Embers of Embers

Chapter 460 Goodbye at the End

Chapter 460 Goodbye at the End
This was a pretty good moment, quiet and comfortable, outside the window was the warm sunshine and the peaceful world, and there were only one man and one woman indoors... Of course, the other two strange guys were not included in the Kestrel.
What a wonderful scene. Looking back on Kestrel's life, he has never seen such a look as if he was illuminated by the sun. Kestrel thought of that pretty good afternoon, when Irene was still called Gloria, and he I don’t know everything about this ferocious chaos.
It was as if the timeline had been interrupted, the chaotic and crazy battle in the middle was completely forgotten, and everything now connected with that beautiful afternoon.
Kestrel's heart almost stopped for a moment.
He looked at Irene's eyes. After a brief moment of beauty, Kestrel suddenly remembered what the guy in front of him looked like. Although the hostility was weakened a lot, Irene's bad nature still reminded Kestrel.
"Oh oh oh!"
The kestrel gave a rooster cry.
He broke free from Erin's restraints, clenched the quilt tightly around his body, and then kicked his feet to hide at the head of the bed until his whole back and the wall were pressed together, leaving no room to move.
"You look like a good woman who was teased."
Erin shook her head, looking helpless at Kestrel's ridiculous reaction.
"To be precise, he is a good family man."
Kestrel emphasized again.
This weird woman... By the way, why was she taken in for treatment? Doesn't it stand to reason that she shouldn't be imprisoned?Why didn't Heibald take her to the Viking countries when he left?
Kestrel's mind was filled with waves, but then the cold chill froze everything. Kestrel saw Irene sitting on the edge of the bed, pretending to be disgusted with a bad smile, slender His hand ran up the sheets until he touched Kestrel's feet.
"Ahhh! What on earth are you going to do!"
Kestrel's mind was broken. He couldn't stand this damn woman.
For Irene, Kestrel's emotions are complicated. Sometimes he still thinks of that beautiful afternoon, but when he thinks of Irene's nature, he feels a damn laughter ringing above his beautiful memory, as if someone The guy was hiding in the shadows, laughing at his behavior.
Kestrel also thought about developing an office romance, but after careful consideration, he came to the same conclusion as before. Many colleagues died before they could recognize their names, and some were lucky enough to survive, but all of them were A warrior who cuts down monsters.
But these are Kestrel’s dead brothers!How can I fall in love with my brother?
Weird and wonderful ideas kept flying, and the poor kestrel was played with and applauded by Erin at will.
When Erin wasn't teasing Kestrel, she was laughing so hard that she almost cried.
"I said, I've met a lot of people, but I haven't seen anyone as interesting as you, Moon."
Kestrel didn't want to talk to her. To him, the "interesting" in Erin's mouth was not a compliment.
"What the hell are you doing?"
Kestrel asked again. He didn't think Irene just came here to torment her when she had nothing to do. This guy must have some purpose.
This time Erin became a little more serious, stopped laughing, and still stared at the kestrel as before.
"I wonder what I should do next?"
"Yes, haven't you thought about what we should do after leaving this hospital?"
Erin said as she looked out the window, her eyes looking a little confused.
"Just do whatever you have to do, go to work when you need to, and rest when you need to."
Kestrel didn't think this was a difficult question. In Kestrel's opinion, after leaving the hospital, he might be able to take a few days to recuperate, and then return to the purification agency to report, repeating the routine he had repeated countless times before, returning In the life that is taken for granted.
Regarding Kestrel's answer, Erin sighed helplessly. Although she could guess Kestrel's answer, she still felt a little unwilling to hear him say it.
"You really are a pure guy." Erin said.
"explain more clearly!"
"You are a simple fellow."
Eileen said it again. She ignored Kestrel's teeth and claws and started talking to herself.
"You guy... it's like these things have nothing to do with you. The moon, you won't be affected by it, nor will it disturb your mood." Irene stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the Warm world, "War is coming, everyone is nervous and confused."
"Except for you, I guess you must be thinking about going fishing when you get out of the hospital, aren't you?"
Kestrel couldn't understand what Eileen said, so he answered according to his own ideas.
"Otherwise? I'm just a wage earner. I'll go to work after the holidays. If they want to start a war, they'll start a war. This is my job. What can I do?"
