Embers of Embers

Chapter 462 Prologue The First Watcher

Chapter 462 Prologue The First Watcher
The dim light fell from the dim dome, like countless withered petals, or like soft and light feathers. They fell on the hideous and terrifying body, softening the hatred a little. He was half-kneeling in front of the dark well, holding the mottled sword blade like a tombstone covered in a sea of ​​flowers.
"So... is this why the old pope has been preventing us from exploring [the truth]?"
The new pope murmured in a low voice. He slowly raised his head, his resolute eyes became cloudy, and even his iron will showed some cracks at this moment.
In the face of such a fact, no matter who you are, you will be shaken, your mind will be shaken, and your understanding of everything will be blurred.
"What are you going to do? What can we do?"
The new pope said feebly. He kept looking at the deep well below, and all the emotions in his heart were mixed into an indescribable strange shape at this moment.
"I don't know...but at least we know why the old pope refused to tell us the reasons. It seems that we are instead a group of lunatics and heretics. The old pope is the one who sticks to the faith."
A voice sounded behind him, and Watson slowly walked to the well. The scene when the old pope died appeared in front of his eyes.
She successfully invaded the "gap" of the old pope, shattered his will and also learned the secrets buried deep in his memory.
"I began to understand that ignorance is happiness."
Watson also felt depression and pain for the first time in a long time. This was different from before. Although she would feel depressed in the crisis she encountered before, she knew that she had the power to resist. But this time, facing this deep darkness, she could feel There is only a deep sense of powerlessness.
There was nothing I could do but watch it all happen slowly.
The so-called resistance is also a meaningless act. No one is immune to this sudden rise.
"So this secret is only allowed to be known by the Popes of all ages? After all, if such a secret is made public, it will only bring panic and disputes. People's understanding of this world will completely collapse, and they will fall into even more terrifying despair."
Somehow, Watson began to sympathize with the popes.
They spent their whole lives and finally reached the pinnacle of power, but what awaited them was not some great gift, but this cruel [truth]. Some people went completely crazy in front of this cruel [truth], and some people went completely crazy in front of this cruel [truth]. Then they became decadent, just waiting for death to come, and some people tried to resist, but in the end nothing changed.
The Popes exclusively enjoyed this unspeakable secret and were tormented by this profound fear.
For a moment Watson understood the crazy actions in church history.
“The Crusades, the Witch Hunts, the Wars of Religion…the Black Death.”
Looking back at the history of the church, we can find that every major human casualty event has their shadow more or less. Now all these are connected by secrets. Watson only feels that the whole world is shrouded in the dark night sky. Shrouded, there is no trace of light.
The new pope shook his head tiredly. He remembered the last scene in the Well of Ascension, and the dying will of the old pope spoke to him with difficulty.
"We are all lambs, kept in a fence by shepherds. Outside the fence, there are hungry wolves, tigers, and countless bloodthirsty monsters. They are peeping at us and longing for us."
So who is the lamb, who is the shepherd, and who is the bloodthirsty monster?
Should we choose to live in ignorance, or face [the truth] and die powerlessly?
"Are you leaving? 016."
The new pope turned to Watson and asked.
Watson nodded, and she slowly raised her head, looking at the ruined Temple of Stasis, and then at the darkness under the Well of Sublimation. The [truth] of this world was hidden behind the barrier of holy silver.
"I need to tell this [truth] to others, maybe... maybe we can find another solution, at least to end this cruel cycle."
Lorenzo's face appeared in front of Watson's eyes. For some reason, if it was Lorenzo, there might really be a glimmer of hope.
"Can it really be done?"
The new pope is also confused. He has been insisting until now just to know why the demon hunters died, but now that he knows all this, he is almost defeated by the [truth].
At this moment, it seems that whether it is the old Pope or the other guys who keep secrets, their figures have become more noble, and they must have been in the same state of mind at that time, fearful and restless, just like travelers in the wilderness, Facing the world at a loss.
