Embers of Embers

Chapter 488 Crown

Chapter 488 Crown
Just like I have seen the sunrise countless times, before the first ray of light arrives in the morning, the morning in Old Dunling is always so cold, like a dead world, without the slightest life at all, everyone collapses In the shadows, decaying slowly with the passage of time.
Lorenzo sat on a familiar sofa, surrounded by mountains of old clothes.
He seemed to be going to a serious meeting. This time he was dressed very neatly, with his clothes already on. His cane and coat were placed aside. However, it may be because the time was not up yet. Lorenzo sat quietly. , listening to the broadcast on the radio.
The city is still silent. In fact, it has woken up a long time ago, and it can be said that it has never fallen asleep. There are workers walking through invisible corners, and there are constant voices on the radio.
Lorenzo tilted his head and closed his eyes in thought.
The sound echoed in the lonely room.
"With the seriousness of the situation, Gallo Narro and Inverg are currently investing a large amount of troops in the White Tide Strait and conducting demonstration exercises. The good news is that the two sides are still restrained enough and there is no formal direct conflict yet. The bad news is that The news is that such restraint will not last long, and the two sides are already at war with each other.
The Viking countries are still reprimanding Gaul Naluo, and they want Gaul Naluo to pay for the death of Ivar Rodbrok.According to the news, a large number of fleets from the Viking countries have arrived from the north, and they will arrive in Yin Erweg's waters in a few days and complete the rendezvous with Yin Erweg's main force. "
Lorenzo listened to the news and pictured the terrible landscape in his mind.
He was still a little too late, and too powerless. After all, it was difficult for one person to shake the kingdom. Lorenzo could not prevent the war from coming. All he could do at present was to intervene in its direction as much as possible.
"Gaul Naluo announced the establishment of the Rhine League in a high-profile manner, and several countries united together with the purpose of jointly resisting Inverg.
This is an approach that is very in line with the current situation. Once the war breaks out and Gaulnaro falls, the door to the Rhine River Basin will be opened, and the subsequent countries, whether Leiber or others, will be completely exposed to Invervii. In the sight of the German army..."
The harsh sound of steam obscured the broadcast, and Lorenzo frowned.
If nothing else happens, this may be the most terrifying war in the Western world in the past century. From north to south, whether it is Inerweg's alliance or the so-called Rhine League, this war will bring everyone in the Western world to their knees. All involved.
Lorenzo doesn't like this. War will bring huge casualties, piles of corpses, countless broken families, madmen who create madness, and darkness that breeds in the dark...
"But the strange thing is that there is no response from the Holy Gospel Papal State, as if they are not aware of the approaching war. There is no news from the Seven Hills, and the new pope has not appeared in the public eye for a long time. .”
Such a voice sounded on the radio, which slightly attracted Lorenzo's attention.
The Holy Gospel Papal State is not important. After the old order disappears on Advent Night, they can no longer prevent the arrival of the new era. These existences exuding a rotten atmosphere will eventually be completely forgotten.
The Evangelical Church has lost the ability to influence the world. They have no right to speak in this war that is sweeping the world. However, compared to these, what Lorenzo really cares about is the Temple of Stasis.
Sometimes Lorenzo always felt that even if Advent Night was over, it would still be the most terrifying place in the world.
It has witnessed the glory of human beings, and also witnessed the inferiority of human beings. It is the starting point and the end of the Demon Hunting Order.
Countless, dark, dirty secrets, greed and cunning, the evil of human nature are vividly displayed here.
For Lorenzo, it meant something even more extraordinary.
It can be said that Lorenzo Holmes's story begins in the Temple of Stasis, but it is unclear whether it will be the end of Lorenzo Holmes's story.
Thinking like this...
There was a sound outside the door, very soft, as if someone had dropped something in front of the door.
Lorenzo stood up and walked to the door. He was wondering if it was Eve passing by again. With her character, she could really do such a thing.
Thinking of this, I felt a little good. It was indeed boring to be alone for a long time.
When he opened the door, there was no one at the door. The street was desolate. Abandoned newspapers were left in the corners. There was an icy wind carrying moisture against his face. Lorenzo lowered his head and saw the package left at the door.
A courier, the address on it is his own location, but it is not Winchester Office, but 121A Cork Street, and the recipient is the name Lorenzo Holmes.
Lorenzo felt a little strange, who could be sending the express to him?There were very few people who wrote to him. Then he saw the name and his expression became serious.
