Embers of Embers

Chapter 419 Explosion!explode!And there's an explosion!

Chapter 419 Explosion!explode!And there's an explosion!
"This is the shortest route from Theater Square to the pier."
Under the dim street lights, Lorenzo sat on the steps of the square. Next to him, Haybold picked up a map and pointed out the route for him.
Due to seaside trade, Maluri's economy is very developed, and accordingly its building scale is also very large. The entire city is developing pathologically and is extremely crowded.
As soon as he saw this, Lorenzo got a headache. He began to miss old Dunling. Although it was also very crowded there, at least there were iron snakes as the main means of transportation. But here, the streets were full of horse-drawn carriages, like Like a horse race, smoke and dust are flying.
"We need some excellent horses, preferably war horses." Haybold said, "The scene will be very chaotic by then, and we will have to blindfold the war horses."
"Where should they be placed?" Lorenzo asked. "The two events must be carried out at the same time. In this case, the place will definitely be filled with Orthodox believers, and the surrounding streets may also be paralyzed and temporarily controlled. "
In front of that crowded crowd, even a war horse would not be able to run, and might even be held back.
"If we don't use war horses, how can we leave? Running, no matter how fast we run, it will take at least 10 minutes to get to the dock. And that's without enemy obstruction."
Haybold frowned. The plan was far more difficult to implement than he thought.
The plan was at an impasse. Lorenzo raised his head and looked at the somewhat empty theater square.
It was getting dark, but there were no lights on, so everything looked dark and only the figures not far away could be seen clearly.
The two wounded Kestrel and Irene were sent back first, but Lorenzo was still a little worried. When leaving, he tied Irene's hands with shackles, and then handed the key to Kestrel.
After suffering a loss, Kestrel became more alert this time. This guy threw the key into the sewer in front of Irene, and then took her back to the hotel where she was resting. It was not clear that these two people got along. How's it going?
Eve stood not far away. After all, she was still a little girl. There were too many things in this foreign country that attracted her. While Lorenzo and Hebold were discussing the plan, she walked around the theater square. We walked around and chased pigeons for a while.
It was getting dark, and Eve couldn't see clearly where the pigeons were, but after a while a light came on on the street.
It was an old man, holding a long pole in his hand, with a flame burning at the top of the pole. He walked to the street lamp and stretched the burning pole into the lampshade, and then bright light emerged from it.
"What is he doing?"
Eve approached Lorenzo, sat next to the two of them, and asked curiously.
Lorenzo glanced up and explained.
Eve obviously doesn't understand this unfamiliar profession.
"Yes, Maruli is different from Old Dunling. Old Dunling is an advanced and technological city. Through the efforts of the eternal pump, large-scale electricity has been used in the inner city. Even outside the inner city, Electric lights are used, so that the light will always protect us."
Lorenzo slowly talked about the technological differences between the two countries.
"But Maruri is different. It doesn't have any permanent pump. Even steam technology is trying hard to catch up, let alone electricity. Therefore, the lighting system used in this city is relatively backward with gas street lamps."
Lorenzo said, pointing to the long burning pole in the lamplighter's hand.
"There are pipes inside these gas street lamps that release gas. When night falls, they will be turned on. At this time, lamplighters will appear. They will extend the long burning rod into the lampshade and let the flame ignite the gas to release light. "
As Lorenzo told the story, the lamplighter lit up one street lamp after another, filling the square with light little by little, and the whole field of vision was filled with light.
"This kind of thing was also used in the old Dunlin decades ago, but now it has basically been eliminated. Only some places still have it, but it is still there as a souvenir," Lorenzo continued, "This kind of thing It’s very inefficient, it requires a lamplighter to turn it on, and it also needs a lamplighter to handle it when it goes out.”
"In other words, these things are all connected to gas pipelines? Isn't it dangerous?" Eve asked.
"In the beginning, it was because of the danger that gas lamps were used as street lamps instead of household lighting. As for the pipes, they were buried deep underground... It's probably fine."
Lorenzo said this, but his expression was a little strange.
"Eve, you are really full of bad ideas!"
Lorenzo seemed to have thought of something, and he praised Eve.
Eve had no idea what Lorenzo was thinking.
Lorenzo was not prepared to explain. He directly grabbed the map in Hebold's hand and stretched out his fingers to draw on it.
"Haibald, if I succeed in assassinating the Pope, will I become a terrorist?"
"more or less."
