Embers of Embers

Chapter 496 Set sail

Chapter 496 Set sail
Inverg, port of Rendona.
After more than ten days of adjustments and preparations, Lorenzo finally ushered in the day of setting sail. He stood in front of the tall cargo ship. The huge shadow swallowed him up. Looking back, he saw that there were more than one such cargo ship, four in total. The ships are arranged in order on the port.
"That means that out of these four ships, three of them belong to your Stuart family?"
Lorenzo looked at these cargo ships with disbelief written all over his face.
"To be precise, it's North Dro's ship, which contains the goods of the Stuart Group." Seliu corrected, standing next to him.
"The Viking countries are barren and cold, and coupled with the civil wars in recent years, their development requires a lot of resources. This is simply a blank market, waiting for us to tap."
The lessons taught by Yawei have obviously worked. Although he has not held the position of duke for a long time, Seleu has already become somewhat of what he should be like.
"Thanks to Yin Erweg and the alliance of the Viking countries, our Stuart family's voyage will bring a large amount of supplies to the Viking countries. At the same time, we will also negotiate for the next trade. In North Germany With Luo’s help, this will be a channel full of gold.”
Seleu said with great anticipation that this was the first project she planned after becoming the Duke of Stuart, and she was eager to succeed so that those who expected her would not be disappointed.
"Sounds like a lot of money."
Lorenzo was amazed again and again. Even if he didn't know anything about trade routes, listening to Seleu's description, he could feel the piles of gold, as if they were right in front of him, exuding a bewitching light.
"This is also one of the joint treaties between Inverg and the Viking countries. We need to help the Viking countries develop to a certain extent. In other words, most of our supplies are given away for free and we can't make much money. The fastest gains will have to wait until the Viking countries develop, but there is a prerequisite before that, that is, we will not lose the next war."
Seleu shook his head and rejected Lorenzo's words, with a little worry on his face.
"No one knows what we will encounter on the high seas. It may be pirates, or it may be Gallonalo's armored ships. After all, the war is approaching, and it just needs a spark to break out."
"Don't worry about this. Isn't that why we are going with you to be careful about this?" Lorenzo comforted Seliu.
"You really don't have to worry about these. These ships carry weapons for purification agencies. As long as they are not unlucky, they should be enough to help us navigate the high seas."
The sound of squeaking wheels was heard, and the medical staff came over with a wheelchair. The injured Merlin was sitting on it.
"You look fine."
Lorenzo was a little surprised. He didn't expect to see Merlin here. In his impression, shouldn't this guy be lying obediently in the ward?
"It's okay, it's just that I can't die."
Merlin's voice was weak, and he couldn't help but cough a few times after speaking.
"Can you give us some private space? Duke Stuart."
Merlin glanced at Seliu and said sincerely. Seliu didn't say much. He walked aside cooperatively and checked the goods with the staff.
"what happened?"
Lorenzo felt something was wrong. Not only did Seleu leave, but the medical staff in charge of Merlin also wisely stepped aside.
"This ship is the Morning Glory Advance. On the surface it is a cargo ship, but it has been secretly modified by the Perpetual Pump during this period of time. The armor and overall strength have been thickened, and many weapons have been built in. It has not experienced sea damage so far. actual combat, but you can also look forward to it a little bit.”
Merlin raised his head and glanced at the large ship in front of him.
"Is it just these things?"
Lorenzo was a little confused. Merlin must have something unsaid, otherwise he would not let Seleu leave.
"More than that, Shrike should have told you this, but I'm still a little worried... If possible, I really want to go with you. I have been to the end of the world once before, but on that white ice field, I got nothing and almost died there."
Merlin said and sighed.
"Okay, let's not talk about these things for now. The power furnace of this ship uses a large power furnace that is still in the experimental stage. It is based on the power core of the third generation armor. You can understand it as a large power furnace that throws away the flesh and blood of demons. The fuel needed for the core of the armor is lacquer antimony, and we have loaded it with hundreds of tons of lacquer antimony, so there is no need to worry about battery life."
