Embers of Embers

Chapter 470 The Progress of the World

Chapter 470 The Progress of the World
"Start first awakening attempt."
Merlin's voice rang out from the communicator. At the top of the dome, behind the thick blast-proof glass, Galahad was quietly observing this. Ever since he lost control while driving the Black Angel, he died in many people's memories. However, in fact, not only did Galahad not die, but due to his own condition, he became the shadow of the purification mechanism.
"This time we may find out the root of the monster, are you excited?"
Galahad asked, and a steady voice sounded in the darkness behind him.
"How could I not be excited? If it weren't for the fear of losing my temper, I would want to shout out excitedly right now."
Arthur said as he came to Galahad and sat on a chair nearby. The scenery here is good. It is the highest point of the workshop, enough to overlook the overall situation, but because it is too high, they cannot see the details below. Qing, but this is enough, they don't care about the process, now they only long for the result of all this.
"I am no longer young, otherwise, you will find me now driving the Original Sin Armor and becoming one of them."
Arthur crossed his arms and frowned.
There was a burst of electrical noise in the communicator, and soon another voice connected to the channel, and the voice sounded.
"Arthur, order from the Platinum Palace, the Queen asks us to stop 'pursuit'."
The sound came from the Broken Dome. When Arthur was not in the Broken Dome, Knight Commander Gareth was responsible for everything.
"The experiment has already started, Gareth, we can't stop it." Arthur responded coldly.
"But...what about the Queen?"
Gareth was in trouble for a while. The purification agency belonged directly to the Victoria royal family, and there was only one voice in the Victoria royal family: Queen Victoria. Her orders were absolute for everyone, but now Arthur's behavior is undoubtedly disobey orders.
"Let's just say it has started. The workshop is completely locked. Unless the experiment is over, no one can interfere with the experiment... Don't be so nervous, Gareth. The Queen is not a monster. She can't even walk out of the Platinum Palace."
Arthur had always respected the Queen, but now his attitude was downright contemptuous.
"Okay, see you in the Shattered Dome, Gareth."
Arthur said and pressed the switch, and Gareth's voice disappeared into the noisy sound of electricity.
"What are you doing, Arthur, it's not like something you could do."
Galahad didn't speak slowly until now. He looked at Arthur's profile. The old guy's eyes were introverted. No one could guess what he was thinking.
"The Queen...is hiding something from us, Galahad."
Arthur suddenly said in the silence. He turned his head and looked serious.
"You know? In fact, I was also deceived by the Queen."
"What are you talking about?" Galahad couldn't understand him.
"Ivar's rescue plan, indeed, this operation is mixed with the goals of many people, just like I secretly sent Lorenzo to eradicate the choir, but these goals of ours are just smoke bombs, allowing Ivar to die in Nalo, Gaul , detonating a war is the real purpose, and I was completely unaware of this, and I only learned about this after the incident occurred."
Arthur only felt that there were dark clouds covering the sky over the old Dunling.
"The Queen hid it from all of us and united the Viking nations to start a war."
"What's the problem?" Galahad wondered.
"There is indeed no problem. While suppressing enemy countries and assisting Viking countries in plundering, it can also open up the northern route for us, but... I don't know how to describe this. Galahad, I feel there is something invisible. Things are entrenched around us, they are affecting the direction of the world little by little, and the queen is one of them."
Arthur said, throwing out a document.
"What is this?" Galahad took the document and asked.
"The experiment application record of the previous Technical Director of Everlasting Pump. Due to the re-examination of the Red News incident, we searched through the archives and found this document from a dusty corner. It is not important, along with other experiment application records. Put together, it may be its unimportant nature that allowed this document to survive, instead of being destroyed by some unknown force."
Arthur took a deep breath. Knowing too much is a burden for a person. You will keep this secret to yourself and feel scared because of knowing it.
"William has applied for more in-depth research on demons more than once. According to the report, he has obtained a lot of useful information. It can be said that the current purification agency's understanding of demons is largely based on his research.
However, these applications were all rejected. It can be seen from the seal that these applications were approved within the purification agency, but were rejected by higher powers. "
Galahad turned the pages of the document with a solemn gaze. He saw a familiar seal. The red paint on it had become dim due to the erosion of time, but the graphics drawn by it were still clearly visible.
"This is the royal seal of Victoria... The Queen vetoed these applications."
"Yes, and only she has such power. You must know that William is not a madman, he is a rational scholar. He must have found something, but was rejected by the Queen... The Queen is hiding something and not allowing him to continue. tracked him down, which led him to conduct the impermissible experiment."
Arthur sighed.
"If it were me, I would probably do the same thing."
"Has your loyalty to the Queen wavered?" Galahad asked.
Arthur smiled and shook his head.
"I have never been loyal to the queen, I am only loyal to this country. Galahad, in fact, I discovered more than that. Let's talk about conspiracy theories. These are the things we can discover. What about the things we can't discover?"
Galahad was stunned, and his heart became cold. In this dense and complex mechanical city, there were too many places where light could not reach, just like the furnace pillar system rooted in the earth.
After a long period of updates and iterations, the Furnace Pillars are like tree roots spreading underground. The steel body continues to move deeper. The drawings accumulated over the years have become as huge as a library. It is like a shadow. The maze below hides too many secrets.
"According to the Dun Ling Plan, old Dun Ling would have fully entered the electric age a few years ago, but now it is still only implemented in some areas, and even the research and development of technology has been restricted. You know, Galahad, It was not the nobles and businessmen who really stopped the plan at the beginning. As long as the queen is willing, the entire country is a machine in her hands. If she wants to implement this power, no one will refuse, but in the end it disappeared like this..."