Seeing the excitement on Lorenzo's face, Haybold felt a little uneasy. After getting along with him these days, he has realized that Lorenzo is a psychopath who gets sick from time to time. He always has some outrageous but reliable things. Thoughts, and when these thoughts come up, he usually has this expression.
"They are all terrorists anyway and will be beheaded. There is no difference between one less crime and one more crime."
Lorenzo grumbled as he searched for a position on the line Haybold had drawn until he finally found a position that satisfied him.
"What do you say about it here, Hibold?"
Lorenzo's heroic look was like choosing a house based on Feng Shui.
"What's wrong here?"
Heibald looked at the location Lorenzo was pointing at, which was not far from Theater Square. A straight avenue could lead directly there. It was the traffic hub of the nearby neighborhood. Looking more closely, Heibald found that it was exactly in the middle of the square. The middle part of the escape route.
"The inconvenience of transportation here is a disadvantage for us, but it is also the same for the enemy, isn't it?"
Lorenzo started talking nonsense.
"The crowds will also block their way. There is no wireless communication technology, and only the old Dunling has it. They can't communicate in time, not to mention that there are no iron whales swimming in the sky, and a red one will not suddenly fall from the sky. The air troopers blew our heads off."
The more Lorenzo talked about it, the happier he became. He suddenly realized that it was quite good that the technology here was backward.
"What do you mean?"
Haybold had a vague idea that Lorenzo was saying something terrible, but he couldn't figure out what it was.
"Look, if you want to be a terrorist, you have to be thorough. This is a transportation hub. As long as we blow up the underground gas pipeline, we can directly paralyze the traffic. Even if they send people to intercept us, we can't catch up. Not to mention that we are in the dark, they can’t set up defenses in advance, can they?”
"But, the gas pipeline is underground, how are you going to blow it up? Dig the pipeline out in front of them? And we don't have that kind of firepower!"
Haybold retorted, but looking at Lorenzo's serious expression, he hesitated.
Lorenzo replied with a smile.
"Do you know lacquer antimony? I brought a big jar with me."
Under night, there were still many pedestrians on the streets of Maluri. Horse-drawn carriages and mounted policemen crossed the street, and there was constant chatter.
"Is this considered a stepping stone?"
Eve followed the two of them and asked in a low voice. After hearing Lorenzo's plan, no one would not be moved. Is this lunatic really ready to become a terrorist to the end?
"That's right, it can be treated as a tourist attraction."
Lorenzo leaned against the wall, looking at the map and observing the busy streets.
This is the main road for traffic, taking on all the traffic pressure nearby. If you want to go to different areas quickly, you must pass here.
"We blew the place up and got away."
Lorenzo repeated his crude plan again.
"To be honest, I should find a way to dissuade you from this fatal action, but..." Haybold looked like he wanted to say something.
"But you're excited too, right?"
Lorenzo can no longer be described as excited, this guy is simply ecstatic.
"Haibald, there are not many opportunities to engage in explosions in a legitimate manner. Are you sure you want to refuse?"
Haybold did not answer, but pointed to this street and asked.
"How are you going to blow it up? They must have strengthened it many times at the beginning of the design for dangerous items like gas pipes."
"Yes, it's more than that. There are many prerequisites for a gas explosion. It's not what we thought. Just breaking a hole in the pipe will cause it to explode."
Lorenzo looked professional.
The knowledge about gas pipeline explosions is also thanks to the purification agency, because those guys always used gas pipeline explosions to cover up the truth. Over time, some people in Jiudunling also became suspicious. They created a popular science magazine to explain this thing to the public. It can't explode at all, and even if it does explode, it won't explode so outrageously.
Lorenzo had the good fortune to read that issue.
Of course, with the cooperation of the scavengers, the popular science magazine changed owners not long after it was published. Although the magazine was still published, the suspicion about the secrets of the old Dunling was completely eliminated.
"The pressure inside the pipe is very high, and the gas will quickly gush out from the breach. The flow rate is extremely fast, and air cannot enter to ignite the explosion. Even if there is an open flame, all you can see is a column of fire that keeps erupting."
Lorenzo was as serious as a demolition expert.
"The other thing is that gas needs to be accumulated in a closed environment. If it detonates at that time, the explosion will burn out all the air, creating a short-term low-pressure environment, and then more air will be squeezed in and more gas will be released. , providing fuel for continued explosive combustion.”
"Wait a minute, Lorenzo, is this already a terrorist attack?"