As a new type of energy, lacquer antimony brought great help to this voyage. Otherwise, Merlin could not imagine how much coal the ship would need to carry. Looking back on his own voyage that time, compared with Lorenzo's this time, it was simply Embarrassed.
"Don't worry, listen to me first. I have been to the Sea of ​​Silence once, and I have reached the end of the world. There is a land frozen in ice. You need a strong motivation to break through the ice barrier. An icebreaker built for this operation.”
Merlin looked at the bow of the Morning Glory Advance. The armor there was obviously much thicker, the slope was at an angle, and the entire front end had a bulging horn, like a huge narwhal.
"Thank you for the change in technology, Lorenzo. At that time, we didn't have such an icebreaker. More than 50 people were carrying supplies on the vast glacier. In the end, I was the only one who came back."
Lorenzo was silent, he didn't know what to say for a moment.
"And then there are the weapon configurations... you guys come over too."
Merlin noticed the people behind him and called to them.
Lorenzo also looked behind Merlin. Several of his colleagues who were traveling together were already ready. However, due to lack of manpower, the purge agency only sent Lorenzo two teammates this time.
Shrike and Blue Jade were like guards, standing not far from Lorenzo, with stern eyes, as if they were protecting their employer.
"I have learned information about these from Arthur, such as the Silent One." Merlin knew everything at this moment.
"Don't be too surprised. This is allowed by the Queen. She said that the Silent Ones' focus is attracted by other things. During this short period of time, we can exchange information."
This is a rare respite, the only chance to fight back in this long period of despair.
"Then you also know?"
Lorenzo knew the queen would do this, but who knew she would do it so quickly? Looking at Shrike and Blue Jade, he asked.
Shrike and Blue Jade nodded together and continued.
"On this voyage, only the three of us understand the truth of all this and help you reach the end of the world."
Just like the trip to Nalo in Gaul, everyone else was deceived by lies one after another. The members of the purification agency thought they were going to the Viking countries for technical exchanges, and Seleucus thought Lorenzo was here to protect the safety of the waterway. These are secondary, the end of the world is the most important goal.
"There might be something on the high seas, let alone the Sea of ​​Silence," Merlin continued, "According to intelligence, recently a fleet of ships left the port of Maruri suddenly. We don't know their destination, but in Leaving Hong Kong rashly under such circumstances...preparing for the worst, maybe you will encounter them.
In addition to those damn pirates, the Ice King has ended the civil war, but there are still a large number of pirates who are not under rule. Their whereabouts are strange and will be a major obstacle to your operation. "
Merlin coughed a few times and put on as much of a bad smile as possible on his paralyzed face.
"For this reason, we have equipped you with original sin armor. One is the first-generation armor Black Angel that you are familiar with Lorenzo, the other is the second-generation armor weapon master that Shrike once drove, and there is a new third-generation armor, but because of Lan Jade has no driving experience, so we carry it as a spare. The specific conditions are written in the equipment manual, so remember to read it.”
"Isn't it that Gaul Nalo can't use these things to deal with pirates?" Lorenzo knew personally how powerful the Original Sin Armor was. If used properly, this weapon would bring great harm.
"Indeed, it is mainly used to fight against some ghosts in Jinghai. I won't talk nonsense here and let Shrike explain it to you later."
Speaking of the ghosts in the Lonely Sea, the Shrike's expression became obviously a little nervous, and those bad memories reverberated in his mind.
"Don't let your guard down, Lorenzo, the outcome of your voyage will determine the course of the world."
At the end of the sentence, Merlin stretched out his hand. He wanted to pat Lorenzo's shoulder, but because he was sitting in a wheelchair, he couldn't touch it at all. He could only scratch the air and then put it back helplessly.
"Then do you have anything else to say? Come here in person. I feel that you value these things more than anyone else."
Lorenzo asked. Neither Arthur nor the Queen was seen here. He knew that this might be to keep a low profile, but he still felt that it was a bit too low-key.
Just like Merlin said, the outcome of this voyage will determine the direction of the world.
"This is nature. That is the end of the world. It is said that the Golden Dawn once existed. Maybe the [truth] of the world is hidden there."
Merlin thought of his voyage, and he could not forget it.