"We have to give it a try. We have already made it this far. It would be too sad if we just gave up. What would our previous efforts count?"
Watson's voice was full of indifference. Even though she said so, she couldn't see any hope.
"Then what are you going to do next? Your Majesty."
Watson asked the new pope. In fact, the most dangerous person here is the new pope. His support for the truth has always maintained his will. Even if he is corroded by demons, he still lives tenaciously until now.
But now he knows everything about this cruelty. This horrific "truth" has almost caused the world he knew to collapse. The most desperate thing is not just that. Facing the doomsday that is destined to come, whether it is Watson himself or the new pope, They are all surprised to find that only war and death can avoid greater despair.
The new pope is pious, and he is extremely pious to his own will, but now everything he believes in has collapsed. Watson is worried that after he leaves, the new pope will turn into a hateful monster.
"I...I don't know, but I think I will continue to stay here. Someone needs to remember this [truth] and tell future generations...I think I will also strengthen the strength of the new order to deal with the fate that is destined to come. disaster."
The new pope thought for a long time and could only make this decision.
"The world will usher in a new [restart], and many people will die, but at least that thing will continue to sleep, and at least more people will survive."
The hand holding the sword trembled slightly. After seeing the malice of the world, the new pope realized that everything he had experienced before was not worth mentioning.
"Then... I'll leave first."
Watson finally said that it was difficult for her to say any more words of blessing. She wanted to see Lorenzo now and tell him what she knew, but she was worried because she didn't know what Lorenzo would do after knowing this. What kind of reaction will there be.
Watson left, and Anthony's body seemed to have been drained of its soul. His body went limp and then fell weakly, and he fell into a coma.
It seemed that the new Pope was the only one left in the silent palace, and now his mind was constantly thinking about everything Watson told him, the secrets hidden in the mind of the old Pope.
In the final analysis, the demons that people have fought against so far are actually alienated from humans themselves. This has always been a civil war among humans.
Demons are like a strange disease that spreads among the human community. As for the original "Patient Zero", people have never been able to find a trace of him.
However, the most doubtful point is the corrosive nature of the demon itself. It stands to reason that with the pollution ability of the demon, human beings cannot survive until now. Even with the existence of the Demon Hunting Order, it cannot curb the crazy spread of the demon. In human beings In the course of history, there must be some unknown force that is curbing the spread of demons.
That mysterious force is still maintaining the balance, but the balance that is broken now is not them, but human beings themselves. With the development of science and technology and the increase of human population, letters that once took months to be mailed have been replaced by railways and telegraphs. Zooming in closer, the world was once extremely vast, but now it is constantly shrinking due to technological innovation.
This is like a disaster plan proposed by the purification agency. When human communication capabilities are infinitely powerful, will they be overshadowed by the erosion of demons, causing demons to spread crazily overnight...
The new pope's eyes were soaked with blood. He couldn't find a reasonable solution and could only conduct a so-called "reset" as the old pope said.
Crazy thoughts rolled and roared in the silence, until the long silence was broken by sudden footsteps.
The new pope suddenly raised his head. He could feel that something was coming, not far away in front of him, in the sticky darkness.
The nauseating feeling was slowly spreading, the darkness was crawling, and something was crawling out of the darkness little by little.
"The Silent One...?"
The new pope was familiar with this feeling. He raised the sword. To be honest, encountering these monsters again today made him feel even worse.
The information given by the old pope was not much, and all that could be obtained from his broken memory was the information of [Restart], and not much was mentioned about the Silent One.
"We are all lambs, kept in a fence by shepherds. Outside the fence, there are hungry wolves, tigers, and countless bloodthirsty monsters. They are peeping at us and longing for us."
The new pope once again repeated the words of the old pope before his death. He vaguely understood the meaning of these words, and then a new question appeared.
In this passage, what are the positions of humans, demons, and the silent ones?
The black arc interrupted the new pope's thoughts. Just like what he had witnessed countless times before, after the extreme darkness, a brand new body came into the world.
