Embers of Embers

Chapter 439 Warrior

Chapter 439 Warrior
The terrifying nightmare and reality overlapped. At this moment, Cornell was personally exposed to the chaos, and his mind was severely damaged in an instant.
He was not afraid of this sudden disaster. As a member of the Iron Law Bureau, he had also experienced dangers of life and death. None of these things were enough to defeat him. What really frightened Cornell was Ivar's purpose. .
War, a war that burns the sea and the earth.
The Ice King who was far away in the Viking countries made the most important decision in his life.
This time, for the sake of his wish, he wanted to plunder a country.
Ivar was caught deliberately from the beginning. This was his idea from the beginning. Everyone fell into the trap and was poisoned by this bloody and cruel conspiracy.
Under the impact of the roar, Ivar was unable to grab Cornel's throat in the end, leaving only traces of blood on his neck. The two were separated by the violent airflow, and everything in his sight returned to turbid chaos.
Cornell passed out from the violent impact.
After being in such a coma for an unknown amount of time, Cornel gradually woke up. He endured the pain in his body and slowly got up.
He wasn't quite sure how long he had been unconscious, so he tried his best to crawl to the window, only to see that candles were lit again in the theater square, and prayers were heard again.
After a brief analysis, he felt that he had not been unconscious for long, probably only a few minutes. Now that the aftermath of the explosion had passed, the crowd below had regrouped.
The sun was setting, and the explosion just now destroyed everyone's minds. At this moment, there was darkness all around that was difficult to see into, and the sound of wild beasts breathing could be heard in the darkness.
Cornell pulled out the pistol from his waist, slowly leaned against the wall, and breathed under his breath.
He had to warn Currie that the Viking nations had never thought about peace talks from the beginning. What they wanted was a war, a war against Gaul Nalo.
Yes... maybe this explosion is part of the conspiracy of the Viking countries. Maybe on the distant high seas, Viking warships are already ready.
Thinking like this, his hands started shaking uncontrollably.
For Cornell, everything today is too sudden and too heavy for him.
This is the prelude to the war, the war is coming, this word is often mentioned, but Cornell always feels that it is far away, but now it is coming, unstoppable, almost within reach.
Although Gaul Naluo was also preparing for war under the operation of Currie and Lawrence, when it all came, all Cornel could feel was endless panic and confusion.
It's not scribbles on paper, it's real blood, real flesh, real death.
He is too cowardly, and compared to a lunatic like Corey, he is really not suitable for making cruel decisions.
But this is no reason to back down. Gariel's blood is flowing in Cornel's body. From a certain perspective, the fight between him and Ivar at this moment seems to be a microcosm of the war between Gaulonaro and the Viking countries.
He couldn't just let all this develop.
After regaining his strength, Cornel tried to find Ivar's figure in the darkness. He didn't know what the cause of the explosion was, but at least he had to control Ivar first... This guy must not die here.
The smell of blood came from the turbid air, so sweet and full of the breath of life.
The sound of gurgling water sounded, as if some liquid was flowing.
Then the sound gradually became clearer, dense and complicated, as if something was tearing apart bit by bit, like cold metal slitting the throat bit by bit.
Cornell raised his pistol and advanced vigilantly, but after taking a few steps, he felt something strange under his feet. He stepped on something, lowered his head, and in the dim light, he could barely see the thing clearly.
It's blood, the blood on the ground, warm and still flowing slowly.
He turned sharply to the muzzle, only to find a headless body lying not far away. It was a guard.
Cornel knew very well how powerful these guards were. They were members of the choir. They had secret blood mixed in their bodies and their strength was far beyond that of ordinary people. However, such people were killed quietly, and their entire heads were destroyed. If you cut it off, there won't even be a chance to transform into a demon.
More strong smell of blood came to the face.