Kestrel looked optimistic, but then his eyes turned strange, as if he had grabbed Erin's pigtails.
"Wait...are you confused? Erin."
Kestrel suddenly realized what Eileen was saying these things for. The woman in front of him was confused. She was confused, like a lost lamb, at a loss in the desolate wilderness.
What a great moment to fight back, but just as Kestrel was about to taunt Irene, he suddenly realized that this might be a trap. From the perspective of a ruthless woman like Irene, how could she be confused?She is setting up a trap for herself.
Erin replied calmly.
This answer shattered all Kestrel's whimsical thoughts. He was speechless for a moment and didn't even know what to say.
"I'm so confused. Where should I go after I leave here?"
Erin said, sitting back on the bed, as if she were consulting a kestrel.
"For my crime, I should be imprisoned by you? Even if I am not imprisoned, where can I go?"
Erin muttered to herself.
"Gaulonaro? My hometown? In fact, I have no emotions about it. I even have some bad memories. Not long ago, I worked with you to fight against the Iron Law Bureau and turned Maluli Port into that place. It seems that if I go back, I will be executed on the spot, right?"
Erin thought of something else, and smelled the cold aroma on her nose.
"Viking Kingdoms? There are indeed a lot of pretty good memories there, but... some people are already dead. Seeing them again will only increase the sadness. Not to mention that if I show up in the Viking Kingdoms, I will probably be killed. Let’s end with execution on the spot.”
Erin laughed again as she thought about it.
"Looking at it this way, being imprisoned by your purification agency is not bad. At least you can still be alive...Will you come to see me?"
Irene suddenly pointed her words at Kestrel, which caught him off guard, but Kestrel quickly responded.
"Of course!"
Kestrel replied quickly, feeling happy just thinking about that image.
In the dark dungeon, Kestrel appeared in front of Irene with evil laughter. This damn guy was locked behind an iron fence, shivering with cold, begging Kestrel for forgiveness, and Kestrel would look proud. teasing her.
"It's so good, you really deserve to be a brother who has died!"
Irene was about to hug her after hearing this, but obviously she misunderstood Kestrel's thoughts and was kicked back by Kestrel.
"But you guys live a really simple life. You don't have so many worries. Everything is just work and daily life."
Erin envied Kestrel's mentality.
In fact, the person who understands Irene best at this time is Lorenzo. They all have the same troubles. They are like lambs wandering in this world without a destination of their own.
No... Lorenzo has no destination, but he is about to find it, find the destination that belongs to him, and Irene just lost everything not long ago.
She tried to redeem herself, but failed, and everything went up in flames.
"What a pity, Moon." Erin said again.
"What a pity?"
"I can't stay."
Erin turned her head as she spoke, and the light illuminated her face just right. The kestrel could not see her expression clearly under the strong light.
"I would love to stay, but I have no reason and no qualifications to stay."
Just like Haybold said, she made a mistake and did evil, so Irene must be punished.
"I think there should be something more worthy of us to do than fighting and fighting, but unfortunately, I still don't know what that thing is? I don't know how to find it, maybe one day I found it at a certain moment, and maybe I won’t be able to find relief even in my lifetime.”
Eileen said something that Kestrel couldn't understand. Suddenly Kestrel thought of something. It was like a confession. He had also been to the church and had seen the dialogue between the priest and the believers. Just like now, a At a fairly comfortable moment, the bewildered believers confessed themselves... How did the priest do it?
Kestrel thought for a moment and smiled at Erin.
"What would you do if you were in a predicament like this? Moon?"
"You mean retirement?"
The work of the purification agency is almost everything in Kestrel's life. If he loses everything one day, it will probably mean that he retires or gets fired.
Kestrel thought carefully.
"First of all, I have to read "Falcon Under the Night"."
He said seriously that Kestrel liked this book very much, and its priority was even higher than fishing.
Erin fell silent, and after a long time she sighed again. Maybe it was just a difference in brain circuitry. Many times the kestrel was really stupid, so stupid that it gave people a headache.
"I also like that book. It's so cool to see a chivalrous person doing justice under the cover of night, even though no one knows who he is."
Erin was too lazy to discuss this with Kestrel, and instead commented on this book.
"Right, I like it too, mainly because it feels very immersive."