The name of the sender is written in the column.
Lorenzo never expected that the sender was Watson, and he didn't know what her current situation was, but judging from the fact that she could send him something, she was at least still alive.
He tried to find more clues, but there was no address on the note and he didn't know where it was mailed from.
Looking around vigilantly, Lorenzo put away the package and returned to the house. He checked the time and found that there was enough time for him to do other things first.
Putting it on the table, Lorenzo opened the package with a nail sword. The box was filled with crumpled newspapers, and there was an exquisite crown in the newspaper.
It is a bit inaccurate to describe it as a crown. It is not that gorgeous, but very simple. The surface of the metal still has the knocks and pits from the casting. It is like a simple work of craftsmanship. The twisted metal is entangled together, like The roots of the branches are entangled in a ring.
Lorenzo picked it up, and there was a familiar feeling in the cold touch that he could not forget.
Holy silver, this is a crown made entirely of holy silver.
Lorenzo thought of the meaning of the package for a moment, and then he picked up the card that was also buried in the paper. There were lines of addresses written on it. Most of the addresses were within the territory of the Holy Evangelical Papal State, and only a few Several involved other areas such as Invergweg.
"The address of the safe house of the new Pope, Seni Lothair, which contains weapons and supplies, as well as the crown to block the invasion of [Gap]."
Lorenzo read the writing.
That's all the information, but it's significant.
Lorenzo picked up the crown and played with it, thinking carefully with his eyes downcast.
According to Watson's intelligence, as long as he possesses this crown, Lorenzo can resist the [Gap] invasion to a certain extent.
This is a material from the so-called new pope. If these safe houses belong to him, then the new pope must also be aware of this information, and he may know it earlier than everyone else, so he can set it up early. So many safe houses and built with precious holy silver crowns.
This is a safe house that exists to fight against the Silent, and is located in every land outside the Seven Hills.
Lorenzo pushed back, having bad thoughts in his mind. What happened to the new pope that made him set up so many safe houses... Maybe he had been targeted by the Silent Ones and fell into endless hunting. middle.
If you put it this way, everything seems reasonable. Why did the New Religion not continue to carry out any actions from beginning to end? And in the face of this harsh situation, Qiqiuzuo remained silent.
They are so caught up in something that they have no energy left to care about anything else.
Lorenzo felt a little headache, as if the world was really about to usher in a new era, and all the old things would be liquidated. Everything was moving forward so suddenly and fiercely, leaving no chance for preparation.
He was still trying to think about something, but there was a knock on the door, and Lorenzo subconsciously hid the crown and stuffed it into the pile of old clothes.
"Mr. Holmes, I've come to fetch you."
Lan Jade opened the door with an indifferent look on her face and drooped eyelids, as if she hadn't woken up and seemed indifferent to everything in the world.
"Well, let's go."
Lorenzo didn't say much. He put on his coat, picked up his cane, and glanced at the calendar nailed to the wall. Today's date was marked with a red circle. Today Lorenzo will meet the Queen.
Sit in the carriage, draw the curtains, and with the rolling of the wheels, the dark carriage begins to move in the direction of the Platinum Palace, its pace is fast.
"Good morning, Lorenzo."
The guy sitting opposite Lorenzo greeted him, a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it was expected, Lorenzo responded.
"Good morning, Arthur, why are you here?"
"Why do you think I'm here? Of course, in case you kill the Queen with one sword."
As he spoke, Arthur opened his clothes, revealing the pistol on his waist. At this close range, the firearm had no deterrent effect on Lorenzo, but Arthur still insisted on showing his force.
"Change of plans, Lorenzo," Arthur said.
Lorenzo frowned, feeling something bad.
"what happened again?"
"It's nothing," Arthur smiled and signaled Lorenzo to calm down, "It's just that you are not the only one meeting the Queen this time."
"Who else?" Lorenzo asked.
"I'll go with you. You know, Lorenzo, you are not the only one who is dissatisfied with this situation. I am also surprised by these damn instructions. I also want to ask the Queen what she wants to do."
Arthur said, he didn't expect that this time he and Lorenzo would be comrades on the same front.
"Inexplicably provoking a war like this, although we are loyal to the Queen, we always need a suitable reason. As for how to maintain our dominance, this reason is too ridiculous. As long as we continue to research technology, we will always be in the lead. , there is no need for such a thing as war.”