He couldn't see clearly what was going on around him. The only light was the afterglow from the candlelight outside. In Cornell's eyes, everything was just the hazy silhouettes, and these silhouettes were signaling ominousness at the moment.
what happened?What happened during the time Cornell was in a coma.
Cornell held his breath, and his stomach juices were boiling, ready to pour out of his throat.
Minced meat and severed limbs, internal organs and blood, although he couldn't see it, the disgusting smell and ferocious silhouettes all revealed it all, as if a violent beast was eating here, smearing flesh and blood on the walls like a mischief. Intimidating others all around.
"I hate Haybold, that guy always laughs at my deformity."
Voices came from the bloody darkness like ghostly whispers.
"But he's my best friend."
Ivar said contradictory words.
"You don't quite understand it, do you? Actually, when I told Irene, she didn't quite understand it either, but it's true."
Sounds came from the darkness in all directions, echoing in Cornell's ears, intensifying the attack of fear.
"That guy said that a deformed guy like me was destined not to be favored by Odin, nor could he die standing like a brave warrior and reach the sacred Hall of Valor."
Just now, Ivar was still laughing at the god Odin's nothingness, but for some reason, his voice became pious again at this moment.
"He said I was a poor man, and if my father really loved me, he should have strangled me in my infancy."
The sound gradually got closer, and Cornel suddenly turned the direction of the gun, but there was a void of darkness and he could not see Ivar.
"Haybold also felt sorry for me, so he tried to help me. It was painful and terrible, but I do appreciate him. He is my best friend."
Something was squirming in the darkness, and Cornell pulled the trigger without hesitation.
The fire from the muzzle briefly lit up the darkness. Although it was only for a moment, Cornell saw too many things in that moment.
He wasn't sure if that person was Ivar, but he was lying on the ground like a beast with disheveled hair. At the end when the fire went out, Cornel heard the sound of blood erupting. He didn't know if he had hit Ivar, but Can quickly change position after a shot.
Cornell couldn't see clearly. After a brief period of confusion, severe pain came from his forehead. A wound opened from his forehead, and his eyes were soaked with blood.
He held the wound and backed away, not knowing how Ivar did it.
This time the voice came directly from in front of me.
"Many years ago, Hebold suddenly said to me, there is no way I can continue like this. Since I have survived, I can't embarrass the god Odin, right...
He asked me if I would be interested in trying standing, and he said it felt great. "
Cornel wiped away the blood, he saw Yvars.
It was a weird and unspeakable scene. Ivar knelt in front of him, but as his words rang out, the muscles under his pale skin twisted and squirmed like snakes. He held the twisted steel in the explosion with both hands, regardless of The pain that cut into the palm of his hand pushed him up little by little.
Cornel saw his shrunken and withered feet, but at this moment it was as if steel had been cast into them. The feet were twisted strangely, and the force of his knees made the deformity even more weird. The entire withered soles of the feet were turned out. Come here, the ground is supported entirely by bones under flesh and blood.
Holding the thorn-like steel, supporting it like a cane, he stood on his first foot... No, Cornel didn't know if those twisted and deformed limbs were considered "feet", but it was like As he watched, Ivar stood up little by little.
All the muscles in his body are twitching strangely. Due to the deformity of his feet, the way he exerts force is different from ordinary people. It is difficult to describe him with the word beast.
"It feels really good to stand..."
Underneath the disheveled hair was a pair of frightening eyes.
Ivar stood up. After years of training by Hibald, he could rely on the muscles of his body to stand up briefly.
This is what Hebold taught him, and the reason for all this is simple. If Ivar can stand up, then he is a warrior, so he can die standing and go to the sacred Hall of Valor after death.
His body maintained a strange balance, and then he smiled at Cornell.
"I'm sorry. I did something wrong and I will be punished. I betrayed my family's honor, so I should pay the price."
Ivar seemed to be speaking to Cornel, or to someone who was not present.
"Hebold is a good friend of mine. It would be cruel for my father to let him kill me, wouldn't it?"
