Embers of Embers

Chapter 490 New Wheel Chapter

Chapter 490 A New Reincarnation
Nation Builders, a familiar yet unfamiliar word, Lorenzo once knew this from Oscar’s mouth. The core controllers of Nordero are these beings called Nation Builders.
"You mean...are you a member of the Nation Builders?"
Lorenzo asked with some disbelief. He never expected that the Queen would be one of them, let alone something about Oscar Wilde. It was obvious that the bastard had hidden a lot of things from Lorenzo.
But think about it, Oscar is just a third-rate writer who is not selling well, and a weirdo with some mental illness. It is difficult for Lorenzo to associate such a person with any shocking conspiracy. Moreover, after being together for such a long time, Oscar has never shown anything unusual.
“What is a nation-builder?”
Arthur asked, not knowing much about any of this.
"A group, but the more detailed information must start with the original alchemy group.
In the history of alchemy, the original alchemy group was the Rosicrucian Order. They gradually expanded and became the powerful Golden Dawn. However, as unknown events occurred, the Golden Dawn split, and some people stayed at the end of the world to build The library is used to preserve the knowledge that was once taboo, and these people should be clear to you by now, they are the keepers of secrets. "
The Queen slowly talked about the past, while Lorenzo and Arthur listened attentively. This history that was not recorded in books only relied on memory to be passed down from generation to generation.
Lorenzo has asked more than once, if humans and demons have been fighting for endless time, then before there are accurate historical records, in that unknown era, how did humans fight against demons? ?
Just like Lorenzo Medici’s hypothesis of the times.
It is impossible to trace back the era of existence. Lorenzo Medici once suspected that the so-called demons appeared in this era. Then came the Dark Ages when humans were slaughtered by demons, and then the Silver Age. In this era, the first The saints went to the north, obtained the "Revelation" and "Gospel", founded the Evangelical Church and established the Demon Hunting Order.
This is the era when humans can fight against demons, and it is also the era Lorenzo is in now. The rest is an era that only exists in the future, the golden age of eradicating demons.
"Mr. Holmes, you seem to have thought of something. Do you want to talk about it? We have plenty of time today."
The Queen looked at Lorenzo with a smile.
Lorenzo said what he wanted without hesitation.
"I was thinking about the division of eras. In fact, after learning about the existence of the Keepers of Secrets and the forbidden knowledge, I was wondering whether the so-called "Revelation" and "Gospel" were related to the Keepers of Secrets."
Although there was no clear evidence, Lorenzo vaguely felt that his conjecture was right. All the wrong paths eventually led to one direction and converged into a bundle.
"Whether the knowledge obtained by the first saints was obtained from the hands of the Secret Keepers? If this hypothesis is true, then the era when the Secret Keepers existed can probably be determined to be before the Silver Age. Then before the Secret Keepers, before they were still Were they in the time of the Golden Dawn, the more distant Rosicrucians, that even more distant era... that retroactive era that is not sure to exist?”
Faced with Lorenzo's words, the queen smiled and shook her head.
"I'm sorry, I don't know. The Victoria family has been trapped here for hundreds of years. The farthest distance I have traveled is the port of Rendona. As the queen of this country, I have never personally traveled through this land.
As for what you said, the same is true. I only know these things that have been passed down from my family. "
"932 Yin Erwei Gregorian calendar."
At this time, Arthur suddenly spoke. He seemed a little confused after listening to Lorenzo's words. Under this huge time scale, mortals seemed fragile.
"On this land of Inverg, only 930 years have passed since the beginning of historical records. This is only ours. Other countries that are older than us have a longer history, and It all started with the advent of the Witcher, which was the division of the Silver Age.”
Arthur looked at Lorenzo.
"Do you know the history of the Gospel Church? It starts from the moment the witcher was born."
"There is no specific time, but it is only about 1000 years? It is similar to the history of Yin Erweg," Lorenzo knew what Arthur wanted to say, "In other words, the Silver Age just started about 1000 years ago? Maybe there is something The error may be hundreds of years..."
In the early days of the emergence of demon hunters, it was also the most intense period of recorded war between humans and demons. The war blurred time, and most of history was lost in flames.
"Then you, the group that existed from a more distant era, the Nation Builders, may be able to complete the history before the Silver Age."
Lorenzo looked at the queen again, but the queen still had the same smile, and then shook her head.
"Feel sorry."
She said sorry again.
"You may be disappointed... At least the Victoria family doesn't know the history before the Silver Age. Even if they knew it, they would probably have forgotten it over the years. After all, humans are very fragile."
The Queen told the story of Victoria's family.
"Remember what I told you before? Even if the Victoria family was once a member of the alchemy group and may have enjoyed endless glory, under the erosion of time, no matter how prosperous the honor is, it will wither, not to mention that knowledge is cursed of.
In short, a lot of things happened during this long period of time. The expansion of the demon was controlled, and when this threat was weakened, people began to doubt the so-called alchemy, abandoned it, and even said that they had forgotten the original history... "
It is precisely because of the emergence of the Demon Hunting Order that humans have forgotten the terror of demons. Sometimes the Queen doesn't know whether this is right or wrong. She just feels sad about it.
"Nothing lasts long. The knowledge of the past and the technology left behind will collapse. Even the buildings will collapse and the groups will disband. Even the Demon Hunting Order will eventually turn into ashes, right?"
There are very few records about the past in the Victoria family, and the specific circumstances have been unable to be ascertained. No one knows whether it was due to the influence of external forces or...self-castration.
"Okay, you go on."
Lorenzo said disappointedly, he thought he would complete the history, even get some clues.