Although they are a meritorious family, Arthur's words seemed to be very disgusting with war. This reminded Lorenzo of the book he had read before, which briefly introduced the famous Phoenix family.
The family is powerful and terrifying, but there are actually very few people with the Phoenix surname. Most of them died in the Glorious War. Lorenzo still vaguely remembers that Eve seems to be the last bloodline of this family.
From this point of view, Arthur's reason for hating war is much more reasonable. In the hundred years of glorious war, the Phoenix family has lost too much, and Arthur cannot and is not allowed to lose more.
"And Merlin also wanted to come, but his injury was a bit serious. Even though that guy is very young, it was just the product of his failed experiment. In fact, he may be older than me."
Arthur said sadly that Merlin was the person he had worked with the longest.
"Hmm...failed [sublimation]."
Lorenzo responded that Merlin had told him this. This alchemist pursued the truth like crazy, and finally sublimated himself as an experimental subject, but unfortunately he failed. The only thing that was lucky was that he picked up Got a life back.
"But Merlin would be interested in this kind of thing? I thought he didn't care about this. The only things that can attract his attention are knowledge and responsibility." Lorenzo said again.
"That's natural, but I suspect that this matter may have something to do with the Keepers of Secrets. Merlin is a big fan of theirs."
Arthur said seriously, while Lan Jade beside him was looking out the window. She still looked indifferent, as if she couldn't hear the conversation between the two.
When Lorenzo heard this word, he felt a little nervous, and then he had a headache.
"Remember the last time I met the Queen?"
The memories were brought back, and Lorenzo's voice was filled with anger and confusion.
“At that time she told me these things about the Keepers, these technologies that are far beyond the understanding of the world, they are piled up in mountains and buried in what is called a library.
The Queen told me at that time that she would try her best to prevent the outbreak of war. I believed her, but the result was that she tricked me. War was doomed from the beginning. "
"So I think you have matured a lot, Lorenzo. Otherwise, according to you in the past, you would have chopped the queen to death by now." Arthur said helplessly.
It was difficult for him to guess Lorenzo's thoughts. Sometimes Arthur thought he would make rational judgments, but in the end he acted like a madman. Sometimes he felt that Lorenzo was destined to be crazy, but he calmed down again. Watching the development of the situation.
"No, I just don't think it's necessary. In this situation, you need to be extremely vigilant in every move you make. Killing the queen naturally needs to be carefully considered, and..."
Lorenzo's voice paused, and he smiled a smile that Arthur couldn't understand.
"Facing my assassination, she has no ability to resist, right? Because of the King's Curse, she can only be trapped in the Platinum Palace. No...even if there is no King's Curse, she can't escape at will. "
This is where Lorenzo's confidence lies. He is willing to explain the reason for the opportunity to the queen. From the beginning, the beacon has been defeated. Under the influence of Power Gabriel, the queen has no way to escape, and she has no way to escape. Secrets can be hidden, and as long as Lorenzo wants, her [gap] will be easily invaded...
From the moment she saw Lorenzo, her life no longer belonged to her, and Lorenzo held a sharp sword high above her head.
"You talk about this kind of thing so openly, do you really not know about treason?"
Lan Jade probably couldn't stand listening anymore and looked at the two of them with contempt.
Sometimes she also feels that the world is strange, these two guys who are full of mouths to kill the queen can be regarded as the protectors of this country, and she doesn't know how the queen feels when she knows this.
"Cough cough..."
Probably realizing their gaffe, Lorenzo and Arthur coughed a few times at the same time and straightened their clothes, but then they realized something.
The carriage stopped.
Arthur and Lorenzo looked at Lan Jade with horrified faces, while Lan Jade waved his hands and said to these two hopeless guys.
"Well, we've arrived at the Platinum Palace. Maybe you guys were too busy chatting. In fact, we've been here for a long time."
Lorenzo opened the door tremblingly, and saw row after row of royal guards standing beside the carriage with rifles on their shoulders. Their faces were stern, as if they were just waiting for an order, and they were ready to take the carriage with all the people on it. People shot into a sieve.
Anakin stood just in front of the royal guards, stopping by the car door.
This guy seemed to have heard something, his expression was a little subtle. Anakin seemed to want to say something more, but he opened his mouth several times, but finally closed it. He really couldn't think of what to say to break this damn embarrassment.
In the car, Lorenzo and Arthur looked equally embarrassed, as if they had eaten a dead fly.
 The new chair is on its way on horseback
(End of this chapter)

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