The new pope was ready to fight. Although he was deeply shaken by the truth, this was no reason to obey death.
The cold sword blade was slowly raised, and then stiffened. The new pope's eyes tightened. He had never seen such a... silent person.
In the arc of darkness, his white palm pierced the darkness. It was as if he was tearing apart the shackles, pulling the darkness away little by little. What came out from under it was not a familiar angel, but a person.
It was a man. He was naked, and half of his body was still in a state of collapse. As the arc light passed by, the surrounding materials were collected and recast into his body. The bones were shaped, muscles were attached to them, and blood vessels were attached to them. Walking through it, unknown liquid is injected into it, making the heart beat hard.
The strange power gradually formed the shape of a person, and then the holy robes rose out of thin air and covered his body until finally everything stopped.
This was a scene beyond imagination. The new pope had never seen such a silent person before. It was even difficult for him to determine whether the guy who suddenly appeared in front of him could still be called a silent person.
He was wearing a holy robe, which was similar to that of the Gospel Church, but the style was much older. The man's face was only briefly exposed to the eyes of the new pope, and then it was covered by the hood and hid in the In the shadows.
"So...the Silent Ones are also related to humans, right?"
Perhaps because he knew enough secrets today, the impact of the scene in front of the new Pope did not last too long, and he continued to think calmly.
"The Silent One? What is that?"
Hearing the words of the new pope, the man asked, his voice was a little fuzzy, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time, and he almost forgot how to speak.
The new pope made no response to the man's question, eyeing him warily.
The man didn't pay much attention to anything, he just raised his head and looked at the dilapidated stagnant temple.
Similar palaces also appeared in the vague memories, but in the blink of an eye, the once glorious palace decayed into what it is today. In an instant, countless years passed by, sculpting the delicate face with countless indescribable things. scar.
"How many years have passed, and the Temple of Stasis has turned into this."
The man said with some sadness. He walked towards the Well of Ascension and stood opposite the new Pope, with the dark well opening between them.
"It seems that you are the Pope of this term? You look really bad."
The man could tell at a glance the state of the new pope. He was eroded and his secret blood was almost out of control.
"So is it safe down there?"
The man pointed to the boundless darkness under the Well of Sublimation and asked again.
"Safe? A shelter made entirely of holy silver. Is there any safer place than this?"
The new pope said slowly.
He looked at the man with fiery eyes. He appeared in front of him in the form of the Silent One, but he was different from them. Moreover, he could also talk to himself. From his words, he understood all of this very well...even explain……
The new pope looked at the man's attire combined with his previous words, and the Silencers were not only related to humanity, they were also related to the evangelical church.
Hearing the new pope's answer, the man was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed helplessly.
"You think down here is a shelter?"
"Isn't it? The barrier of holy silver can easily block the progress of things like you..."
The new Pope stopped midway through his words. He suddenly understood the man's words. The barrier of holy silver can prevent the intrusion of will, and it can also prevent the detachment of will.
His eyes quickly turned to the Well of Sublimation, and only then did he feel Leng Che's fear belatedly.
This root is not a shelter...it is a cage, imprisoning that indescribable mass of flesh and blood.
"Who are you!"
the new pope asked sharply.
The man pointed at himself. He didn't seem too hostile. His eyes looked at the new pope and he answered slowly.
"I am one of the popes of the Evangelical Church. I can't remember exactly which pope it is. After all, history has iterated too many times..."
The next moment, a wave of force hit the new pope. He had no time to think about the meaning of the man's words. The new pope only felt the invisible wave hitting his body, wrapping himself around him, and the holy silver on his head. The crown also collapsed under this invisible force.
The new pope looked at the shadow under the hood and could see only an extremely hot day.
"I am the Watcher, the original Gabriel."
The man crossed the deep well, grabbed the new pope's head with one hand, and forced him to look into his eyes. His voice sounded like a magic spell.
"I'm Edron Levien."
(End of this chapter)

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