“I don’t know the specific era when the Nation Builders appeared, but what I do know is that demons have existed since then, and the duty of the Nation Builders is to use knowledge to lead mankind to live in the shadow of demons.
We reached a consensus and regarded ourselves as those who built the country. Some people became businessmen, some became generals, and some became kings... Of course, there are also some who are relatively poor and have become writers.
Although most of the knowledge has been lost or outdated due to various reasons, we are still the group of people who best understand the nature of this world, and knowledge is cursed. We know this, but we cannot talk it out and can only keep it to ourselves. This secret, experience the fear it brings. "
The queen lowered her head. The dark red blood vessels under her white and transparent skin were clearly visible, and a strange curse was flowing through them.
People have already sacrificed enough for the current world.
"Our purpose is for the survival of all mankind, and to use our own power to secretly influence the direction of the world and keep it on a predetermined track, rather than leading mankind to destruction."
The Queen told the purpose of those who built the country.
"We are very hidden. Only the Demon Hunting Order is somewhat aware of our existence. We have cooperated several times in history. Unlike them who have been fighting demons, we only act when necessary. Most of them We all remained silent during the time and allowed the world to develop freely."
It felt good to let the secret out. The Queen had kept this fear to herself for so long, and now she could finally share it with someone else who could bear it with her.
"Like this time? A war that engulfs the world... to save the world?"
Lorenzo thought these things were absurd, extremely absurd.
"To be precise, it is for the survival of mankind," the Queen said deeply. "This world does not need our saving. The only thing that needs saving is us humans."
"Do you think it's incredible? Mr. Holmes?"
Having said this, the queen smiled bitterly, her eyes filled with loneliness.
"I took over the mission at that time... No, when I realized that I needed to do these things, my mood was similar to yours. I felt that the whole world was crazy, and then I complained, why should I do this? The world is obviously running smoothly. After so long, why do you have to face such a thing when you come here?
I have already endured the King's Curse, so why should I bear this? I have regretted countless times, regretted why I was born in this world, and even thought of committing suicide. "
These words should have been shouted out in anger, but there was no anger in the Queen's voice. Facing this cruel reality, she had already surrendered and became a slave to fate.
"But unfortunately I can't find other answers, and I don't have the ability to find other answers. I don't even have the ability to get out of this platinum palace. And these things have to be done by someone. If I don't do it, there will be another one." There is another person who bears the sin of this darkness...
War is the only answer. "
In the dark world, there was only light here. Lorenzo felt that the light had cooled down. He was losing temperature. This place was like a cold ice cellar.
"So, why start a war? Why do you think war is the only way out? What do you country builders know?"
Lorenzo asked questions one after another. He couldn't understand these things. Why must it be like this?
"The reasons are very complicated, part of it is the advancement of the times, and part of it is us humans...Actually, I don't know the specific situation, but this is like a terrible prophecy.
A prophecy circulated among the builders of the country, a prophecy that is deeply believed in. It predicts the end of mankind and also gives the only way to avoid it. "
The queen looked at Lorenzo and asked.
"If it were you, Lorenzo Holmes, if the prophecy told you that you must kill some human beings in order to exchange for the survival of other human beings, otherwise all human beings will die, would you choose to let human beings go to death? Death, or killing those people?"
Lorenzo's pupils tightened without any fluctuation.
"I am faced with such a choice. You can understand it. This world is a rogue. It gives you questions and answers. All you can do is believe or give up."
Everyone is a slave of fate. The world throws out questions and answers. No one tells them whether all this is true or false. All he can do is to execute the answer like a slave.
The saddest thing is that here, the queen knows that this is so absurd and ignorant, but she can only believe and execute it, because this is the only answer.
"I also know the absurdity of war, but what I am more afraid of is the fulfillment of the prophecy. If I really give up the war and let things develop... I am afraid of the dark future."
Lorenzo interrupted her sternly, looking directly at the Queen with anger in them.
"This is wrong! How could you believe such a thing? This is just a damn prophecy! Even if it's just a hypothetical prophecy, it can't be like this!"
Lorenzo scolded the queen, but something inside him was touched.
He thought of Lawrence and Lawrence's prophecy. That guy was also a slave to fate and had sacrificed everything for his prophecy. Lorenzo wanted to scold the Queen for these actions, but the doomsday he saw in Lawrence's [Gap] But it kept flashing before my eyes.
Lorenzo stopped, he stopped talking, but raised his hands and slowly covered his face.
The Queen is right, the builders are right, the terrible darkness is coming... But why is this?It shouldn’t be!The world shouldn't be like this!
In this twisted and crazy world, Lorenzo wanted to correct it, but suddenly found that he didn't know how to do it. War was the only answer.
"These are the documents of the nation builders. The reason why I asked you to wait for me for a few days is for these documents. They were originally stored in an underground facility. It stands to reason that they will always be sealed."
Arthur took the document. Although it was carefully protected, the erosion of the years was still reflected on the paper. He carefully opened it and placed it between him and Lorenzo.
"As you can see, the 'prophecy' may be absurd, but in fact, more than one 'war' has been born because of it."
Lorenzo looked at the description on the document with horror. All the disasters in human history appeared in it.
"Religious wars, Black Death, smallpox, famine..."
Some are natural disasters, some are man-made disasters, and now they all have a new thing in common, they all appeared under the influence of the builders of the country.
"This is a new reincarnation, a new [reset]."
The queen whispered.
"A world war."
(End of this chapter)

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