"Do you think the Queen is guiding the course of this world?"
Galahad still remembered the idea of ​​the Dunling Project. Once successful, electricity would replace steam and the entire world would enter a new era.
"To be precise, it's 'them'. From an absolute interest perspective, compared to suppressing our hostile countries, widening the technological gap, continuing the Dunling Project, and maintaining the peaceful status quo is the best solution, but she didn't do that. Do."
Arthur looked down at the experimental site. From here, the workshop looked like a huge deep well.
"Did someone say something to you?"
"Well, Lorenzo came to see me not long ago. He felt that he had been tricked by the queen, and he vowed to give her a knife to relieve his anger. I comforted him, and there was news from the queen. She said she would explain this, But only Lorenzo could go, and that’s when I became suspicious. The incident was obviously clear, so what kind of reasons would the Queen give in order to defend her?”
"Her reason for controlling the process?"
There were only Galahad and Arthur in this dark observation room, and there was no third party. The communication channel had also been closed by Arthur before, so no third party would know about the conversation between them.
In the loneliness, Galahad's eyes changed slightly.
"Whether what you say is true or not, you are disobeying the Queen's orders by doing so."
"I know, but don't worry, the war is coming. As the Duke of a meritorious family and the purge agent of Arthur, no one can replace me in this situation. She needs me."
Arthur expressed his reliance.
"I never thought you could be so paranoid."
"This is something we should be vigilant about, Galahad. Never forget what we are fighting."
Arthur looked at him seriously.
"We are fighting against demons. These evil, unknowable nightmares. Even the extremely powerful Demon Hunting Order will collapse overnight, let alone us?"
"What if you are wrong, or even say that you are lying to me and trying to alienate me?" Galahad asked.
"Then it's time for you to stand up."
Arthur said calmly, without any emotion.
“Be cruel to your enemies and be cruel to yourself.
The reason why I am telling you is because of your identity, Galahad. You are now part of the scavenger force. As a backup plan when the purge mechanism collapses, you are the sharp sword hanging above the purge mechanism. If I If it's wrong, it's up to you to solve it and replace us. But if it's Platinum Palace's fault, I hope you can be in the key position at the critical moment. "
Galahad was stunned. He didn't expect that Arthur said this just for this. He needed to let this continue, and it was not the Platinum Palace or the purification agency, but a fight against demons.
After experiencing these things, Arthur became suspicious of the Platinum Palace, and now what he has to do is to make the scavengers alert.
"The scavengers will pay attention to this, and we will try our best to prevent the 'Advent Night' incident from happening within us."
"Then watch the experiment, they've started."
Looking down the workshop, while the two were talking, the first attempt to awaken had already begun. Lorenzo stood in front of William, his hands hanging uneasily by his side.
"Are you sure you want to do this?"
Lorenzo was still a little at a loss. He looked at Merlin who was standing aside, and he still had the same empty eyes in response to him.
"Sure, hurry up, Lorenzo, don't wait any longer, don't you want to know what William discovered?"
"I...Of course I want to."
Lorenzo did not continue speaking. He turned to look at William. The old guy was drooling and looking at him with a dazed look on his face.
To be honest, this should be the first time Lorenzo has actively alienated others and turned others into that abominable monster. It is difficult for him to describe his current mood, as if he has become a part of the evil, its sharp claws and teeth. .
[Secret Blood Awakens 7%]
Without too many words, a blazing white flame rose under his eyes as calm as the sea, just like an explosive flame. It made the entire sea burn and boil, and finally turned into pure daylight.
The fireworks were not warm. On the contrary, they were extremely cold, like ice that could not be melted. The coldness filled everyone's heart in an instant.
The light shone on William's face, attracting his gaze like a rare diamond, and the cloudy pupils met Lorenzo's eyes little by little.
"Are you going to invade his [gap]?"
Lorenzo looked at William and couldn't help but think.
"As long as you invade his [gap], those so-called secrets will be revealed in front of your eyes, but...do you really want to do this?"
Watson's warning flashed before his eyes, the scarlet handwriting revealing great fear and worry.
The blazing pure flame continued to rise, and condensed into a solid light.
"The Geiger index is starting to rise."
"The erosion is spreading, opening the floodgates."
"The water gate is opened and the neutralizing fluid begins to be poured in."
The sound traveled through the channel, and the sword dancers and lancers above the dome became vigilant. They all detected the changes in the index. Lorenzo below was raising the secret blood little by little, causing the erosion to spread from the body.
At the same time, the light rain above the head also became violent, and the neutralizing liquid poured down along the channels on the well wall. They finally gathered in the grooves on the ground, like a shrinking river.
"How is William doing?"
Merlin asked, standing not far away.
"The heart rate fluctuates greatly...he is now affected by the erosion, he is afraid, afraid..."
The medical staff spit out the note from the machine and responded to Merlin.
"Ah! Ah!"
William made a meaningless sound of panic. He was like a child who was still learning to speak, unable to say a complete sentence, but his old face was now completely twisted together, like a ferocious evil ghost.
Cold sweat slipped from his neck. He struggled hard, but his body was firmly locked on the electric chair by the leather. All these resistances were useless, and not far in front of him, the evil guy was standing there. Move closer to him.
It was like an oncoming scorching sun, burning fiercely and setting off a suffocating heat wave. As Lorenzo approached, William felt that he could hardly breathe, followed by phantom pain from his body.
He felt like he was burning, being scorched by the scorching sun, and pain was coming from every part of his body. Every place illuminated by the light was burning miserably until it turned into ashes.
"It's time to wake up, William."
Lorenzo came close to his face and said into his frightened eyes.
The next moment, the secret blood broke through the critical point, and the corrosion that almost solidified swept through the entire workshop.
(End of this chapter)

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