"Yes, isn't our purification agency just like a hunting falcon? It fights around in the dark where no one can see it. Although it is not punishing evil people, demons are not much gentler than evil people."
No one would have thought that Kestrel liked this book for this reason, but when you think about it, it is indeed the case. Kestrel once suspected that this book was written by a retired guy from the cleanup agency. Unfortunately, he has never seen it. to the author.
"Oh, forget it, I shouldn't have pinned my hopes on you."
Eileen gave up her confession to Kestrel. She thought Kestrel was quite interesting. He was the type of people Eileen liked. They were very simple and pure, but they were destined to be different people. These simple and pure guys guessed Irene's complex thoughts were not revealed.
"In the final analysis, people live just to survive, right? Only by surviving can we do things. Only by surviving can we realize certain things that only exist in our imaginations. Only by living can we have unlimited possibilities. If we die, , there is nothing, everything is gone.”
Kestrel spoke of something else.
"If you don't know what that strange thing is, then just live a good life first. Find a warm afternoon, find a comfortable position, throw out the fishing rod, and read your favorite book."
The priest Kestrel enlightened the lost lamb.
"Actually, I have had similar troubles. I was quite scared for a while. After all, I am so young, retirement is far away, and there seems to be endless demons to kill. I just think that I will die one day. When I think about it, I am terrified of the future misfortune.”
Simple people talk about simple ideas of life.
"But after I became extremely scared, I wasn't afraid anymore. After all, everyone will die, right? It's just about who comes first and who comes last. It makes me feel a lot more relaxed when I think about it.
But having to kill monsters every day would be a bit stressful for anyone, and the psychiatrists at Black Mountain Hospital are more insane than the last. I really don’t want to see them if I can, so I feel tired and confused, so I find one. Experience life in a comfortable way. "
The kestrel looked at the sunlit face, which shone like gold.
"You can do this too, maybe the road to salvation lies within."
Erin was silent. She seemed to be thinking about Kestrel's words. When she lowered her head, she saw hands covered with blood. Countless dead people dug up graves and reached out to grab her legs, trying to drag her into the grave. In the pitch-black abyss, they silently questioned and scolded Irene.
"As expected, it still doesn't work. No matter how you think about it, I can't be redeemed. But thank you anyway, Moon."
Eileen stood up and walked to Kestrel. Kestrel saw Eileen's face clearly. She looked like she had just cried, and her eyes were slightly red.
"You are a good friend, Moon. If possible, I really want to stay."
As she spoke, she lowered her body and held Kestrel's face in her hands. Just like before, her pupils completely accommodated Kestrel, remembering this interesting face forever.
"Now I'm leaving, going to a far away place, maybe further than the Viking Kingdoms. Will you miss me? Moon."
Erin asked.
The voice was very calm, and it sounded like an extremely normal thing to Kestrel's ears, but he vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong. This short-term warmth completely captured him and made his thinking freeze. Come down.
"It will be..."
Kestrel's voice was hesitant.
Miss Erin?How is this possible? The kestrel wants to stay far away from this guy... But, remembering that pretty good afternoon, the life-and-death escape in Nalo, Gaul, the kestrel wants to see Irene again. Unknowingly, Irene They are already considered his friends, one of the few.
"That's great, then say to me now, 'Goodbye, Gloria.'"
Staring into those clear eyes, Kestrel was stunned for a moment. He felt something was wrong, but he still said it.
"Goodbye, Gloria."
Gloria smiled. Every time she was called this name, she felt very relaxed, and even her heavy mood became better. It seemed that only then could she lose the name "Irene Adler". camouflage.
She kissed Kestrel gently on the forehead and said to him.
"Goodbye, Moon."
After Gloria finished speaking, she left. Like a gust of wind, Kestrel could still smell the slightly cold aroma in the air. He stared blankly at the door that was pushed open. After an unknown amount of time, he finally Be aware of it later.
Waves of fear arose in his heart. Even when facing a demon, Kestrel had never been so frightened. He felt that he might never see Gloria again, either between life and death, or that he would never see her again. , he will never have the chance to find out the secret hidden by this woman.
He started running in embarrassment, staggered and fell to the ground. He growled in pain, but still stumbled up and rushed out of the room. He was breathing heavily, but what was waiting for the kestrel was an extremely empty corridor. It was so long, as if there was no end in sight.
(End of this chapter)

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