Unlike what Cornel thought, Ivar did not know the conspiracy from the Ice King. He only knew his father very well and knew what his father would do to him who was kidnapped.
Ivar will die as a sacrifice of war, and then the Viking countries will avenge him and plunder the warm land. At that time, the crimes committed by Ivar will be clear. This is the mercy of the King of the Ice Sea and his of cruelty.
"It's too cruel to ask Heybold to kill me. I can't die by his hands."
He slowly raised the twisted steel in his hand, with bright red blood flowing all over it, and the sharp tip pointed directly at Cornell.
"So...send me to the Hall of Valor, Cornel Garrel."
The voice was a little sad, but also a little joyful. The dim light of the candlelight outlined Ivar's emaciated figure. It was covered with wounds at some point, and blood was escaping from the body.
"You lunatic."
Cornel had only time to say these words.
Ivar lowered his body, crawling on all fours like a beast, and quickly approached Cornel. His speed was so fast that when he was about to touch him, he stood up with both feet and then swung out the deadly steel. .
At the same time, a gunshot rang out, and the bullet grazed Ivar's cheek, but it was as if he couldn't see it, and his eyes never moved from beginning to end.
The steel slashed down fiercely. It was not a blade, but something Ivar picked up casually after the explosion. It could barely be used as a weapon, but it was not strong enough and could only cut through flesh and blood.
Cornel rolled in a pool of blood, barely dodging the blow. He raised his head in embarrassment and saw the nightmare figure that never stopped.
Ivar Lodbrok is a warrior.
He breathed in turbid and warm breath, and his twisted feet moved forward little by little.
A roaring sound came from one side, and the guard knocked away the debris piled up on his body, and looked at Ivar with bloodthirsty eyes.
During the time when Cornell was unconscious, Ivar had already fought with the guards. With the impact of the explosion, he accurately assassinated several guards. After spending so many days together, he also faintly understood Realizing the weirdness of the guards, Ivar cut off their heads to be safe.
But Ivar didn't kill everyone.
With the blessing of the secret blood, the guard's strength was astonishing. He directly controlled Ivar and pressed him against the wall. However, a slight pain rose from his armpits, and then became intense.
Ivar completely pierced the dagger-like steel into the guard's armpit. He grasped the sharp edge and twisted it bit by bit, smashing the entire tendons and bones.
The guard whined in pain, punched Ivar hard in the abdomen, and blood filled his mouth in an instant.
Those were absent-minded eyes, and the secret blood was tempting the guard. Furious, he grabbed Ivar's throat and tried to strangle him, but at this time, Ivar hit him with his knee and inserted it into his armpit again. With the second push, the steel stabbed down along the ribs, directly crushing the heart in the atrium.
The guard's movement stagnated, and the strength at his wrist slackened slightly. Then Ivar broke free, and the steel in his other hand directly cut his throat, and hit the wound with his elbow, breaking the spine underneath it.
As if its soul had been drained, the guard's body fell down weakly. Ivar fell into a pool of blood, as if dead, but he got up again after a while.
He couldn't stand up anymore. The knee hit directly against the sharp steel. Although it pierced the guard's heart, it also penetrated Ivar's knee, which was bloody and useless at all.
Ivar held on to the only steel he had. This was no longer a tight grip. The steel pierced his palms. Even if he didn't tighten his grip, the steel hung firmly in his flesh.
Panting in pain, there seemed to be only one thought left in his mind at the moment.
A heroic death.
So he drove his body hard, pushing himself up with his knees, like a wild dog with a broken leg, dragging his haggard body, leaning closer to Cornell little by little.
This is the dream moment. Ivar Rodbrok will die like a warrior. His death will cause the war between the Viking kingdoms and Gaulnaro. After many years of fighting and fighting, the son of Odin Land warm enough to live will be plundered.
"Odin, here I come."
Ivar murmured.
(End of this chapter)

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