Hebold's face turned green when he heard that. In comparison, he felt that the assassination of the Pope was not a big deal. If Lorenzo said it was true, the explosion might overturn the entire block.
"Just to explain, our purpose is to escape, not to kill. There is no need to cause such a large-scale explosion. All we need is to paralyze traffic."
"But have you already planned it?" Eve asked from the side.
"Oh, is it illegal to think about it?"
Lorenzo asked confidently, but he did not dwell on this topic and continued.
"The lacquer antimony thing is just a ball of liquid fire, but it has not been ignited." Lorenzo thought about the measurement, raised his hand, and compared the approximate height.
"Only a small part of the paint antimony is needed. There are gas lines inside the gas street lamps. Destroying the lamp posts may detonate them." Lorenzo paused, "Destroy them together with the protective gas valve."
"This is too risky and uncertain," Haybold objected.
"If you're not sure, just increase the dose. I brought a lot of paint and antimony, but I just don't want to waste it all here. Otherwise, if they detonate together, they can blow up the entire Yejia Grand Theater."
Lorenzo looks determined to cause a big explosion.
"Hebold, the rescue of Ivar and the assassination of the Pope are carried out at the same time. In order to ensure success, the negotiation location will also be near the Theater Square.
Think about it, how many people will gather here at that time?The explosion will attract the attention of the audience, believers, and some passers-by, and it will also cause riots. Large-scale panic is conducive to our actions. "
Lorenzo completely transformed himself into the role of a terrorist.
"You're right, Haybold, these things are unpredictable, but have you ever thought that our assassination and rescue operations can also go wrong? If the enemy is alerted in the middle, should we flee or continue to act? In this case, the explosion will also act as a smoke bomb to buy us time to act."
"Then what are you going to do?" Hibold was persuaded by Lorenzo.
"Lennet's performance was after sunset and before nightfall. That period was the dimness we just experienced, when the gas valve of the gas street lamp was turned on and the lamplighter went out to work."
Lorenzo looked at the glowing street lamps.
“That’s the moment when dusk meets night, and that’s the time for us to act.
Prepare your hands and feet first. When night falls, the gas valve will be opened, and the gushing gas will be ignited. After a few minutes, the highly flammable paint antimony will flow back into it, detonating the street. Panic will spread among the crowd, and maybe even There will be riots and then we can start doing what we want. "
"How do you detonate it?" Haybold asked. "We don't have many people."
Lorenzo said.
Gas street lamps require a lamplighter to light the fire. The high temperature will ignite the paint antimony. This deadly substance will release a large amount of heat, and the steel will be melted. The hot metal will flow back into the pipes, igniting one after another explosions.
These are time bombs placed in street lamps one after another, spreading panic and anger in Maruli.
"Manpower is a problem, and have you ever thought about it, we need a two-line operation, a group of people will rescue Ivar, and I will hunt the Pope alone..." Lorenzo thought for a while and added, "Of course, I might We are not alone. Our movements need to be synchronized and we evacuate at the same time. Do you think it is feasible to use time as a timing? For example, how many minutes after the operation starts, the evacuation begins, and whoever cannot catch up will be left behind?"
Faced with Lorenzo's questioning, Haybold remained silent.
"I'm an expert. Time is the real uncertainty, not to mention that we are facing the Iron Law Bureau. Those guys are far sharper than us. Checking the time in that situation will undoubtedly arouse their reaction. I doubt it, we don’t have a communicator and can’t communicate in time.”
Lorenzo thought for a moment, and he suddenly remembered his power. From a certain perspective, Power Gabriel can also communicate, but it is a one-way communication, and Lorenzo is not sure whether after activating this ability, he will give Negative effects on the person being communicated.
"Explode as a trumpet!"
Eve said from the side.
"Yes, the explosion is a sign!"
Lorenzo high-fived her, very happy.
Based on distance calculations, if the detonation can be successfully detonated, the impact of the explosion will spread to the theater square. Even if you are hiding deep in the house, you can hear the heavy sound, like the roar of a giant bell.
Heibald sighed helplessly. He believed that Lorenzo must have a better solution, but this guy would not let go of this opportunity to blast Gaul Nalo. He obviously cared more about it than the fatal job. Fun is such a thing.
The problem was solved. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked towards the end of the street. The believers had finished their communion and walked out of the darkness. In the blink of an eye, the street became crowded again.
(End of this chapter)

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