Embers of Embers

Chapter 47 The Glory

Chapter 47 The Glory
Although it has fallen into the night, it is still extremely bright here. Hundreds of electric lights are shining under the dome made of steel and concrete, like shining stars. The several-meter-long transparent glass wall divides this huge and unprecedented perfect.
This is a miracle of human industry, known as the industrial creation of the old Dunling Central Station. It is the transportation heart of the old Dunling. Hundreds of railways extend outward from this heart, covering every part of the old Dunling. Territory, huge water vapor gushes out from it, and finally condenses on the surrounding steel. The air is moist and cold.
Lorenzo was standing on the edge of the platform, still wearing the same standard attire, a black deerstalker hat and a pitch-black coat with a white lining underneath, and the iron chain of his pocket watch slightly exposed.
He was just an ordinary traveler, as if he was going to meet a friend, holding a brown box in his arms, one corner was slightly opened, and there were bright flowers inside.
Sitting on a bench on one side, Lorenzo lowered his head and took out his pocket watch to look at the time, standing like a sculpture in the crowd.
He continued like this for a long time, until the melodious whistle sounded.
The steel creation came slowly, breathing endless steam, dragging more than 20 carriages behind it. Cold dew condensed on the steel, like a giant python swimming on the earth.
There is a bronze statue of a lion on the heavy front of the train, and the rusty body is painted with white writing, which is the name of the train.
The Glorious steam train was built decades ago to commemorate the victory of the Glorious War, but most of it has been decommissioned over time. Lorenzo did not expect to see it today.
It is also part of the Serpent of the Atrium system, which connects the entire world.With only a few silver coins, you can reach anywhere in the world at will, and this is the power of technology.
Distance is no longer a reason to limit people's progress. Even if Lorenzo wanted to go to that mysterious town of Ende, there were trains tonight, and he happened to catch it.
"Sir needs..."
"No need."
The flight attendant looked at Lorenzo coming and tried to help him carry his luggage, but he refused before he even met Lorenzo.
Lorenzo's cold look confused the flight attendant, but he saw countless customers every day, so this episode didn't bother him at all.
After entering the car, Lorenzo went straight to his seat, and finally stopped at a window seat, and then put the suitcase at his feet. Although the movement was very light, when the suitcase fell, everyone could Feel the weight of this box.It's filled with demon-hunting weapons.
Although Lorenzo never mentioned it directly, he was actually a retired demon hunter. As he told Sabo at that time, becoming a priest was a prerequisite for becoming a Templar, and among the Templars The elite will become witchers.
Obviously all the demons are dead, and he has enjoyed six years of retirement, but now these guys are back, and this is Lorenzo's bottom line. No matter what the conflict of interests is, he must find out why these damned guys are back. The thing appears again.
The end of the train this time is a city in the west. Because a large amount of minerals were discovered in the west, it has also been developed in recent years, but the development level is not high, and it has not attracted people's attention.
Lorenzo's goal was not there. According to the information he got on the map at the train station, the mysterious town of Ende was also connected to a train. Everything had been built about three months ago, but that railway was not open to the public. Open, he only got out of the car and walked when he got close to it.
But...a nearly forgotten town with a direct railway?How virtuous and capable it is!
Lorenzo smelled the smell of conspiracy in an instant, and the truth was just as he thought. An anonymous philanthropist donated money to build this railway about a year ago. The purpose was unknown, but from what Lorenzo has experienced now, Look, everything is crystal clear.
All this was premeditated.
This is an escape passage specially built for the escape of the Holy Coffin. Sabo's food must have been transported there through this railway.
"It's really troublesome..."
Lorenzo had a headache. It took a lot of effort to do this. It was impossible to transport food just once, and no one knew what the "food" was.
Judging from the transportation volume and time of a railway, more things will be transported there than I expected.
The atmosphere was a bit tragic for a moment, and I felt like I was rushing to hell alone.
But Lorenzo doesn't care about this, this is his bottom line, he must go and take a look, no matter what.
Just as he was thinking this, another person appeared in front of him. He sat opposite Lorenzo with a smile on his face.
"Good evening, sir, are you going to meet a friend?"
The man was about the same age as Lorenzo, looked about 24-[-], wore ordinary clothes, had an ordinary appearance, and had an ordinary temperament. Everything was so ordinary, but when put together it seemed extremely abrupt.
He is too ordinary, ordinary to dazzling.
"Yeah, I haven't seen him for a long time."
Lorenzo answered casually but his eyes fell on the box, which was filled with flowers. The intoxicating fragrance was soothing.
The classic gift box from the street flower shop. When one really can’t think of what to give, it’s always right to buy this flower box.
“It’s nice that friendships last forever.”
"Yeah, it feels really good. What about you? The west side is very backward, and no one wants to go there except for tourism."
Facing Lorenzo's question, the man thought for a while, showed a slight sadness on his face and then sighed.
"I don't want to go either, but work requires it."
"Need it for work? Let me guess..."
Lorenzo narrowed his eyes slightly. He observed the man carefully and used his few detective skills to analyze his identity.
If we talk about work, the only ones who work in the west are working in the mines, but he is very neat, his fingers are very clean, and there is no trace of having worked in the coal mine. Although his overall temperament is very mediocre, he has such a good temperament. There is a faint strange smell, it smells like engine oil.
"Machinist? In addition to mining, there are also those mechanics in the west. I guess some machine is broken. I will send you to repair it."
Hitting the target, the man suddenly became energetic and looked at Lorenzo with some curiosity. He originally wanted to use this chat to pass the long time on the road, but he didn't expect to meet an interesting person.
"How did you guess?"
"Because my roommate is a mechanic. Just like you, he smells of engine oil and has calluses on his hands. He also has to be on call at all times. The machines in the factory often break down. When there is not enough manpower, he is just like you. I have to rush back to fix it wherever I go.”
To be honest, this man, with his haggard look and dark circles under his eyes, is simply a replica of Lorenzo’s roommate. It’s so familiar to see him this way.
"I haven't seen him for almost half a month. I'm afraid he died in the factory."
"It's really...I don't know how to put it..."
The man smiled dryly and scratched his head. He felt uncomfortable with this damn job.
"Then what do you do?" The man was full of curiosity about Lorenzo.
Lorenzo said, thoughtfully.
"Detective, a second-rate detective."
As for the specific business, Lorenzo didn't plan to talk about it. After all, whether it was catching the mistress or serving the Shrike, it was all shady, let alone fighting with demons in the depths.
This word seemed to touch the man's nerves. This time he really looked at Lorenzo. His eyes swept back and forth, and the hidden features gradually overlapped with a person in his memory.
"Then what's your name?"
As if for final confirmation, the man stretched out his hand and pretended to make friends.
Lorenzo naturally stretched out his hand and shook it with him, then a hearty smile appeared on his face.
"Lorenzo Holmes."
Hearing the detective's name, the man was stunned, but his emotions were well hidden. He continued to smile, no doubt as usual.
"Moon Naredo."
Looking at the detective who was hated by both Arthur and Shrike and wanted to tear him alive, Kestrel said his name.
(End of this chapter)

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