"I was walking on that vast glacier. I was so excited. I was so close to [the truth]...but in the end it still refused. I couldn't find any clues, and everyone else was almost dead. It turned into a hard ice sculpture in the cold wind."
Merlin let out a long sigh.
"I almost couldn't come back and died there frustrated."
Merlin could not go there in person, and sending Lorenzo here was already the end of his journey.
"Don't worry, I will bring back what we need, maybe I can tie some Keeper back, whether you want to slice him or torture him, you can do it."
Lorenzo responded with a smile. It was a bad joke, but it seemed to really amuse Merlin. His expression was distorted for a while, but he finally calmed down and said to Lorenzo seriously.
"Now we are all on the verge of death, putting our lives on the gambling table. You know this very well, right?"
Lorenzo nodded stiffly. Now the Silent Ones have no time to take care of this, so that these people who know the cursed knowledge can still survive peacefully. But this kind of peace cannot last forever. When the Silent Ones finish their work, When the action fails and reincarnation cannot be broken, these insiders will be hunted to death.
Whether it was Merlin or Arthur in front of them, or Shrike and Blue Jade, when they knew the truth, they had already begun to die slowly. This voyage was not only to break the reincarnation, but also to save themselves.
"Trust me," Lorenzo said.
Merlin shook his head and said pessimistically.
"Don't dislike my pessimism. We must make all plans...Lorenzo, don't let more people know about this, otherwise they will also be implicated."
Lorenzo was taken aback.
Merlin wasn't ready to say anything else, what should be said was almost finished, the medical staff came over and pushed him away.
Lorenzo thought of someone and turned around to see Seleucid who was busy. He thought this was what Merlin was warning him. Seleucid didn't know anything about this and shouldn't know either.
"We will part ways with her once we are within the Viking Kingdoms and she will remain there to negotiate while we travel to the end of the world."
Shrike seemed to see Lorenzo's worry and walked up to him and said to him.
Lorenzo was silent. He did not respond to Shrike, but paused for a long time before speaking slowly.
"Yeah, should we board the ship?"
Everything is on track. As the command ship, Lorenzo, Shrike and others boarded the Dawn Advance. The crew smiled at Lorenzo and said that most of them were members of Nordero. The rest was training. Well-trained soldiers, all of them come from the purification agency.
Seleu also boarded the Morning Glory Advance. Originally, her loyal butler was planning to go with Seleu, but due to his aging body, he finally gave in in the face of time and handed everything over to Luo. Renzo.
For the sake of safety, Lorenzo also asked Seleu to board the same ship with him. Not only was he close to him, but in this vast sea, in the event of a naval battle or other situations, this ship that had been transformed by the Perpetual Pump would will become the safest barrier.
There may not be a ready army under this dark cabin, but Lorenzo knows that there is a monster hidden inside that is far more terrifying than the army.
"We will spend a long time at sea, are you mentally prepared?"
Lorenzo asked Seleucid. She was leaning on the railing and looking down at the port below. Thick fog was pouring out. The ship was waking up and was about to leave the port.
"Easy, we've had worse before, haven't we?"
Seleu gave a rare smile, Lorenzo was absent-minded for a while, and then remembered what she said.
A long time ago, when Lorenzo fished Seleucid back from Gallia, they came back in a boat and hid in a dark cabin, living with a group of smelly dead fish, suffering from severe cold and torture. , and finally arrived in Inlvig, which is undoubtedly much better than the current environment at that time.
"Then... let's go."
As Lorenzo said, a loud whistle sounded, followed by more sounds, and accompanied by thick fog, the ship sailed away from the port of Rendona.
 1.2021. I have gout on the first day of [-], and my mental state is extremely poor. I have the idea of ​​​​adding more updates, but it is temporarily difficult to do so.
2. Now the monthly votes seem to count towards the results, and the recommendation votes are no longer visible on the home page. To make it easier to see, please vote for more monthly votes.
3. It seems to be double now. Thank you bosses.
4. I originally wanted to write a New Year’s feedback or something, but now that I’m feeling uncomfortable, I can’t stand it anymore.
5. This is it for now.
(End of this chapter)

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