo said as he walked, he looked at the road, and looked back at Eve from time to time, looking at the girl.
"Do you still have friends here?"
Eve followed Lorenzo closely, remaining skeptical of his words.
"I, Mr. Holmes, have friends all over the world. Isn't this a normal thing? Otherwise, what do you think?"
"Me? I thought you didn't want to expose the fact that you didn't have any friends. You talked about going out to meet friends, but you actually wandered around the streets. Before nightfall, you pretended to be tired and returned to the sofa in the hotel."
Eve's tone was respectful, but her words were not forgiving.
"Why should I pretend such a thing?"
"Probably out of some ridiculous sense of dignity, I think you can do such a thing." Eve said venomously.
Lorenzo was happy, he still remembered the draw, his pace suddenly stopped, he turned his head and looked at Eve.
"So, dear Miss Phoenix, are you interested in making a bet with me?"
Lorenzo's tone also became respectful.
"What are you gambling?"
Eve still remembers Lorenzo's previous bet with Sabo. Betting with this lunatic usually doesn't end well, but people are always driven by curiosity.
Many things in the world can be easily understood, even complex human beings. Many people's thoughts are easy to guess, and seemingly closed will can actually be easily invaded.
Just like the kestrel, this guy was so innocent in some aspects. Eve didn't have to guess that he would go fishing, and he would read a book while fishing, and maybe the fish he caught would be snatched away by seagulls.
But Lorenzo is different. This guy is hard to guess. Sometimes you may guess it right, but then you doubt your own judgment because of this guy's crazy behavior, and ultimately miss the opportunity.
After thoroughly understanding the hidden knowledge of demons, purge agencies, evangelical churches, etc., Eve suddenly felt a strong sense of strangeness towards this familiar detective. She realized that she had never really known Lorenzo Horror. This is true of everyone, Holmes, and all they see is a mask that Lorenzo has carefully woven.
Eve was curious, she wondered what was hidden under the mask.
He is a great detective who is a little bit crazy from the bottom of his heart, or a little boy curled up in the corner and sobbing softly.
"I haven't decided yet," Lorenzo replied, "Are you ready to bet?"
"of course can."
Eve smiles.
Listening to Eve's reply, Lorenzo was in a daze for a moment, as if he really noticed the passage of time and the changes in things around him.
I have found the essence hidden deep in my soul. Familiar friends have grown up one by one, or left forever. The former follower has also become a duchess, and the one in front of me is shaking at the sight of a monster. The policewoman has also become the warrior she is today.
To be honest, Lorenzo still misses the old Eve, like an obedient doll, letting Lorenzo control her, instead of like now, Lorenzo not only can't control her at will, but may also be controlled by her. Bite back.
"By the way, have you been this wild since you were a child?"
Walking on the streets of Nalo, in order to pass the time, Lorenzo talked about other things.
"What do you want to say?"
"No, I just don't think you were like this before."
Lorenzo murmured inwardly, at least it was easy to deceive before.
"This is due to a good family education."
Eve has been trapped by Arthur's dogma since she was a child. Until today, many years later, she finally got rid of it all, like a lion released to nature. Under the exquisite dress, there is a fiery Ranger. blood, and a beating heart.
"Of course, you have to follow the proper etiquette. For you, it's just revenge. Thanks to you, I stayed in Black Mountain Hospital for a long time."
After all, she was the daughter of a duke, so Eve couldn't tease anyone around her. The reason why she flirted with Lorenzo was because he looked like he didn't deserve a beating.
"Actually, if you think about it carefully, if you didn't have me, you wouldn't have gone to Montenegro Hospital, and what happened next wouldn't have happened. Let Arthur accept this, wouldn't you?"
Lorenzo asked rhetorically.
"So I'm just going to torment you a little bit."
Eve was not ashamed but proud. Judging from her tone, it seemed that she still had many tricks she could use to torment Lorenzo. After all, they were all taught by him.
Lorenzo fell into an awkward silence. He didn't know what to say for a moment, but then he stopped walking. Eve still looked proud and walked forward. Lorenzo gave her a He reached out, grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to a stop.
"What are you doing!"
Eve reacted greatly and looked at Lorenzo warily. In a sense, she was testing Lorenzo's bottom line to prevent her from slipping up.
"We have arrived."
Lorenzo didn't look at her, but took out the note he picked up in the hotel from his pocket, with a line of address written on it, which is right here.
"A tavern?"
Eve looked at the drunken tavern in front of her with an expression of disbelief.
"You have an appointment here?"
"of course."
"No way, you've been with us all morning."
Lorenzo had no time to contact his friends, and Eve began to feel that Lorenzo felt that he could not win against her and began to give up on himself.
"Yes, but there is no contradiction between the two. Have you never thought that my friend has expected me to come here and prepared all this?"
As the saying goes, with a devilish smile, Lorenzo is extremely confident.
"Eve, we are friends, right?"
"This 'friend' is not included in the bet."
Eve thought Lorenzo was going to take advantage of the loopholes in her words to win the bet, but Lorenzo shook his head, his smile gradually disappeared, and his expression became serious.
"Eve, you know, when words are mixed with lies and truth, it becomes difficult to distinguish. The same is true for our work this time. Haybold must be hiding something... I know that he is one of our own, and he also It won't hurt us, but I hate this feeling, this feeling that the initiative is in other people's hands.
So I have to find a way to get it back. "
Lorenzo opened the door of the tavern and looked at Eve seriously.
"So when you see everything next, I hope you can help me hide it."
Eve was a little overwhelmed by Lorenzo's sudden change. It seemed that the situation had always been under Lorenzo's control. Eve was disgusted before, and it was just Lorenzo playing with her.
Lorenzo picked up Eve, walked through the crowd, and arrived at the bar.
"What would you like to drink?"
The bartender had a bushy beard and couldn't see his mouth when he smiled.
"I'll talk about the drinks later."
Lorenzo pulled Eve over and said to the bearded man.
"This is Eve, Eve Phoenix, yes, the Phoenix you know."
Ignoring the gradually astonished look in the "bearded man's" eyes, Lorenzo said to Eve again.
"This is Hercule Christie, the friend I spoke of."
Eve still didn't understand. Then she felt itchy on her legs, as if something furry was rubbing against her legs. Before she could lower her head to look, a big mouse jumped onto the bar.
"Oh, I forgot to mention, this is Poirot."
Lorenzo rubbed Poirot's head with a triumphant smile on his face.
(End of this chapter)

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